31 research outputs found

    Re-expression of CD14 in response to a combined IL-10/TLR stimulus defines monocyte-derived cells with an immunoregulatory phenotype

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    Interleukin 10 is a central regulator of the antigen-presenting function of myeloid cells. It exerts immunomodulatory effects in vivo and induces a regulatory phenotype in monocyte-derived cells in vitro. We analyzed phenotype and function of monocytic cells in vitro in relation to the cytokine milieu and the timing of TLR-based activation. In GM-CSF/IL-4 cultured human monocytic cells, we identified two, mutually exclusive cell populations arising from undifferentiated cells: CD83+^+ fully activated dendritic cells and CD14+^+ macrophage like cells. Re-expression of CD14 occurs primarily after a sequential trigger with a TLR signal following IL-10 preincubation. This cell population with re-expressed CD14 greatly differs in phenotype and function from the CD83+ cells. Detailed analysis of individual subpopulations reveals that exogenous IL-10 is critical for inducing the shift toward the CD14+^+ population, but does not affect individual changes in marker expression or cell function in most cases. Thus, plasticity of CD14 expression, defining a subset of immunoregulatory cells, is highly relevant for the composition of cellular products (such as DC vaccines) as it affects the function of the total product

    Radiotherapy for pediatric adrenocortical carcinoma – review of the literature

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    none13Background and purpose Pediatric adrenocortical carcinoma (pACC) is a rare disease with poor prognosis. Publications on radiotherapy (RT) are scarce. This review summarizes the current data on RT for pACC and possibly provides first evidence to justify its use in this setting. Materials and methods We searched the PubMed and Embase database for manuscripts regarding RT for pACC. Results We included 17 manuscripts reporting on 76 patients treated with RT, after screening 2961 references and 269 full articles. In addition, we added data of 4 unreported pACC patients treated by co-authors. All reports based on retrospective data. Median age at first diagnosis was 11.1 years (70% female); 78% of patients presented with hormonal activity. RT was mostly performed for curative intent (78%). 88% of RT were administered during primary therapy. The site of RT was predominantly the local tumor bed (76%). Doses of RT ranged from 15 to 62 Gy (median 50 Gy). Information on target volumes or fractionation were lacking. Median follow-up was 6,9 years and 64% of the patients died of disease, with 33% alive without disease. In 16 of 48 patients with available follow-up data after adjuvant RT (33%) no recurrence was reported and in 3 of 9 patients palliative RT seemed to induce some benefit for the patient. Conclusions Our first systematic review on RT for pACC provides too few data for any general recommendation, but adjuvant RT in patients with high risk might be considered. International collaborative studies are urgently needed to establish better evidence on the role of RT in this rare malignancy.noneWiegering, Verena; Riedmeier, Maria; Thompson, Lester D.R.; Virgone, Calogero; Redlich, Antje; Kuhlen, Michaela; Gultekin, Melis; Yalcin, Bilgehan; Decarolis, Boris; Härtel, Christoph; Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt; Fassnacht, Martin; Timmermann, BeateWiegering, Verena; Riedmeier, Maria; Thompson, Lester D. R.; Virgone, Calogero; Redlich, Antje; Kuhlen, Michaela; Gultekin, Melis; Yalcin, Bilgehan; Decarolis, Boris; Härtel, Christoph; Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt; Fassnacht, Martin; Timmermann, Beat

    Isosexual precocious pseudopuberty during mitotane treatment in a child with adrenocortical carcinoma:A case report

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    Background Mitotane is employed as adjuvant therapy in managing adrenocortical carcinoma in pediatric patients. While various adverse effects, such as estrogen-like manifestations, are well-documented in adults, there is limited knowledge regarding pediatric-specific toxicity. This report details an uncommon case of isosexual precocious pseudopuberty induced during childhood due to the estrogen-like effects of mitotane. Case report A 2.8-year-old female diagnosed with adrenocortical carcinoma (pT4 pN0 M0) underwent adjuvant treatment with mitotane and cytotoxic chemotherapy following incomplete resection (tumor stage III). Approximately eight months into mitotane treatment, she exhibited signs of puberty (Tanner stage 2), including progressive breast development, uterine enlargement, vaginal discharge, and an advancement of bone age by nearly two years. Gonadotrophin-dependent puberty and endogenous estrogen production were ruled out. The precocious pseudopuberty was attributed to previously reported estrogen-like effects of mitotane therapy. Subsequent administration of the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole in combination with mitotane led to a reduction in clinical signs of puberty. Conclusion Monitoring for estrogen-like effects of mitotane is crucial, particularly in pre-pubertal children, to avert potentially irreversible changes associated with precocious pseudopuberty. Aromatase inhibitors may serve as a prompt therapeutic option, enabling the continuation of mitotane treatment

    Varicella-zoster virus infections in immunocompromised patients - a single centre 6-years analysis

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    Background: Infection with varicella-zoster virus (VZV) contemporaneously with malignant disease or immunosuppression represents a particular challenge and requires individualized decisions and treatment. Although the increasing use of varicella-vaccines in the general population and rapid initiation of VZVimmunoglobulins and acyclovir in case of exposure has been beneficial for some patients, immunocompromised individuals are still at risk for unfavourable courses. Methods: In this single center, 6-year analysis we review incidence, hospitalization and complication rates of VZVinfections in our center and compare them to published data. Furthermore, we report three instructive cases. Results: Hospitalization rate of referred children with VZV-infections was 45%, among these 17% with malignancies and 9% under immunosuppressive therapy. Rate of complications was not elevated in these two high-risk cohorts, but one ALL-patient died due to VZV-related complications. We report one 4-year old boy with initial diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia who showed a rapidly fatal outcome of his simultaneous varicella-infection, one 1.8-year old boy with an identical situation but a mild course of his disease, and an 8.5-year old boy with a steroiddependent nephrotic syndrome. This boy developed severe hepatic involvement during his varicella-infection but responded to immediate withdrawl of steroids and administration of acyclovir plus single-dose cidofovir after nonresponse to acyclovir after 48 h. Conclusion: Our data show that patients with malignant diseases or immunosuppressive therapy should be hospitalized and treated immediately with antiviral agents. Despite these measures the course of VZV-infections can be highly variable in these patients. We discuss aids to individual decision-making for these difficult situations

    Goettingen Minipigs (GMP): Comparison of Two Different Models for Inducing Diabetes

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    Purpose: Preclinical experiments on large animals are indispensable for evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes therapies. Miniature swine are well suited for such studies due to their physiological and pathophysiological responses. Methods: We compare two methods for inducing diabetes in Goettingen minipigs (GMP), in five with the beta cell toxin streptozotocin (STZ) and in five other GMP by total pancreatectomy (PE). Glucose homeostasis was assessed with the intravenous glucose-tolerance test (IVGTT) and continual monitoring of interstitial glucose levels. At conclusion of the observation period, the pancreata were examined histologically. Three non-diabetic GMP served as control group. Results: The IVGTT revealed markedly diabetic profiles in both GMP groups. STZ-GMP were found to harbor residual C-peptides and scattered insulin-positive cells in the pancreas. PE-GMP survived the total pancreatectomy only with intensive postoperative care. Conclusions: Although both methods reliably induced diabetes in GMP, the PE-GMP clearly had more health problems and required a greater expenditure of time and resources. The PE-GMP model, however, was better at eliminating endogenous insulin and C-peptide than the STZ-GMP model

    Antimicrobial use in pediatric oncology and hematology in Germany and Austria, 2020/2021: a cross-sectional, multi-center point-prevalence study with a multi-step qualitative adjudication process

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    Background Due to the high risk of severe infection among pediatric hematology and oncology patients, antimicrobial use is particularly high. With our study, we quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated, based on institutional standards and national guidelines, antimicrobial usage by employing a point-prevalence survey with a multi-step, expert panel approach. We analyzed reasons for inappropriate antimicrobial usage. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted at 30 pediatric hematology and oncology centers in 2020 and 2021. Centers affiliated to the German Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology were invited to join, and an existing institutional standard was a prerequisite to participate. We included hematologic/oncologic inpatients under 19 years old, who had a systemic antimicrobial treatment on the day of the point prevalence survey. In addition to a one-day, point-prevalence survey, external experts individually assessed the appropriateness of each therapy. This step was followed by an expert panel adjudication based upon the participating centers’ institutional standards, as well as upon national guidelines. We analyzed antimicrobial prevalence rate, along with the rate of appropriate, inappropriate, and indeterminate antimicrobial therapies with regard to institutional and national guidelines. We compared the results of academic and non-academic centers, and performed a multinomial logistic regression using center- and patient-related data to identify variables that predict inappropriate therapy. Findings At the time of the study, a total of 342 patients were hospitalized at 30 hospitals, of whom 320 were included for the calculation of the antimicrobial prevalence rate. The overall antimicrobial prevalence rate was 44.4% (142/320; range 11.1–78.6%) with a median antimicrobial prevalence rate per center of 44.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] 35.9–49.9). Antimicrobial prevalence rate was significantly higher (p < 0.001) at academic centers (median 50.0%; 95% CI 41.2–55.2) compared to non-academic centers (median 20.0%; 95% CI 11.0–32.4). After expert panel adjudication, 33.8% (48/142) of all therapies were labelled inappropriate based upon institutional standards, with a higher rate (47.9% [68/142]) when national guidelines were taken into consideration. The most frequent reasons for inappropriate therapy were incorrect dosage (26.2% [37/141]) and (de-)escalation/spectrum-related errors (20.6% [29/141]). Multinomial, logistic regression yielded the number of antimicrobial drugs (odds ratio, OR, 3.13, 95% CI 1.76–5.54, p < 0.001), the diagnosis febrile neutropenia (OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.06–0.51, p = 0.0015), and an existing pediatric antimicrobial stewardship program (OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.15–0.84, p = 0.019) as predictors of inappropriate therapy. Our analysis revealed no evidence of a difference between academic and non-academic centers regarding appropriate usage. Interpretation Our study revealed there to be high levels of antimicrobial usage at German and Austrian pediatric oncology and hematology centers with a significant higher number at academic centers. Incorrect dosing was shown to be the most frequent reason for inappropriate usage. Diagnosis of febrile neutropenia and antimicrobial stewardship programs were associated with a lower likelihood of inappropriate therapy. These findings suggest the importance of febrile neutropenia guidelines and guidelines compliance, as well as the need for regular antibiotic stewardship counselling at pediatric oncology and hematology centers. Funding European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene, Stiftung Kreissparkasse Saarbrücken

    Immune function in children under chemotherapy for standard risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia : a prospective study of 23 paediatric patients.

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    Einleitung: Eine nicht adäquate Funktion des Immunsystems ist ein großes klinisches Problem, welches Chemotherapien durch schwere bakterielle oder mykotische Infektionen komplikationsreich macht. Während einer Immunantwort spielen Zytokine, die von T-Zellen produziert werden, eine wichtige Rolle für die Effektivität der Antwort. Um zu verstehen, welche Veränderungen während der Therapie im Immunsystem auftreten, untersuchten wir die Subpopulationen und Funktionen (Zytokine , Immunglobuline) der Lymphozyten. Patienten: 23 Kinder (medianes Alter 5y; 2m-14y; 15 weiblich, 8 männlich) mit B-ALL behandelt nach dem ALL-BFM 2000-Protokoll. Blutproben wurden gesammelt bei Diagnosestellung und an den Tagen 8, 15, 33, 64 sowie vor Protokoll M, vor Protokoll 2 und während der Erhaltungstherapie. Methoden: Wir analysierten die Lymphozyten-Subpopulation mittels Durchflußzytometrie. Die Bestimmung intrazelluläre Zytokine (IFN&#947;, IL2, TNF&#945;, IL4, IL5, and IL10) erfolgte durch FACS-Analysen nach in vitro Stimulation mit PMA, Ionomycin und Brefeldin für 24h. Zusätzlich untersuchten wir verschiedene Zytokine im unstimulierten Serum mittels ELISA und studierten TRECs und Spectratypes sowie die Immunglobulinlevels. Ergebnisse: Die B-Zellen verringerten sich schnell von einem Medianen Wert von 301+120/mm³ vor Chemotherapie auf 85+138/mm³ am Tag 33 und stiegen nicht mehr bis zum Ende der Therapie an. Die T-Zellzahl fiel zu Beginn der Therapie ab, allerdings konnten wir partielle Erholungen, die proportional zur Therapieintensität waren detektieren. Zudem fiel eine Verschiebung zugunsten der CD8+-Zellen auf. NK-Zellen zeigten keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Bei den von CD3+ -Zellen produzierten Zytokinen fiel eine Expressionssteigerung von IFN&#947; auf. Wir konnten eine Korrelation zwischen &#947;&#948;-TCR und IFN&#947; -Produktion(FACS) sowie IFN&#947; -Werte(ELISA) und hohe Anzahl von Gedächtniszellen finden. Außerdem korrelieren CD45RA+Zellen mit CD4IL2+Zellen. TGF&#946; im unstimulierten Sera korrelierte signifikant (p<0,01) mit CD19+Zellen. TGF&#946; wurde auch von Blasten exprimiert. Wir stellten Unterschiede im Zytokinprofil zwischen dem mit Dexamethason bzw Prednison behandelten Patienten fest; insbesondere die IFN&#947;-Sekretion war sehr viel größer unter Prednisonbehandlung (p<0,01). TREC-Werte waren höher unter Dexamethason, aber das mag mit beeinflusst sein durch das Alter, da jüngere Kinder signifikant höhere TREC-Werte haben. Bei der Analyse des TZR-Repertoire zeigte sich eine höhere Komplexität im Prednisonzweig. Wir konnten V&#946;-Genfamilien mit höherer Komplexität (BV22, BV23) und mit niedrigerer Komplexität (BV13b, BV6a) detektieren. Die Komplexität des TZR korrelierte positiv mit der Anzahl der naiven T-Zellen und dem Alter(p<0,01). Bis d15 nahm die Komplexität des Repertoires ab und erholte sich langsam im Therapieverlauf. Zusammenfassung: Wir detektierten eine Verschiebung zu Gunsten der TH1-Zytokine. B-Zellen wurden durch die Therapie ausgelöscht. Dieses Ergebnis mag eine klinische Relevanz haben in der prophylaktischen Gabe von Immunglobulinen, um schwere Infektionen durch das Fehlen der B-Zellen zu vermeiden.Multidrug chemotherapy is a highly effective treatment for paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), but at the same time compromises immunity of patients. Immune function in a homogenous cohort of 23 children with standard- and intermediate-risk ALL was analysed by immunophenotyping, intracellular cytokine staining, assessment of serum cytokine concentrations, T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire diversity and thymic function. B-cells were most severely affected by chemotherapy, rapidly declined under induction and did not recover until the cessation of maintenance therapy. This recovery was paralleled by a relative increase in naive IgM(+)IgD(+)CD27(-) B-cells, indicating de novo B-cell generation as the major pathway for B-cell reconstitution. T- and Natural Killer-cells were less severely affected. Although numerically diminished by chemotherapy, they had partially recovered at the end of induction. Interestingly, CD4:CD8 ratio, distribution of naive versus memory T-cells, cytokine production, TCR-repertoire complexity and thymic function were all only marginally affected by chemotherapy. Patients receiving dexamethasone had significantly less IFNgamma(+) T-cells than those receiving prednisone. Our data show that during chemotherapy in standard- and intermediate-risk paediatric ALL patients the T-cell system remains relatively well preserved. Future studies will show if this effect can be exploited for inclusion of immunotherapy in standard ALL treatment protocols

    Disturbed B cell and DC-Homeostasis in Pediatric cGVHD Patients-Cocultivation Experiments and Review of the Literature

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    B cells and DCs are suspected to play an important role in the pathogenesis of cGvHD, which is a serious complication of HSCT with high morbidity. It is characterized by immune responses of donor immune cells against recipient-derived antigens. athogenesis is not yet fully understood, however reconstitution of B cells after HSCT has similarities to physiologic ontogeny. Immunophenotyping and co-cultivation-experiments of B cells and DCs from pediatric patients with cGvHD as well as healthy donors were conducted. Significant differences between patients and healthy donors were observed with increased memory, transitional, CD69+ and CD86+ phenotype and lower levels of naïve B cells due to apoptosis. Co-cultivation revealed this to be primarily B cell-dependent without major effects of and with DCs. There was a decreased CD11c- phenotype in patients and less apoptosis of DCs. Our data suggest a disturbed homeostasis in B cells with increased memory phenotype in patients, whereas DCs could not influence these differences, therefore DCs are not imposing as promising targets. B cell-dependent approaches should be further investigated

    Thrombosis as a complication of central venous access in pediatric patients with malignancies: a 5-year single-center experience

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    Background Reliable central venous access (CVC) is essential for hematology–oncology patients since frequent puncture of peripheral veins—e.g., for chemotherapy, antibiotic administration, repeated blood sampling, and monitoring—can cause unacceptable pain and psychological trauma, as well as severe side effects in cases of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. However, CVC lines still carry major risk factors, including thrombosis, infection (e.g., entry site, tunnel, and luminal infections), and catheter dislocation, leakage, or breakage. Methods Here we performed a retrospective database analysis to determine the incidence of CVC-associated thrombosis in a single-center cohort of 448 pediatric oncologic patients, and to analyze whether any subgroup of patients was at increased risk and thus might benefit from prophylactic anticoagulation. Results Of the 448 patients, 269 consecutive patients received a CVC, and 55 of these 269 patients (20%) also had a thrombosis. Of these 55 patients, 43 had at least one CVC-associated thrombosis (total number of CVC-associated thrombosis: n = 52). Among all patients, the median duration of CVC exposure was 464 days. Regarding exposure time, no significant difference was found between patients with and without CVC-associated thrombosis. Subclavia catheters and advanced tumor stages seem to be the main risk factors for the development of CVC-associated thrombosis, whereas pharmacologic prophylaxis did not seem to have a relevant impact on the rate of thrombosis. Conclusions We conclude that pediatric surgeons and oncologists should pay close attention to ensuring optimal and accurate CVC placement, as this appears the most effective tool to minimize CVC-associated complications

    Impact of lymphadenectomy on the oncologic outcome of patients with adrenocortical carcinoma — a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    (1) Background: Locoregional lymphadenectomy (LND) in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) may impact oncological outcome, but the findings from individual studies are conflicting. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the oncological value of LND in ACC by summarizing the available literature. (2) Methods: A systematic search on studies published until December 2020 was performed according to the PRISMA statement. The primary outcome was the impact of lymphadenectomy on overall survival (OS). Two separate meta-analyses were performed for studies including patients with localized ACC (stage I–III) and those including all tumor stages (I–IV). Secondary endpoints included postoperative mortality and length of hospital stay (LOS). (3) Results: 11 publications were identified for inclusion. All studies were retrospective studies, published between 2001–2020, and 5 were included in the meta-analysis. Three studies (N = 807 patients) reported the impact of LND on disease-specific survival in patients with stage I–III ACC and revealed a survival benefit of LND (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.42, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.26–0.68). Based on results of studies including patients with ACC stage I–IV (2 studies, N = 3934 patients), LND was not associated with a survival benefit (HR = 1.00, 95% CI: 0.70–1.42). None of the included studies showed an association between LND and postoperative mortality or LOS. (4) Conclusion: Locoregional lymphadenectomy seems to offer an oncologic benefit in patients undergoing curative-intended surgery for localized ACC (stage I–III)