141 research outputs found

    Hippocampal atrophy is associated with hearing loss in cognitively normal adults

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    Objectives: A growing body of evidence suggests that age-related hearing loss (HL) is associated with morphological changes of the cerebral cortex, but the results have been drawn from a small amount of data in most studies. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between HL and gray matter volume (GMV) in a large number of subjects, strictly controlling for an extensive set of possible biases.// Methods: Medical records of 576 subjects who underwent pure tone audiometry, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the Korean Mini-Mental State Exam (K-MMSE) were reviewed. Among them, subjects with normal cognitive function and free of central nervous system disorders or coronary artery disease were included. Outliers were excluded after a sample homogeneity check. In the end, 405 subjects were enrolled. Pure tone hearing thresholds were determined at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz in the better ear. Enrolled subjects were divided into 3 groups according to pure tone average: normal hearing (NH), mild HL (MHL), and moderate-to-severe HL (MSHL) groups. Using voxel-based morphometry, we evaluated GMV changes that may be associated with HL. Sex, age, total intracranial volume, type of MRI scanner, education level, K-MMSE score, smoking status, and presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia were used as covariates. // Results: A statistically significant negative correlation between the hearing thresholds and GMV of the hippocampus was elucidated. Additionally, in group comparisons, the left hippocampal GMV of the MSHL group was significantly smaller than that of the NH and MHL groups. // Conclusion: Based on the negative correlation between hearing thresholds and hippocampal GMV in cognitively normal old adults, the current study indicates that peripheral deafferentation could be a potential contributing factor to hippocampal atrophy

    Are Bigger Brains Smarter? Evidence From a Large-Scale Preregistered Study

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    A positive relationship between brain volume and intelligence has been suspected since the 19th century, and empirical studies seem to support this hypothesis. However, this claim is controversial because of concerns about publication bias and the lack of systematic control for critical confounding factors (e.g., height, population structure). We conducted a preregistered study of the relationship between brain volume and cognitive performance using a new sample of adults from the United Kingdom that is about 70% larger than the combined samples of all previous investigations on this subject (N = 13,608). Our analyses systematically controlled for sex, age, height, socioeconomic status, and population structure, and our analyses were free of publication bias. We found a robust association between total brain volume and fluid intelligence (r =.19), which is consistent with previous findings in the literature after controlling for measurement quality of intelligence in our data. We also found a positive relationship between total brain volume and educational attainment (r =.12). These relationships were mainly driven by gray matter (rather than white matter or fluid volume), and effect sizes were similar for both sexes and across age groups

    Altered resting-state connectivity in subjects at ultra-high risk for psychosis: an fMRI study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis have self-disturbances and deficits in social cognition and functioning. Midline default network areas, including the medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex, are implicated in self-referential and social cognitive tasks. Thus, the neural substrates within the default mode network (DMN) have the potential to mediate self-referential and social cognitive information processing in UHR subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study utilized functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate resting-state DMN and task-related network (TRN) functional connectivity in 19 UHR subjects and 20 matched healthy controls. The bilateral posterior cingulate cortex was selected as a seed region, and the intrinsic organization for all subjects was reconstructed on the basis of fMRI time series correlation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Default mode areas included the posterior/anterior cingulate cortices, the medial prefrontal cortex, the lateral parietal cortex, and the inferior temporal region. Task-related network areas included the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, supplementary motor area, the inferior parietal lobule, and middle temporal cortex. Compared to healthy controls, UHR subjects exhibit hyperconnectivity within the default network regions and reduced anti-correlations (or negative correlations nearer to zero) between the posterior cingulate cortex and task-related areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings suggest that abnormal resting-state network activity may be related with the clinical features of UHR subjects. Neurodevelopmental and anatomical alterations of cortical midline structure might underlie altered intrinsic networks in UHR subjects.</p

    Moral Competence and Brain Connectivity: A Resting-State fMRI Study

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    Moral competence (MC) refers to the ability to apply certain moral orientations in a consistent and differentiated manner when judging moral issues. People greatly differ in terms of MC, however, little is known about how these differences are implemented in the brain. To investigate this question, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging and examined resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) in n = 31 individuals with MC scores in the highest 15% of the population and n = 33 individuals with MC scores in the lowest 15%, selected from a large sample of 730 Master of Business Administration (MBA) students. Compared to individuals with lower MC, individuals with higher MC showed greater amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal connectivity, which may reflect better ability to cope with emotional conflicts elicited by moral dilemmas. Moreover, individuals with higher MC showed less inter-network connectivity between the amygdalar and fronto-parietal networks, suggesting a more independent operation of these networks. Our findings provide novel insights into how individual differences in moral judgment are associated with RSFC in brain circuits related to emotion processing and cognitive control

    Reduced cortical folding of the anterior cingulate cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Background: Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) abnormalities have been implicated consistently in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), yet it remains unclear whether these abnormalities originated during early neurodevelopment. In this study, we examined the ACC sulcal/gyral patterns to investigate whether neurodevelopmental anomalies of the ACC were present in patients with OCD. We hypothesized that patients with OCD would show reduced cortical folding of the ACC compared with controls. Methods: We used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 169 healthy volunteers and 110 patients with OCD to examine the paracingulate sulcus and cingulate sulcus. We assessed cortical folding patterns according to established classification criteria and constructed 3 categories of paracingulate sulcus morphology according to its presence and anteroposterior extent: "prominent," "present" and "absent." We classified the cingulate sulcus as "interrupted" or "continuous" according to the interruptions in its course. In addition, we evaluated ACC sulcal asymmetry based on interhemispheric comparisons of paracingulate sulcus morphology. Results: Analyses revealed that patients with OCD were significantly less likely than controls to show a well-developed left paracingulate sulcus: 50.0% of patients and 65.1% of controls showed a "prominent" or "present" paracingulate sulcus in the left hemisphere. However, there were no differences in regard to cingulate sulcus continuity, and patients also showed the same leftward ACC sulcal asymmetry as controls. Limitations: Our study was limited by the fact that we obtained the MRI scans from 2 different scanners, and we did not calculate cerebral fissurization as our study was restricted to 1 specific brain region. Moreover, patients and controls differed significantly in terms of sex ratio and IQ, although we controlled these variables as covariates. Conclusion: Our findings imply a subtle deviation in the early neurodevelopment of the ACC in patients with OCD, but the extent to which these anomalies contributed to the pathogenesis of OCD remains unclear. Further studies that link the ACC morphologic anomalies to the pathophysiology of OCD are recommended.This work was supported by Cognitive Neuroscience Program of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology (M10644020003-08N4402-00310).Jung MH, 2009, PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH, V33, P605, DOI 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.02.017Whittle S, 2009, PSYCHIAT RES-NEUROIM, V172, P68, DOI 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2008.06.005Gu BM, 2008, BRAIN, V131, P155, DOI 10.1093/brain/awm277Fornito A, 2007, ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND, V116, P467, DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01069.xShin YW, 2007, HUM BRAIN MAPP, V28, P1128, DOI 10.1002/hbm.20338Huster RJ, 2007, NEUROIMAGE, V34, P888, DOI 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.10.023De Geus F, 2007, PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS, V61, P45, DOI 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2007.01609.xFornito A, 2006, SCHIZOPHR RES, V88, P192, DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2006.06.034Jang JH, 2006, AM J PSYCHIAT, V163, P1202Kim YY, 2006, BRAIN TOPOGR, V18, P201, DOI 10.1007/s10548-006-0269-2Klimkeit EI, 2006, CORTEX, V42, P113Valente AA, 2005, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V58, P479, DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.04.021Rosenberg DR, 2004, J AM ACAD CHILD PSY, V43, P1146, DOI 10.1097/01.chi.0000132812.44664.2dFornito A, 2004, CEREB CORTEX, V14, P424, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhh004Shin YW, 2004, PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS, V58, P16Yucel M, 2003, BRIT J PSYCHIAT, V182, P518Yucel M, 2002, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V52, P15Lyoo IK, 2001, J CLIN PSYCHIAT, V62, P637Allman JM, 2001, ANN NY ACAD SCI, V935, P107Yucel M, 2001, CEREB CORTEX, V11, P17Bradshaw JL, 2000, BRAIN LANG, V73, P297Bush G, 2000, TRENDS COGN SCI, V4, P215Penalva J, 2000, BIOSENS BIOELECTRON, V15, P99Lohmann G, 1999, CEREB CORTEX, V9, P754Magnotta VA, 1999, CEREB CORTEX, V9, P151Tibbo P, 1999, J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI, V24, P15Rosenberg DR, 1998, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V43, P623Purcell R, 1998, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V43, P348SAXENA S, 1998, BRIT J PSYCHIAT S, V35, P26FIRST MB, 1998, STRUCTURED CLIN INTESIEGEL S, 1998, NONPARAMETRIC STAT BRauch SL, 1997, J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N, V9, P568Bartley AJ, 1997, BRAIN, V120, P257VanEssen DC, 1997, NATURE, V385, P313Paus T, 1996, CEREB CORTEX, V6, P207FIRST MB, 1996, STRUCTURED CLIN INTEVOGT BA, 1995, J COMP NEUROL, V359, P490DEVINSKY O, 1995, BRAIN, V118, P279ARMSTRONG E, 1995, CEREB CORTEX, V5, P56PAULS DL, 1995, AM J PSYCHIAT, V152, P76KIM JS, 1995, KOREAN J CLIN PSYCHO, V14, P111*AM PSYCH ASS, 1994, DIAGN STAT MAN MENTBAXTER LR, 1992, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V49, P681HUANG CC, 1991, BRAIN DEV-JPN, V13, P27WELKER W, 1990, CEREBRAL CORTEX B, V8, P3DIXON WJ, 1990, BMDP STAT SOFTWARE MHOLLANDER E, 1990, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V47, P27CROW TJ, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1145GOODMAN WK, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1006GOODMAN WK, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1012SWEDO SE, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P518RAKIC P, 1988, SCIENCE, V241, P170BEAR D, 1986, ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO, V43, P598GESCHWIND N, 1985, ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO, V42, P521FLORHENRY P, 1983, CEREBRAL BASIS PSYCH, P301CHI JG, 1977, ANN NEUROL, V1, P86ANNETT M, 1970, BRIT J PSYCHOL, V61, P303CRICHTONBROWNE J, 1879, BRAIN, V2, P42

    Distinct neural networks associated with obsession and delusion: A connectome-wide association study

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    BACKGROUND: Obsession and delusion are theoretically distinct from each other in terms of reality testing. Despite such phenomenological distinction, no extant studies have examined the identification of common and distinct neural correlates of obsession and delusion by employing biologically grounded methods. Here, we investigated dimensional effects of obsession and delusion spanning across the traditional diagnostic boundaries reflected upon the resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) using connectome-wide association studies (CWAS). METHODS: Our study sample comprised of 96 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, 75 patients with schizophrenia, and 65 healthy controls. A connectome-wide analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between obsession and delusion severity and RFSC using multivariate distance-based matrix regression. RESULTS: Obsession was associated with the supplementary motor area, precentral gyrus, and superior parietal lobule, while delusion was associated with the precuneus. Follow-up seed-based RSFC and modularity analyses revealed that obsession was related to aberrant inter-network connectivity strength. Additional inter-network analyses demonstrated the association between obsession severity and inter-network connectivity between the frontoparietal control network and the dorsal attention network. CONCLUSIONS: Our CWAS study based on the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) provides novel evidence for the circuit-level functional dysconnectivity associated with obsession and delusion severity across diagnostic boundaries. Further refinement and accumulation of biomarkers from studies embedded within the RDoC framework would provide useful information in treating individuals who have some obsession or delusion symptoms but cannot be identified by the category of clinical symptoms alone

    Post-Conventional Moral Reasoning is Associated With Increased Ventral Striatal Activity at Rest and During Task

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    People vary considerably in moral reasoning. According to Kohlberg’s theory, individuals who reach the highest level of post-conventional moral reasoning judge moral issues based on deeper principles and shared ideals rather than self-interest or adherence to laws and rules. Recent research has suggested the involvement of the brain’s frontostriatal reward system in moral judgments and prosocial behaviors. However, it remains unknown whether moral reasoning level is associated with differences in reward system function. Here, we combined arterial spin labeling perfusion and blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging and measured frontostriatal reward system activity both at rest and during a sequential risky decision making task in a sample of 64 participants at different levels of moral reasoning. Compared to individuals at the pre-conventional and conventional level of moral reasoning, post-conventional individuals showed increased resting cerebral blood flow in the ventral striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Cerebral blood flow in these brain regions correlated with the degree of post-conventional thinking across groups. Post-conventional individuals also showed greater task-induced activation in the ventral striatum during risky decision making. These findings suggest that high-level post-conventional moral reasoning is associated with increased activity in the brain’s frontostriatal system, regardless of task-dependent or task-independent states

    The effect of meditation on brain structure: cortical thickness mapping and diffusion tensor imaging

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    A convergent line of neuroscientific evidence suggests that meditation alters the functional and structural plasticity of distributed neural processes underlying attention and emotion. The purpose of this study was to examine the brain structural differences between a well-matched sample of long-term meditators and controls. We employed whole-brain cortical thickness analysis based on magnetic resonance imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging to quantify white matter integrity in the brains of 46 experienced meditators compared with 46 matched meditation-naïve volunteers. Meditators, compared with controls, showed significantly greater cortical thickness in the anterior regions of the brain, located in frontal and temporal areas, including the medial prefrontal cortex, superior frontal cortex, temporal pole and the middle and interior temporal cortices. Significantly thinner cortical thickness was found in the posterior regions of the brain, located in the parietal and occipital areas, including the postcentral cortex, inferior parietal cortex, middle occipital cortex and posterior cingulate cortex. Moreover, in the region adjacent to the medial prefrontal cortex, both higher fractional anisotropy values and greater cortical thickness were observed. Our findings suggest that long-term meditators have structural differences in both gray and white matter