164 research outputs found

    Similarity Soil amendment impact to soil organic matter and physical properties on the three soil types after second corn cultivation

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    Soil amendment is important for low organic matter soil dominated by sand or clay. Soil amendments using biochar and various types of organic fertilizer have been shown to improve the soil properties. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of soil amendment against the second maize plantation season in different soil types. Biochar and organic fertilizer had been applied to the soil amendment 2 years ago (2017) in a polybag during the second plantation season. Polybags were placed in the field and arranged according to nested designs. The experiment used three types of biochar from rice husk, corn cob, by-products of the tobacco industry called jengkok. Two types of organic fertilizer (compost and chicken manure). Soil samples were predominantly sand (entisol) and clay (inceptisol and entisol lithic subgroups). Soil amendment was given at a dose of 300 g per polybags single type, biochar or organic fertilizer without mixing, and each 150 g per polybags for combination type, biochar mixed with an organic fertilizer in 9 kg of soil. Three types of soil (first factor) and soil amendment (second factor nested in the first factor) consisted of 12 treatments: 1. Control, 2. Corn cob biochar (CB), 3. Rice husk biochar (RB), 4. Jengkok biochar (JB), 5. Compost (Cs), 6. Chicken manure (M), 7. Corn cob biochar + compost (CBCs), 8. Corn cob biochar + manure (CBM), 9. Rice husk biochar + compost (RBCs), 10. Rice husk biochar + manure (RBM), 11. Jengkok biochar + compost (JBCs), 12. Jengkok biochar + manure (JBM). Soil physical properties were observed using intact soil samples (rings 5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm in height), including saturated hydraulic conductivity, texture, soil water retention capacity, soil bulk density, soil particles, soil porosity, macro, meso, and micropores. It was also observed soil organic matter which was taken in a composite from the surface (0-20 cm). Plants are fertilized with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, 110 kg K2O ha-1, and 135 kg N ha-1 at each planting season. Data analysis with SPSS and continued with the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed each soil amendment had different effectiveness to improve the soil organic matter and its physical properties. Biochar from corn cob mixed with manure is effective to get better corn yields from entisol. While inceptisol soil is suitable with biochar from rice husk mixed with manure. The entisol lithic subgroups are suitable for manure. The soil amendment types affect the soil constituent fraction (sand, dust, clay) composition so that it has an impact on the physical properties of each soil type

    Peer Review Residual effect of potassium fertilizer and biochar on growth and yield of maize in the second season

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    Application of biochar can increase availability of plant nutrients and yield. A field experiment was conducted on anInceptisol with aim to determineresidual potassium fertilizer and biochar application on growth and yield of maize in the second season. A randomized block design was used with three replication. The treaments were residual application of potassium and biochar that consisted of biochar only (30 t/ha), and biochar plus several levels of potassium apllication (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg/ha), included application of 200 kg/ha potassium without biochar. Basal fertilizersapplied in the first season were 90 kg N/ha and 100 kg P205, and in the second season was 90 kg N/ha. The results showed that residual biochar alone or combined with different levels of potassium application increased yield of maize. Residual biochar increased avalilabilty of N, P, K, Ca, and Na in the soil

    Peer Review Soil amendment impact to soil organic matter and physical properties on the three soil types after second corn cultivation

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    Soil amendment is important for low organic matter soil dominated by sand or clay. Soil amendments using biochar and various types of organic fertilizer have been shown to improve the soil properties. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of soil amendment against the second maize plantation season in different soil types. Biochar and organic fertilizer had been applied to the soil amendment 2 years ago (2017) in a polybag during the second plantation season. Polybags were placed in the field and arranged according to nested designs. The experiment used three types of biochar from rice husk, corn cob, by-products of the tobacco industry called jengkok. Two types of organic fertilizer (compost and chicken manure). Soil samples were predominantly sand (entisol) and clay (inceptisol and entisol lithic subgroups). Soil amendment was given at a dose of 300 g per polybags single type, biochar or organic fertilizer without mixing, and each 150 g per polybags for combination type, biochar mixed with an organic fertilizer in 9 kg of soil. Three types of soil (first factor) and soil amendment (second factor nested in the first factor) consisted of 12 treatments: 1. Control, 2. Corn cob biochar (CB), 3. Rice husk biochar (RB), 4. Jengkok biochar (JB), 5. Compost (Cs), 6. Chicken manure (M), 7. Corn cob biochar + compost (CBCs), 8. Corn cob biochar + manure (CBM), 9. Rice husk biochar + compost (RBCs), 10. Rice husk biochar + manure (RBM), 11. Jengkok biochar + compost (JBCs), 12. Jengkok biochar + manure (JBM). Soil physical properties were observed using intact soil samples (rings 5 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm in height), including saturated hydraulic conductivity, texture, soil water retention capacity, soil bulk density, soil particles, soil porosity, macro, meso, and micropores. It was also observed soil organic matter which was taken in a composite from the surface (0-20 cm). Plants are fertilized with 100 kg P2O5 ha-1, 110 kg K2O ha-1, and 135 kg N ha-1 at each planting season. Data analysis with SPSS and continued with the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed each soil amendment had different effectiveness to improve the soil organic matter and its physical properties. Biochar from corn cob mixed with manure is effective to get better corn yields from entisol. While inceptisol soil is suitable with biochar from rice husk mixed with manure. The entisol lithic subgroups are suitable for manure. The soil amendment types affect the soil constituent fraction (sand, dust, clay) composition so that it has an impact on the physical properties of each soil type

    Incomprehension of the Indonesian Elementary School Students on Fraction Division Problem

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the Indonesian students’ performance in solving fraction division case including the difficulties, relations, and implications for classroom instruction. This study employed a descriptive case study to achieve it. The procedures of data collecting were initiated by giving a context-based problem to 40 elementary school students and it then according to the test result was selected three students for semi-structure interviewed. The findings of the study showed that the tendency of students’ procedural knowledge dominated to their conceptual knowledge in solving the fraction division problem. Furthermore, it was found several mistakes. First, the students were not accurate when solving the problem and unsuccessful to figure out the problem. Second, students’ conceptual knowledge was incomplete. The last was is to apply the laws and strategies of fraction division irrelevant. These findings emphasized other sub-construct of fractions instead of part-to-whole in the teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning of fraction in the mathematics classroom should take both conceptual and procedural knowledge into account as an attempt to prevent faults and misconceptions. In conclusion, it was substantial to present context-based problems at the beginning of the lesson in order for students to be able to learn fraction division meaningfully

    Phytochemical Assay and Antiplatelet Activity of Fractions of Velvet Bean Seeds (Mucuna pruriens L.)

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    Platelet aggregation is an important factor contributing to the formation of thrombus due to an uncontrolled blood clotting. An antiplatelet agent is a compound which decreases platelet aggregation and inhibits thrombus formation. The objectives of this study were to determine the class of compound employing phytochemical assay and to determine the in vitro antiplatelet activity of four fraction, namely hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water fractions of velvet bean seeds (Mucuna pruriens L.) using epinephrine (EPN) as agonist of platelet aggregation. The antiplatelet activities were tested in human platelet rich plasma with hyperaggregation. To determine the activities, EPN was arranged at 4 level of concentrations  (300, 150, 75, and 30 μM), and antiplatelet agents were at 500 µg/ml. The results indicated that ethyl acetate, butanol and water fraction contained high flavonoids and moderate phenols. The water, butanol and ethyl acetate fractions of velvet bean seeds exhibited potential inhibition of EPN-induced platelet aggregation at all concentrations. The strongest antiplatelet agent was water fraction and had the same antiplatelet activity as aspirin at level 150, 75, and 30 μM of EPN. Butanol fraction had the same antiplatelet activity as aspirin at the lowest EPN (30 μM)

    The Antiplatelet Aggregation Effect of Extract And Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Velvet Bean Seed (Mucuna pruriens L.) in Dyslipidemic Rat

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the first cause of death in the world, CVD has complex and multifactorial process including atherogenic lipoprotein, oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL), endothelial dysfunction, plaque stability, vascular inflammation, thrombotic and fibrinolytic disorder, exercises and genetic factor. Inhibiting the platelet ag- gregation is one of the CVD prevention. Velvet bean seed (Mucuna pruriens L.) can be found abundantly in Indonesia, but has not been used as herbal medicine. Ethanol extract and ethyl acetate of velvet bean seed contain high flavonoids and antioxidants properties which is expected could inhibit platelet aggregation. The objectives of the research were to determine the activity of ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed towards clotting and bleeding time in dyslipidemic rats. This research used completely randomized design in dyslipidemic rats which were given by ethanol extract of velvet bean seed at the concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg BW/day and ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed at the concentrations of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg BW/day and 42.2 mg/kg BW/day aspirin for ten days. Clotting and bleeding time were measured at days 0, 10, and 20. Data were analyzed using One way analysis of vari- ance and continued with Duncan’s post Hoc test with 95 % level of significancy. The results showed that administration of 60 mg/kg BW/day ethyl acetate fraction of velvet bean seed and at the concentrations of 100 and 200 mg/kg BW/ day ethanol extract of velvet bean seed, prolong the clotting time at day 10, ethyl acetate fraction at the concentration of 60 mg/kg BW/day, 200 mg/kg BW/day ethanol extract of velvet bean prolong bleeding time at day 10
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