16 research outputs found

    Finite Element Analysis of the Distribution Parameters of a Metal Dot Array in a SAW Gyroscope

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    A surface acoustic wave (SAW) gyroscope has many unique advantages, but a low detection sensitivity limits its development. Previous studies have shown that adding a metal dot array to the acoustic wave propagation path of the SAW delay line can enhance the Coriolis force and further improve sensitivity. Therefore, in order to optimize the detection sensitivity performance of the sensor, 128°YX-LiNbO3, ST-X Quartz and X112°Y-LiTaO3 piezoelectric substrates were selected by finite element method to analyze the influence of the metal dot array size on the SAW gyroscopic effect in this paper. The most suitable metal dot size for 128°YX-LiNbO3 and X112°Y-LiTaO3 obtained by simulation are 5/16λ and 1/16λ, respectively; for example, when the normalized angular velocity is 1 × 10−3, the SAW gyroscopic effect factor g of the two piezoelectric substrates distributing the optimum size metal dots can reach 22.4 kHz and 5.2 kHz. For ST-X quartz, there is a threshold between the rotation speed of the substrate and the optimum size of the metal dot. When the rotating speed is lower than the threshold, the SAW gyroscopic effect is strongest when the metal dot size is 3/16λ; otherwise, the SAW gyroscopic effect is strongest when the size is 11/16λ. These research results provide new ideas for improvement of the SAW gyroscope

    Optimization of Surface Acoustic Wave-Based Rate Sensors

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    The optimization of an surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based rate sensor incorporating metallic dot arrays was performed by using the approach of partial-wave analysis in layered media. The optimal sensor chip designs, including the material choice of piezoelectric crystals and metallic dots, dot thickness, and sensor operation frequency were determined theoretically. The theoretical predictions were confirmed experimentally by using the developed SAW sensor composed of differential delay line-oscillators and a metallic dot array deposited along the acoustic wave propagation path of the SAW delay lines. A significant improvement in sensor sensitivity was achieved in the case of 128° YX LiNbO3, and a thicker Au dot array, and low operation frequency were used to structure the sensor

    Surface Acoustic Wave Gyroscopic Effect in an Interdigital Transducer

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    The surface acoustic wave (SAW) gyroscopic effect in an interdigital transducer (IDT) deposited on a piezoelectric substrate is different from that in the piezoelectric substrate due to a reflection induced by IDT. In this work, an extended coupling-of-mode (COM) model including the gyroscopic effect and the reflection was developed to analyze the SAW gyroscopic effect. First, dispersion characteristics parameters of SAW were fitted according to the data derived using the finite element method (FEM). Then, variations of stop band edge frequency were calculated using the extended COM theory by integrating dispersion characteristics parameters into the COM model. We compared its results with those obtained via FEM analysis to confirm the proposed model’s validity. We found that the variation in stop band edge frequency related to gyroscope effect reached the maximum value with a zero reflectivity value. For split IDT, the sensitivity of gyroscope effect is 0.036 Hz/rad/s with a lower than 1% normalized thickness. Conversely, the value of sensitivity was almost zero for bidirectional IDT and electrode width controlled single-phase unidirectional transducer (EWC/SPUDT)

    Fast, Accurate and Full Extraction of Coupling-of-Modes Parameters by Finite Element Method

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    This paper presents a new numerical approach for the full extraction of the coupling-of-modes (COM) parameters by stationary and eigenfrequency analyses in the finite element method (FEM). This is a fast method extracting from the results of static analysis and eigenfrequency analysis. It avoids the long calculation time of admittance frequency response analysis, which is commonly used in extracting COM parameters. In addition to the usual COM parameters (velocity, reflection coefficient, transduction coefficient and capacitance), the phases of reflection and transduction coefficient can be also extracted with this method. The proposed method was applied to different cutting types LiNbO3 with different types of thicknesses in a varying interdigital transducer (IDT). These examples show that our approach has great potential in extracting all the COM parameters of the Rayleigh SAW for all kinds of IDT structures. Therefore, it is a fast, accurate, general and full extraction approach of COM parameters

    Fast, Accurate and Full Extraction of Coupling-of-Modes Parameters by Finite Element Method

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    This paper presents a new numerical approach for the full extraction of the coupling-of-modes (COM) parameters by stationary and eigenfrequency analyses in the finite element method (FEM). This is a fast method extracting from the results of static analysis and eigenfrequency analysis. It avoids the long calculation time of admittance frequency response analysis, which is commonly used in extracting COM parameters. In addition to the usual COM parameters (velocity, reflection coefficient, transduction coefficient and capacitance), the phases of reflection and transduction coefficient can be also extracted with this method. The proposed method was applied to different cutting types LiNbO3 with different types of thicknesses in a varying interdigital transducer (IDT). These examples show that our approach has great potential in extracting all the COM parameters of the Rayleigh SAW for all kinds of IDT structures. Therefore, it is a fast, accurate, general and full extraction approach of COM parameters