24 research outputs found

    Self-management support intervention for parents of children with developmental disorders: The role of gratitude and hope

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    Objectives: Many parents of children with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit disorders, experience poor well-being and increased anxiety and depression. Very few interventions directly target parents’ needs. The peer-delivered HOPE Programme was designed to address this with six weekly group sessions focusing on self-management skills, including goal setting and expressing gratitude. Methods: This pre-post study aimed to examine changes in anxiety, depression, well-being, hope and gratitude, and to explore associations between changes in anxiety and depression and changes in gratitude and hope. Validated measures of depression, anxiety, positive well-being, gratitude and hope were used. Parents of children with a range of developmental disabilities, most commonly autism spectrum disorders, were recruited. Results: Of 137 (86.9% female) recruited, 108 parents completed the course and post-course data. Parents’ depression, anxiety, well-being, gratitude and hope all significantly improved between baseline and post-course. Hope and gratitude correlated significantly with depression, anxiety and well-being. Baseline depression, baseline gratitude, post-course hope and gratitude explained 50% of the variance in post-course depression. Reduced work hours, and baseline and post-course hope and gratitude explained 40% of the variance in post-course well-being. Anxiety was not associated to hope nor gratitude at either time point. Conclusions: This study provides initial support for feasibility and potential effect of the peer delivered self-management intervention on parental anxiety and depression. Changes in gratitude and hope account for some change in depression, but not anxiety. A randomised controlled trial is needed to establish efficacy and explore mechanisms of change in-depth

    Development and feasibility of the Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE) self-management intervention for people living with multiple sclerosis.

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    PURPOSE: To describe the development and feasibility of a self-management intervention called the Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE: MS), aimed at improving the physical and psychological wellbeing of people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). METHOD: HOPE: MS is an innovative, 6-week group-based, manualised self-management intervention combining positive psychology theory and practice, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Participants (N = 21) recruited via a local East Midlands branch of the MS Society attended one of three HOPE: MS interventions and completed self-reported outcome measures in week 1 and week 6. The following outcome measures were used: The Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale; Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue Severity Scale; The Multiple Sclerosis Self-Efficacy Scale; The Adult State Hope Scale; The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; The Positive and Negative Affect Scale. RESULTS: Post-intervention (6 weeks) mean scores decreased in the physical impact (baseline M = 65.6, SD = 17.4; 6 weeks M = 55.1, SD = 17.9, 95% CI [-4.39, -16.47] and the psychological impact of MS (baseline M = 24.0, SD = 7.3; 6 weeks M = 18.9; SD = 6.3, 95% CI [-2.54, -7.66]). There was also a decrease mean fatigue severity scores (baseline 49.4, SD = 13.3, 6 weeks M = 41.1, SD = 14.4, 95% CI [-2.65, -13.44]). There was a mean decrease in depression scores (baseline M = 6.9, SD = 3.5; 6 weeks M = 4.2, SD = 2.8, 95% CI [-1.43, -4.00]). There were smaller mean decreases in anxiety (baseline M = 7.6, SD = 3.4; 6 weeks M = 6.7 (4.0), 95% CI [0.69, -2.50]) and negative affect (baseline M = 22.9, SD = 6.8; 6 weeks M = 20.8 (8.1), 95% CI [0.69, -2.50]) refer Table 3 ). Mean MS self-efficacy scores (baseline 21.7, SD = 4.2; 6 weeks M = 24.1, SD = 4.7, 95% CI [0.23, 4.53]), mean total hope scores (baseline M = 23.3, SD = 10.7; 6 weeks M = 32.2 (10.6), 95% CI [4.91, 12.9]), hope agency scores (baseline M = 10.5, SD = 5.7; 6 weeks M = 15.7 (6.2), 95% CI [2.37, 8.01]), hope pathways (baseline M = 12.9, SD = 6.0; 6 weeks M = 16.6 (4.9), 95% CI [2.00, 5.43]) and positive affect scores increased (baseline M = 27.3, SD = 7.1; 6 months M = 32.2, SD = 8.4, 95% CI [0.42, 9.39]). Participants positively rated the intervention quality and delivery. CONCLUSIONS: This feasibility study showed that the HOPE: MS was acceptable and useful to people living with MS. Further robust evaluations using a randomised controlled trial design with longer follow ups are needed to confirm early promising results of the HOPE: MS. Implications for rehabilitation Living with MS requires constant adjustments to cope with unpredictable symptoms. Self-management interventions have the potential to help people living with MS to improve their quality of life. A feasibility study of the HOPE: MS self-management group-based intervention showed that it was acceptable and useful to people living with MS

    A Digital Self-management Program (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively) for People Living With Cancer:Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: We present the results of a feasibility, randomized waitlist control group (CG) parallel design study with a 1:1 allocation ratio. Participants were randomized into an intervention group (IG) or a waitlist CG. The intervention was a 6-week digital self-management program, Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (HOPE), for people with cancer. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to test the feasibility of a digitally delivered self-management program for people with cancer. This will inform the design of a definitive randomized controlled trial. In addition, a preliminary assessment of the impact of the HOPE program via secondary outcomes will be used to assess signals of efficacy in a trial context. METHODS: Participants were drawn from an opportunity sample, referred by Macmillan Cancer Support, and were invited via email to participate in the study (N=61). Primary outcomes were rates of recruitment, retention, follow-up, completion and adherence, sample size and effect size estimation, and assessment of progression criteria for a definitive trial. Secondary outcomes were self-report measures of participants’ positive mental well-being, depression, anxiety, and patient activation (ie, confidence in managing their cancer). The intervention and data collection took place on the web. RESULTS: The recruitment rate was 77% (47/61). A total of 41 participants completed the baseline questionnaires and were randomized to either the IG (n=21) or the waitlist CG (n=20). The retention rate (attending all program sessions) was greater than 50% (all: 21/41, 51%, IG: 10/21, 48%; and CG: 11/20, 55%). The follow-up rate (completing all questionnaires) was greater than 80% (all: 33/41, 80%; IG: 16/21, 76%; and CG: 17/20, 85%). The completion rate (attending ≥3 sessions and completing all questionnaires) was greater than 60% (all: 25/41, 61%; IG: 13/21, 62%; and CG: 12/20, 60%). Engagement data showed that participants viewed between half (5.1/10, 51%) and three-quarters (12.2/16, 76%) of the pages in each session. CONCLUSIONS: All progression criteria for a definitive trial were met, as supported by the primary outcome data. The IG showed improved postprogram scores on measures of positive mental well-being, depression, anxiety, and patient activation. A full-scale trial of the digital HOPE program for people with cancer will allow us to fully evaluate the efficacy of the intervention relative to a CG. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN79623250; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN79623250 INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/2426

    Help to Overcome Problems Effectively for Cancer Survivors: Development and Evaluation of a Digital Self-Management Program

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    Background People living with cancer face numerous psychosocial challenges, including cancer-related fatigue, fear of recurrence, and depression. There is a lack of digital interventions tailored to the needs of people living with all types of cancer. We developed a 6-week, digital, peer-delivered, self-management program: iHOPE (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively; where ‘i’ indicates the digital version of the program). The program is underpinned by positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy to meet these psychosocial challenges. Objective This study aimed to assess the feasibility of the iHOPE program among people living with cancer. Program adherence and satisfaction along with changes in psychological distress and positive well-being were measured. Methods A pre-post, acceptability, and feasibility design was used. People living with cancer (N=114) were recruited via a national cancer charity in the United Kingdom and were given access to the iHOPE program. Demographic and other participant characteristics were recorded. Participants completed digital measures at baseline and the end of the 6-week program for depression, anxiety, cancer-related fatigue, cancer worry or fear of cancer recurrence, positive mental well-being, hope, gratitude, and health status. The website’s system recorded data on the usage of the program. Satisfaction with the program was also measured. Results A total of 114 participants completed the baseline questionnaires. Of these, 70 people (61.4%) participated in all 6 sessions. The mean number of sessions undertaken was 5.0 (SD 1.5). Moreover, 44.7% (51/114) of participants completed at least three sessions and end-of-program outcome measures. A total of 59 participants completed the satisfaction questionnaire, where ≥90% (54/58) of participants reported that the program was easy to navigate and was well managed by the peer facilitators, and that they found the social networking tools useful. Preliminary efficacy testing among the 51 participants who completed baseline and postprogram outcome measures showed that postprogram scores decreased for depression, anxiety, cancer-related fatigue, and fear of recurrence (all P&lt;.001) and increased for positive mental well-being (P&lt;.001), hope (both P&lt;.001), and gratitude (P=.02). Conclusions The feasibility evidence is promising, showing that the peer-delivered digital iHOPE program is acceptable and practical. Implementation of the iHOPE program on a wider scale will incorporate further research and development to maximize the completion rates of the measures. Initial effectiveness data suggest positive impacts on important cancer-related quality of life and mental well-being outcomes. A randomized controlled trial design with a longer follow-up is needed to confirm the potential of the iHOPE program for improving mental and physical health outcomes for cancer survivors. </jats:sec

    A Digital Program (Hope) for People Living With Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic:Protocol for a Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background During the COVID-19 lockdown period in the United Kingdom that began on March 23, 2020, more than a quarter of a million people with cancer reported worsening mental health. Help to Overcome Problems Effectively (Hope) is a self-management program for people with cancer, designed to provide support for distress, unmet needs, and poor psychological health. In light of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, digital delivery of the Hope Programme has become ever more vital for people with cancer. Previous pre-post studies of the digital Hope Programme have found reduced anxiety and depression and improved well-being for people with cancer. However, evaluation of this evidence has been limited by the lack of a control group in these previous studies. Objective We now present a protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial of the digital Hope Programme for people with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary outcomes will be recruitment, dropout, and adherence rates, and estimations of sample and effect size. To detect signals of efficacy, secondary outcomes will be participant mental health and well-being. Methods Participants will be recruited by Macmillan Cancer Support (MCS) through their social media networks. The study will employ a feasibility wait-list randomized controlled trial (RCT) design, with people with cancer being randomized to join the digital Hope Programme immediately (intervention group [IG]) or join a 6-week waiting list (wait-list control group [WLCG]) with a 1:1 allocation ratio. Participants will complete digital measures of depression, anxiety, mental well-being, and confidence in managing their own health. Online questionnaires will be administered preprogram and 6 weeks postprogram. Results All people who had requested access to the Hope Programme from MCS (N=61) will be invited to participate in the trial. Baseline data collection commenced in April 2020, and the Hope Programme began for the IG in May 2020 and for the WLCG in June 2020. Postprogram data collection was completed by the end of August 2020. Conclusions This feasibility study will provide data to inform the design of a future definitive trial. Wider-scale provision of the digital Hope Programme has potential to improve the lives of thousands of people with cancer and reduce the burden on health care providers during these unprecedented times. Trial Registration ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN79623250; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN79623250 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/24264 </jats:sec

    Management of patient adherence to medications: protocol for an online survey of doctors, pharmacists and nurses in Europe

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    Introduction It is widely recognised that many patients do not take prescribed medicines as advised. Research in this field has commonly focused on the role of the patient in non-adherence; however, healthcare professionals can also have a major influence on patient behaviour in taking medicines. This study examines the perceptions, beliefs and behaviours of healthcare professionals-doctors, pharmacists and nurses-about patient medication adherence. Methods and analysis This paper describes the study protocol and online questionnaire used in a cross-sectional survey of healthcare professionals in Europe. The participating countries include Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy and England. The study population comprises primary care and community-based doctors, pharmacists and nurses involved in the care of adult patients taking prescribed medicines for chronic and acute illnesses. Discussion Knowledge of the nature, extent and variability of the practices of healthcare professionals to support medication adherence could inform future service design, healthcare professional education, policy and research

    Self-directed versus peer-supported digital self-management programmes for mental and sexual wellbeing after acquired brain injury (HOPE4ABI): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial

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    Background Acquired brain injury (ABI) can lead to biopsychosocial changes such as depression, low self-esteem and fatigue. These changes can cause, and be caused by, sexual issues affecting relationships and wellbeing. Given the relationship between sexual wellbeing and mental health, it is feasible that supporting sexual wellbeing will benefit psychological wellbeing. However, neurorehabilitation is inconsistent and often fragmented across the UK, and psychological, sexual and social support are lacking. Research shows that self-management and peer-support programmes can improve quality of life, self-efficacy and psychological wellbeing after brain injury. This protocol describes a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a digital self-management programme to support mental and sexual wellbeing (known as HOPE4ABI), co-designed with and for people with ABI. Methods This mixed-methods feasibility RCT has two parallel trial arms of the 8-week digital HOPE4ABI self-management programme. Eligibility criteria include age > 18 years, diagnosed or suspected ABI > 3 months prior to trial entry, access to an Internet-enabled device and ability to engage with the intervention. Referrals to the study website will be made via the National Health Service (NHS), social media and partnering organisations. Sixty eligible participants will be randomised at a ratio of 1:1 to peer-supported (n = 30) or self-directed (n = 30) HOPE4ABI programmes. Primary feasibility outcomes include recruitment and retention rates, engagement, adherence and usage. Secondary outcomes related to standardised measures of quality of life, sexual wellbeing and mental wellbeing. Participants and peer facilitators will be interviewed after the course to assess acceptability across both trial arms. Discussion This feasibility trial data is not sufficiently powered for inferential statistical analyses but will provide evidence of the feasibility of a full RCT. Quantitative trial data will be analysed descriptively, and participant screening data representing age, ethnicity and gender will be presented as proportions at the group level. These data may indicate trends in reach to particular demographic groups that can inform future recruitment strategies to widen participation. Progression to a definitive trial will be justified if predetermined criteria are met, relating to recruitment, retention, engagement and acceptability. Trial registration ISRCTN46988394 registered on March 1, 2023

    Confidentiality, anonymity and amnesty for midwives in distress seeking online support – Ethical?

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    BACKGROUND: Midwife health is intrinsically linked to the quality of safe patient care. To ensure safe patient care, there is a need to deliver emotional support to midwives. One option that midwives may turn to may be a confidential online intervention, instead of localised, face-to-face support. RESEARCH DESIGN: Following the Realist And MEta-narrative Evidence Syntheses: Evolving Standards publication standards, this realist synthesis approach explores the ethical considerations in permitting confidentiality, anonymity and amnesty in online interventions to support midwives in work-related psychological distress. An iterative search methodology was used to select nine papers for review. To assimilate information, papers were examined for ideas relating to ethical dimensions of online interventions to support midwives in work-related psychological distress. This review takes a narrative approach. FINDINGS: Online interventions can support the development of insight, help seeking and open discussion. Additionally, Internet support groups can become morally persuasive in nature. Anonymity and confidentiality are both effective and therapeutic features of online interventions when used in collaboration with effective online moderation. Yet, ethical dilemmas remain where users cannot be identified. DISCUSSION: Confidentiality and anonymity remain key components of successful online interventions. However, sanctioning the corollary component of amnesty may provoke moral discomfort for those seeking immediate accountability. For others, amnesty is seen as essential for open disclosure and help seeking. Ultimately, the needs of midwives must be balanced with the requirement to protect the public and the professional reputation of midwifery. CONCLUSION: In supporting midwives online, the principles of anonymity, confidentiality and amnesty may evoke some resistance on ethical grounds. However, without offering identity protection, it may not be possible to create effective online support services for midwives. The authors of this article argue that the principles of confidentiality, anonymity and amnesty should be upheld in the pursuit of the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people

    Developing consensus-based policy solutions for medicines adherence for Europe: a Delphi study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non-adherence to prescribed medication is a pervasive problem that can incur serious effects on patients’ health outcomes and well-being, and the availability of resources in healthcare systems. This study aimed to develop practical consensus-based policy solutions to address medicines non-adherence for Europe.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A four-round Delphi study was conducted. The Delphi Expert Panel comprised 50 participants from 14 countries and was representative of: patient/carers organisations; healthcare providers and professionals; commissioners and policy makers; academics; and industry representatives. Participants engaged in the study remotely, anonymously and electronically. Participants were invited to respond to open questions about the causes, consequences and solutions to medicines non-adherence. Subsequent rounds refined responses, and sought ratings of the relative importance, and operational and political feasibility of each potential solution to medicines non-adherence. Feedback of individual and group responses was provided to participants after each round. Members of the Delphi Expert Panel and members of the research group participated in a consensus meeting upon completion of the Delphi study to discuss and further refine the proposed policy solutions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>43 separate policy solutions to medication non-adherence were agreed by the Panel. 25 policy solutions were prioritised based on composite scores for importance, and operational and political feasibility. Prioritised policy solutions focused on interventions for patients, training for healthcare professionals, and actions to support partnership between patients and healthcare professionals. Few solutions concerned actions by governments, healthcare commissioners, or interventions at the system level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Consensus about practical actions necessary to address non-adherence to medicines has been developed for Europe. These actions are also applicable to other regions. Prioritised policy solutions for medicines non-adherence offer a benefit to policymakers and healthcare providers seeking to address this multifaceted, complex problem.</p