20 research outputs found
Peningkatan Kualitas Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Pelatihan SISTER Pada STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib
STAI Ali bin Abi Talib is one of the private Islamic universities in Surabaya. There are problems where changes in lecturer data (PDD) and others are still done manually in the form of physical files that are brought to Kopertais IV which oversees it. Whereas the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources (SDID) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education through circular letter at 2018 has provided direction on the implementation of the Integrated Resource Information System (SISTER) in public and private universiAties. To support this policy, universities need a special party or team to assist the application of technology so that the implementation of SISTER can run well, helping academic activities, data changes, and the tri dharma of lecturers in the future. Community service activities by the Telkom Institute of Technology Surabaya team at STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib were presented and carried out in six stages, starting from literature study, server configuration, preparation of presentation materials and training modules, SISTER application installation process, training, and evaluation. This activity resulted in the SISTER application installed on the STAI Ali bin Abi Thalib server which can be accessed online and also training that provides comprehensive knowledge, skills on the use of the SISTER application and debriefing with 10 video guides and 15 training modules for STAI Ali bin Thalib Surabaya
Neural Network for Electronic Nose using Field Programmable Analog Arrays
Electronic nose is a device detecting odors which is designed to resemblethe ability of the human nose, usually applied to the robot. The process ofidentification of the electronic nose will run into a problem when the gaswhich is detected has the same chemical element. Misidentification due tothe similarity of chemical properties of gases is possible; it can be solvedusing neural network algorithms. The attendance of Field ProgrammableAnalog Array (FPAA) enables the design and implementation of ananalog neural network, while the advantage of analog neural networkwhich is an input signal from the sensor can be processed directly by theFPAA without having to be converted into a digital signal. Direct analogsignal process can reduce errors due to conversion and speed up thecomputing process. The small size and low power usage of FPAA are verysuitable when it is used for the implementation of the electronic nose thatwill be applied to the robot. From this study, it was shown that theimplementation of analog neural network in FPAA can support theperformance of electronic nose in terms of flexibility (resource componentrequired), speed, and power consumption. To build an analog neuralnetwork with three input nodes and two output nodes only need twopieces of Configurable Analog Block (CAB), of the four provided by theFPAA. Analog neural network construction has a speed of the process0.375 μs, and requires only 59 ± 18mW resources.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i6.150
Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan melalui Penerapan ICT di Sekolah Menengah Atas
Penggunaan sistem informasi dan teknologi yang cepat dirasa cukup penting dalam membantu proses belajar mengajar. Oleh sebab itu, diusulkan penggunaan platform E-Learning untuk membantu guru. Fitur yang diajarkan diarahkan untuk dapat melakukan pemberian materi, tugas, ujian, kuisioner, dan organisasi kegiatan. Para pengajar dilatih mengimplementasikan aplikasi online, seperti google drive, google form, untuk mendukung kegiatan bahan ajar, dengan sasaran guru guru SMA Tuban, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Peserta merasa terbantu dengan sistem ini dan berencana mengaplikasikan kedalam proses pengajaran. Dari hasil training, para peserta merasa antusias terhadap pelatihan ini, dimana mereka mampu membuat, dan mempraktekkan fitur fitur yang ada di Google untuk membantu pekerjaan mereka. Dari hasil kuisioner tingkat kepuasan, sebanyak 15 dari 17 orang peserta pelatihan merasa terbantu dengan adanya pelatihan ini. Kemudian sebanyak 14 orang peserta juga merasa hasil pelatihan Information and Communication Technology yang diikuti relevan dengan permasalahan dan dapat dijadikan alternatif solusi yang membantu guru dalam proses kegiatan belajar. Peningkatan pemahaman juga dialami oleh peserta workshop sebelum dan setelah bergabung dengan kegiatan sosialisasi. dalam proses pembelajaran, merujuk pada data tingkat pemahaman yang diambil sebelum dan setelah pelatihan
Besides being useful for protecting the coast from abrasion, mangrove plants have many other benefits, one of which is the fruit of the mangrove plant. The fruit of this mangrove plant was successfully processed by one of the UKM residents of Medokan Ayu Surabaya, namely "UKM Somano," which utilizes the fruit of the mangrove plant into several processed food and beverage products that have many benefits and are in great demand by the wider community. UKM Somano is indeed considered to have succeeded in making an innovation in processed food and beverage products derived from punch fruit, but in reality, UKM Somano has problems marketing their processed products. So far, Somano's products are only well known through Instagram and the marketplace, but not many people know about Somano's SME products. Therefore, this research proposal proposes the creation of a website and assistance to UKM Somano in terms of digital literacy that contains business profiles of UKM Somano and displays various products processed from mangrove fruit. With the creation of a website and digital literacy assistance for Somano SMEs, it is hoped that more and more members of the general public will know that mangrove fruit can be processed into various superior product innovations and can help increase the amount of production by Somano SMEs.Mangrove plants have several benefits apart from protecting beaches from erosion, one of which is producing processed fruit that is beneficial for health. One of the resident UKMs in Medokan Ayu Surabaya, namely "UKM Somano", has succeeded in processing the fruit of this mangrove plant into various processed foods and drinks, which have many benefits and are also in great demand by the community. Even though UKM Somano is considered to have innovated in processed food and beverage products made from mangrove fruit, UKM Somano actually faces problems with the marketing system for its processed products. Somano's products are currently only widely known through Instagram and traditional markets near where they live, and only a few people know about its UKM products. Therefore, in this community service activity, we developed a website and provided support to UKM Somano in terms of digital literacy, which displays various goods made from mangrove fruit and contains the business profile of UKM Somano. By developing a website and providing digital literacy training to UKM Somano, it is believed that more and more people will know about the many innovative products that can be made from mangrove fruit, which in turn will enable these business actors to produce more innovations in processed mangrove fruit
Pengenalan Pemrograman Perangkat Bergerak bagi Siswa SMA/SMK dalam Kegiatan Seminar Ilmiah Populer Online
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memiliki latar belakang dimana kegiatan siswa SMA/SMK khususnya anak kelas XII di sekolah pada bulan Mei sudah tidak ada kegiatan akademik. Kegiatan siswa/SMK pada bulan Mei biasanya sedang mengikuti UTBK untuk melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan berikutnya. Kegiatan ini bermaksud untuk memfasilitasi pengetahuan awal di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sebelum siswa SMA/SMK masuk ke bangku perkuliahan. Program kegiatan Seminar Ilmiah Populer (SIP) online merupakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang memberikan banyak manfaat bagi siswa SMA/SMK yang sedang berada di rumah selama kondisi pandemik. Siswa SMA/SMK mendapatkan banyak ilmu terkait teknologi informasi pada perangkat bergerak. Siswa SMA/SMK dapat mengenal lebih awal tentang pemrograman mobile agar dapat membuat aplikasi yang dapat berjalan pada perangkat bergerak. Perangkat yang dimaksud adalah ponsel pintar, tablet, jam pintar, dan gelang pintar. Tujuan akhir dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah siswa-siswa SMA/SMK dapat menambah wawasannya tentang bagaimana membuat aplikasi perangkat bergerak, serta dapat mengetahui perangkat lunak apa saja yang perlu disiapkan
Sistem Kendali Kecepatan Motor Arus Searah Dengan Algoritma Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Digital Berbasis Field Programmable Gate Array
A good control system should have a resistance to interference and has fast response and accurate, but the applications are still many who use the analog control system. In the analog control system, control method depends with Operational Amplifiers and magnitude of the analog electronic components, resistors and capacitors. As known analog component electronics has a weakness that is more sensitive to the surrounding conditions. It created the need for control system Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) digital. On the application of digital PID control system requires good hardware support, so that they can run the computing process quickly and can complete complex computations. With reliability PID Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) digital control system can be designed and implemented with logic gates
Sistem Kendali Kecepatan Motor Arus Searah Dengan Algoritma Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Digital Berbasis Field Programmable Gate Array
A good control system should have a resistance to interference and has fast response and accurate, but the applications are still many who use the analog control system. In the analog control system, control method depends with Operational Amplifiers and magnitude of the analog electronic components, resistors and capacitors. As known analog component electronics has a weakness that is more sensitive to the surrounding conditions. It created the need for control system Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) digital. On the application of digital PID control system requires good hardware support, so that they can run the computing process quickly and can complete complex computations. With reliability PID Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) digital control system can be designed and implemented with logic gates
Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran dan Pengamanan Dini Pada Kompor LPG Berbasis FPGA
By using control system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), this paper hope can detect and leakage flow controlled can be used properly as needed. This because FPGA has: internal clock, relatively small noise and has parallel process. LPG sensor is very sensitive to propane gas or butane, so that very ideal for used in detecting leakage in LPG
Desain Kontrol Traksi Pada Motor DC Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Field Programable Gate Array (FPGA)
Traksi control dalam dunia otomotif dapat sangat bermanfaat untuk mengatasi slip roda. Penerapan traksi control ini terkadang masih terkendala dengan desain hardware yang memiliki respon tinggi. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), merupakan untaian yang dapat dibuat dengan metode schematic maupun dengan bahasa pemrograman. Dengan melakukan pengujian set point untuk memberikan masukkan berapa besar nilai RPS yang dikehendaki sistem untuk tuning kecepatan motor. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa penggunaan rangkaian schematic yang terdapat pada FPGA dapat optimal kira-kira 35% dari kapasitas maksimalnya