97 research outputs found
Tomografi Gempa Bumi dan Mitigasi Bencana
Tsunami yang dibangkitkan oleh gempa bumi raksasa dengan magnitudo 9,2 yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 di samudera Hindia, di dekat Aceh, telah mengakibatkan lebih dari 200.000 orang meninggal. Sementara tragedi kemanusiaan yang luar biasa tersebut masih berlangsung, gempa besar dengan magnitudo 8,7 berikutnya terjadi di dekat Nias pada tanggal 28 Maret 2005. Bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami di atas telah disusul juga oleh bencana gunungapi yang kemungkinan dipicu oleh aktivitas tektonik tersebut.
Di sisi lain gempa bumi yang menimbulkan penjalaran gelombang seismik ternyata memberikan informasi penting mengenai struktur bagian dalam (interior) dari planet bumi kita. Informasi ini terkandung dalam seismogram, yaitu hasil rekaman gerakan tanah akibat suatu gempa. Dalam makalah ini hasil studi tomografi seismik (gempa bumi) yang telah penulis tekuni dipaparkan secara singkat. Dalam bagian berikut akan ditunjukkan bahwa investigasi tomografi, yaitu teknik pencitraan yang telah terlebih dahulu berhasil digunakan dalam bidang kedokteran, juga telah berhasil diterapkan untuk studi kebumian dengan sangat baik.
Makalah ini secara garis besar meliputi: (i) pencitraan tomografi seismik, (ii) kontribusi penulis terkait dengan pengembangan teknik tomografi, dan (iii) riset terkait dengan mitigasi bencana. Di bagian akhir dari makalah ini akan dipaparkan secara singkat arah riset ke depan yang diperlukan dalam membantu meningkatkan keberhasilan upaya mitigasi bencana secara berkesinambungan seiring dengan sering terjadinya gempa besar dan merusak di tanah air
P and S wave travel time tomography of the SE Asia-Australia collision zone
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. The southeast (SE)Asia - Australia collision zone is one of the most tectonically active and seismogenic regions in the world. Here, we present new 3-D P- and S-wave velocity models of the crust and upper mantle by applying regional earthquake travel-time tomography to global catalogue data. We first re-locate earthquakes provided by the standard ISC-Reviewed and ISC-EHB catalogues using a non-linear oct-tree scheme. A machine learning algorithm that clusters earthquakes depending on their spatiotemporal density was then applied to significantly improve the consistency of travel-time picks. We used the Fast Marching Tomography software package to retrieve 3-D velocity and interface structures from starting 1-D velocity and Moho models. Synthetic resolution and sensitivity tests demonstrate that the final models are robust, with P-wave speed variations (~130 km horizontal resolution)generally recovered more robustly than S-wave speed variations (~220 km horizontal resolution). The retrieved crust and mantle anomalies offer a new perspective on the broad-scale tectonic setting and underlying mantle architecture of SE Asia. While we observe clear evidence of subducted slabs as high velocity anomalies penetrating into the mantle along the Sunda arc, Banda arc and Halmahera arc, we also see evidence for slab gaps or holes in the vicinity of east Java. In the Banda arc, we image the slab as a single curved subduction zone. Furthermore, a high-velocity region in the mantle lithosphere connects northern Australia with Timor and West Papua. The S-wave model shows broad-scale features similar to those of the P-wave model, with mantle earthquakes generally distributed within high-velocity slabs. The high velocity mantle connection between northern Australia and the eastern margin of the Sunda arc is also present in the S-wave model. While the S-wave model has a lower resolution than the P-wave model due to the availability of fewer paths, it nonetheless provides new and complementary insights into the structure of the upper mantle beneath southeast Asia
Upper crustal structures beneath Yogyakarta imaged by ambient seismic noise tomography
Delineating the upper crustal structures beneath Yogyakarta is necessary for understanding its tectonic setting. The presence of Mt. Merapi, fault line and the alluvial deposits contributes to the complex geology of Yogyakarta. Recently, ambient seismic noise tomography can be used to image the subsurface structure. The cross correlations of ambient seismic noise of pair stations were applied to extract the Green's function. The total of 27 stations from 134 seismic stations available in MERapi Amphibious EXperiment (MERAMEX) covering Yogyakarta region were selected to conduct cross correlation. More than 500 Rayleigh waves of Green's functions could be extracted by cross-correlating available the station pairs of short-period and broad-band seismometers. The group velocities were obtained by filtering the extracted Green's function between 0.5 and 20 s. 2-D inversion was applied to the retrieved travel times. Features in the derived tomographic images correlate with the surface geology of Yogyakarta. The Merapi active volcanoes and alluvial deposit in Yogyakarta are clearly described by lower group velocities. The high velocity anomaly contrasts which are visible in the images obtained from the period range between 1 and 5 s, correspond to subsurface imprints of fault that could be the Opak Fault.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Graduate
Research on Earthquake and Active Tectonics that
supported this research through a Project of
ActiveFault Research and Education for Earthquake
Hazard Assessment in Indonesia, AUSAID agreement
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Crustal Deformation and Fault Strength of the Sulawesi Subduction Zone
This paper investigates the seismicity and rheology of the North-Sulawesi subduction zone. Body-wave modeling is used to estimate focal mechanisms and centroid depths of moderate magnitude (M5–M6.5) earthquakes on the North Sulawesi megathrust and surrounding region. The slip vectors of megathrust earthquakes radiate outward from Sulawesi, indicating motion that is incompatible with the relative motion of two rigid plates. Instead, the observed deformation implies lateral spreading of high topography, controlled by gravitational potential energy contrasts. This finding suggests that the observed deformation of Sulawesi results from stresses transmitted through the lithosphere, rather than basal tractions due to circulation in the mantle. Our modeling of the force balance on the megathrust shows that the subduction megathrust is weak, with an average shear stress of ∼13 MPa and an effective coefficient of friction of 0.03. Elsewhere in Sulawesi, slip vectors of other earthquakes suggest similar potential-energy-driven deformation is present, but at significantly slower rates. Our results show the importance of lateral rheology contrasts in determining deformation rate, and hence seismic hazard, in response to a given driving force.Newton Institutional Links
Leverhulme Fellowshi
Extending shear-wave tomography for the lower mantle using S and SKS arrival-time data
Seismic tomography using S wave travel times faces the difficulty imposed by the interference between S and SKS phases near 83° epicentral distance, as the SKS phase overtakes the S waves in the mantle. If the cross-over is avoided completely by excluding S data beyond 82° then no resolution is available below 2200 km in the lower mantle. A partial solution is to try to pick up the S phase beyond the cross-over which improves coverage and resolution in depth. However, a much larger improvement can be made by following the first arrival with S character and including SKS information with S.
Arrival times for both S and SKS phases and the event hypocentres have been taken from the reprocessing of data reported to international agencies. Each event has been relocated, including depth phase information, and later phases re-associated using the improved locations to provide a set of travel times whose variance is significantly reduced compared with the original data catalogues.
S travel-time tomography including SKS information out to 105°, provides tomographic images with improved rendition of heterogeneity in the lower mantle. The three-dimensional models of SV wavespeed relative to the ak135 reference velocity model show a significant increase in heterogeneity at the base of the mantle which matches the behaviour seen in results derived from waveform inversion.
For most of the mantle there is a considerable similarity between the patterns of heterogeneity in the S wave images and recent P wave tomographic results, but greater differences develop in the lowermost mantle. In the D″ region the SV wavespeed patterns also show some differences from recent SH wavespeed results which mostly correlate with regions of recognised structural complexity
Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomography
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Mt. Merapi, located in central Java, Indonesia, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. It has been subjected to numerous studies using a variety of methods, including tomographic imaging, in an attempt to understand the structure and dynamics of its magmatic plumbing system. Results of previous seismic tomographic studies that include Mt. Merapi poorly constrain the location of its underlying magma source due to limited data coverage. In order to comprehensively understand the internal structure and magmatism of Mt. Merapi, a project called DOMERAPI was conducted, in which 53 broadband seismic stations were deployed around Mt. Merapi and its neighbourhood for approximately 18 months, from October 2013 to April 2015. In this study, we compare Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs tomograms constructed using data obtained from local (DOMERAPI) and regional seismic networks with those obtained without DOMERAPI data. We demonstrate that the data from the DOMERAPI seismic network are crucial for resolving key features beneath the volcano, such as high Vp/Vs ratios beneath the Merapi summit at ∼5 km and ∼15 km depths, which we interpret as shallow and intermediate magma bodies, respectively. Furthermore, west-east vertical sections across Mt. Merapi, and a “dormant” (less active) volcano, Mt. Merbabu, exhibit high Vp/Vs and low Vp/Vs ratios, respectively, directly beneath their summits. This observation likely reflects the presence (for Mt. Merapi) and absence (for Mt. Merbabu) of shallow magma bodies near the surface
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Post-Subduction Tectonics of Sabah, Northern Borneo, Inferred From Surface Wave Tomography
Abstract: We use two‐plane‐wave tomography with a dense network of seismic stations across Sabah, northern Borneo, to image the shear wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle. Our model is used to estimate crustal thickness and the depth of the lithosphere‐asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath the region. Calculated crustal thickness ranges between 25 and 55 km and suggests extension in a NW‐SE direction, presumably due to back‐arc processes associated with subduction of the Celebes Sea. We estimate the β‐factor to be 1.3–2, well below the initiation of seafloor spreading. The LAB is, on average, at a depth of 100 km, which is inconsistent with models that ascribe Neogene uplift to wholescale removal of the mantle lithosphere. Instead, beneath a region of Plio‐Pleistocene volcanism in the southeast, we image a region 50–100 km across where the lithosphere has thinned to <50 km, supporting recent suggestions of lower lithospheric removal through a Rayleigh‐Taylor instability
Seismic imaging and petrology explain highly explosive eruptions of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
Our seismic tomographic images characterize, for the first time, spatial and volumetric details of the subvertical magma plumbing system of Merapi Volcano. We present P-and S-wave arrival time data, which were collected in a dense seismic network, known as DOMERAPI, installed around the volcano for 18 months. The P-and S-wave arrival time data with similar path coverage reveal a high Vp/Vs structure extending from a depth of >= 20 km below mean sea level (MSL) up to the summit of the volcano. Combined with results of petrological studies, our seismic tomography data allow us to propose: (1) the existence of a shallow zone of intense fluid percolation, directly below the summit of the volcano; (2) a main, pre-eruptive magma reservoir at >= 10 to 20 km below MSL that is orders of magnitude larger than erupted magma volumes; (3) a deep magma reservoir at MOHO depth which supplies the main reservoir; and (4) an extensive, subvertical fluid-magma-transfer zone from the mantle to the surface. Such high-resolution spatial constraints on the volcano plumbing system as shown are an important advance in our ability to forecast and to mitigate the hazard potential of Merapi's future eruptions.We gratefully acknowledge the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche for funding the DOMERAPI ANR
project (ANR- 12-BS06-0012) and BMKG for providing data used in this stud
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