940 research outputs found

    High gradient directional solidification furnace

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    A high gradient directional solidification furnace is disclosed which includes eight thermal zones throughout the length of the furnace. In the hot end of the furnace, furnace elements provide desired temperatures. These elements include Nichrome wire received in a grooved tube which is encapsulated y an outer alumina core. A booster heater is provided in the hot end of the furnace which includes toroidal tungsten/rhenium wire which has a capacity to put heat quickly into the furnace. An adiabatic zone is provided by an insulation barrier to separate the hot end of the furnace from the cold end. The old end of the furnace is defined by additional heating elements. A heat transfer plate provides a means by which heat may be extracted from the furnace and conducted away through liquid cooled jackets. By varying the input of heat via the booster heater and output of heat via the heat transfer plate, a desired thermal gradient profile may be provided

    General purpose rocket furnace

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    A multipurpose furnace for space vehicles used for material processing experiments in an outer space environment is described. The furnace contains three separate cavities designed to process samples of the widest possible range of materials and thermal requirements. Each cavity contains three heating elements capable of independent function under the direction of an automatic and programmable control system. A heat removable mechanism is also provided for each cavity which operates in conjunction with the control system for establishing an isothermally heated cavity or a wide range of thermal gradients and cool down rates. A monitoring system compatible with the rocket telemetry provides furnace performance and sample growth rate data throughout the processing cycle

    Dirty black holes: Entropy versus area

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    Considerable interest has recently been expressed in the entropy versus area relationship for ``dirty'' black holes --- black holes in interaction with various classical matter fields, distorted by higher derivative gravity, or infested with various forms of quantum hair. In many cases it is found that the entropy is simply related to the area of the event horizon: S = k A_H/(4\ell_P^2). For example, the ``entropy = (1/4) area'' law *holds* for: Schwarzschild, Reissner--Nordstrom, Kerr--Newman, and dilatonic black holes. On the other hand, the ``entropy = (1/4) area'' law *fails* for: various types of (Riemann)^n gravity, Lovelock gravity, and various versions of quantum hair. The pattern underlying these results is less than clear. This paper systematizes these results by deriving a general formula for the entropy: S = {k A_H/(4\ell_P^2)} + {1/T_H} \int_\Sigma [rho - {L}_E ] K^\mu d\Sigma_\mu + \int_\Sigma s V^\mu d\Sigma_\mu. (K^\mu is the timelike Killing vector, V^\mu the four velocity of a co--rotating observer.) If no hair is present the validity of the ``entropy = (1/4) area'' law reduces to the question of whether or not the Lorentzian energy density for the system under consideration is formally equal to the Euclideanized Lagrangian. ****** To appear in Physical Review D 15 July 1993 ****** [Stylistic changes, minor typos fixed, references updated, discussion of the Born-Infeld system excised]Comment: plain LaTeX, 17 pages, minor revision

    Correspondence between Jordan-Einstein frames and Palatini-metric formalisms

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    We discuss the conformal symmetry between Jordan and Einstein frames considering their relations with the metric and Palatini formalisms for modified gravity. Appropriate conformal transformations are taken into account leading to the evident connection between the gravitational actions in the two mentioned frames and the Hilbert-Einstein action with a cosmological constant. We show that the apparent differences between Palatini and metric formalisms strictly depend on the representation while the number of degrees of freedom is preserved. This means that the dynamical content of both formalism is identical.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Uniform polynomial rates of convergence for a class of L\'evy-driven controlled SDEs arising in multiclass many-server queues

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    We study the ergodic properties of a class of controlled stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by α\alpha-stable processes which arise as the limiting equations of multiclass queueing models in the Halfin-Whitt regime that have heavy-tailed arrival processes. When the safety staffing parameter is positive, we show that the SDEs are uniformly ergodic and enjoy a polynomial rate of convergence to the invariant probability measure in total variation, which is uniform over all stationary Markov controls resulting in a locally Lipschitz continuous drift. We also derive a matching lower bound on the rate of convergence (under no abandonment). On the other hand, when all abandonment rates are positive, we show that the SDEs are exponentially ergodic uniformly over the above-mentioned class of controls. Analogous results are obtained for L\'evy-driven SDEs arising from multiclass many-server queues under asymptotically negligible service interruptions. For these equations, we show that the aforementioned ergodic properties are uniform over all stationary Markov controls. We also extend a key functional central limit theorem concerning diffusion approximations so as to make it applicable to the models studied here

    Quantum Cosmology for a Quadratic Theory of Gravity

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    For pure fourth order (LR2{\cal{L}} \propto R^2) quantum cosmology the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is solved exactly for the closed homogeneous and isotropic model. It is shown that by imposing as boundary condition that Ψ=0\Psi = 0 at the origin of the universe the wave functions behave as suggested by Vilenkin.Comment: 13 pages, latex,no figure

    Gravitational instability of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet black holes under tensor mode perturbations

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    We analyze the tensor mode perturbations of static, spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein equations with a quadratic Gauss-Bonnet term in dimension D>4D > 4. We show that the evolution equations for this type of perturbations can be cast in a Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli form, and obtain the exact potential for the corresponding Schr\"odinger-like stability equation. As an immediate application we prove that for D6D \neq 6 and α>0\alpha >0, the sign choice for the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient suggested by string theory, all positive mass black holes of this type are stable. In the exceptional case D=6D =6, we find a range of parameters where positive mass asymptotically flat black holes, with regular horizon, are unstable. This feature is found also in general for α<0\alpha < 0.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, references adde

    Extended Gravity Theories and the Einstein-Hilbert Action

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    I discuss the relation between arbitrarily high-order theories of gravity and scalar-tensor gravity at the level of the field equations and the action. I show that (2n+4)(2n+4)-order gravity is dynamically equivalent to Brans-Dicke gravity with an interaction potential for the Brans-Dicke field and nn further scalar fields. This scalar-tensor action is then conformally equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert action with n+1n+1 scalar fields. This clarifies the nature and extent of the conformal equivalence between extended gravity theories and general relativity with many scalar fields.Comment: 12 pages, Plain Latex, SUSSEX-AST-93/7-

    On the fate of singularities and horizons in higher derivative gravity

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    We study static spherically symmetric solutions of high derivative gravity theories, with 4, 6, 8 and even 10 derivatives. Except for isolated points in the space of theories with more than 4 derivatives, only solutions that are nonsingular near the origin are found. But these solutions cannot smooth out the Schwarzschild singularity without the appearance of a second horizon. This conundrum, and the possibility of singularities at finite r, leads us to study numerical solutions of theories truncated at four derivatives. Rather than two horizons we are led to the suggestion that the original horizon is replaced by a rapid nonsingular transition from weak to strong gravity. We also consider this possibility for the de Sitter horizon.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, improvements and references added, to appear in PR