292 research outputs found

    Observation of large scissors resonance strength in actinides

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    The orbital M1-scissors resonance (SR) has been measured for the first time in the quasi-continuum of actinides. Particle-gamma coincidences are recorded with deuteron and 3He induced reactions on 232Th. The residual nuclei 231,232,233Th and 232,233Pa show an unexpectedly strong integrated strength of BM1=1115μn2B_{M1} = 11-15 \mu_{n}^{2} in the Egamma=1.0 - 3.5 MeV region. The increased gamma-decay probability in actinides due to the SR is important for cross-section calculations for future fuel cycles of fast nuclear reactors and may also have impact on stellar nucleosynthesis.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Investigation of the 238U(d, p) surrogate reaction via the simultaneous measurement of γ -decay and fission probabilities

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    We investigated the 238U(d,p) reaction as a surrogate for the n + 238U reaction. For this purpose we measured for the first time the γ -decay and fission probabilities of 239U∗ simultaneously and compared them to the corresponding neutron-induced data. We present the details of the procedure to infer the decay probabilities, as well as a thorough uncertainty analysis, including parameter correlations. Calculations based on the continuumdiscretized coupled-channels method and the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) were used to correct our data from detected protons originating from elastic and inelastic deuteron breakup. In the region where fission and γ emission compete, the corrected fission probability is in agreement with neutron-induced data, whereas the γ -decay probability is much higher than the neutron-induced data. We have performed calculations of the decay probabilities with the statistical model and of the average angular momentum populated in the 238U(d,p) reaction with the DWBA to interpret these resultsComisión Europea 26949

    Half-life and spin of 60Mn^g

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    A value of 0.28 +/- 0.02 s has been deduced for the half-life of the ground state of 60Mn, in sharp contrast to the previously adopted value of 51 +/- 6 s. Access to the low-spin 60Mn ground state was accomplished via beta decay of the 0+ 60Cr parent nuclide. New, low-energy states in 60Mn have been identified from beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy. The new, shorter half-life of 60Mn^g is not suggestive of isospin forbidden beta decay, and new spin and parity assignments of 1+ and 4+ have been adopted for the ground and isomeric beta-decaying states, respectively, of 60Mn.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Scissors resonance in the quasi-continuum of Th, Pa and U isotopes

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    The gamma-ray strength function in the quasi-continuum has been measured for 231-233Th, 232,233Pa and 237-239U using the Oslo method. All eight nuclei show a pronounced increase in gamma strength at omega_SR approx 2.4 MeV, which is interpreted as the low-energy M1 scissors resonance (SR). The total strength is found to be B_SR = 9-11 mu_N^2 when integrated over the 1 - 4 MeV gamma-energy region. The SR displays a double-hump structure that is theoretically not understood. Our results are compared with data from (gamma, gamma') experiments and theoretical sum-rule estimates for a nuclear rigid-body moment of inertia.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Search for Oscillation of the Electron-Capture Decay Probability of 142^{142}Pm

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    We have searched for time modulation of the electron capture decay probability of 142^{142}Pm in an attempt to confirm a recent claim from a group at the Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Schwerionenforschung (GSI). We produced 142^{142}Pm via the 124^{124}Sn(23^{23}Na, 5n)142^{142}Pm reaction at the Berkeley 88-Inch Cyclotron with a bombardment time short compared to the reported modulation period. Isotope selection by the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator is followed by implantation and a long period of monitoring the 142^{142}Nd Kα_{\alpha} x-rays from the daughter. The decay time spectrum of the x-rays is well-described by a simple exponential and the measured half-life of 40.68(53) seconds is consistent with the accepted value. We observed no oscillatory modulation at the proposed frequency at a level 31 times smaller than that reported by Litvinov {\it et al.} (Phys. Lett. B 664 (2008) 162; arXiv:0801.2079 [nucl-ex]). A literature search for previous experiments that might have been sensitive to the reported modulation uncovered another example in 142^{142}Eu electron-capture decay. A reanalysis of the published data shows no oscillatory behavior.Comment: 12 pages (double-spaced), 6 figure

    Statistical gamma-ray decay studies at iThemba LABS

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    Abstract. A program to study the γ -ray decay from the region of high-level density has been established at iThemba LABS, where a high-resolution gamma-ray detector array is used in conjunction with silicon particle-telescopes. Results from two recent projects are presented: 1) The 74Ge(α, α γ ) reaction was used to investigate the Pygmy Dipole Resonance. The results were compared to (γ,γ ) data and indicate that the dipole states split into mixed isospin and relatively pure isovector excitations. 2) Data from the 95Mo(d,p) reaction were used to develop a novel method for the determination of spins for low-lying discrete levels utilizing statistical γ -ray decay in the vicinity of the neutron separation energy. These results provide insight into the competition of (γ ,n) and (γ,γ ) reactions and highlights the need to correct for angular momentum barrier effect

    pp-sdsd shell gap reduction in neutron-rich systems and cross-shell excitations in 20^{20}O

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    Excited states in 20^{20}O were populated in the reaction 10^{10}Be(14^{14}C,α\alpha) at Florida State University. Charged particles were detected with a particle telescope consisting of 4 annularly segmented Si surface barrier detectors and γ\gamma radiation was detected with the FSU γ\gamma detector array. Five new states were observed below 6 MeV from the α\alpha-γ\gamma and α\alpha-γ\gamma-γ\gamma coincidence data. Shell model calculations suggest that most of the newly observed states are core-excited 1p-1h excitations across the N=Z=8N = Z = 8 shell gap. Comparisons between experimental data and calculations for the neutron-rich O and F isotopes imply a steady reduction of the pp-sdsd shell gap as neutrons are added

    Target structure independent 7Li^7\vec{Li} elastic scattering at low momentum transfers

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    Analyzing powers and cross sections for the elastic scattering of polarized 7Li by targets of 6Li, 7Li and 12C are shown to depend only on the properties of the projectile for momentum transfers of less than 1.0 fm-1. The result of a detailed analysis of the experimental data within the framework of the coupled channels model with ground state reorientation and transitions to the excited states of the projectile and targets included in the coupling schemes are presented. This work suggests that nuclear properties of weakly-bound nuclei can be tested by elastic scattering experiments, independent of the target used, if data are acquired for momentum transfers less than ~1.0 fm-1.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted in Phys. Lett.