31 research outputs found

    Development of a Multisensory Saddle as Input Device for Teleoperation

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    Due to demographic change and a skilled labour shortage in healthcare professions it is of high importance to explore technological assistance in healthcare. This thesis aims to develop a multisensory saddle as an additional input device to the HUG (Haptisches User Gerät) to be used for teleoperation in the SMiLE (Servicerobotik für Menschen in Lebenssituationen mit Einschränkungen) ecosystem. Since the HUG's input is limited to two robotic arms, the operator cannot control the mobile platform and the arms of a robot at the same time. Adding the saddle developed in this thesis to the HUG setup will resolve this, allowing the operator to control a robotic platform by pressing sensors with their legs. After evaluating different sensors, a sensor module is developed around a spring-loaded potentiometer, which is placed on the saddle adjustably to account for differences in the operators' height. Following the implementation of the necessary software infrastructure, the saddle will be validated in a user study comparing two different steering approaches: differential driving with and without the additional option to drive sideways. Obtaining mostly positive results about both the functionality to drive sideways and the saddle as an input device from the study thus concludes the development of a first prototype for the saddle

    In renal cell carcinoma the PTEN splice variant PTEN-Δ shows similar function as the tumor suppressor PTEN itself

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of PTEN is involved in tumor progression of several tumor entities including renal cell carcinoma (RCC). During the translation process PTEN generates a number of splice variants, including PTEN-Δ. We analyzed the impact of PTEN-Δ in RCC progression. METHODS: In specimens of RCC patients the expression of PTEN-Δ and PTEN was quantified. The PTEN expressing RCC cell line A498 and the PTEN deficient 786-O cell line were stably transfected with the PTEN-Δ or PTEN transcript. In Caki-1 cells that highly express PTEN-Δ, this isoform was knocked down by siRNA. Cell migration, adhesion, apoptosis and signaling pathways activities were consequently analyzed in vitro. RESULTS: Patients with a higher PTEN-Δ expression had a longer lymph node metastasis free and overall survival. In RCC specimens, the PTEN-Δ expression correlated with the PTEN expression. PTEN-Δ as well as PTEN induced a reduced migration when using extracellular matrix (ECM) compounds as chemotaxins. This effect was confirmed by knockdown of PTEN-Δ, inducing an enhanced migration. Likewise a decreased adhesion on these ECM components could be shown in PTEN-Δ and PTEN transfected cells. The apoptosis rate was slightly increased by PTEN-Δ. In a phospho-kinase array and Western blot analyses a consequently reduced activity of AKT, p38 and JNK could be shown. CONCLUSIONS: We could show that the PTEN splice variant PTEN-Δ acts similar to PTEN in a tumor suppressive manner, suggesting synergistic effects of the two isoforms. The impact of PTEN-Δ in context of tumor progression should thus be taken into account when generating new therapeutic options targeting PTEN signaling in RCC


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    A habitação é um assunto de grande importância visto que todos temos o direito de possuir um lugar digno e de qualidade para viver, bem como trata-se de um assunto de caráter público pois influência nos índices e no desenvolvimento urbano do município, além de fazer parte das ações do poder público o auxílio a pessoas de baixa renda por meio de  programas de habitação social. Diante disto o presente artigo, a ser desenvolvido sobre o município de São Miguel do Oeste – SC, tem como objetivo apresentar os conceitos de domicílio, habitação e habitação de interesse social, além de demonstrar e analisar no âmbito atual a situação domiciliar do município, apontando possíveis déficits no setor geral da habitação bem como das habitações sociais a fim de entender a situação do município e futuros pontos de ação para a melhoria deste setor urbanístico. Para tanto serão adotadas pesquisas bibliográficas pertinentes, aliando às informações coletadas durante as pesquisas por meio de artigos sobre o município que abordem este tema juntamente com dados fornecidos por funcionários da Prefeitura Municipal de São Miguel do Oeste, por meio de conversas informais com funcionários do setor de habitação. Os resultados obtidos podem ser vistos por de tabelas e mapas, os quais demonstram os bairros que possuem as maiores porcentagens de habitações próprias, alugadas e terrenos ociosos, identificando uma demanda que precisa ser suprida tanto no setor de habitações alugadas quanto no setor de habitação social

    Aproveitamento da biomassa florestal na fabricação de briquetes

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    A importância do emprego de fontes alternativas de energia, que sejam renováveis e provoquem menores danos ao meio ambiente, como menor poluição atmosférica e estabilidade do ciclo do carbono, traz em destaque a biomassa florestal. Nesse contexto, avaliou-se a produção de briquetes, produzidos a partir de resíduos florestais encontrados nas diversas fases de produção das fábricas de celulose, os quais foram analisados quimicamente, bem como suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Foram realizados dez tratamentos a partir de quatro classes de resíduos amostrados, utilizando delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com 10 repetições por tratamento. Para a análise estatística, realizou-se teste Tukey de comparação de médias e análise de componentes principais para explicar a estrutura da variância. Os tratamentos 4 e 10 apresentaram maior poder calorífico devido ao seu maior percentual de lignina, bem como obtiveram os melhores resultados de densidade energética. Quanto a densidade e a resistência mecânica, os valores encontrados foram adequados e condizentes aos citados na literatura, sendo que a última variável não diferiu estatisticamente entre os tratamentos. A análise dos componentes principais foi adequada, sendo os teores de extrativos, umidade, lignina, e a densidade energética as variáveis mais importantes na análise, com os mais elevados coeficientes da componente principal 1, a qual representa 70,9% da variância total explicada. O tratamento 4, contendo apenas casca de Pinus taeda, se destacou pelas suas melhores características para energia. Palavras-chave: Resíduos florestais, Análise multivariada, Eucalyptus spp., Pinus taed

    L'appareil policier en Belgique (1830-2010)

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    Cette contribution retrace les grandes lignes et les grands enjeux de l'évolution de l'appareil policier en Belgique, depuis l'indépendance du pays. Elle en dresse une synthèse à partir de l'historiographie la plus récent

    Comparison of medical-grade and calibrated consumer-grade displays for diagnosis of subtle bone fissures

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    To compare the diagnostic accuracy of medical-grade and calibrated consumer-grade digital displays for the detection of subtle bone fissures. Three experienced radiologists assessed 96 digital radiographs, 40 without and 56 with subtle bone fissures, for the presence or absence of fissures in various bones using one consumer-grade and two medical-grade displays calibrated according to the DICOM-Grayscale Standard Display Function. The reference standard was consensus reading. Subjective image quality was also assessed by the three readers. Statistical analysis was performed using receiver operating characteristic analysis and by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, and Youden's J for each combination of reader and display. Cohen's unweighted kappa was calculated to assess inter-rater agreement. Subjective image quality was compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. No significant differences were found for the assessment of subjective image quality. Diagnostic performance was similar across all readers and displays, with Youden's J ranging from 0.443 to 0.661. The differences were influenced more by the reader than by the display used for the assessment. No significant differences were found between medical-grade and calibrated consumer-grade displays with regard to their diagnostic performance in assessing subtle bone fissures. Calibrated consumer-grade displays may be sufficient for most radiological examinations. aEuro cent Diagnostic performance of calibrated consumer-grade displays is comparable to medical-grade displays. aEuro cent There is no significant difference with regard to subjective image quality. aEuro cent Use of calibrated consumer-grade displays could cut display costs by 60-80%

    Evaluation of external markers to estimate fecal excretion, intake, and digestibility in dairy cows

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    Fleury Azevedo Costa, D ORCiD: 0000-0001-8118-8380The objective of this study was to compare the use of an external marker titanium dioxide (TiO2) as an alternative to chromic oxide (Cr2O3) in dairy cows. Four dairy cows were allocated in individual pens and fed concentrate supplement and Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cameroon cut daily. Fecal excretion, forage and total dry matter (DM) intakes, and digestibility were measured and estimated with TiO2 and Cr2O3. Chromic oxide overestimated and TiO2 tended to overestimate fecal excretion compared with total fecal collection. Forage and total DM intakes were overestimated by Cr2O3. The apparent DM digestibility was underestimated by Cr2O3 and TiO2. The organic matter (OM) digestibility was underestimated by both markers. There were greater mean bias, mean squared prediction error, and root of the mean squared prediction errors for all parameters estimated with Cr2O3. In conclusion, estimates using TiO2 were more precise and accurate indicating that it can replace Cr2O3 as an external marker for grazing dairy cows. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht