96 research outputs found

    Modelling biocide and herbicide concentrations in catchments of the Rhine basin

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    Impairment of water quality by organic micropollutants such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals or household chemicals is a problem in many catchments worldwide. These chemicals originate from different urban and agricultural usages and are transferred to surface waters from point or diffuse sources by a number of transport pathways. The quantification of this form of pollution in streams is challenging and especially demanding for diffuse pollution due to the high spatio-temporal concentration dynamics, which require large sampling and analytical efforts to obtain representative data on the actual water quality.Models can also be used to predict to what degree streams are affected by these pollutants. However, spatially distributed modelling of water quality is challenging for a number of reasons. Key issues are the lack of such models that incorporate both urban and agricultural sources of organic micropollutants, the large number of parameters to be estimated for many available water quality models, and the difficulty to transfer parameter estimates from calibration sites to areas where predictions are needed.To overcome these difficulties, we used the parsimonious iWaQa model that simulates herbicide transport from agricultural fields and diffuse biocide losses from urban areas (mainly façades and roof materials) and tested its predictive capabilities in the Rhine River basin. The model only requires between one and eight global model parameters per compound that need to be calibrated. Most of the data requirements relate to spatially distributed land use and comprehensive time series of precipitation, air temperature and spatial data on discharge. For larger catchments, routing was explicitly considered by coupling the iWaQa to the AQUASIM model.The model was calibrated with datasets from three different small catchments (0.5–24.6&thinsp;km2) for three agricultural herbicides (isoproturon, S-metolachlor, terbuthylazine) and two urban biocides (carbendazim, diuron). Subsequently, it was validated for herbicides and biocides in Switzerland for different years on 12 catchments of much larger size (31–35&thinsp;899&thinsp;km2) and for herbicides for the entire Rhine basin upstream of the Dutch–German border (160&thinsp;000&thinsp;km2) without any modification. For most compound–catchment combinations, the model predictions revealed a satisfactory correlation (median r2: 0.5) with the observations. The peak concentrations were mostly predicted within a factor of 2 to 4 (median: 2.1 fold difference for herbicides and 3.2 for biocides respectively). The seasonality of the peak concentration was also well simulated; the predictions of the actual timing of peak concentrations, however, was generally poor.Limited spatio-temporal data, first on the use of the selected pesticides and second on their concentrations in the river network, restrict the possibilities to scrutinize model performance. Nevertheless, the results strongly suggest that input data and model structure are major sources of predictive uncertainty. The latter is for example seen in background concentrations that are systematically overestimated in certain regions, which is most probably linked to the modelled coupling of background concentrations to land use intensity.Despite these limitations the findings indicate that key drivers and processes are reasonably well approximated by the model and that such a simple model that includes land use as a proxy for compound use, weather data for the timing of herbicide applications and discharge or precipitation as drivers for transport is sufficient to predict the timing and level of peak concentrations within a factor of 2 to 3 in a spatially distributed manner at the scale of large river basins.</p

    Intrinsic tuning of poly (styrene-butadiene-styrene) (SBS) based self-healing dielectric elastomer actuators with enhanced electromechanical properties

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    The electromechanical properties of a thermoplastic styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) dielectric elastomer was intrinsically tuned by chemical grafting with polar organic groups. Methyl thioglycolate (MG) reacted with the butadiene block via a one-step thiol-ene ‘click’ reaction under UV at 25°C. The MG grafting ratio reached 98.5 mol% (with respect to the butadiene alkenes present) within 20 minutes and increased the relative permittivity to 11.4 at 103 Hz, with a low tan ÎŽ. The actuation strain of the MG grafted SBS dielectric elastomer actuator was ten times larger than the SBS-based actuator, and the actuation force was four times greater than SBS. The MG grafted SBS demonstrated an ability to achieve both mechanical and electrical self-healing. The electrical breakdown strength recovered to 15% of its original value, and the strength and elongation at break recovered by 25% and 21%, respectively, after three days. The self-healing behaviour was explained by the introduction of polar MG groups that reduce viscous loss and strain relaxation. The weak CH/π bonds through the partially charged (ÎŽ+) groups adjacent to the ester of MG and the ÎŽ- centre of styrene enable polymer chains to reunite and recover properties. Intrinsic tuning can therefore enhance the electromechanical properties of dielectric elastomers and provides new actuator materials with self-healing mechanical and dielectric properties

    Light scattering corrections to linear dichroism spectroscopy for liposomes in shear flow using calcein fluorescence and modified Rayleigh-Gans-Debye-Mie scattering

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    The interpretation of data from absorbance spectroscopy experiments of liposomes in flow systems is often complicated by the fact that there is currently no easy way to account for scattering artefacts. This has proved particularly problematic for linear dichroism (LD) spectroscopy, which may be used to determine binding modes of small molecules, peptides and proteins to liposomes if we can extract the absorbance signal from the combined absorbance/scattering experiment. Equations for a modified Rayleigh-Gans-Debye (RGD) approximation to the turbidity (scattering) LD spectrum are available in the literature though have not been implemented. This review summarises the literature and shows how it can be implemented. The implementation proceeds by first determining volume loss that occurs when a spherical liposome is subjected to flow. Calcein fluorescence can be used for this purpose since at high concentrations (> 60 mM) it has low intensity fluorescence with maxima at 525 and 563 nm whereas at low concentrations (<1 mM) the fluorescence intensity is enhanced and the band shifts to 536 nm. The scattering calculation process yields the average axis ratios of the distorted liposome ellipsoids and extent of orientation of the liposomes in flow. The scattering calculations require methods to estimate liposome integrity, volume loss, and orientation when subjected to shear stresses under flow

    Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells are present in healthy gingiva tissue

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    Hematopoietic stem cells reside in the bone marrow, where they generate the effector cells that drive immune responses. However, in response to inflammation, some hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are recruited to tissue sites and undergo extramedullary hematopoiesis. Contrasting with this paradigm, here we show residence and differentiation of HSPCs in healthy gingiva, a key oral barrier in the absence of overt inflammation. We initially defined a population of gingiva monocytes that could be locally maintained; we subsequently identified not only monocyte progenitors but also diverse HSPCs within the gingiva that could give rise to multiple myeloid lineages. Gingiva HSPCs possessed similar differentiation potentials, reconstitution capabilities, and heterogeneity to bone marrow HSPCs. However, gingival HSPCs responded differently to inflammatory insults, responding to oral but not systemic inflammation. Combined, we highlight a novel pathway of myeloid cell development at a healthy barrier, defining a gingiva-specific HSPC network that supports generation of a proportion of the innate immune cells that police this barrier

    Electrolytic ablation of the rat pancreas: a feasibility trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pancreatic cancer is a biologically aggressive disease with less than 20% of patients suitable for a "curative" surgical resection. This, combined with the poor 5-year survival indicates that effective palliative methods for symptom relief are required. Currently there are no ablative techniques to treat pancreatic cancer in clinical use. Tissue electrolysis is the delivery of a direct current between an anode and cathode to induce localised necrosis. Electrolysis has been shown to be safe and reliable in producing hepatic tissue and tumour ablation in animal models and in a limited number of patients. This study investigates the feasibility of using electrolysis to produce localised pancreatic necrosis in a healthy rat model. METHOD: Ten rats were studied in total. Eight rats were treated with variable "doses" of coulombs, and the systemic and local effects were assessed; 2 rats were used as controls. RESULTS: Seven rats tolerated the procedure well without morbidity or mortality, and one died immediately post procedure. One control rat died on induction of anaesthesia. Serum amylase and glucose were not significantly affected. CONCLUSION: Electrolysis in the rat pancreas produced localised necrosis and appears both safe, and reproducible. This novel technique could offer significant advantages for patients with unresectable pancreatic tumours. The next stage of the study is to assess pancreatic electrolysis in a pig model, prior to human pilot studies

    Just One? Solo Dining, Gender and Temporal Belonging in Public Spaces

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    In recent years, various lifestyle websites have offered tips on eating out alone as well as lists of the best restaurants for solo dining in major cities of the world. Utilising the theoretical concepts of participation units, territories of the self (Goffman 1972[1971]) and belonging (Author B2011, 2013), this paper explores the challenges that spatio-temporal conventions pose for women solo diners in particular. Through the lens of solo dining, we explore being alone and belonging in shared public spaces, and the gendered nature of aloneness and respectability. The papercontributes to existing theory by examining the influence that time has on a woman solo diner’s ‘single’ participation unit, her ability to lay claim to public space and her relationship with the surrounding social environment. The paper concludes by exploring what the new trend of solo dining can offer and the consequences this has for how sociologists conceptualise sociality inpublic spaces

    Migration, Racism and the Hostile Environment: Making the Case for the Social Sciences

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    Cite as: Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment (SSAHE)(2020). Migration, racism and the hostile environment : Making the case for the social sciences. London. https://acssmigration.wordpress.com/report/

    Brace technology thematic series: the dynamic derotation brace

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dynamic derotation brace (DDB) was designed in Greece in 1982, as a modification of the Boston brace. It is a custom-made, underarm spinal orthosis featuring aluminium blades set to produce derotating and anti-rotating effects on the thorax and trunk of patients with scoliosis. It is indicated for the non-operative correction of most curves, barring the very high thoracic ones, (when the apex vertebra is T5 or above). The purpose of this article is to familiarize physicians with the DDB, analyze the rationale behind its design, and present the published results of its application.</p> <p>Description & Principles</p> <p>The key feature of the DDB is the addition of the aluminium-made derotating blades posteriorly. These function as a force couple, which is added to the side forces exerted by the brace itself. Corrective forces are also directed through pads. One or more of previously proposed pathomechanical models of scoliosis may underline the corrective function of the DDB: it may act directly on the apical intervertebral disc, effecting correction through the Heuter-Volkman principle; the blades may produce an anti-rotatory element against the deforming "spiral composite muscle trunk rotator"; or it may alter the neuro-motor response by constantly providing new somatosensory input to the patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on measurements of the Cobb and Perdriolle angles, up to 82% of patients remained stable or improved with the use of the DDB. Results have varied, though, depending on the type/location of the deformity. The overall results showed that 35% of the curves improved, 46% remained stable and 18% became worse, as assessed by measuring the Cobb angle. The DDB has also been shown to improve cosmesis (except for right thoracic curves) and leave several aspects of patient quality of life unaffected during use.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis using the DDB has shown favorable results. Thoracic curves appear more resistant to both angular and rotatory correction. The published outcome data on the DDB support our belief that the incorporation of aluminium blades to other orthoses would likely improve their efficacy.</p

    Clinical improvement and radiological progression in a girl with early onset scoliosis (EOS) treated conservatively – a case report

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    BACKGROUND: ChĂȘneau-Brace treatment of a certain standard reduces the rate of surgery, prevents progression and in a certain patient population leads to marked improvement of Cobb angle and cosmetic appearance. During the last two years a patient refusing surgery with a double major curvature of initially 60° showed a clear cosmetic improvement and a clear radiological progression at the same time. The findings of this patient have been reviewed in order to find out how cosmetic appearance and Cobb angle can develop differently. METHODS: The patient entered conservative treatment at the age of 13 years, premenarchial with Tanner II and a Cobb angle of 60° thoracic and 59° lumbar. The angle of trunk rotation (ATR; Scoliometer) was 13° thoracic and 13° lumbar. We have documented the findings of this patient (Surface topography, ATR, Cobb angles and angles of vertebral rotation (according to Raimondi) during the treatment period (27 Month) until 2 years after the onset of menarche. RESULTS: After a treatment time of 27 Month the Cobb angle increased to 74° thoracic and 65° lumbar. The angles of vertebral rotation according to Raimondi increased slightly from 26° thoracic and 28° lumbar to 30° thoracic and 28° lumbar. The ATR improved to 12° thoracic and 5° lumbar while Lateral deviation improved from 22,4 mm to 4,6 mm and average surface rotation improved from 10,6° to 6°. In the X-rays a reduction of decompensation was visible. The patient felt comfortable with the cosmetic result. CONCLUSION: Conservative treatment may improve cosmetic appearance while the curve progresses radiologically. This could be explained by assuming that (1) the Rigo ChĂȘneau brace is able to improve cosmetic appearance by changing the shape of the thorax when the curve itself is too stiff to be corrected by a brace, that (2) reduction of decompensation leads to significant cosmetical improvements or (3) that the patient gained weight and therefore the deformation is masked. However, the weight the patient gained cannot explain the cosmetical improvement in this case. Conservative treatment with a certain standard of quality seems a viable alternative for patients with Cobb angles of > 60° when surgical treatment is refused. Specialists in scoliosis management should be aware of the fact that curve progression can occur even if the clinical measurements show an improvement
