2,442 research outputs found

    High-resolution simulations of clump-clump collisions using SPH with Particle Splitting

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    We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the phenomenology of star formation triggered by low-velocity collisions between low-mass molecular clumps. The simulations are performed using an SPH code which satisfies the Jeans condition by invoking On-the-Fly Particle Splitting. Clumps are modelled as stable truncated (non-singular) isothermal, i.e. Bonnor-Ebert, spheres. Collisions are characterised by M_0 (clump mass), b (offset parameter, i.e. ratio of impact parameter to clump radius), and M (Mach Number, i.e. ratio of collision velocity to effective post-shock sound speed). The gas subscribes to a barotropic equation of state, which is intended to capture (i) the scaling of pre-collision internal velocity dispersion with clump mass, (ii) post-shock radiative cooling, and (iii) adiabatic heating in optically thick protostellar fragments. The efficiency of star formation is found to vary between 10% and 30% in the different collisions studied and it appears to increase with decreasing M_0, and/or decreasing b, and/or increasing M. For b<0.5 collisions produce shock compressed layers which fragment into filaments. Protostellar objects then condense out of the filaments and accrete from them. The resulting accretion rates are high, 1 to 5 x 10^{-5} M_sun yr^{-1}, for the first 1 to 3 x 10^4 yrs. The densities in the filaments, n >~ 5 x 10^5 cm^{-3}, are sufficient that they could be mapped in NH_3 or CS line radiation, in nearby star formation regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 21 pages; 25 figures. Four figures are provided separately in reduced jpg format due to their large original ps size: click on "PostScript" to have direct access to the 4 jpg figures; full size ps files for these 4 figures can be found at http://www.aip.de/People/skitsionas/papers

    SPH simulations of star/planet formation triggered by cloud-cloud collisions

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    We present results of hydrodynamic simulations of star formation triggered by cloud-cloud collisions. During the early stages of star formation, low-mass objects form by gravitational instabilities in protostellar discs. A number of these low-mass objects are in the sub-stellar mass range, including a few objects of planetary mass. The disc instabilities that lead to the formation of low-mass objects in our simulations are the product of disc-disc interactions and/or interactions between the discs and their surrounding gas.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 249: Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, Y.-S. Sun, S. Ferraz-Mello & J.-L. Zhou (eds.), Cambridge University Pres

    Q+\mathcal{Q}^{+}: Characterising the structure of young star clusters

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    Many young star clusters appear to be fractal, i.e. they appear to be concentrated in a nested hierarchy of clusters within clusters. We present a new algorithm for statistically analysing the distribution of stars to quantify the level of sub-structure. We suggest that, even at the simplest level, the internal structure of a fractal cluster requires the specification of three parameters. (i) The 3D fractal dimension, D\mathcal{D}, measures the extent to which the clusters on one level of the nested hierarchy fill the volume of their parent cluster. (ii) The number of levels, L\mathcal{L}, reflects the finite ratio between the linear size of the large root-cluster at the top of the hierarchy, and the smallest leaf-clusters at the bottom of the hierarchy. (iii) The volume-density scaling exponent, C=dln[δn]/dln[L]\mathcal{C}=-\textrm{d}\ln[\delta n]/\textrm{d}\ln[L] measures the factor by which the excess density, δn\delta n, in a structure of scale LL, exceeds that of the background formed by larger structures; it is similar, but not exactly equivalent, to the exponent in Larson's scaling relation between density and size for molecular clouds. We describe an algorithm which can be used to constrain the values of (D,L,C)({\cal D},{\cal L},{\cal C}) and apply this method to artificial and observed clusters. We show that this algorithm is able to reliably describe the three dimensional structure of an artificial star cluster from the two dimensional projection, and quantify the varied structures observed in real and simulated clusters.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Star Formation triggered by cloud-cloud collisions

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    We present the results of SPH simulations in which two clouds, each having mass Mo ⁣= ⁣500MM_{_{\rm{o}}}\!=\!500\,{\rm M}_{_\odot} and radius Ro ⁣= ⁣2pcR_{_{\rm{o}}}\!=\!2\,{\rm pc}, collide head-on at relative velocities of Δvo=2.4,  2.8,  3.2,  3.6  and  4.0kms1\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}} =2.4,\;2.8,\;3.2,\;3.6\;{\rm and}\;4.0\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. There is a clear trend with increasing Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}. At low Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}, star formation starts later, and the shock-compressed layer breaks up into an array of predominantly radial filaments; stars condense out of these filaments and fall, together with residual gas, towards the centre of the layer, to form a single large-NN cluster, which then evolves by competitive accretion, producing one or two very massive protostars and a diaspora of ejected (mainly low-mass) protostars; the pattern of filaments is reminiscent of the hub and spokes systems identified recently by observers. At high Δvo\Delta v_{_{\rm{o}}}, star formation occurs sooner and the shock-compressed layer breaks up into a network of filaments; the pattern of filaments here is more like a spider's web, with several small-NN clusters forming independently of one another, in cores at the intersections of filaments, and since each core only spawns a small number of protostars, there are fewer ejections of protostars. As the relative velocity is increased, the {\it mean} protostellar mass increases, but the {\it maximum} protostellar mass and the width of the mass function both decrease. We use a Minimal Spanning Tree to analyse the spatial distributions of protostars formed at different relative velocities.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    On the evolution of the density pdf in strongly self-gravitating systems

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    The time evolution of the probability density function (PDF) of the mass density is formulated and solved for systems in free-fall using a simple appoximate function for the collapse of a sphere. We demonstrate that a pressure-free collapse results in a power-law tail on the high-density side of the PDF. The slope quickly asymptotes to the functional form Pv(ρ)ρ1.54\mathrm{P}_v(\rho)\propto\rho^{-1.54} for the (volume-weighted) PDF and Pm(ρ)ρ0.54\mathrm{P}_m(\rho)\propto\rho^{-0.54} for the corresponding mass-weighted distribution. From the simple approximation of the PDF we derive analytic descriptions for mass accretion, finding that dynamically quiet systems with narrow density PDFs lead to retarded star formation and low star formation rates. Conversely, strong turbulent motions that broaden the PDF accelerate the collapse causing a bursting mode of star formation. Finally, we compare our theoretical work with observations. The measured star formation rates are consistent with our model during the early phases of the collapse. Comparison of observed column density PDFs with those derived from our model suggests that observed star-forming cores are roughly in free-fall.Comment: accepted for publication, 13 page

    Simulating star formation in molecular cloud cores IV. The role of turbulence and thermodynamics

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    We perform SPH simulations of the collapse and fragmentation of low-mass cores having different initial levels of turbulence (alpha_turb=0.05,0.10,0.25). We use a new treatment of the energy equation which captures the transport of cooling radiation against opacity due to both dust and gas (including the effects of dust sublimation, molecules, and H^- ions). We also perform comparison simulations using a standard barotropic equation of state. We find that -- when compared with the barotropic equation of state -- our more realistic treatment of the energy equation results in more protostellar objects being formed, and a higher proportion of brown dwarfs; the multiplicity frequency is essentially unchanged, but the multiple systems tend to have shorter periods (by a factor ~3), higher eccentricities, and higher mass ratios. The reason for this is that small fragments are able to cool more effectively with the new treatment, as compared with the barotropic equation of state. We find that the process of fragmentation is often bimodal. The first protostar to form is usually, at the end, the most massive, i.e. the primary. However, frequently a disc-like structure subsequently forms round this primary, and then, once it has accumulated sufficient mass, quickly fragments to produce several secondaries. We believe that this delayed fragmentation of a disc-like structure is likely to be an important source of very low-mass hydrogen-burning stars and brown dwarfs.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication by A&

    Filamentary fragmentation in a turbulent medium

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    We present the results of smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations investigating the evolution and fragmentation of filaments that are accreting from a turbulent medium. We show that the presence of turbulence, and the resulting inhomogeneities in the accretion flow, play a significant role in the fragmentation process. Filaments which experience a weakly turbulent accretion flow fragment in a two-tier hierarchical fashion, similar to the fragmentation pattern seen in the Orion Integral Shaped Filament. Increasing the energy in the turbulent velocity field results in more sub-structure within the filaments, and one sees a shift from gravity-dominated fragmentation to turbulence-dominated fragmentation. The sub-structure formed in the filaments is elongated and roughly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the filament, similar to the fibres seen in observations of Taurus, and suggests that the fray and fragment scenario is a possible mechanism for the production of fibres. We show that the formation of these fibre-like structures is linked to the vorticity of the velocity field inside the filament and the filament's accretion from an inhomogeneous medium. Moreover, we find that accretion is able to drive and sustain roughly sonic levels of turbulence inside the filaments, but is not able to prevent radial collapse once the filaments become supercritical. However, the supercritical filaments which contain fibre-like structures do not collapse radially, suggesting that fibrous filaments may not necessarily become radially unstable once they reach the critical line-density.Comment: (Accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Evidence that widespread star formation may be underway in G0.253+016, "The Brick"

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    Image cubes of differential column density as a function of dust temperature are constructed for Galactic Centre molecular cloud G0.253+0.016 ("The Brick") using the recently described PPMAP procedure. The input data consist of continuum images from the Herschel Space Telescope in the wavelength range 70-500 μ\mum, supplemented by previously published interferometric data at 1.3 mm wavelength. While the bulk of the dust in the molecular cloud is consistent with being heated externally by the local interstellar radiation field, our image cube shows the presence, near one edge of the cloud, of a filamentary structure whose temperature profile suggests internal heating. The structure appears as a cool (14\sim 14 K) tadpole-like feature, 6\sim 6 pc in length, in which is embedded a thin spine of much hotter (\sim 40-50 K) material. We interpret these findings in terms of a cool filament whose hot central region is undergoing gravitational collapse and fragmentation to form a line of protostars. If confirmed, this would represent the first evidence of widespread star formation having started within this cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter