4,967 research outputs found

    ViBe (Virtual Berlin) - Immersive Interactive 3D Urban Data Visualization - Immersive interactive 3D urban data visualization

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    The project investigates the possibility of visualizing open source data in a 3D interactive virtual environment. We propose a new tool, 'ViBe'. We programmed 'ViBe' using Unity for its compatibility with HTC VIVE glasses for virtual reality (VR). ViBe offers an abstract visualization of open source data in a 3D interactive environment. The ViBe environment entails three main topics a) inhabitants, b) environmental factors, and c) land-use; acting as representatives of parameters for cities and urban design. Berlin serves as a case study. The data sets used are divided according to Berlin's twelve administrative districts. The user immerses into the virtual environment where they can choose, using the HTC Vive controllers, which district (or Berlin as a whole) they want information for and which topics they want to be visualized, and they can also teleport back and forth between the different districts. The goal of this project is to represent different urban parameters an abstract simulation where we correlate the corresponding data sets. By experiencing the city through visualized data, ViBe aims to provide the user with a clearer perspective onto the city and the relationship between its urban parameters. ViBe is designed for adults and kids, urban planners, politicians and real estate developers alike

    Preliminary data on movements and health condition of the first radio-collared huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) population study in Argentina

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    Aun cuando solo quedan menos de 500 ejemplares de huemul patagonico (Hippocamelus bisulcus) en Argentina, existe escasa información sobre su ecología y dinámicas poblacionales. Por primera vez en la historia de Argentina, se instalaron equipos de radio telemetría en un grupo de huemules para entender de mejor forma los factores que no han permito la recuperación de las poblaciones. Durante el invierno del 2017, se procedió a la captura de seis ejemplares en seis días (tres de cada género), al interior del parque protegido Shoonem, provincia de Chubut. Se presenta en este artículo una descripción de las condiciones particulares del clima y las características del paisaje que serán útiles considerar para mejorar el éxito de capturas de huemules, particularmente en Argentina. Aun cuando los animales capturados presentaban un aspecto sano a primera vista, durante la última evaluación (25 enero 2018), identificamos signos clínicos de enfermedad en 5 de 6 animales capturados durante el procedimiento; incluyendo renguera, pezuñas deterioradas, perdida de 2-7 incisivos y atrofia muscular. Los desplazamientos registrados desde el sitio de captura en régimen de invernada a zonas de uso estival fueron 187% mayores en las hembras comparativamente a los machos.Even though less than 500 Patagonian huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) remain in Argentina, information on their population ecology and dynamics is severely lacking. For the first time in Argentine history, radio-telemetry collars were placed on a group of huemul to better understand the factors behind the population?s failure to recover. Six adult huemul (3 of each gender) were captured in six days, the winter of 2017, inside Shoonem Protected Park, Chubut province. In this article, we present a description of the unique climatic conditions and characteristics of the environment that would be useful to consider in order improving the success of huemul captures, particularly in Argentina. Despite the outwardly healthy appearance of each radio-collared huemul on the last observation date (January 25, 2018), we identified clinical symptoms of disease in 5 of these 6 animals during their capture; these included lameness, affected hoof, exfoliation of 2-7 incisors, and muscular atrophy. Movement distances from the winter capture site to maximum summer distance recorded were 187% greater for females than males (n=6, p =0.05, Mann Whitney).Fil: Smith Flueck, Jo Anne. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Fluck, Werner Thomas. Universidad de Basilea; Suiza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Escobar Ruiz, Miguel. Fundación Shoonem; Argentin

    One Step Forward, One Step Back: Shale Gas in Denmark and Sweden

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    Denmark and Sweden take two-fold positions on the question whether shale gas should be developed. At first sight, it appears the governments are supportive by licencing exploration to domestic and foreign companies. However, Denmark has suspended issuance of new licenses as doubts of extraction activities have risen. Sweden was forced to give landowners and municipalities a say in decision-making, and there is a larger context of mining minerals policy controversy. Even though both countries only have exploration activities at the moment, and the economic promise is yet unclear, public awareness and attention are increasing and cause difficulties for governments and industry to proceed without open discussions and debates. Scandinavia’s green image is at stake as the new fossil fuel opportunities are in conflict with the ambitious goals for renewable energy development. Both countries now have to prioritise energy self-sufficiency and industrial economics versus ecological consciousness

    Antigenic and biochemical characterization of bovine rotavirus V1005, a new member of rotavirus serotype 10

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    Bovine rotavirus (BRV) V1005 is serologically distinct from rotavirus serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. BRV V1005 showed cross-reactions with BRV B223, the American prototype of serotype 10 rotavirus, and with BRV E4049, a British serotype 10 isolate. BRV V1005 was, however, not neutralized by four monoclonal antibodies directed against VP7 of BRV B223. Two-way cross-reactions were observed between BRV V1005 and a reassortant rotavirus containing the VP4 from BRV UK. In addition the major tryptic cleavage product of VP4, VP5*, from BRV V1005 is indistinguishable by peptide mapping and its isoelectric point from the homologous protein of BRV UK, but is clearly different from VP5* of BRV NCDV. The peptide map of VP7 from BRV V1005 differed from that obtained for VP7 of BRV U

    European Tax Survey

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    In order to have a better understanding of the impact of taxation on companies' decisions and activities, and potential costs that may arise from the lack of coordination in this area at EU level, the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General launched a European Tax Survey. Seven hundred companies active in the EU participated in the Survey providing information on a large number of tax compliance related issues. Company responses included quantitative estimates of their compliance costs and opinions on a number of issues related to tax systemsEuropean Union, Taxation, Compliance costs

    Value-based management control processes to create value through integration: a literature review

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    In the last decades, management accounting faced increasing challenges to adopt new approaches, designed to fit the changes in the economic environment and to correct perceived inefficiencies in existing controlling structures. This paper focuses on one of those recent developments, viz. value-based management (VBM). Since VBM is claimed to be changing financial management at the highest level in some of the world's largest companies, this literature review compares the value-based management approaches of six consultants, viz. Stern Stewart & Co, Marakon Associates, McKinsey & Co, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, L.E.K. Consulting and HOLT Value Associates and tries to assess the potential of their management frameworks. Value-based management can be defined as an integrated management control system that measures, encourages and supports the creation of net worth. Although VBM is more than metrics, we first focused on a non-exhaustive number of value-based metrics, divided in two segments, the listed perspective-segment and the non-listed perspective. Since metrics are a means and not the goal of a VBM-program, we compared not only the metrics used by the six consultants, but also analysed their value-based management constructs as a whole. This analysis was based on the fundamental components of a holistic VBM-program, as defined by several researches on value-based management. This comparison revealed some clear similarities between the approaches, but also demonstrates distinctions and different accents. There is for instance a clear unanimity about the focus on maximizing shareholder value, about the conviction that the interests of all stakeholder groups are best served when putting the shareholder first and about the impact of value-based management on collaboration. Notwithstanding the similarities, they all six suggest using different types of measures, combine different systems and processes, have other views on strategy development and advocate their own training & education program

    Status Quo Analyse im ökologischen Weinbau: Strukturen, Entwicklung, Probleme

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    Zum ökologischen Weinbau gab es bisher keine umfassende Datenbasis. In Zusammenarbeit mit Anbauverbänden, Fachleuten und Praktikern wurde ein detaillierter Fragebogen zur Befragung von ökologisch wirtschaftenden Winzern in Deutschland entworfen, um Informationslücken zu schließen und daraus Probleme ableiten zu können. Dessen Versand erfolgte im ersten Quartal 2003 und die Rücklaufquote betrug 40 %. So konnte eine Datenbasis zu weinbaulichen Verhältnissen (Sortenspiegel, Erträge, Düngung), Pflanzenschutz (Befallsstärke mit verschiedenen tierischen und pilzlichen Erregern, Pflanzenschutz- und Stärkungsmittel), Kellerwirtschaft (neue önologische Verfahren), Vermarktung, allgemeinen Zielen und Zukunftsplänen, Forschung, Beratung und Weiterbildung, verwendeten Medien sowie Informationsquellen und Verbänden gewonnen werden. Die bekannten Probleme im Pflanzenschutz erfordern weitere Forschungsaktivitäten. Die Bedeutung des Anbaus pilzwiderstandsfähiger Rebsorten ist im Vergleich zur Gesamtrebfläche in Deutschland größer und wird noch zunehmen. Es besteht ein Bedarf an Spezialgeräten für die Arbeiten im Weinberg. Potenziale im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel werden nicht ausreichend genutzt. Hierfür sind vor allem strukturelle Gründe verantwortlich, da die überwiegend kleinen Betriebe keine größeren Chargen anbieten können. Die meisten Winzer sind in Anbauverbänden organisiert und mit ihren Verbänden zufrieden. Die nach EU-Richtlinien arbeitenden Winzer sind schwer zu erreichen, es konnten nur wenige Daten gewonnen werden. Eine bessere Organisation dieser Winzer dürfte sicher auch Vermarktungsvorteile bringen. Eine zusätzlich durchgeführte kleinere Umfrage bei konventionell wirtschaftenden Winzern bezog sich auf deren Einstellung zum ökologischen Weinbau. Bessere Alternativen beim Pflanzenschutz oder pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten, weniger Verwaltungsaufwand, die Akzeptanz höherer Preise durch den Verbraucher und mehr Information würden mehr Winzer vom ökologischen Weinbau überzeugen

    Identification of possible cow grazing behaviour indicators for restricted grass availability in a pasture-based spring calving dairy system

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    peer-reviewedPrecision livestock farming uses biosensors to measure different parameters of individual animals to support farmers in the decision making process. Although sensor development is advanced, there is still little implementation of sensor-based solutions on commercial farms. Especially on pasture-based dairy systems, the grazing management of cows is largely not supported by technology. A key factor in pasture-based milk production is the correct grass allocation to maximize the grass utilization per cow, while optimizing cow performance. Currently, grass allocation is mostly based on subjective eye measurements or calculations per herd. The aim of this study was to identify possible indicators of insufficient or sufficient grass allocation in the cow grazing behaviour measures. A total number of 30 cows were allocated a restricted pasture allowance of 60% of their intake capacity. Their behavioural characteristics were compared to those of 10 cows (control group) with pasture allowance of 100% of their intake capacity. Grazing behaviour and activity of cows were measured using the RumiWatchSystem for a complete experimental period of 10 weeks. The results demonstrated that the parameter of bite frequency was significantly different between the restricted and the control groups. There were also consistent differences observed between the groups for rumination time per day, rumination chews per bolus and frequency of cows standing or lying

    Natural mortality patterns in a population of southern Argentina huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus), an endangered Andean cervid

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    The huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus), an endangered deer living in the Andes of southern South America, numbers 600-700 in Argentina, from at least 63 fragmented subpopulations. Very limited information exists on most populations, but there are indications that the distribution and population sizes continue to diminish, possibly through reduced reproductive rates, elevated mortality rates or both. This is the first analysis of the population ecology of a subpopulation in Argentina, made possible through the only existing compilation of numerous remains of dead huemul (n = 19). Surveys were conducted between 1993 and 1999 to locate and collect remains, which were found concentrated at lower elevations. The sex ratio of adults and subadults (n = 12) was 1:1, but could not be determined for fawns. Clear signs of predation was found in 37% of all deer: 50% among calves, 50% among subadults and 31% among adults. These signs occurred in 29% of adult females and 50% of adult males. Deaths occurred during winter as judged by the state of the male skulls, which indicated the phase of the antler cycle. Femur fat content of 3 deer averaged 93%. Predation signs frequently were clearly from puma (Puma concolor), which is the only natural predator of huemul. The high predation rate, high marrow fat content and no indications of deaths resulting from disease corroborate the pristine state of the of mature lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) forest. The area with a concentration of huemul carcasses appears to be the huemul's major winter habitat.Fil: Smith Fluck, Anne M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Departamento de EcologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Fluck, Werner Thomas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Departamento de EcologĂ­a; Argentin

    CSR in the Textile Sector: European Fashion Firms and the Bangladesh Safety Accord

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    The textile industry has long been criticized for irresponsible and dangerous labour conditions in its global supply chain, particularly in very poor Asian countries like Bangladesh. The April 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh came to be a catalyst for reaching an agreement with international labour unions: the Bangladesh Safety Accord was created. This article analyses the Accord, the involvement of European fashion companies such as Primark, H&M and Inditex, the connection with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, and the outlook for improved industry standards in manufacturing clothing
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