468 research outputs found

    Multi-Disciplinary Project-Based Paradigm That Uses Hands-On Desktop Learning Modules and modern Learning Pedagogies

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    It has been established that traditional lectures ARE NOT best for student learning – yet that is what the community almost universally does! Furthermore, engineers work in broad multidisciplinary teams while classroom learning is individual and narrow. Yet, educators rarely invest the time and resources necessary to employ such innovations. In this CCLI type II award we are further refining Desktop Learning Modules (DLMs) within a Cooperative, Hands-on, Active, Problem based, Learning (CHAPL) setting for Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Bio- and Electrical Engineering courses at a diverse set of institutions, including a community college engaged through a distance learning mode. A workbook is being developed and tested for easier adoption of the hands-on units and accompanying pedagogy. Existing concept inventories are not always showing significant gains in apparent student learning either for control or experimental groups and we are concluding these assessments are not well aligned with the macroscale design calculations being emphasized in the course. Therefore, new concept question assessments are being developed consisting of some macroscale questions from past inventories along with conceptual essay and calculation based questions aligned more specifically with the DLM processes at hand. Past implementations like this show students learn key concepts at least as well from each other in a guided inquiry as they do from lecture. Also, a mixed qualitative / quantitative assessment using a critical reasoning rubric reveals student abilities become better aligned with what is expected of graduating engineers ready for industry and that the CHAPL/DLM environment serves to reinforce understanding of physical phenomena, and to develop analytical and evaluative problem-solving skills. Interviews, surveys and team reports reveal students are better able to visualize concepts and that classroom exercises are promoting team skills and academic rigor. Faculty interviews reveal enhanced awareness of student misconceptions and improved monitoring of student growth in conceptual understanding and interpersonal skills. The poster and paper will highlight our findings and illustrate the CHAPL environment. Hands-on DLMs with cartridges used in teaching principles in the various disciplines will be demonstrated. A survey will be offered to those viewing the poster to assess potential interest in adoption of the DLMs and in participating in a follow-on NSF Type III proposal for Transforming Undergraduate Engineering Education through use of the DLMs and associated CHAPL pedagogies

    Multi-Disciplinary Hands-On Desktop Learning Modules and Modern Pedagogies

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    Our team’s research focuses on fundamental problems in undergraduate education in terms of how to expand use of well researched, yet still “new”, teaching pedagogies of ‘sensing’ or ‘hands-on’, ‘active’ and ‘problem-based learning’ within engineering courses. It is now widely accepted that traditional lectures ARE NOT best for students – yet that is what the community almost universally does. To address this issue we are developing new Desktop Learning Modules (DLMs) that contain miniaturized processes with a uniquely expandable electronic system to contend with known sensor systems/removable cartridges, as well as, unknown expansions to the project. We have shown that miniaturized mimics of industrial-scale equipment produce process data that agree with correlations developed for large-scale equipment. We are now adapting concepts shown efficacious in a single chemical engineering course to a variety of engineering classes within civil, mechanical, bio- and electrical engineering. Some examples of new hands-on learning applications in chemical engineering include a boiler / condenser and evaporative and shell & tube heat exchangers. In bioengineering, we are developing prognostic devices for separating Prostate Cancer Tumor Cells (PCTCs) from blood, sensing for the presence of PCTCs, a thermoregulation simulated limb cartridge for studying kinematics of heat flow and heat distribution in human extremities, and immunoaffinity neuron-like ion selective electrodes. In civil engineering, the DLMs illustrate open channel flow units and a solar powered Rankine cycle is underway in mechanical engineering. We are implementing DLMs along with team learning pedagogy. In this paper we will present technical aspects surrounding development of a large number of new learning cartridges. While the assessment strategies being developed are broadly applicable we will just present one instance, with the civil engineering cartridge, of the identification of misconceptions and experimental design for assessing the impact of the DLM on learning. The assessment includes a pre- and post-test assessment to determine improvement in understanding basic concepts and persistence and/or repair of misconceptions

    Hubble Space Telescope Angular Velocity Estimation During the Robotic Servicing Mission

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    In 2004 NASA began investigation of a robotic servicing mission for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Such a mission would require estimates of the HST attitude and rates in order to achieve a capture by the proposed Hubble robotic vehicle (HRV). HRV was to be equipped with vision-based sensors, capable of estimating the relative attitude between HST and HRV. The inertial HST attitude is derived from the measured relative attitude and the HRV computed inertial attitude. However, the relative rate between HST and HRV cannot be measured directly. Therefore, the HST rate with respect to inertial space is not known. Two approaches are developed to estimate the HST rates. Both methods utilize the measured relative attitude and the HRV inertial attitude and rates. First, a non-linear estimator is developed. The nonlinear approach estimates the HST rate through an estimation of the inertial angular momentum. Second, a linearized approach is developed. The linearized approach is a pseudo-linear Kalman filter. Simulation test results for both methods are given. Even though the development began as an application for the HST robotic servicing mission, the methods presented are applicable to any rendezvous/capture mission involving a non-cooperative target spacecraft

    Natural and sail-displaced doubly-symmetric Lagrange point orbits for polar coverage

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    This paper proposes the use of doubly-symmetric, eight-shaped orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem for continuous coverage of the high-latitude regions of the Earth. These orbits, for a range of amplitudes, spend a large fraction of their period above either pole of the Earth. It is shown that they complement Sun-synchronous polar and highly eccentric Molniya orbits, and present a possible alternative to low thrust pole-sitter orbits. Both natural and solar-sail displaced orbits are considered. Continuation methods are described and used to generate families of these orbits. Starting from ballistic orbits, other families are created either by increasing the sail lightness number, varying the period or changing the sail attitude. Some representative orbits are then chosen to demonstrate the visibility of high-latitude regions throughout the year. A stability analysis is also performed, revealing that the orbits are unstable: it is found that for particular orbits, a solar sail can reduce their instability. A preliminary design of a linear quadratic regulator is presented as a solution to stabilize the system by using the solar sail only. Finally, invariant manifolds are exploited to identify orbits that present the opportunity of a ballistic transfer directly from low Earth orbit

    A single-column ocean biogeochemistry model (GOTM–TOPAZ) version 1.0

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    Recently, Earth system models (ESMs) have begun to consider the marine ecosystem to reduce errors in climate simulations. However, many models are unable to fully represent the ocean-biology-induced climate feedback, which is due in part to significant bias in the simulated biogeochemical properties. Therefore, we developed the Generic Ocean Turbulence Model–Tracers of Phytoplankton with Allometric Zooplankton (GOTM–TOPAZ), a single-column ocean biogeochemistry model that can be used to improve ocean biogeochemical processes in ESMs. This model was developed by combining GOTM, a single-column model that can simulate the physical environment of the ocean, and TOPAZ, a biogeochemical module. Here, the original form of TOPAZ has been modified and modularized to allow easy coupling with other physical ocean models. To demonstrate interactions between ocean physics and biogeochemical processes, the model was designed to allow ocean temperature to change due to absorption of visible light by chlorophyll in phytoplankton. We also added a module to reproduce upwelling and the air–sea gas transfer process for oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are of particular importance for marine ecosystems. The simulated variables (e.g., chlorophyll, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon) of GOTM–TOPAZ were evaluated by comparison against observations. The temporal variability in the observed upper-ocean (0–20&thinsp;m) chlorophyll is well captured by the GOTM–TOPAZ with a correlation coefficient of 0.53 at point 107 in the Sea of Japan. The surface correlation coefficients among GOTM–TOPAZ oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon are 0.47, 0.31, 0.16, and 0.19, respectively. We compared the GOTM–TOPAZ simulations with those from MOM–TOPAZ and found that GOTM–TOPAZ showed relatively lower correlations, which is most likely due to the limitations of the single-column model. Results also indicate that source–sink terms may contribute to the biases in the surface layer (&lt;60&thinsp;m), while initial values are important for realistic simulations in the deep sea (&gt;250&thinsp;m). Despite this limitation, we argue that our GOTM–TOPAZ model is a good starting point for further investigation of key biogeochemical processes and is also useful to couple complex biogeochemical processes with various oceanic global circulation models.</p

    The psychological and social consequences of single-sided deafness in adulthood

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    Objectives: This study examined the subjective psychological and social effects of highly asymmetric hearing loss (single-sided deafness) in adults. Design: Three group interviews were conducted using the critical incidence technique and analysed using an inductive thematic analysis. Study sample: Eight adults with a clinical diagnosis of a moderately-severe hearing loss or greater in one ear and normal or near-normal hearing in the other ear. Results: A range of functional hearing difficulties associated with single-sided deafness including impaired speech in background noise and reduced spatial awareness were reported to affect social and psychological well-being. Social consequences of single-sided deafness resulted from activity limitations and participation restrictions including withdrawal from and within situations. Participants reported psychological effects including worrying about losing the hearing in their other ear, embarrassment related to the social stigma attached to hearing loss, and reduced confidence and belief in their abilities to participate. Conclusions: Single-sided deafness can be associated with many negative consequences. Counselling may help overcome the psychological consequences of hearing loss regardless of whether technological support such as a hearing aid is prescribed. The audiological management of these individuals should support the development of listening strategies and set appropriate expectations for participation in everyday listening situations

    A Carbon Nanofilament-Bead Necklace

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    Carbon nanofilaments with carbon beads grown on their surfaces were successfully synthesized reproducibly by a floating catalyst CVD method. The nanofilaments hosting the pearl-like structures typically show an average diameter of about 60 nm, which mostly consists of low-ordered graphite layers. The beads with diameter range 150−450 nm are composed of hundreds of crumpled and random graphite layers. The mechanism for the formation of these beaded nanofilaments is ascribed to two nucleation processes of the pyrolytic carbon deposition, arising from a temperature gradient between different parts of the reaction chamber. Furthermore, the Raman scattering properties of the beaded nanofilaments have been measured, as well as their confocal Raman G-line images. The Raman spectra reveal that that the trunks of the nanofilaments have better graphitic properties than the beads, which is consistent with the HRTEM analysis. The beaded nanofilaments are expected to have high potential applications in composites, which should exhibit both particle- and fiber-reinforcing functions for the host matrixes

    Probing impulsive strain propagation with x-ray pulses

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    Pump-probe time-resolved x-ray diffraction of allowed and nearly forbidden reflections in InSb is used to follow the propagation of a coherent acoustic pulse generated by ultrafast laser-excitation. The surface and bulk components of the strain could be simultaneously measured due to the large x-ray penetration depth. Comparison of the experimental data with dynamical diffraction simulations suggests that the conventional model for impulsively generated strain underestimates the partitioning of energy into coherent modes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, eps. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://prl.aps.or

    Attitude Control and Stabilization of Spacecraft with a Captured Asteroid

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) aims to capture a Near Earth Orbit (NEO) asteroid or a piece of a large asteroid and transport it to the Earth{Moon system. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of one of the main control challenges for the first ARM mission concept, namely despinning and three-axis stabilizing the asteroid and spacecraft combination after the ARM spacecraft captures the tumbling NEO asteroid. We first show that control laws, which explicitly use the dynamics of the system in their control law equation, encounter a fundamental limitation due to modeling uncertainties. We show that in the presence of large modeling uncertainties, the resultant disturbance torque for such control laws may well exceed the maximum control torque of the conceptual ARM spacecraft. We then numerically compare the performance of three viable control laws: the robust nonlinear tracking control law, the adaptive nonlinear tracking control law, and the simple derivative plus proportional-derivative linear control strategy. We conclude that under very small mod- eling uncertainties, which can be achieved using online system identification, the robust nonlinear tracking control law guarantees exponential convergence to the fuel-optimal reference trajectory and hence consumes the least fuel. On the other hand, in the presence of large modeling uncertainties, measurement errors, and actuator saturations, the best strategy for stabilizing the asteroid and spacecraft combination is to first despin the system using a derivative (rate damping) linear control law and then stabilize the system in the desired orientation using the simple proportional-derivative linear control law. More-over, the fuel consumed by the conceptual ARM spacecraft using these control strategies is upper bounded by 300 kg for the nominal range of NEO asteroid parameters. We conclude this paper with specific design guidelines for the ARM spacecraft for efficiently stabilizing the tumbling NEO asteroid and spacecraft combination