43 research outputs found

    Drug-induced loss of imprinting revealed using bioluminescent reporters of Cdkn1c.

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetically mediated mechanism that regulates allelic expression of genes based upon parent-of-origin and provides a paradigm for studying epigenetic silencing and release. Here, bioluminescent reporters for the maternally-expressed imprinted gene Cdkn1c are used to examine the capacity of chromatin-modifying drugs to reverse paternal Cdkn1c silencing. Exposure of reporter mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to 5-Azacytidine, HDAC inhibitors, BET inhibitors or GSK-J4 (KDM6A/B inhibitor) relieved repression of paternal Cdkn1c, either selectively or by inducing biallelic effects. Treatment of reporter fibroblasts with HDAC inhibitors or GSK-J4 resulted in similar paternal Cdkn1c activation, whereas BET inhibitor-induced loss of imprinting was specific to mESCs. Changes in allelic expression were generally not sustained in dividing cultures upon drug removal, indicating that the underlying epigenetic memory of silencing was maintained. In contrast, Cdkn1c de-repression by GSK-J4 was retained in both mESCs and fibroblasts following inhibitor removal, although this impact may be linked to cellular stress and DNA damage. Taken together, these data introduce bioluminescent reporter cells as tools for studying epigenetic silencing and disruption, and demonstrate that Cdkn1c imprinting requires distinct and cell-type specific chromatin features and modifying enzymes to enact and propagate a memory of silencing

    Size-dependent increase in RNA Polymerase II initiation rates mediates gene expression scaling with cell size

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    Cell size varies during the cell cycle and in response to external stimuli. This requires the tight coordination, or “scaling”, of mRNA and protein quantities with the cell volume in order to maintain biomolecules concentrations and cell density. Evidence in cell populations and single cells indicates that scaling relies on the coordination of mRNA transcription rates with cell size. Here we use a combination of single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridisation (smFISH), time-lapse microscopy and mathematical modelling in single fission yeast cells to uncover the precise molecular mechanisms that control transcription rates scaling with cell size. Linear scaling of mRNA quantities is apparent in single fission yeast cells during a normal cell cycle. Transcription rates of both constitutive and regulated genes scale with cell size without evidence for transcriptional bursting. Modelling and experimental data indicate that scaling relies on the coordination of RNAPII transcription initiation rates with cell size and that RNAPII is a limiting factor. We show using real-time quantitative imaging that size increase is accompanied by a rapid concentration independent recruitment of RNAPII onto chromatin. Finally, we find that in multinucleated cells, scaling is set at the level of single nuclei and not the entire cell, making the nucleus the transcriptional scaling unit. Integrating our observations in a mechanistic model of RNAPII mediated transcription, we propose that scaling of gene expression with cell size is the consequence of competition between genes for limiting RNAPII

    AMPK activation protects against prostate cancer by inducing a catabolic cellular state

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    Emerging evidence indicates that metabolic dysregulation drives prostate cancer (PCa) progression and metastasis. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a master regulator of metabolism, although its role in PCa remains unclear. Here, we show that genetic and pharmacological activation of AMPK provides a protective effect on PCa progression in vivo. We show that AMPK activation induces PGC1α expression, leading to catabolic metabolic reprogramming of PCa cells. This catabolic state is characterized by increased mitochondrial gene expression, increased fatty acid oxidation, decreased lipogenic potential, decreased cell proliferation, and decreased cell invasiveness. Together, these changes inhibit PCa disease progression. Additionally, we identify a gene network involved in cell cycle regulation that is inhibited by AMPK activation. Strikingly, we show a correlation between this gene network and PGC1α gene expression in human PCa. Taken together, our findings support the use of AMPK activators for clinical treatment of PCa to improve patient outcome

    RUNX1 regulates a transcription program that affects the dynamics of cell cycle entry of naive resting B cells

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    RUNX1 is a transcription factor that plays key roles in hematopoietic development and in hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis. In this article, we report that RUNX1 regulates a gene expression program in naive mouse B cells that affects the dynamics of cell cycle entry in response to stimulation of the BCR. Conditional knockout of Runx1 in mouse resting B cells resulted in accelerated entry into S-phase after BCR engagement. Our results indicate that Runx1 regulates the cyclin D2 (Ccnd2) gene, the immediate early genes Fosl2, Atf3, and Egr2, and the Notch pathway gene Rbpj in mouse B cells, reducing the rate at which transcription of these genes increases after BCR stimulation. RUNX1 interacts with the chromatin remodeler SNF-2-related CREB-binding protein activator protein (SRCAP), recruiting it to promoter and enhancer regions of the Ccnd2 gene. BCR-mediated activation triggers switching between binding of RUNX1 and its paralog RUNX3 and between SRCAP and the switch/SNF remodeling complex member BRG1. Binding of BRG1 is increased at the Ccnd2 and Rbpj promoters in the Runx1 knockout cells after BCR stimulation. We also find that RUNX1 exerts positive or negative effects on a number of genes that affect the activation response of mouse resting B cells. These include Cd22 and Bank1, which act as negative regulators of the BCR, and the IFN receptor subunit gene Ifnar1 The hyperresponsiveness of the Runx1 knockout B cells to BCR stimulation and its role in regulating genes that are associated with immune regulation suggest that RUNX1 could be involved in regulating B cell tolerance

    AMPK activation protects against diet induced obesity through Ucp1-independent thermogenesis in subcutaneous white adipose tissue

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    Obesity results from a chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy output but remains difficult to prevent or treat in humans. Adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an important regulator of energy homeostasis1,2,3 and is a molecular target of drugs used for the treatment of metabolic diseases, including obesity4,5. Here we show that mice expressing a gain-of-function AMPK mutant6 display a change in morphology of subcutaneous white adipocytes that is reminiscent of browning. However, despite a dramatic increase in mitochondrial content, Ucp1 expression is undetectable in these adipocytes. In response to a high-fat diet (HFD), expression of skeletal muscle–associated genes is induced in subcutaneous white adipocytes from the gain-of-function AMPK mutant mice. Chronic genetic AMPK activation results in protection against diet-induced obesity due to an increase in whole-body energy expenditure, most probably because of a substantial increase in the oxygen consumption rate of white adipose tissue. These results suggest that AMPK activation enriches, or leads to the emergence of, a population of subcutaneous white adipocytes that produce heat via Ucp1-independent uncoupling of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production on a HFD. Our findings indicate that AMPK activation specifically in adipose tissue may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of obesity

    CAR-T cell. the long and winding road to solid tumors

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    Adoptive cell therapy of solid tumors with reprogrammed T cells can be considered the "next generation" of cancer hallmarks. CAR-T cells fail to be as effective as in liquid tumors for the inability to reach and survive in the microenvironment surrounding the neoplastic foci. The intricate net of cross-interactions occurring between tumor components, stromal and immune cells leads to an ineffective anergic status favoring the evasion from the host's defenses. Our goal is hereby to trace the road imposed by solid tumors to CAR-T cells, highlighting pitfalls and strategies to be developed and refined to possibly overcome these hurdles

    Cohesin-dependence of neuronal gene expression relates to chromatin loop length

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    Cohesin and CTCF are major drivers of 3D genome organization, but their role in neurons is still emerging. Here, we show a prominent role for cohesin in the expression of genes that facilitate neuronal maturation and homeostasis. Unexpectedly, we observed two major classes of activity-regulated genes with distinct reliance on cohesin in mouse primary cortical neurons. Immediate early genes (IEGs) remained fully inducible by KCl and BDNF, and short-range enhancer-promoter contacts at the IEGs Fos formed robustly in the absence of cohesin. In contrast, cohesin was required for full expression of a subset of secondary response genes characterized by long-range chromatin contacts. Cohesin-dependence of constitutive neuronal genes with key functions in synaptic transmission and neurotransmitter signaling also scaled with chromatin loop length. Our data demonstrate that key genes required for the maturation and activation of primary cortical neurons depend on cohesin for their full expression, and that the degree to which these genes rely on cohesin scales with the genomic distance traversed by their chromatin contacts. Editor'

    Targeting of Aberrant αvβ6 Integrin Expression in Solid Tumors Using Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cells.

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    Expression of the αvβ6 integrin is upregulated in several solid tumors. In contrast, physiologic expression of this epithelial-specific integrin is restricted to development and epithelial re-modeling. Here, we describe, for the first time, the development of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that couples the recognition of this integrin to the delivery of potent therapeutic activity in a diverse repertoire of solid tumor models. Highly selective targeting αvβ6 was achieved using a foot and mouth disease virus-derived A20 peptide, coupled to a fused CD28+CD3 endodomain. To achieve selective expansion of CAR T cells ex vivo, an IL-4-responsive fusion gene (4αβ) was co-expressed, which delivers a selective mitogenic signal to engineered T cells only. In vivo efficacy was demonstrated in mice with established ovarian, breast, and pancreatic tumor xenografts, all of which express αvβ6 at intermediate to high levels. SCID beige mice were used for these studies because they are susceptible to cytokine release syndrome, unlike more immune-compromised strains. Nonetheless, although the CAR also engages mouse αvβ6, mild and reversible toxicity was only observed when supra-therapeutic doses of CAR T cells were administered parenterally. These data support the clinical evaluation of αvβ6 re-targeted CAR T cell immunotherapy in solid tumors that express this integrin

    Engineering a Dual Specificity γδ T-Cell Receptor for Cancer Immunotherapy

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    γδ T-cells provide immune surveillance against cancer, straddling both innate and adaptive immunity. G115 is a clonal γδ T-cell receptor (TCR) of the Vγ9Vδ2 subtype which can confer responsiveness to phosphoantigens (PAgs) when genetically introduced into conventional αβ T-cells. Cancer immunotherapy using γδ TCR-engineered T-cells is currently under clinical evaluation. In this study, we sought to broaden the cancer specificity of the G115 γδ TCR by insertion of a tumour-binding peptide into the complementarity-determining region (CDR) three regions of the TCR δ2 chain. Peptides were selected from the foot and mouth disease virus A20 peptide which binds with high affinity and selectivity to αvβ6, an epithelial-selective integrin that is expressed by a range of solid tumours. Insertion of an A20-derived 12mer peptide achieved the best results, enabling the resulting G115 + A12 T-cells to kill both PAg and αvβ6-expressing tumour cells. Cytolytic activity of G115 + A12 T-cells against PAg-presenting K562 target cells was enhanced compared to G115 control cells, in keeping with the critical role of CDR3 δ2 length for optimal PAg recognition. Activation was accompanied by interferon (IFN)-γ release in the presence of either target antigen, providing a novel dual-specificity approach for cancer immunotherapy