9 research outputs found

    Analisis Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas (Studi Kasus - Jalan Raya Ungaran - Bawen)

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    Traffic accident is the problem that need serious attention because the risk that can be caused. Therefore it need study to do analysis for the traffic accident data.This final project take place in Ungaran-Bawen road in Semarang city. That road are artery road with very crowded traffic.That road are connecting Semarang as one of big city in Central Java with the city around , example : Solo, Magelang, and Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study are to identify location and the cause of traffic accident in order to give the solution to reduce the accident that will happen. Data analysis which we do to know relation usher variable having an effect on to accident amount use aid of computer program of SPSS, while for determination of location of accident gristle (blackspot), using statistical technique control traffic. Traffic accident caused by some factor, that is human (driver), environmental, vehicle and roads. From result analyse data, human (driver) represent primary factor of cause the happening of accident (66,89%). Careless driver is most driver behavior often cause the happening of accident (72,45%). Type of accident and most collision often be happened is front - front collision (50,85%), with motorcycle (53,78%) as most type vehicle often be involved by a accident. The most common time of the accident was at 12.00 – 18.00 (31,74%) and the most common driver job of the accident is employee (61,86%)

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Metode Non Tanggul Dan Tanggul Pada Lahan Reklamasi Pengembangan Terminal Peti Kemas Pelabuhan Tanjung Mas Semarang

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    There are limitations on the land development in TPKS lead to make reclamation land with non levee and levee method.The strength of steel pile and batter pile structure construction in each method will be analyzed using Plaxis 2D. The analysis result from Plaxis 2D are safety factor and structure force. The result from first variation uses non levee method has safety factor about 1,27 and has additional cost about Rp.3,880,854,789 from contract (second B variation); the result from second A variation uses levee method with dredging until – 9 m has safety factor about 1,4203 and save the cost about Rp.1,193,035,512 from contract (second B variation); the result from second B variation uses levee method with dredging until – 12,5 m has safety factor about 1.3387 and cost equal to contract about Rp. 211,090,224,932; the result from third variation uses levee method with add geotextile has safety factor about 1,6614 and has additonal cost about Rp.1,233,863,485 from contract (second B variation); the result from fourth variation uses levee method with add anchor has safety factor about 2,3044 and has additional cost about Rp.3,963,658,400 from contract (second B variation). Comparation between non levee method and levee method has result that levee method is better than non levee method

    Analisis Dan Alternatif Solusi Lalu Lintas Di Bundaran Jalan Teuku Umar Denpasar

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    The volume growth of road traffic continues to increase rapidly especially in the city of Denpasar. This makes the traffic jam occurred in the city of Denpasar on rush hour, especially at Teuku Umar roundabout. The aim of research is to evaluate and find solustion occlusion at Teuku Umar roundabout. In the case try solution of traffic engineering and Development underpass .Data collection is done by a direct survey on six approaches at the foot of the roundabou at the peak hour of the morning, afternoon and evening. The captured data is the number of vehicles passing through the street that enter and roundabout exit. Analysis of the performance of the roundabout by using the guidelines Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997. The results of the performance of the roundabout on the existing condition have average delay in roundabout 16,98 sec/hours at condition scenario 1 with traffic engineering average delay in roundabout drop to 8,07 sec/hours consequence incresing the number of venicles on Teuku Umar Timur street, Teuku Umar Barat street, Imam Bonjol street, Diponegoro street which degree of saturation before 0,43, 021, 0,55, 0,64 and after the traffic egineering rise to 0,58,0,24,0,66, 0,80. In scenario 2 with development underpass average delay in roundabout drop to 4,53 sec/hours and value is smaller than scenario 1 traffic engineering to overcome congestion at Teuku Umar roundabout its recommendation scenario 2 development underpass. Development underpaas could occur when land acquistion well prepared

    Evaluasi Dan Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Bundaran Kalibanteng Pasca Terbangunnya Flyover

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    The high vehicle passes on Kalibanteng Intersection as one of main road to reach West Semarang area decreasing the traffic performance. One of the strategies to improve the performance is by building a flyover and widening aprroach. The results of the degree of saturation analysis before flyover was build reaches 1,08 on Sudirman Street, 0,92 on Pamularsih Street, 0,71 on Abdulrahman Saleh Street, 0,93 on Siliwangi Street, 1,08 on Bandara Ahmad Yani Street and 0,52 on RE. Martadinata Street. Widening aprroach done by add 2 meters on Siliwangi Street and 4 meters on Sudirman Street. Beside that, also displacing access to Ahmad Yani Airport into Maerokoco. Based on the analysis with widening the aprroach and displacing airport access, road performance is improved, shown by the degree of saturation on Siliwangi Street is less than 0,79, on RE. Martadinata Street less than 0,18, on Sudirman Street less than 0,41, Pamularsih Street less than 0,83 and Abdulrahman Saleh Street less than 0,65. It was concluded that widening the aprroach and displacing airport access produce a better performance than before there is no flyover

    Evaluasi Kinerja Operasional Dan USAha Penanganan Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Pada Simpang Ring Road Utara – Jalan Kaliurang, Sleman, Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Yogyakarta is a very strategic because it is located in the middle of the south line of Java, which is a traffic brokering eastern Java and West Java. Each year the vehicle across the city of Yogyakarta has increased, besides due to its tourism appeal, Yogyakarta factors as student city became the main drivers of traffic congestion, especially at the strategic intersection of the Ring Road intersection north-Way Ground. From the secondary data obtained from the Directorate General of Highways Yogyakarta showed that the rate of growth in daily traffic average intersection has increased in the last 5 years. Figures show the feasibility of the service with the highest degree of saturation / degree of saturation (DS), the condition on the road DS> 0.75 and at the intersection of DS> 0.85. The results of the analysis of primary data obtained from the field survey in January 2013 showed the value of DS on existing roads still eligible, while the value of DS intersections are not eligible. Basic steps of handling the problem of congestion, namely the optimization of intersections with signal timing, intersection geometry settings and traffic management. After these steps are considered not provide significant changes in the value of DS, the last step is planning the construction of new roads in the form of flyover. With the construction of new roads, intersection capacity will be increased so that the value of DS who qualify will last a long time with increasing growth rate LHR Yogyakarta city in the years to come

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tebu Sebagai Pengganti Filler Untuk Campuran Aspal Beton Jenis “Hot Rolled Sheet– Wearing Course“

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    Highway pavement in Indonesia generally use a mix asphalt concrete as a surface layer consisting of a mixture of constituent materials coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and bitumen. HRS is a mixture suitable for use in tropical areas like Indonesia because it has high elasticity and resistance to fatigue plastic (Rantetoding, 1984). HRS mixture consists of coarse aggregate, fine and asphalt. Fine aggregate form filler, which is necessary to fill voids between the aggregate particles so as to increase the density of the mixture. In general filler used is stone ash, stone ash filler but is relatively expensive, so it is necessary to find other alternatives to the use of cheaper materials for filler substitutes standard. One of the waste materials that can be used is the waste from sugar mills bagasse. Refiners produce waste in the form of bagasse, the percentage content of chemical compounds (Silica) on bagasse ash was 70.94% which is expected to improve the quality of asphalt mix. The purpose of this research is to determine the performance of asphalt concrete type of HRS-WC when using bagasse ash filler compared with stone ash filler, with the goal of getting an alternative filler in the form of bagasse ash. Test characteristics of aggregate, filler and bitumen done before making Marshall specimens to determine whether the materialis qualified or not as asphalt mix material. This study refers to the Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010, of the Directorate General of Highways. The results showed the test aggregate, filler and bitumen, as well as all the HRS-WC mixed with bagasse ash filler and stones ash filler qualify. The use of bagasse ash filler mixed with HRS-WC increasing bitumen content is 6.95%, resulting in values, VIM: 5.96%, VMA: 21:36% and VFB: 72.12%, is higher than the HRS-WC mixture using stones ash filler that is 6.75%, with a value of VIM: 5.95%, VMA: 20.64% and VFB: 71.68%. In addition to the value of bagasse ash filler Stability: 1231.07 Kg, Marshall Quotient: 260.58 Kg / mm and flow: 4.72 mm being lower than the value of Stability: 1280.98 Kg, Marshall Quotient: 268.97 Kg / mm and flow: 4.76 mm in stone ash filler. This suggests that the HRS-WC mixture using bagasse ash filler bitumen requires more than the HRS-WC mixture using stone ash filler. From the results of this analysis indicate that the use of bagasse ash filler mixed with HRS-WC to qualify as an alternative filler materials stone ash, so that the bagasse ash can be used for asphalt concrete mix HRS-WC, in which the results are not much different from mixed HRS-WC using stone ash filler

    Penggunaan Leadcap Sebagai Material Aditif Untuk Warm Mix Asphalt (Wma)

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    Material LEADCAP is an additive material to be added to the asphalt (by the dry/ wet process) for the purpose of reducing the temperature of the mixed asphalt. LEADCAP melts at about 100̊C and completely dissolve into the asphalt at a temperature 130⁰C. To determine the performance of the asphalt mixture by LEADCAP, we made 15 samples to determine the optimum bitumen content (OBC) with a bitumen content of 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5%. Then with the OBC has been obtained, the mixture is made with 3 variations LEADCAP levels of 2%, 4%, and 6%. From the LEADCAP levels, made respectively - each 3 variations in temperature is 145⁰C, 140⁰C, 130⁰C. Every each temperature we made 3

    Perencanaan Ulang Desain Parkir Pasar Bulu Kota Semarang

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    Nowadays the progress of Semarang city is getting rapid, many shop centers rises in Tugu Muda area. Most of people use their car or motorbike to do their activities through those streets. This condition caused the higher mobility each year and makes parking lots become important thing in transportation system. The necessary of parking lot should be available, The bigger traffic volume makes bigger necessary of parking lot. If it does not enough, cars may take the spaces beside of road to park, and this caused some disruptions to others. Redesigning the park design focused on one the biggest traditional market in Semarang one of them is Bulu market at Mgr Soegijapranoto street. The method used in this redesign is plat matching method for data retrieval parking , Linier regretion method and the queuing theory to data processing and the parking design. Primary data that is required in this analysis is parking duration, and service system. And for the secondary data required the amount of vehicles out – vehicles in at the market, the amount of traders at the market, the amount of resident at each subdistricts of Semarang city, and area of the market. The conclusion, the parking lot design, 117 SRP to car and 502 SRP to motorcycle, can provide the customers need in parking at the market. The design can be predicted that it will be resisted in five years based on growing ratio between city parking lot and Bulu market parking lot