506 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a PACAP Peptide Analogue Labeled with (68)Ga Using Two Different Chelating Agents.

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    OBJECTIVE: The authors have conjugated chelating agents (DOTA and NODAGA) with a peptide (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide [PACAP] analogue) that has a high affinity for VPAC1 receptors expressed on cancer cells. To determine a suitable chelating agent for labeling with (68)Ga, they have compared the labeling kinetics and stability of these peptide conjugates. METHODS: For labeling, (68)GaCl3 was eluted in 0.1 M HCl from a [(68)Ge-(68)Ga] generator. The influences of peptide concentration, pH, and temperature on the radiolabeling efficiency were studied. The stability was evaluated in saline, human serum, DTPA, transferrin, and metallic ions (FeCl3, CaCl2, and ZnCl2). Cell binding assay was performed using human breast cancer cells (T47D). Tissue biodistribution was studied in normal athymic nude mice. RESULTS: Optimal radiolabeling (\u3e95.0%) of the DOTA-peptide conjugates required a higher (50°C-90°C) temperature and 10 minutes of incubation at pH 2-5. The NODAGA-peptide conjugate needed incubation only at 25°C for 10 minutes. Both radiocomplexes were stable in saline, serum, as well as against transchelation and transmetallation. Cell binding at 37°C for 15 minutes of incubation with (68)Ga-NODAGA-peptide was 34.0% compared to 24.5% for (68)Ga-DOTA-peptide. Tissue biodistribution at 1 hour postinjection of both (68)Ga-labeled peptide conjugates showed clearance through the kidneys. CONCLUSIONS: NODAGA-peptide showed more convenient radiolabeling features than that of DOTA-peptide

    Socioeconomic Status and Medical Care Expenditures in Medicare Managed Care

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    This study examined the effects of education, income, and wealth on medical care expenditures in two Medicare managed care plans. The study also sought to elucidate the pathways through which socioeconomic status (SES) affects expenditures, including preferences for health and medical care and ability to navigate the managed care system. We modeled the effect of SES on medical care expenditures using Generalized Linear Models, estimating separate models for each component of medical expenditures: inpatient, outpatient, physician, and other expenditures. We found that education, income, and wealth all affected medical care expenditures, although the effects of these variables differed across expenditure categories. Moreover, the effects of these SES variables were much smaller than the effects found in earlier studies of fee-for-service Medicare. The pathway variables also were associated with expenditures. Accounting for the pathways through which SES affects expenditures narrowed the effect of SES on expenditures; however, the change in the estimates was very small. Thus, although our measures of preferences and ability to navigate the system were associated with expenditures, they did not account for an appreciable share of the impact of SES on expenditures.

    Preservice teachers’ pictorial strategies for a multistep multiplicative fraction problem

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    Previous research has documented that preservice teachers (PSTs) struggle with under- standing fraction concepts and operations, and misconceptions often stem from their understanding of the referent whole. This study expands research on PSTs’ understanding of wholes by investigating pictorial strategies that 85 PSTs constructed for a multistep fraction task in a multiplicative context. The results show that many PSTs were able to construct valid pictorial strategies, and the strategies were widely diverse with respect to how they made sense of an unknown referent whole of a fraction in multiple steps, how they represented the wholes in their drawings, in which order they did multiple steps, and which type of model they used (area or set). Based on their wide range of pictorial strategies, we discuss potential benefits of PSTs’ construction of their own representations for a word problem in developing problem solving skills

    Consistent Surgeon Evaluations of Three-Dimensional Rendering of PET/CT Scans of the Abdomen of a Patient with a Ductal Pancreatic Mass.

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    Two-dimensional (2D) positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) are used for diagnosis and evaluation of cancer patients, requiring surgeons to look through multiple planar images to comprehend the tumor and surrounding tissues. We hypothesized that experienced surgeons would consistently evaluate three-dimensional (3D) presentation of CT images overlaid with PET images when preparing for a procedure. We recruited six Jefferson surgeons to evaluate the accuracy, usefulness, and applicability of 3D renderings of the organs surrounding a malignant pancreas prior to surgery. PET/CT and contrast-enhanced CT abdominal scans of a patient with a ductal pancreatic mass were segmented into 3D surface renderings, followed by co-registration. Version A used only the PET/CT image, while version B used the contrast-enhanced CT scans co-registered with the PET images. The six surgeons answered 15 questions covering a) the ease of use and accuracy of models, b) how these models, with/without PET, changed their understanding of the tumor, and c) what are the best applications of the 3D visualization, on a scale of 1 to 5. The six evaluations revealed a statistically significant improvement from version A (score 3.6±0.5) to version B (score 4.4±0.4). A paired-samples t-test yielded t(14) = -8.964,

    Imaging spontaneous MMTVneu transgenic murine mammary tumors: targeting metabolic activity versus genetic products.

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the great strides made in imaging breast cancer (BC) in humans, the current imaging modalities miss up to 30% of BC, do not distinguish malignant lesions from benign ones, and require histologic examinations for which invasive biopsy must be performed. Annually in the United States, approximately 5.6 million biopsies find benign lesions. More than 50% of human BCs overexpress cyclin D1, and all BCs exhibit VPAC1 oncogene products. Together, these gene products may provide an excellent biomarker for the early and accurate detection of BC. We have evaluated 4 biologically active peptide analogs that have high affinity for VPAC1. The transgenic MMTVneu mice spontaneously develop BC and metastatic lesions that overexpress cyclin D1 and VPAC1 biomarkers. The MMTVneu mouse, therefore, provides an excellent animal model that mimics the pathogenesis of human BC. The objective of this investigation was to determine the ability of 1 of the peptide analogs, (64)Cu-TP3805, to detect BC in MMTVneu mice using (18)F-FDG as a gold standard. METHODS: The transgenic MMTVneu mouse colony was maintained. Offspring were screened for transgenic status by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Nine mice with visible, palpable, or unknown metastatic lesions were entered into the protocol. (18)F-FDG (6,475 +/- 1,628 kBq [175 +/- 44 microCi]) PET served as a control, followed by a CT scan and 24-48 h later by PET with (64)Cu-TP3805 (4,588 +/- 962 kBq [124 +/- 26 microCi]). RT-PCR on excised tumors determined VPAC1 expression, and histology ascertained the pathology. RESULTS: Ten tumors were detected by PET. Four tumors were detected both by (18)F-FDG and by (64)Cu-TP3805. Additionally, 4 tumors were imaged with (64)Cu-TP3805 only. These 8 tumors overexpressed VPAC1 receptors and were malignant by histology. The 2 remaining tumors were visualized with (18)F-FDG only. These tumors did not express the VPAC1 oncogene product and had benign histology. The standard uptake value ranged from 3.1 to 18.3 for (64)Cu-TP3805 and 0.9 to 1.4 for (18)F-FDG. CONCLUSION: (64)Cu-TP3805 identified all malignant lesions unequivocally that overexpressed the VPAC1 oncogene surface product. The 2 benign tumors that did not express the VPAC1 receptor were not imaged. (64)Cu-TP3805 promises to have the potential for the early and accurate imaging of primary and metastatic BC

    Targeting apoptosis for optical imaging of infection

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    PURPOSE: Infection is ubiquitous and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The most reliable method for localizing infection requires radiolabeling autologous white blood cells ex vivo. A compound that can be injected directly into a patient and can selectively image infectious foci will eliminate the drawbacks. The resolution of infection is associated with neutrophil apoptosis and necrosis presenting phosphatidylserine (PS) on the neutrophil outer leaflet. Targeting PS with intravenous administration of a PS-specific, near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore will permit localization of infectious foci by optical imaging. METHODS: Bacterial infection and sterile inflammation were induced in separate groups (n = 5) of mice. PS was targeted with a NIR fluorophore, PSVue(®)794 (2.7 pmol). Imaging was performed (ex = 730 nm, em = 830 nm) using Kodak Multispectral FX-Pro system. The contralateral normal thigh served as an individualized control. Confocal microscopy of normal and apoptotic neutrophils and bacteria confirmed PS specificity. RESULTS: Lesions, with a 10-s image acquisition, were unequivocally visible at 5 min post-injection. At 3 h post-injection, the lesion to background intensity ratios in the foci of infection (6.6 ± 0.2) were greater than those in inflammation (3.2 ± 0.5). Image fusions confirmed anatomical locations of the lesions. Confocal microscopy determined the fluorophore specificity for PS. CONCLUSIONS: Targeting PS presented on the outer leaflet of apoptotic or necrotic neutrophils as well as gram-positive microorganism with PS-specific NIR fluorophore provides a sensitive means of imaging infection. Literature indicates that NIR fluorophores can be detected 7-14 cm deep in tissue. This observation together with the excellent results and the continued development of versatile imaging devices could make optical imaging a simple, specific, and rapid modality for imaging infection

    Are Canadian General Internal Medicine training program graduates well prepared for their future careers?

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    BACKGROUND: At a time of increased need and demand for general internists in Canada, the attractiveness of generalist careers (including general internal medicine, GIM) has been falling as evidenced by the low number of residents choosing this specialty. One hypothesis for the lack of interest in a generalist career is lack of comfort with the skills needed to practice after training, and the mismatch between the tertiary care, inpatient training environment and "real life". This project was designed to determine perceived effectiveness of training for 10 years of graduates of Canadian GIM programs to assist in the development of curriculum and objectives for general internists that will meet the needs of graduates and ultimately society. METHODS: Mailed survey designed to explore perceived importance of training for and preparation for various aspects of Canadian GIM practice. After extensive piloting of the survey, including a pilot survey of two universities to improve the questionnaire, all graduates of the 16 universities over the previous ten years were surveyed. RESULTS: Gaps (difference between importance and preparation) were demonstrated in many of the CanMEDS 2000/2005(® )competencies. Medical problems of pregnancy, perioperative care, pain management, chronic care, ambulatory care and community GIM rotations were the medical expert areas with the largest gaps. Exposure to procedural skills was perceived to be lacking. Some procedural skills valued as important for current GIM trainees and performed frequently (example ambulatory ECG interpretation) had low preparation ratings by trainees. Other areas of perceived discrepancy between training and practice included: manager role (set up of an office), health advocate (counseling for prevention, for example smoking cessation), and professional (end of life issues, ethics). CONCLUSION: Graduates of Canadian GIM training programs over the last ten years have identified perceived gaps between training and important areas for practice. They have identified competencies that should be emphasized in Canadian GIM programs. Ongoing review of graduate's perceptions of training programs as it applies to their current practice is important to ensure ongoing appropriateness of training programs. This information will be used to strengthen GIM training programs in Canada

    Coordinate control of cell cycle regulatory genes in zebrafish development tested by cyclin D1 knockdown with morpholino phosphorodiamidates and hydroxyprolyl-phosphono peptide nucleic acids

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    During early zebrafish (Danio rerio) development zygotic transcription does not begin until the mid-blastula transition (MBT) ∼3 h after fertilization. MBT demarcates transition from synchronous short cell cycles of S and M phases exclusively to full cycles encompassing G(1) and G(2) phases. Transcriptional profiling and RT–PCR analyses during these phases enabled us to determine that this shift corresponds to decreased transcript levels of S/M phase cell cycle control genes (e.g. ccna2, ccnb1, ccnb2 and ccne) and increased transcript levels of ccnd1, encoding cyclin D1, and orthologs of p21 (p21-like) and retinoblastoma (Rb-like 1). To investigate the regulation of this process further, the translation of ccnd1 mRNA, a G(1)/S checkpoint control element, was impaired by microinjection of ccnd1-specific morpholino phosphorodiamidate (MO) 20mer or hydroxyprolyl-phosphono peptide nucleic acid (HypNA-pPNA) 16mer antisense oligonucleotides. The resulting downregulation of cyclin D1 protein resulted in microophthalmia and microcephaly, but not lethality. The phenotypes were not seen with 3-mismatch MO 20mers or 1-mismatch HypNA-pPNA 16mers, and were rescued by an exogenous ccnd1 mRNA construct with five mismatches. Collectively, these results indicate that transcription of key molecular determinants of asynchronous cell cycle control in zebrafish embryos commences at MBT and that the reduction of cyclin D1 expression compromises zebrafish eye and head development
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