2,498 research outputs found

    Novel Multichannel Fluorescence Detection for Lab-On-a-Chip Applications with Quantum Rods Fluorochromes

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    AbstractIn this paper, for the first time results of works on novel miniature instrumentation for quantum rods (QR) fluorescence excitation and detection will be described. Presented solutions were developed to co-work with lab-on-a-chip (LOC) applications of QR fluorochromes in multichannel high sensitive fluorescence detection

    Klimawandel und Ökolandbau – Anpassungsmaßnahmen für die Praxis (Workshop)

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    Die Landwirtschaft ist – ob konventionell oder bio – gleichermaßen vom Klimawandel betroffen. Dies gilt für Trockenstress oder das Auffangen der Böden von vermehrten Starkniederschlägen. Besondere Prob-leme des ökologischen Ackerbaus sind der vermehrte Unkraut-, Schädlings- und Krankheitsdruck, dem nicht durch konventionelle Methoden beizukommen ist. Probleme sind beispielsweise, dass vermehrter Unkrautdruck zu mehr notwendigen Arbeitsgängen führt. Durch Schädlinge geschwächte Leguminosen fixieren weniger Stickstoff. Welche Lösungsstrategien gibt es für diese drei Problemfelder? Wie können Grundbodenbearbeitung und Fruchtfolgen angepasst werden? Welche Sorten und Aussaatzeitpunkte empfehlen sich? Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Berater, Landwirte und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen.Zunächst gibt es Kurzpräsentationen ausgewählter Einzelthemen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Der Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit, über bestehende Probleme in der Praxis zu diskutieren, Handlungsempfehlungen zu entwickeln und weiterführende Forschungsfragen abzuleiten

    Recently discovered Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in The Netherlands and northern Germany resulted from a new introduction event and from a split from an existing population

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    BACKGROUND: Originally native to East Asia, Aedes japonicus japonicus, a potential vector of several arboviruses, has become one of the most invasive mosquito species in the world. After having established in the USA, it is now spreading in Europe, with new populations emerging. In contrast to the USA, the introduction pathways and modes of dispersal in Europe are largely obscure. METHODS: To find out if two recently detected populations of Ae. j. japonicus in The Netherlands and northern Germany go back to new importations or to movements within Europe, the genetic makeup of mosquito specimens from all known European populations was compared. For this purpose, seven microsatellite loci from a representative number of mosquito specimens were genotyped and part of their mitochondrial nad4 gene sequenced. RESULTS: A novel nad4 haplotype found in the newly discovered Dutch population of Ae. j. japonicus suggests that this population is not closely related to the other European populations but has emanated from a further introduction event. With five nad4 haplotypes, the Dutch population also shows a very high genetic diversity indicating that either the founder population was very large or multiple introductions took place. By contrast, the recently detected North German population could be clearly assigned to one of the two previously determined European Ae. j. japonicus microsatellite genotypes and shows nad4 haplotypes that are known from West Germany. CONCLUSION: As the European populations of Ae. j. japonicus are geographically separated but genetically mixed, their establishment must be attributed to passive transportation. In addition to intercontinental shipment, it can be assumed that human activities are also responsible for medium- and short-distance overland spread. A better understanding of the processes underlying the introduction and spread of this invasive species will help to increase public awareness of the human-mediated displacement of mosquitoes and to find strategies to avoid it

    Iodine Biofortification of Apples and Pears in an Orchard Using Foliar Sprays of Different Composition

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    Many people across the world suffer from iodine (I) deficiency and related diseases. The I content in plant-based foods is particularly low, but can be enhanced by agronomic biofortification. Therefore, in this study two field experiments were conducted under orchard conditions to assess the potential of I biofortification of apples and pears by foliar fertilization. Fruit trees were sprayed at various times during the growing season with solutions containing I in different concentrations and forms. In addition, tests were carried out to establish whether the effect of I sprays can be improved by co-application of potassium nitrate (KNO3) and sodium selenate (Na2SeO4). Iodine accumulation in apple and pear fruits was dose-dependent, with a stronger response to potassium iodide (KI) than potassium iodate (KIO3). In freshly harvested apple and pear fruits, 51% and 75% of the biofortified iodine was localized in the fruit peel, respectively. The remaining I was translocated into the fruit flesh, with a maximum of 3% reaching the core. Washing apples and pears with running deionized water reduced their I content by 14%. To achieve the targeted accumulation level of 50-100 μg I per 100 g fresh mass in washed and unpeeled fruits, foliar fertilization of 1.5 kg I per hectare and meter canopy height was required when KIO3 was applied. The addition of KNO3 and Na2SeO4 to I-containing spray solutions did not affect the I content in fruits. However, the application of KNO3 increased the total soluble solids content of the fruits by up to 1.0 °Brix compared to the control, and Na2SeO4 in the spray solution increased the fruit selenium (Se) content. Iodine sprays caused leaf necrosis, but without affecting the development and marketing quality of the fruits. Even after three months of cold storage, no adverse effects of I fertilization on general fruit characteristics were observed, however, I content of apples decreased by 20%

    Malate as a key carbon source of leaf dark-respired CO2 across different environmental conditions in potato plants

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    Dissimilation of carbon sources during plant respiration in support of metabolic processes results in the continuous release of CO(2). The carbon isotopic composition of leaf dark-respired CO(2) (i.e. δ (13) C (R)) shows daily enrichments up to 14.8‰ under different environmental conditions. However, the reasons for this (13)C enrichment in leaf dark-respired CO(2) are not fully understood, since daily changes in δ(13)C of putative leaf respiratory carbon sources (δ (13) C (RS)) are not yet clear. Thus, we exposed potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) to different temperature and soil moisture treatments. We determined δ (13) C (R) with an in-tube incubation technique and δ (13) C (RS) with compound-specific isotope analysis during a daily cycle. The highest δ (13) C (RS) values were found in the organic acid malate under different environmental conditions, showing less negative values compared to δ (13) C (R) (up to 5.2‰) and compared to δ (13) C (RS) of soluble carbohydrates, citrate and starch (up to 8.8‰). Moreover, linear relationships between δ (13) C (R) and δ (13) C (RS) among different putative carbon sources were strongest for malate during daytime (r(2)=0.69, P≤0.001) and nighttime (r(2)=0.36, P≤0.001) under all environmental conditions. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed δ (13) C (RS) of malate as the most important carbon source influencing δ (13) C (R). Thus, our results strongly indicate malate as a key carbon source of (13)C enriched dark-respired CO(2) in potato plants, probably driven by an anapleurotic flux replenishing intermediates of the Krebs cycle

    Arbeitszeitbedarf in der ökologischen Legehennenhaltung

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    Der Arbeitszeitbedarf für Legehennen in Bodenhaltung unterscheidet sich kaum von dem in der Volierenhaltung: Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf und Verteilung auf die einzelnen Arbeitsgänge sind annähernd gleich. Der größte Arbeitszeitbedarf liegt mit einem Anteil von 53 % bei der Produktgewinnung. Die Betriebsführung macht einen Anteil von 17% am Gesamtarbeitszeitbedarf aus. Bei beiden Arbeiten handelt es sich um tägliche, meist mit hohem manuellem Aufwand verbundene Tätigkeiten. Produktgewinnung, Betriebsführung, Fütterung und Auslaufbewirtschaftung summieren sich auf 92 % des Arbeitszeitbedarfs. Einfluss auf den Arbeitszeitbedarf haben vor allem die Bestandsgröße und der Anteil an manuellen Tätigkeiten

    Requirement of plakophilin 2 for heart morphogenesis and cardiac junction formation

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    Plakophilins are proteins of the armadillo family that function in embryonic development and in the adult, and when mutated can cause disease. We have ablated the plakophilin 2 gene in mice. The resulting mutant mice exhibit lethal alterations in heart morphogenesis and stability at mid-gestation (E10.5–E11), characterized by reduced trabeculation, disarrayed cytoskeleton, ruptures of cardiac walls, and blood leakage into the pericardiac cavity. In the absence of plakophilin 2, the cytoskeletal linker protein desmoplakin dissociates from the plaques of the adhering junctions that connect the cardiomyocytes and forms granular aggregates in the cytoplasm. By contrast, embryonic epithelia show normal junctions. Thus, we conclude that plakophilin 2 is important for the assembly of junctional proteins and represents an essential morphogenic factor and architectural component of the heart

    Wald- und Forstgeschichte: Skript zur Vorlesung 60-316

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