30 research outputs found

    Geological Carbon Sequestration: A New Approach for Near-Surface Assurance Monitoring

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    There are two distinct objectives in monitoring geological carbon sequestration (GCS): Deep monitoring of the reservoir’s integrity and plume movement and near-surface monitoring (NSM) to ensure public health and the safety of the environment. However, the minimum detection limits of the current instrumentation for NSM is too high for detecting weak signals that are embedded in the background levels of the natural variations, and the data obtained represents point measurements in space and time. A new approach for NSM, based on gamma-ray spectroscopy induced by inelastic neutron scatterings (INS), offers novel and unique characteristics providing the following: (1) High sensitivity with a reducible error of measurement and detection limits, and, (2) temporal- and spatial-integration of carbon in soil that results from underground CO2 seepage. Preliminary field results validated this approach showing carbon suppression of 14% in the first year and 7% in the second year. In addition the temporal behavior of the error propagation is presented and it is shown that for a signal at the level of the minimum detection level the error asymptotically approaches 47%

    Basic considerations for Monte Carlo calculations in soil

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    Abstract Monte Carlo codes are extensively used for probabilistic simulations of various physical systems. These codes are widely used in calculations of neutron and gamma ray transport in soil for radiation shielding, soil activation by neutrons, well logging industry, and in simulations of complex nuclear gauges for in soil measurements. However, these calculations are complicated by the diversity of soils in which the proportions of solid, liquid and gas vary considerably together with extensive variations in soil elemental composition, morphology, and density. Nevertheless use of these codes requires knowledge of the elemental composition and density of the soil and its physical characteristics as input information for performing these calculations. It is shown that not always all of the soil parameters are critical but depend on the objectives of the calculations. An approach for identifying soil elemental composition and some simplifying assumptions for implementing the transport codes are presented.

    Detectors for the Gamma-Ray Resonant Absorption (GRA) Method of Explosives Detection in Cargo: A Comparative Study

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    Gamma-Ray Resonant Absorption (GRA) is an automatic-decision radiographic screening technique that combines high radiation penetration with very good sensitivity and specificity to nitrogenous explosives. The method is particularly well-suited to inspection of large, massive objects (since the incident gamma-ray probe is at 9.17 MeV) such as aviation and marine containers, heavy vehicles and railroad cars. Two kinds of gamma-ray detectors have been employed to date in GRA systems: 1) Resonant-response nitrogen-rich liquid scintillators and 2) BGO detectors. This paper analyses and compares the response of these detector-types to the resonant radiation, in terms of single-pixel figures of merit. The latter are sensitive not only to detector response, but also to accelerator-beam quality, via the properties of the nuclear reaction that produces the resonant gamma-rays. Generally, resonant detectors give rise to much higher nitrogen-contrast sensitivity in the radiographic image than their non-resonant detector counterparts and furthermore, do not require proton beams of high energy-resolution. By comparison, the non-resonant detectors have higher gamma-detection efficiency, but their contrast sensitivity is very sensitive to the quality of the accelerator beam. Implications of these detector/accelerator characteristics for eventual GRA field systems are discussed.Comment: 11 page