83 research outputs found

    Studi Aspek Entomologi Pasca Kejadian Luar Biasa (Klb) Dbd di Kabupaten Pati Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Studi aspek entomologi pasca KLB DBD dilakukan di Kelurahan Parenggan dan Kalidoro, KecamatanPati Kota (I), Kabupaten Pati. Tujuan studi adalah untuk mencari faktor-faktor apakah yang kemungkinandapat menunjang terjadinya KLB. Metode pengumpulan data entomologi dilakukan dengan survei jentik danpengujian resistensi vektor (Aedes aegypti) terhadap insektisida yang digunakan untuk fogging yaitu malathion 0,5 %, malathion 0,8 %, alphacypermethrin 0,1 % dan lambdasihalothrin 0,05 % dengan metode standarWHO impregnated paper. Hasil pemantauan jentik menghasilkan angka bebas jentik (ABJ) di KelurahanKalidoro sebesar 63,79 % dan Kelurahan Parenggan 37,74 % jauh dari standart ABJ nasional 95 %. HasilContainer Index, House Index dan Breteau Index di Kelurahan Kalidoro masing-masing sebesar 29,55 %,36,21 % dan 67,24 %, sedangkan di Kelurahan Parenggan masing-masing sebesar 55,24 %, 62,26 % dan109,43 %. Hasil uji kepekaan vektor terhadap insektisida menunjukkan bahwa di Kelurahan Kalidoro Ae.aegypti telah resistensi terhadap insektisida malathion 0,5 %, malathion 0,8 %, alphacypermethrin 0,1 % dan lambdasihalothrin 0,05 % dengan kematian sebesar masing-masing sebesar 0,0 %, 80,0 %, 50,0 % dan 5,0 %.Sedangkan di Kelurahan Parenggan Ae. aegypti telah resisten terhadap malathion 0,5 %, alphacypermethrin0,1 % dan lambdasihalothrin 0,05 % dengan kematian masing-masing sebesar: 0,0 %, 52,0 % dan 10,0% akan tetapi masih susceptibel/peka terhadap malathion 0,8 % (kematian 100%). Terjadinya resistensi Ae.aegypti terhadap insektisida yang dipakai fogging kemungkinan menyebabkan tingginya populasi Ae. aegyptidan rendahnya ABJ sehingga terjadi peningkatan kasus/KLB. House Index (HI) >5 dan Breteau Index (BI) >20 merupakan indikator infestasi vektor tinggi, sehingga merupakan daerah prioritas pengendalian. Kejadianluar biasa DBD di Kabupaten Pati berhubungan dengan beberapa faktor termasuk kepadatan populasinyamuk vektor.Kata Kunci : Angka Bebas Jentik (ABJ), Resistensi Aedes aegypti, CI, HI and BI

    Evaluasi Implementasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kabupaten Pati (Evaluation Study Of Policy Implementation Of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Prevention In Pati Regency)

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    Background: Increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 2007 was an outbreak (KLB) in Pati. Before theoutbreak occurred, in 2006, it had been published a policy of mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) because ofthe increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) during the year, and was followed by circulars and instructionsabout early warning against dengue to sub district level. This study aimed to evaluate the policy in 2006 before theoutbreak. Method: Data was collected through in-depth interviews with program holders, community leaders and inhabitant. Supporting data were the data obtained through tomological survey from house to house to check for the presence of dengue vector mosquito larvae. Results: The results showed that, after the mosquito nest eradication movement (PSN) and followed by the issuance of instructions and circulars regent in 2006, in 2007 the DHF cases were still increasing. The policy has not been followed by activities that support both the program level and the community level. Knowledge of the policy implementer in the village was not support yet to the policy goals. Monitoring results indicate that larvae-free number (ABJ) is still below the target set. Recommendation: To support the issuance of a policy that aims to raise awareness on dengue need a comprehensive effort on the implementation, form of activity, as well as the budget, so that the policy can be well done and merely an instruction

    Uji Coba Larvisida Spherifix (Bacillus Sphaericus Vcrc B 42) Terhadap Larva Anopheles Sundaicus Di Gerumbul Klaces, Ujung Alang - Kabupaten Cilacap

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    A biological larvicide spherifix containing Bacillus sphaericus VCRC B 42 was investigated against Anopheles sundaicus in Klaces hamlet, Cilacap regency. This study was conducted to determine the effectivity of spherifix on An. sundaicus larvae at a dosage of 2.5 kg/Ha. Observations were conducted one day before application of the larvicide, 24, 36, 48 hours, day 4, 7, and 14 after application. The larval reduction rates were calculated using the formula of Mulia et al, 1971, and a reduction of the results were 16.69 % after 24 hours, 20.95 % after 36 hours, 34.07 % after 48 hours, 65.08 % after 4 days, 85.98 % after 7 days, and 90.81 % after 14 days. B. sphaericus has capabilities to function as a biological larvicide

    Gambaran Lingkungan dan Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dengan Perilaku pada Peningkatan Kasus Malaria di Desa Kalirejo Kecamatan Kokap Kabupaten Kulonprogo Tahun 2012

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    Four months after the officialy declare an malaria outbreak at Januari 17th 2012, there was still an increase malaria cases in Kokap district. The most cases came from Kalibuko I and II hamlet, Kalirejo Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior level of community concerning the malaria vector, modes of transmission, treatment seeking, and how to prevent malaria. Research design is an observational study. The number of respondents who were interviewed as many as 36 people consisting respondent with diseases (18) and without diseases (18). This research was conducted in April through July 2012. The results also indicate that the observation of the house environment respondents are more susceptible to contact with the malaria vectors , this condition may be associated with the behavior of individuals who have not been based on the knowledge and attitudes related to appropriate malaria prevention. Observations show that the home environment is more vulnerable respondents cases contact with the vector of malaria. Statistical analysis showed association between knowledge and behavior of respondents to an increase in cases of malaria (p < 0,05). Therefore, the necessary activities to increase knowledge about malaria. Socialization efforts of malaria , including prevention must be supported by a strong commitment in the form of local government policies followed by the information system of malaria that can reach all levels of society=Empat bulan setelah ditetapkannya kejadian luar biasa malaria pada tanggal 17 Januari 2012 di Kecamatan Kokap, Puskesmas Kokap I kembali mengalami peningkatan kasus malaria. Mayoritas penderita berasal dari Desa Kalirejo, yaitu di Dukuh Kalibuko I dan Kalibuko II. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggambarkan kondisi lingkungan rumah, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat tentang penyakit malaria dengan peningkatan kasus malaria. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional. Jumlah responden yang diwawancarai sebanyak 36 orang yang terdiri 18 responden kasus malaria dan 18 responden bukan kasus. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Juli 2012. Hasil observasi lingkungan menunjukkan bahwa rumah responden kasus lebih rentan kontak dengan vektor malaria. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan perilaku responden terhadap peningkatan kasus malaria (p< 0,05). Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan peningkatan pengetahuan tentang malaria. Upaya sosialisasi tentang malaria, termasuk pencegahannya harus didukung komitmen yang kuat berupa kebijakan dari pemerintah setempat yang diikuti oleh sistem informasi tentang pencegahan malaria yang dapat menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Kat

    Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma Co-60 Terhadap Sterilitas Dan Perkembangan Embrio Culex Quinquefasciatus

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    Teknik Serangga Mandul merupakan teknik pengendalian vektor yang ramah lingkungan dan spesifi target. Aplikasi Teknik Serangga Mandul dalam pengendalian Cx quinquefasciatus belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia, sehingga perlu uji pendahuluan sebelum aplikasi ke alam. Penelitian bertujuanmenentukan dosis optimal iradiasi sinar gamma Co-60 yang dapat mensterilkan dan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan embrio Culex quinquefasciatus. Pupa jantan diradiasi dengan sinar gamma pada dosis 50 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, dan 70 Gy. Radiasi di lakukan di BATAN Jakarta. Nyamuk jantan yang muncul dari pupa kemudian di kawinkan dengan betina normal. Hasil perkawinan diamati sterilitas telur dan perkembangan embrio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sinar gamma Co-60 dosis 40 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, dan 70 Gy menyebabkan sterilitas telur yang dihasilkan 20,919%, 48,995%, 89,48%, dan 100%.Perlakuan dosis 40 Gy menghasilkan telur steril dengan 29,39% mengandung embrio dan 70,66% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakuan dosis 50 Gy menghasilkan telur steril dengan 16,71% mengandung embrio dan 86,56% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakuan dosis 60 Gy 9,35% telur steril mengandungembrio dan 90,64% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakukan dosis 70 Gy 100 % telur yang dihasilkan steril dan tidak mengandung embrio. Dosis optimal yang dapat mensterilkan dan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan embrio Culex quinquefasciatus adalah dosis 70 Gy.Kata kunci : Teknik Serangga Mandul, Culex quinquefasciatus dan sterilitasAbstractSterile Insect Tecnique is a vector control techniques that are environmentally safe and specifi targets. SIT application in the control of Cx quinquefasciatus has never been done in Indonesia, so we need a preliminary test before application to the nature. The aim of the study are to determine the optimal dose of gamma Co-60 radiation to sterilize and effect develop of embrio Culex quinquefasciatus. Male pupae radiated with gamma rays at a dose of 50 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, and 70 Gy. Radiation conducted in BATAN Jakarta. Male mosquitoes emerging from the pupa then matting with a normal female. Eggs producingfrom matting obserbed for the sterility and embryonic development. The result of the study showed that gamma Co-60 ray dose of 40 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, and 70 Gy caused sterility of eggs produced 20.919%, 48.995%, 89.48%, and 100%. At a dose of 40 Gy produced sterile eggs containing embryos with 29.39% and 70.66% does not contain an embryo. At a dose of 50 Gy produced sterile eggs containing embryos with 16.71% and 86.56% does not contain an embryo. At a dose of 60 Gy 9.35% sterile eggs containing embryos and 90.64% does not contain an embryo. Dose of 70 Gy 100% of eggs produced sterile anddoes not contain an embryo. Thus, the optimal dose to sterilize and effect on embryo development Culex quinquefasciatus is a dose of 70 Gy.Keywords : Sterile Insect Technique, Culex quinquefasciatus, Sterilit
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