47 research outputs found

    Household time use, carbon footprints, and urban form : a review of the potential contributions of everyday living to the 1.5 degrees C climate target

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    The 1.5 °C mitigation challenge for urban areas goes far beyond decarbonizing the cities’ energy supply and needs to enable and incentivize carbon-free everyday living. Reviewing recent literature, we find that dense and mixed urban form enables lower direct emissions from mobility and housing, while income is the major driver of total household carbon footprints; importantly, these effects are not linear. The available urban infrastructure, services and societal arrangements, for example on work, all influence how households use their time, which goods and services they consume in everyday life and their subsequent carbon footprints and potential rebound effects. We conclude that changes in household consumption, time use and urban form are crucial for a 1.5 °C future. We further identify a range of issues for which a time use perspective could open up new avenues for research and policy.Peer reviewe

    High-resolution data and maps of material stock, population, and employment in Austria from 1985 to 2018

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    The article processing charge was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – 491192747 and the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.High-resolution maps of material stocks in buildings and infrastructures are of key importance for studies of societal resource use (social metabolism, circular economy, secondary resource potentials) as well as for transport studies and land system science. So far, such maps were only available for specific years but not in time series. Even for single years, data covering entire countries with high resolution, or using remote-sensing data are rare. Instead, they often have local extent (e.g., [1]), are lower resolution (e.g., [2]), or are based on other geospatial data (e.g., [3]). We here present data on the material stocks in three types of buildings (commercial and industrial, single- and multifamily houses) and three types of infrastructures (roads, railways, other infrastructures) for a 33-year time series for Austria at a spatial resolution of 30 m. The article also presents data on population and employment in Austria for the same time period, at the same spatial resolution. Data were derived with the same method applied in a recent study for Germany [4].Peer Reviewe

    High-resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data

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    Global societal material stock in buildings and infrastructure have accumulated rapidly within the last decades, along with population growth. Recently, an approach for nation-wide mapping of material stock at 10 m spatial resolution, using freely available and globally consistent Earth Observation (EO) imagery, has been introduced as an alternative to cost-intensive cadastral data or broad-scale but thematically limited nighttime light-based mapping. This study assessed the potential of EO data archives to create spatially explicit time series data of material stock dynamics and their relation to population in Germany, at a spatial resolution of 30 m. We used Landsat imagery with a change-aftereffect-trend analysis to derive yearly masks of land surface change from 1985 onward. Those served as an input to an annual reverse calculation of six material stock types and building volume-based annual gridded population, based on maps for 2018. Material stocks and population in Germany grew by 13% and 4%, respectively, showing highly variable spatial patterns. We found a minimum building stock of ca. 180 t/cap across all municipalities and growth processes characterized by sprawl. A rapid growth of stocks per capita occurred in East Germany after the reunification in 1990, with increased building activity but population decline. Possible over- or underestimations of stock growth cannot be ruled out due to methodological assumptions, requiring further research.Peer Reviewe

    Consumption-based material flow indicators - Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results

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    Understanding the environmental implications of consumption and production depends on appropriate monitoring tools. Material flow accounting (MFA) is a method to monitor natural resource use by countries and has been widely used in research and policy. However, the increasing globalization requires the consideration of "embodied" material use of traded products. The indicator raw material consumption (RMC) represents the material use - no matter where in the world it occurs - associated with domestic final demand. It provides a consumption-based perspective complementary to the MFA indicators that have a territorial focus. Several studies on RMC have been presented recently but with diverging results; hence, a better understanding of the underlying differences is needed. This article presents a comparison of Austrian RMC for the year 2007 calculated by six different approaches (3 multi-regional input-output (MRIO) and 3 hybrid life-cycle analysis-IO approaches). Five approaches result in an RMC higher than the domestic material consumption (DMC). One hybrid LCA-IO approach calculates RMC to be lower than DMC. For specific material categories, results diverge by 50% or more. Due to the policy relevance of the RMC and DMC indicators it is paramount that their robustness is enhanced, which needs both data and method harmonization

    The PIOLab: Building global physical input-output tables in a virtual laboratory

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    Informed environmental-economic policy decisions require a solid understanding of the economy’s biophysical basis. Global physical input-output tables ( gPIOTs) collate a vast array ofinformation on the world economy’s physical structure and its interdependence with the environment. However, building gPIOTs requires dealing with mismatched and incompleteprimary data with high uncertainties, which makes it a time-consuming and labor-intensive endeavor. We address this challenge by introducing the PIOLab: A virtual laboratory for building gPIOTs. It represents the newest branch of the Industrial Ecology virtual laboratory (IELab) concept, a cloud-computing platform and collaborative research environment through which participants can use each other’s resources to assemble individual input-output tables targeting specific research questions. To overcome the lack of primary data, the PIOLab builds extensively upon secondary data derived from a variety of models commonly used in Industrial Ecology. We use the case of global iron-steel supply chains to describe the architecture of the PIOLab and highlight its analytical capabilities. A major strength of the gPIOT is its ability to provide mass-balanced indicators on both apparent/direct and embodied/indirect flows, for regions and disaggregated economic sectors. We present the first gPIOTs for 10 years (2008-2017), covering32 regions, 30 processes and 39 types of iron/steel flows. Diagnostic tests of the data reconciliation show a good level of adherence between raw data and the values realized in the gPIOT. We conclude with elaborating on how the PIOLab will be extended to cover other materials and energyflows.Series: Ecological Economic Paper

    Reviewing the scope and thematic focus of 100,000 publications on energy consumption, services and social aspects of climate change: a big data approach to demand-side mitigation

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    As current action remains insufficient to meet the goals of the Paris agreement let alone to stabilize the climate, there is increasing hope that solutions related to demand, services and social aspects of climate change mitigation can close the gap. However, given these topics are not investigated by a single epistemic community, the literature base underpinning the associated research continues to be undefined. Here, we aim to delineate a plausible body of literature capturing a comprehensive spectrum of demand, services and social aspects of climate change mitigation. As method we use a novel double-stacked expert—machine learning research architecture and expert evaluation to develop a typology and map key messages relevant for climate change mitigation within this body of literature. First, relying on the official key words provided to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change by governments (across 17 queries), and on specific investigations of domain experts (27 queries), we identify 121 165 non-unique and 99 065 unique academic publications covering issues relevant for demand-side mitigation. Second, we identify a literature typology with four key clusters: policy, housing, mobility, and food/consumption. Third, we systematically extract key content-based insights finding that the housing literature emphasizes social and collective action, whereas the food/consumption literatures highlight behavioral change, but insights also demonstrate the dynamic relationship between behavioral change and social norms. All clusters point to the possibility of improved public health as a result of demand-side solutions. The centrality of the policy cluster suggests that political actions are what bring the different specific approaches together. Fourth, by mapping the underlying epistemic communities we find that researchers are already highly interconnected, glued together by common interests in sustainability and energy demand. We conclude by outlining avenues for interdisciplinary collaboration, synthetic analysis, community building, and by suggesting next steps for evaluating this body of literature

    Spatial and socio-economic drivers of direct and indirect household energy consumption in Australia

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    Dominik WiedenhoferZsfassung in dt. SpracheKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Master-Arb., 2011KB2011 17(VLID)241248

    Achieving absolute decoupling? Comparing biophysical scenarios and macro-economic modelling results

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    WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 86, 23 pages Most economic models struggle to incorporate biophysical relationships between materials, energy and emissions, in order to appropriately deal with biophysical constraints of supply (and possibly also demand). After the incorporation of biophysical constraints, some functions produced surprising or even highly implausible results. These results have been checked against expert judgement of plausibility, some biophysical assumptions have been refomulated or removed to secure consistency, and some economic functions have been adjusted to take care of adequacy and plausibility of outcomes and model specifications. A number of efforts were made to check the consistency of economic modelling outcomes with some fundamental functional interdependencies on the biophysical level and against the biophysical scenarios presented in earlier papers (Milestones MS35 - published as WWWforEurope Working Paper no. 25; and MS36 - unpublished). This usually required extensive communication between research teams and the re-formulation of certain parameters, relationships and semi-empirical assumptions. Methodologically, such interdisciplinary cross-checking is a novel and time-consuming exercise. This process highlights the limitations of existing economic models to incorporate certain biophysical functional interdependencies, and vice versa the still very limited ability of biophysical models to explore ranges of flexibility imposed upon changing economic assumptions. Furthermore this ongoing collaboration showed that the specification of the baseline scenario and the semi-empirical assumptions about efficiency gains as well as developments of factor productivity and technical change are highly influential on the results of each scenario. Therefore a 'realistic' specification and critical reflection of the actual feasability of certain baseline trajectories is deemed necessary

    The stock flow service nexus approach to social metabolism: material stocks as drivers of future GHG emissions

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    Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology Tsinghua University, Beijing, 7 11 July 201