118 research outputs found

    Lipophilic iminosugars : synthesis and evaluation as inhibitors of glucosylceramide metabolism

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    The study described in this thesis was conducted with the aim of developing lipophilic iminosugars as selective inhibitors for glucosylceramide synthase, glucocerbrosidase and _-glucosidase 2 that are enzymes involved in glucosylceramide metabolism. The study has resulted in many novel inhibitors of these three enzymes among which several that improve upon the inhibition profile of the lead compound in this study. The successful use of lipophilic iminosugars in type 2 diabetes models and the partial elucidation of their mechanism of action therein provide prospects for their development towards therapeutics for diabetes type 2.UBL - phd migration 201

    A Protein‐Based Pentavalent Inhibitor of the Cholera Toxin B‐Subunit

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    Protein toxins produced by bacteria are the cause of many life-threatening diarrheal diseases. Many of these toxins, including cholera toxin (CT), enter the cell by first binding to glycolipids in the cell membrane. Inhibiting these multivalent protein/carbohydrate interactions would prevent the toxin from entering cells and causing diarrhea. Here we demonstrate that the site-specific modification of a protein scaffold, which is perfectly matched in both size and valency to the target toxin, provides a convenient route to an effective multivalent inhibitor. The resulting pentavalent neoglycoprotein displays an inhibition potency (IC50) of 104 pM for the CT B-subunit (CTB), which is the most potent pentavalent inhibitor for this target reported thus far. Complexation of the inhibitor and CTB resulted in a protein heterodimer. This inhibition strategy can potentially be applied to many multivalent receptors and also opens up new possibilities for protein assembly strategies

    Nanomolar cholera toxin inhibitors based on symmetrical pentavalent ganglioside GM1os-sym-corannulenes

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    Eight symmetric and pentavalent corannulene derivatives were functionalized with galactose and the ganglioside GM1-oligosaccharide (GM1os) via copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) reactions. The compounds were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the binding of the pentavalent cholera toxin to its natural ligand, ganglioside GM1. In this assay, all ganglioside GM1os-sym-corannulenes proved to be highly potent nanomolar inhibitors of cholera toxin

    Synthetic Strategy towards a Carbocyclic N-Acetylneuraminic Acid

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    In the study of glycosidases, a class of activity-based probes (ABPs), that are carbocyclic mimics of natural carbohydrates and can covalently bind the enzyme, have proven to be useful tools. This type of ABP has however not yet been reported for sialidases, glycosidases involved in various important biological processes in both health and disease, which hydrolyse terminal sialic acids. Here we present our study towards the synthesis of a carbocyclic sialic acid suitable for conversion into ABPs. We developed a route starting from a chiral furanone that includes a key early stage nitrone [3+2] cycloaddition to install most of the chiral centres present in N-acetylneuraminic acid. The final stereocentre is installed via a Barbier alkylation, after which a ring closing metathesis forms the pivotal carbocyclic intermediate. Due to challenges in the final stretch, we were not able to convert this intermediate into an N-acetylneuraminic acid ABP. However, the work presented here still represents a versatile route to potential future carbocyclic sialic acid derivatives

    A Fluorescence Polarization Activity-Based Protein Profiling Assay in the Discovery of Potent, Selective Inhibitors for Human Nonlysosomal Glucosylceramidase

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    Human nonlysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA2) is one of several enzymes that controls levels of glycolipids and whose activity is linked to several human disease states. There is a major need to design or discover selective GBA2 inhibitors both as chemical tools and as potential therapeutic agents. Here, we describe the development of a fluorescence polarization activity-based protein profiling (FluoPol-ABPP) assay for the rapid identification, from a 350+ library of iminosugars, of GBA2 inhibitors. A focused library is generated based on leads from the FluoPol-ABPP screen and assessed on GBA2 selectivity offset against the other glucosylceramide metabolizing enzymes, glucosylceramide synthase (GCS), lysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA), and the cytosolic retaining β-glucosidase, GBA3. Our work, yielding potent and selective GBA2 inhibitors, also provides a roadmap for the development of high-throughput assays for identifying retaining glycosidase inhibitors by FluoPol-ABPP on cell extracts containing recombinant, overexpressed glycosidase as the easily accessible enzyme source

    O-glycomic and proteomic signatures of spontaneous and butyrate-stimulated colorectal cancer cell line differentiation

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    Gut microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract provide health benefits to the human host via bacterial metabolites. Bacterial butyrate has beneficial effects on intestinal homeostasis and is the preferred energy source of intestinal epithelial cells, capable of inducing differentiation. It was previously observed that changes in the expression of specific proteins as well as protein glycosylation occur with differentiation. In this study, specific mucin O-glycans were identified that mark butyrate-induced epithelial differentiation of the intestinal cell line CaCo-2 (Cancer Coli-2), by applying porous graphitized carbon nano-liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Moreover, a quantitative proteomic approach was used to decipher changes in the cell proteome. It was found that the fully differentiated butyrate-stimulated cells are characterized by a higher expression of sialylated O-glycan structures, whereas fucosylation is downregulated with differentiation. By performing an integrative approach, we generated hypotheses about the origin of the observed O-glycome changes. These insights pave the way for future endeavors to study the dynamic O-glycosylation patterns in the gut, either produced via cellular biosynthesis or through the action of bacterial glycosidases as well as the functional role of these patterns in homeostasis and dysbiosis at the gut-microbiota interface

    Detection of Bacterial Îą-l-Fucosidases with an Ortho-Quinone Methide-Based Probe and Mapping of the Probe-Protein Adducts.

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    Fucosidases are associated with several pathological conditions and play an important role in the health of the human gut. For example, fucosidases have been shown to be indicators and/or involved in hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, and helicobacter pylori infections. A prerequisite for the detection and profiling of fucosidases is the formation of a specific covalent linkage between the enzyme of interest and the activity-based probe (ABP). The most commonly used fucosidase ABPs are limited to only one of the classes of fucosidases, the retaining fucosidases. New approaches are needed that allow for the detection of the second class of fucosidases, the inverting type. Here, we report an ortho-quinone methide-based probe with an azide mini-tag that selectively labels both retaining and inverting bacterial Îą-l-fucosidases. Mass spectrometry-based intact protein and sequence analysis of a probe-labeled bacterial fucosidase revealed almost exclusive single labeling at two specific tryptophan residues outside of the active site. Furthermore, the probe could detect and image extracellular fucosidase activity on the surface of live bacteria

    Human Glycolipid Transfer Protein (GLTP) Expression Modulates Cell Shape

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    Glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP) accelerates glycosphingolipid (GSL) intermembrane transfer via a unique lipid transfer/binding fold (GLTP-fold) that defines the GLTP superfamily and is the prototype for GLTP-like domains in larger proteins, i.e. phosphoinositol 4-phosphate adaptor protein-2 (FAPP2). Although GLTP-folds are known to play roles in the nonvesicular intracellular trafficking of glycolipids, their ability to alter cell phenotype remains unexplored. In the present study, overexpression of human glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP) was found to dramatically alter cell phenotype, with cells becoming round between 24 and 48 h after transfection. By 48 h post transfection, ∟70% conversion to the markedly round shape was evident in HeLa and HEK-293 cells, but not in A549 cells. In contrast, overexpression of W96A-GLTP, a liganding-site point mutant with abrogated ability to transfer glycolipid, did not alter cell shape. The round adherent cells exhibited diminished motility in wound healing assays and an inability to endocytose cholera toxin but remained viable and showed little increase in apoptosis as assessed by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. A round cell phenotype also was induced by overexpression of FAPP2, which binds/transfers glycolipid via its C-terminal GLTP-like fold, but not by a plant GLTP ortholog (ACD11), which is incapable of glycolipid binding/transfer. Screening for human protein partners of GLTP by yeast two hybrid screening and by immuno-pulldown analyses revealed regulation of the GLTP-induced cell rounding response by interaction with δ-catenin. Remarkably, while δ-catenin overexpression alone induced dendritic outgrowths, coexpression of GLTP along with δ-catenin accelerated transition to the rounded phenotype. The findings represent the first known phenotypic changes triggered by GLTP overexpression and regulated by direct interaction with a p120-catenin protein family member
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