958 research outputs found

    Introductory heat-transfer

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    The objective is to introduce some concepts of thermodynamics in existing heat-treating experiments using available items. The specific objectives are to define the thermal properties of materials and to visualize expansivity, conductivity, heat capacity, and the melting point of common metals. The experimental procedures are described

    Heat-treating of materials

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    The objective was to introduce those solid state transformations of material structures known as 'heat treatments' and to emphasize the commercial importance of common processes for metals as well as non-metals. Experimental procedures are explained for annealing, quenching, hardening, and temper

    Industrial plastics waste: Identification and segregation

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    Throwaway plastic products, mainly packaging, are inundating our landfills and incinerators. Most are ethenic thermoplastics, which can be recycled as new products or fossil-fuels. Lab experiments are described, involving destructive and non-destructive tests for identifying and using plastics. The burn-test, with simple apparatus and familiar samples, is recommended as quick, cheap and effective

    F03RS SGB No. 6 (PSE Funds)

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    A Bill To appropriate $2,223.00 dollars to the LSU Beta Xi Chapter of Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) to help defray the cost of hosting and sending 60 student delegates to the 2003 Pi Sigma Epsilon Southern Regional Fall Conference October 17th -19th in New Orleans, Louisiana

    In a Spanish Schoolyard

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    The Status of Users in Archival Enterprise

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    T. R. Schellenberg, the dean of modern archival enterprise, set a dual objective for the profession. The end of all archival effort is to preserve valuable records and make them available for use, he wrote. When Schellenberg wrote these words some thirty-five years ago, archivists were oriented primarily toward the materials they worked with and perceived the users of these materials as a relatively small, elite group of scholars, mainly historians

    The Civil Law Collection of the Texas Supreme Court

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    Mr. Widener inventories and analyzes an unusual collection of 319 volumes of Roman law, canon law, and European law formed by the Texas Supreme Court. He reviews the collection\u27s contents, origins, history, use, and destiny. He argues that this seemingly exotic collection was probably the handiwork of Chief Justice John Hemphill (1803-1862) as an attempt to introduce civil law principles into a common law system, an attempt that was only partially successful. He concludes with reflections on institutional collections of rare law books. Earlier versions were presented at Lund University (June 2007), the University of Kansas (August 2000), and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (September 1997), and published as El derecho hispano y neorromano en la antigua biblioteca de la Corte Suprema de Texas, 1854-1944: un estudio de procedencia, Anuario Mexicano de Historia del Derecho 10 (1998), 797-827

    Protecting Our Pensions

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