3,823 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan guna mengupayakan suatu keterampilan kependidikan yang diperoleh di kampus dan berusaha mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran mahasiswa di lokasi PPL. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan praktik persekolahan. Adapun tujuan dari praktik pengalaman lapangan ini diantaranya untuk melatih para mahasiswa calon guru sehingga bisa menjadi guru yang profesional di bidangnya. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan yang dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah Wonosari meliputi kegiatan praktik p em b el aj aran di kelas dan praktik persekolahan. Kegiatan praktik pembelajaran di kelas mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2015. Kegiatan praktik pembelajaran di kelas bert uju an agar mah asis wa praktikan memperoleh pengalaman mengajar. Pada kesempatan ini praktikan mengajar mata pelajaran PJOK kelas X dan XI Tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Sementara kegiatan praktik persekolahan bertujuan agar mahasiswa praktikan mampu mengenal manajemen sekolah dan melakukan kegiatan di luar pembelajaran formal. Kegiatan ini meliputi piket m e n j a g a r u a n g p i k e t . Setelah melaksanakan praktik mengajar sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan selama 26 hari, maka didapatkan hasil bahwa siswa SMK Muhammadiyah Wonosari rata-rata mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang besar terhadap berbagai hal yang mendukung dalam pembelajaran. Siswa juga bisa berperan aktif dalam setiap pembelajaran, seperti mampu mengutarakan pendapatnya sendiri terkait dengan pembelajaran, bisa berdiskusi dengan baik, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam rangka mewujudkan output yang baik dari segi IQ, EQ, dan SQ, pihak sekolah menjalankan peranannya sebagai lembaga pendidikan secara professional seperti konsolidasi kegiatan belajar mengajar, menjalin hubungan antar personal, s a l i n g m e n g h a r g a i , melengkapi sarana dan prasarana dan tertib administrasi


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    ABSTRAKSaat ini sistem pengendalian pada fasilitas hotel Puri Srijaya masih menggunakansistem manual yaitu dengan cara menekan tombol on/off pada setiap perangkat elektronik disemua kamar serta banyaknya customer yang meninggalkan kamar hotel atau checkouttanpa mematikan alat elektronik.Untuk membantu mengatasi masalah tersebut, dirancang suatu peralatan instrumentasiberupa alat pengontrol listrik pada hotel mengunakan interface USB Berbasis PemrogramanDelphi dengan ATMega 8. Alat ini diharapkan dapat mengontrol pemakaian listrik pada HotelPuri Srijaya, sehingga dapat membantu memonitoring dan memberikan informasi yang akuratuntuk pemakaian listrik dengan tujuan agar pengeluaran listrik hotel dapat terkontrol denganbaik. Pengaturan nyala komponen elektronika, sudah dapat berfungsi dengan baik sesuai denganyang diharapkan.Kata Kunci : Interface USB, ATMega 8.ABSTRACTRecently the facilities control system of Puri Srijaya hotel still use the manual systemby pressing the on / off button on every electronic device in all of the rooms, and in additionmany customers left the rooms or checkout without turning off electronic devices.To overcome These problems, instrumentation tool in the form of the Electric devicesController is designed using the USB interface based on Delphi Programming-language and byATMEGA 8. This tool controls the consumption of the electricity usage on Puri Srijaya hotel, soit can help to monitor and provide the accurate information about the electricity consumption inorder to control the electricity expenditure. The switching management of electronic devices isalready works well as is expected.Keywords: USB Interface, ATMega

    A Novel Approach of Virotherapy Based Hsf-1 Shrna in Cancer Eradication

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide with continues rise mortality rate. Current cancer treatment modalities are still ineffective and associated with many side effects leading to robust research to find new specific target therapy. Heat shock factor (HSF)-1 is heat shock response mediator protein and act as transcription factor for HSP encoding gene. Many cancers have up-regulated HSP as a result of increase HSF-1 expression. Interestingly, inhibition of HSF-1 has no effect to normal cell, indicating HSF-1 as promises target therapy. RNAi is potential mechanism to block and down regulate HSF-1 which will affect many cellular processes in cancer cell. Combining RNAi base treatment with oncolityc viruses will boost the therapeutic effect of this novel treatment. Despite its potency, this modality still need further research in order to evaluate its efficacy and optimal doses to gain optimal result

    SPK Dalam Menentukan Masa Tananm Pohon Cengkeh Menggunakan Metode Weight Product

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    Hasil suatu jenis tanaman bergantung pada interaksi antara faktor genetis dan faktor lingkungan seperti jenis tanah, topografi, pengelolaan, pola iklim dan teknologi. Dari faktor lingkungan, maka faktor tanah merupakan modal utama. Keadaan tanah sangat dipengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur iklim, yaitu hujan, suhu dan kelembaban. Pengaruh itu kadang menguntungkan tapi tidak jarang pula merugikan. Namun demikian dalam penanaman cengkeh (masa tanam) masyarakat petani kebanyakan dalam mencari waktu tanamnya masih menggunakan kebiasaan atau tradisional secara turun temurun misalnya dengan menggunakan kalender Jawa, awal mulai turun hujan, dan sebagainya. Sehingga diperlukan sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan masa tanam pohon cengkeh agar petani cengkeh dapat mengetahui kapan waktu yang tepat untuk menanam cengkeh berdasarkan karakteristik daerahnya, sehingga hasil dari pertanian cengkeh dapat maksimal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunaka algorithm Weighted Product dimana perkalian digunakan untuk menghubungkan rating atribut dan rating setiap rating atribut yang dipangkatkan dengan atribut yang bersangkutan. Algoritma ini untuk mendapatkan hasil perhitungan dalam sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan masa tanam pohon cengkeh berdasarkan kriteria curah hujan, kondisi tanah, suhu udara, ketinggian dan kelembaban udara . Aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan masa tanam pohon cengkeh dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Database MySQL. Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini layak dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menentukan masa tanam pohon cengkeh


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    Masalah Pokok dalam Penelitian ini adalah “Apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar ranah kognitif pada pengetahuan konseptual antara siswa yang menggunakan media rekaman Time Lapse dengan siswa yang menggunakan media tradisional pada Mata Pelajaran IPA dalam materi laju pertumbuhan, pada siswa kelas 7 SMPN 20 Bandung ?” dan “ Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar antara siswa yang menggunakan media rekaman Time Lapse dengan siswa yang menggunakan media tradisional pada Mata Pelajaran IPA dalam materi laju pertumbuhan, pada siswa kelas 7 SMPN 20 Bandung ?”. Lebih rinci masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar aspek mengingat, 2) Apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar aspek memahami, 3) Apakah terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar aspek menerapkan, 4) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan visual, 5) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan oral, 6) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan mendengar, 7) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan menulis, 8) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan menggambar, 9) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan motorik, 10) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan mental, 11) Apakah terdapat perbedaan aktivitas belajar kegiatan emosional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group bentuk pretest-posttest control group design. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes objektif bentuk pilihan ganda dan angket bentuk tertutup. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini secara Cluster Sampling. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa ranah kognitif pada pengetahuan konseptual siswa yang menggunakan rekaman Time Lapse lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang menggunakan media tradisional pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dalam materi laju pertumbuhan, pada siswa kelas 7 SMPN 20 Bandung. Selain itu juga aktivitas belajar siswa yang menggunakan media rekaman Time Lapse lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang menggunakan media tradisional pada Mata Pelajaran IPA dalam materi laju pertumbuhan, pada siswa kelas 7 SMPN 20 Bandung. Kata kunci : Rekaman Time Lapse, Hasil Belajar, Aktivitas Belajar, Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam


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    Twenty-one units of school E-books subjecting in Arts and Culture in total has been released nationwide, which must be consented by Indonesia’s Body of National Standard of Education (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) – the appointed organization to certify Indonesia’s educational features. The graphic instruments applied on cover designs, of which emphasis is merely on technical aspects, requires further examination. Such condition becomes the basis of this study in order to identify, describe and illustrate the implementation of cover designing school E-books subjecting in Arts and Culture through: (1) proficient instructional media’s perspective, (2) visual communication design’s perspective, (3) visual semiotics’ perspective, and (4) end users’ perspective. Additionally, it also qualifies the cover designs. Pertaining qualitative research toward the entire 21 school E-books subjecting in Arts and Culture, the data gathering process involves three sets of instrument:comprehensive reading on visual marks and their relevance with the books’ concepts as cited by C.S. Peirce, corroborative approach toward specialists on both instructional media and visual communication designs, and collective line on end users’ responds. Conclusively, it is found out that: (1) instructional media consultants agree on the significance of all covers, while visual communication designers pronounce that twelve of them are worth it, (2) all covers meet the books’ concepts’ relevance semiotically, (3) students as end-users have positive responds toward all covers, and (4) 12 out of 21 sets of cover design qualify after fulfilling all criteria obliged by this study. Therefore, it recommends: (1) optimal application of visual marks in cover designing process by utilizing e-book features, (2) mature procedure in selecting cover designer(s) to better represent the concept of each book, and (3) intensification on selecting E-book cover designs. The Body of National Standard of Education needs to assess not only technical instruments applied, but also multimedia studies and visual communication designing theories. Further, it is expected to involve both the expertise of visual communication designers and view of the students as targeted end-users in future evaluation process

    Efficacy, Cost-Effectiveness, And Risk-Benefit Analysis Of Three Herbicides In Immature Oil Palm Plantation

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    Field experiment and survey were conducted at Malaysian Airport Berhad (MAB) Agriculture-Horticulture Sdn. Bhd., Sepang, Selangor. Laboratory and glass-house experiments were done at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Two-year old oil palm planted in the plantation was used in the experiment. Paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate were used as treatments. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and impact of three commonly used broad-spectrum herbicides, namely, paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate on cost, production, environment and safety. Efficacy, short term weed dynamic, oil palm growth, fungi and bacteria population in soil, residual phytotoxicity effect, residue analysis, and risk-benefit analysis of the three broad-spectrum herbicides were determined and evaluated in the experiment. Paraquat at 200 and 400 g a.i. ha-1 were not effective to control weeds, whereas at 600 and 800 g a.i. ha-1 were effective with the duration of effective weed control of 8.75 and 11.75 weeks, respectively. Glufosinate-ammonium at 200 g a.i. ha-1 and glyphosate at 400 g a.i. ha-1 gave excellent weed control, within the duration of effective weed control of 15 and 14.5 weeks, respectively. Thus, efficacy of glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate was better than paraquat. Treatments with glufosinate-ammonium and glyphosate increased densities of broadleaf weed, but not on grass and total weed densities. Paraquat treatments did not cause weed shifting, whereas both glufosinate-ammonium and glyposate treatments caused shifting in the weed species composition. A round of paraquat sprayed at 200, 400, 600, and 800 g a.i. ha-1, glufosinate-ammonium at 200, 400, 600, and 800 g a.i. ha-1, and glyphosate at 400, 800, 1200, and 1600 g a.i. ha-1 did not increase herbicide residues in the soil. Using paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium, and glyphosate for controlling weeds were safe for vegetative (plant height, the number of fronds/plant) and generative (number of fruit bunches/plant) growths of oil palm. Severe weed competition affected number of fruit bunch of oil palm significantly, especially at early maturation stages. Using paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium, and glyphosate for controlling weeds in immature oil palm did not affect bacteria and fungi populations in the soil. The herbicides applied at range of recommended dose were safe not only to oil palm crops but also for bacteria and fungi as expressed by their populations. Paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium, and glyphosate residues in soil did not cause adverse effects (risk) on seed germination and growth components (plant height, leaf area, root length, and total dry weight) of corn and cucumber seedlings in bioassay study conducted. At the range of recommended application doses, paraquat, glufosinate-ammonium, and glyphosate were safe for seed germination and plant growth. Paraquat has unacceptable risk to human health, especially to the applicators. Paraquat at 800 g a.i./ha is quite costly (RM 310.80/ha/year) to get the satisfactory weed control. The risk of paraquat clearly outweighed its benefit. Glufosinate-ammonium has acceptable risk level to human health and environment. Glufosinate-ammonium require medium cost (RM 214.19/ha/year) to get to the satisfactory weed control. Glufosinate-ammonium can be used as alternate herbicide to avoid weed resistance. Glyphosate has acceptable risk to human health and environment, and lower cost (RM 108.95/ha/year) to get to the satisfactory level of weed control. The benefit of glyphosate clearly outweighed its risk. This herbicide should be recommended widely because of its efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and safety. However, alternate herbicide is needed to avoid broadleaf weeds resistance. Safe and effective use of herbicides in oil palm plantations were depend significantly on herbicide knowledge, experience, and formal education of the applicators. Handling and using herbicides safely were available, but preventive measures are costly. The use of dangerous herbicides should be restricted, when preventive behavior can not be used as a method of controlling the health risks associated with herbicides

    An artificial neural network for redundant robot inverse kinematics computation

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    A redundant manipulator can be defined as a manipulator that has more degrees of freedom than necessary to determine the position and orientation of the end effector. Such a manipulator has dexterity, flexibility, and the ability to maneuver in presence of obstacles. One important and necessary step in utilizing a redundant robot is to relate the joint coordinates of the manipulator with the position and orientation of the end-effector. This specification is termed as the direct kinematics problem and can be written as x = f(q) where x is a vector representing the position and orientation of the end-effector, q is the Joint vector, and f is a continuous non-linear function defined by the design of the manipulator. The inverse kinematics problem can be stated as: Given a position and orientation of the end-effector, determine the joint vector that specifies this position a q = f -1(x). and orientation. That is, For non-trivial designs, f -1 cannot be expressed analytically. This paper presents a solution to the inverse kinematics problem for a redundant robot based on multilayer feed-forward artificial neural network