625 research outputs found

    Enabling Competitive Performance of Medical Imaging with Diffusion Model-generated Images without Privacy Leakage

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    Deep learning methods have impacted almost every research field, demonstrating notable successes in medical imaging tasks such as denoising and super-resolution. However, the prerequisite for deep learning is data at scale, but data sharing is expensive yet at risk of privacy leakage. As cutting-edge AI generative models, diffusion models have now become dominant because of their rigorous foundation and unprecedented outcomes. Here we propose a latent diffusion approach for data synthesis without compromising patient privacy. In our exemplary case studies, we develop a latent diffusion model to generate medical CT, MRI and PET images using publicly available datasets. We demonstrate that state-of-the-art deep learning-based denoising/super-resolution networks can be trained on our synthetic data to achieve image quality equivalent to what the same network can achieve after being trained on the original data (the p values well exceeding the threshold of 0.05). In our advanced diffusion model, we specifically embed a safeguard mechanism to protect patient privacy effectively and efficiently. Consequently, every synthetic image is guaranteed to be different by a pre-specified threshold from the closest counterpart in the original patient dataset. Our approach allows privacy-proof public sharing of diverse big datasets for development of deep models, potentially enabling federated learning at the level of input data instead of local network weights.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Features-Based Deisotoping Method for Tandem Mass Spectra

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    For high-resolution tandem mass spectra, the determination of monoisotopic masses of fragment ions plays a key role in the subsequent peptide and protein identification. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for deisotoping the bottom-up spectra. Isotopic-cluster graphs are constructed to describe the relationship between all possible isotopic clusters. Based on the relationship in isotopic-cluster graphs, each possible isotopic cluster is assessed with a score function, which is built by combining nonintensity and intensity features of fragment ions. The non-intensity features are used to prevent fragment ions with low intensity from being removed. Dynamic programming is adopted to find the highest score path with the most reliable isotopic clusters. The experimental results have shown that the average Mascot scores and F-scores of identified peptides from spectra processed by our deisotoping method are greater than those by YADA and MS-Deconv software

    New cooperation between Belarus and China: new pedagogical reforms

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    The article reflects the ways of improvement of educational process for Chinese in Belarus according to the cultural specific

    ESP: Exploiting Symmetry Prior for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has achieved promising results in recent years. However, most existing reinforcement learning methods require a large amount of data for model training. In addition, data-efficient reinforcement learning requires the construction of strong inductive biases, which are ignored in the current MARL approaches. Inspired by the symmetry phenomenon in multi-agent systems, this paper proposes a framework for exploiting prior knowledge by integrating data augmentation and a well-designed consistency loss into the existing MARL methods. In addition, the proposed framework is model-agnostic and can be applied to most of the current MARL algorithms. Experimental tests on multiple challenging tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Moreover, the proposed framework is applied to a physical multi-robot testbed to show its superiority.Comment: Accepted by ECAI 202

    Communication-Efficient Framework for Distributed Image Semantic Wireless Transmission

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    Multi-node communication, which refers to the interaction among multiple devices, has attracted lots of attention in many Internet-of-Things (IoT) scenarios. However, its huge amounts of data flows and inflexibility for task extension have triggered the urgent requirement of communication-efficient distributed data transmission frameworks. In this paper, inspired by the great superiorities on bandwidth reduction and task adaptation of semantic communications, we propose a federated learning-based semantic communication (FLSC) framework for multi-task distributed image transmission with IoT devices. Federated learning enables the design of independent semantic communication link of each user while further improves the semantic extraction and task performance through global aggregation. Each link in FLSC is composed of a hierarchical vision transformer (HVT)-based extractor and a task-adaptive translator for coarse-to-fine semantic extraction and meaning translation according to specific tasks. In order to extend the FLSC into more realistic conditions, we design a channel state information-based multiple-input multiple-output transmission module to combat channel fading and noise. Simulation results show that the coarse semantic information can deal with a range of image-level tasks. Moreover, especially in low signal-to-noise ratio and channel bandwidth ratio regimes, FLSC evidently outperforms the traditional scheme, e.g. about 10 peak signal-to-noise ratio gain in the 3 dB channel condition.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    Leveraging Partial Symmetry for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Incorporating symmetry as an inductive bias into multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has led to improvements in generalization, data efficiency, and physical consistency. While prior research has succeeded in using perfect symmetry prior, the realm of partial symmetry in the multi-agent domain remains unexplored. To fill in this gap, we introduce the partially symmetric Markov game, a new subclass of the Markov game. We then theoretically show that the performance error introduced by utilizing symmetry in MARL is bounded, implying that the symmetry prior can still be useful in MARL even in partial symmetry situations. Motivated by this insight, we propose the Partial Symmetry Exploitation (PSE) framework that is able to adaptively incorporate symmetry prior in MARL under different symmetry-breaking conditions. Specifically, by adaptively adjusting the exploitation of symmetry, our framework is able to achieve superior sample efficiency and overall performance of MARL algorithms. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework over baselines. Finally, we implement the proposed framework in real-world multi-robot testbed to show its superiority.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202