3,723 research outputs found

    How Rare is the Bullet Cluster?

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    The galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56 has a bullet-like subcluster that is moving away from the centre of the main cluster at high speed. Markevitch et al. (2004) recently estimated a relative velocity of V_bullet = 4500 +1100/-800 km/s, based on observations of the bow shock in front of the subcluster. The weak lensing analysis of Clowe et al. (2004) indicates that a substantial secondary mass peak is associated with this subcluster. We estimate the likelihood of such a configuration by examining the distribution of subhalo velocities for clusters in the Millennium Run, a large LCDM cosmological simulation. We find that the most massive subhalo has a velocity as high as that of the bullet subcluster in only about 1 out of every 100 cluster-sized halos. This estimate is strongly dependent on the precise velocity adopted for the bullet. One of the ten most massive subhalos has such a high velocity about 40% of the time. We conclude that the velocity of the bullet subcluster is not exceptionally high for a cluster substructure, and can be accommodated within the currently favoured LCDM comogony.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Interior vs. war: The development of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and The Transfer Debates, 1849–1880.

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    The creation of what would become the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) predated the Constitution, and the bureau was a part of the Department of War. Congress transferred the BIA to the Department of the Interior when it was established in 1849. Despite the transfer, the Department of War was still involved in the carrying out of Indian policy. The Secretary of War and many within Congress believed the transfer was a mistake due to the Department of the Interior’s apparent failure at curbing Indian violence, failure at providing proper provisions, and seeming failure to carryout the long standing civilization policy. Congress would attempt to transfer BIA back to the Department of War on a number of occasions, and the transfer was explored by a number of Congressional bodies. The investigations included the Doolittle Committee (1865), Peace Commission (1867), Banning Committee (1876), and a Joint Committee created in 1878 created solely to research the transfer issue. The pressure from these committees and the supporters of the Department of War acted as an interdepartmental check system between the departments. The added attention pushed the BIA to reform and to improve its practices. The transfer debates continued through the 1870s, but would lose support in Congress because the debates had brought about changes within the BIA and Indian Policy

    Polymer Maximum Drag Reduction: A Unique Transitional State

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    The upper bound of polymer drag reduction is identified as a unique transitional state between laminar and turbulent flow corresponding to the onset of the nonlinear breakdown of flow instabilities

    Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Region as a Universal DNA Barcode Marker for Fungi

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    Six DNA regions were evaluated as potential DNA barcodes for Fungi, the second largest kingdom of eukaryotic life, by a multinational, multilaboratory consortium. The region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 used as the animal barcode was excluded as a potential marker, because it is difficult to amplify in fungi, often includes large introns, and can be insufficiently variable. Three subunits from the nuclear ribosomal RNA cistron were compared together with regions of three representative protein-coding genes (largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, and minichromosome maintenance protein). Although the protein-coding gene regions often had a higher percent of correct identification compared with ribosomal markers, low PCR amplification and sequencing success eliminated them as candidates for a universal fungal barcode. Among the regions of the ribosomal cistron, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has the highest probability of successful identification for the broadest range of fungi, with the most clearly defined barcode gap between inter- and intraspecific variation. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit, a popular phylogenetic marker in certain groups, had superior species resolution in some taxonomic groups, such as the early diverging lineages and the ascomycete yeasts, but was otherwise slightly inferior to the ITS. The nuclear ribosomal small subunit has poor species-level resolution in fungi. ITS will be formally proposed for adoption as the primary fungal barcode marker to the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, with the possibility that supplementary barcodes may be developed for particular narrowly circumscribed taxonomic groups

    Probing the Masses of the PSR J0621+1002 Binary System Through Relativistic Apsidal Motion

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    Orbital, spin and astrometric parameters of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0621+1002 have been determined through six years of timing observations at three radio telescopes. The chief result is a measurement of the rate of periastron advance, omega_dot = 0.0116 +/- 0.0008 deg/yr. Interpreted as a general relativistic effect, this implies the sum of the pulsar mass, m_1, and the companion mass, m_2, to be M = m_1 + m_2 = 2.81 +/- 0.30 msun. The Keplerian parameters rule out certain combinations of m_1 and m_2, as does the non-detection of Shapiro delay in the pulse arrival times. These constraints, together with the assumption that the companion is a white dwarf, lead to the 68% confidence maximum likelihood values of m_1 = 1.70(+0.32 -0.29) msun and m_2 =0.97(+0.27 - 0.15) msun and to the 95% confidence maximum likelihood values of m_1 = 1.70(+0.59 -0.63) msun and m_2 = 0.97(+0.43 -0.24) msun. The other major finding is that the pulsar experiences dramatic variability in its dispersion measure (DM), with gradients as steep as 0.013 pc cm^{-3} / yr. A structure function analysis of the DM variations uncovers spatial fluctuations in the interstellar electron density that cannot be fit to a single power law, unlike the Kolmogorov turbulent spectrum that has been seen in the direction of other pulsars. Other results from the timing analysis include the first measurements of the pulsar's proper motion, mu = 3.5 +/- 0.3 mas / yr, and of its spin-down rate, dP/dt = 4.7 x 10^{-20}, which, when corrected for kinematic biases and combined with the pulse period, P = 28.8 ms, gives a characteristic age of 1.1 x 10^{10} yr and a surface magnetic field strength of 1.2 x 10^{9} G.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Time-Dependence of the Mass Accretion Rate in Cluster Cooling Flows

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    We analyze two time-dependent cluster cooling flow models in spherical symmetry. The first assumes that the intracluster gas resides in a static external potential, and includes the effects of optically thin radiative cooling and mass deposition. This corresponds to previous steady-state cooling flow models calculated by White & Sarazin (1987). Detailed agreement is found between steady-state models and time-dependent models at fixed times in the simulations. The mass accretion rate is found either to increase or remain nearly constant once flows reach a steady state. The time rate of change of the accretion rate is strongly sensitive to the value of the mass deposition parameter q, but only mildly sensitive to the ratio beta of gravitational binding energy to gas temperature. We show that previous scaling arguments presented by Bertschinger (1988) and White (1988) are valid only for mature cooling flows with weak mass deposition (q ~< 1). The second set of models includes the effects of a secularly deepening cluster potential and secondary infall of gas from the Hubble flow. We find that such heating effects do not prevent the flows from reaching a steady state within an initial central cooling time.Comment: 22 pages (AASTeX) with 16 EPS figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Why Do Only Some Galaxy Clusters Have Cool Cores?

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    Flux-limited X-ray samples indicate that about half of rich galaxy clusters have cool cores. Why do only some clusters have cool cores while others do not? In this paper, cosmological N-body + Eulerian hydrodynamic simulations, including radiative cooling and heating, are used to address this question as we examine the formation and evolution of cool core (CC) and non-cool core (NCC) clusters. These adaptive mesh refinement simulations produce both CC and NCC clusters in the same volume. They have a peak resolution of 15.6 h^{-1} kpc within a (256 h^{-1} Mpc)^3 box. Our simulations suggest that there are important evolutionary differences between CC clusters and their NCC counterparts. Many of the numerical CC clusters accreted mass more slowly over time and grew enhanced cool cores via hierarchical mergers; when late major mergers occurred, the CC's survived the collisions. By contrast, NCC clusters experienced major mergers early in their evolution that destroyed embryonic cool cores and produced conditions that prevented CC re-formation. As a result, our simulations predict observationally testable distinctions in the properties of CC and NCC beyond the core regions in clusters. In particular, we find differences between CC versus NCC clusters in the shapes of X-ray surface brightness profiles, between the temperatures and hardness ratios beyond the cores, between the distribution of masses, and between their supercluster environs. It also appears that CC clusters are no closer to hydrostatic equilibrium than NCC clusters, an issue important for precision cosmology measurements.Comment: 17 emulateapj pages, 17 figures, replaced with version accepted to Ap

    Examining New Phylogenetic Markers to Uncover the Evolutionary History of Early-Diverging Fungi: Comparing MCM7, TSR1 and rRnA Genes for Single- and Multi-Gene Analyses of the Kickxellomycotina

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    The recently recognised protein-coding genes MCM7 and TSR1 have shown significant promise for phylogenetic resolution within the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, but have remained unexamined within other fungal groups (except for Mucorales). We designed and tested primers to amplify these genes across early-diverging fungal clades, with emphasis on the Kickxellomycotina, zygomycetous fungi with characteristic flared septal walls forming pores with lenticular plugs. Phylogenetic tree resolution and congruence with MCM7 and TSR1 were compared against those inferred with nuclear small (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rRNA genes. We also combined MCM7 and TSR1 data with the rDNA data to create 3- and 4-gene trees of the Kickxellomycotina that help to resolve evolutionary relationships among and within the core clades of this subphylum. Phylogenetic inference suggests that Barbatospora, Orphella, Ramicandelaber and Spiromyces may represent unique lineages. It is suggested that these markers may be more broadly useful for phylogenetic studies among other groups of early-diverging fungi
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