199 research outputs found

    Georgia. A Brief Survey of Macroeconomic Problems and Policies

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    During the first three years of independence (1991-1994) Georgia suffered serious economic decline. The difficulties associated with the transition from soviet-type planning to free enterprise and with the collapse of the CMEA trade system were aggravated by civil strife and especially by the 1992-1993 war in Abkhazia which obstructed one of Georgia's main transport links to the outside world, and caused an influx of 270,000 refugees into Tbilisi and other cities. With the end of hostilities, the restoration of law and order in most of the country, and with the emergence of a government strongly committed to liberalization and to stabilization the situation turned sharply for the better. An analyses of the Georgian economic transition.Georgia, economic transition, macroeconomic policy

    We got this...

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    Working nonstop? Not sleeping enough? Feeling alone in your deadlines? Are you struggling with work-life balance? Know that you are not alone. Since the covid-19 pandemic began reports of loneliness, mental health issues, and burnout have increased. It’s quite possible that you are opting-in to an individualistic culture of overwork. If you go to RISD that\u27s almost certain. This is true for students and teachers alike. While these current systems work for some (primarily those at the tops of their respected hierarchies), for the majority of us there are better ways of being. Providing social and emotional support and creating space for collaboration leads to stronger work with less stress. In this great reshuffling era, over half the workforce is considering a career change. For many of us there are options other than simply opting out. We have agency. Focusing specifically on the RISD MID (Master of Industrial Design) program, this thesis is an investigation into building resilient cultures of collective care in pressurized workplaces. Such culture change can be achieved through sustained incremental middle out interventions. To better understand the challenges in MID, my process involved deepening my relationships with my community. I then designed and tested participatory artifacts and social events aimed at promoting an engaged pedagogy, increasing collaboration, and improving information opacity. Also, I tried to have a little fun with my community (and this book) along the way. While every work environment has its own specific context, many work cultures face similar challenges. The aims, avenues, tools, and social events in this thesis have applicability beyond the context of RISD

    Do Development Economists Matter?

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    SUMMARY If appropriate policies, rather than initial economic conditions, have produced successful development, why are appropriate policies not more widely adopted by developing country governments — or, why has the advice of most development economists not been heeded? The ‘new (neoclassical) political economy’ offers a systematic explanation of why policy?makers behave as they do. Instead of assuming that governments are agencies for promoting the public interest, the new political economy's models endogenise the policy?maker in states characterised variously as predatory (‘the Leviathan state’), as factional, or as bureaucratic. The limitations of these models are addressed, and their relevance to developing countries is questioned. A more eclectic approach to political economy is, therefore, suggested, in which older elements are combined with the new. Such an approach is then applied to the political economy of trade policy. RESUME Les économistes spécialisés dans le domaine du développement sont?ils importants? Si des mesures appropriées, plutôt que des conditions économiques initiales ont produit un développement qui a eu du succès, pourquoi des mesures adéquates ne sont?elles pas adoptées plus largement par les gouvernements des pays en voie de développement. — ou pourquoi le besoin de l'assistance de la plupart des economistes spécialisés dans les problèmes de développement ne s'est?elle pas fait sentir? La nouvelle politique économique (néo?classique) offre une explication systématique expliquant pourquoi ceux qui prennent les décisions se comportent comme ils le font. Au lieu d'assumer que les gouvernements sont des agences pour la promotion de l'intérêt publique, les nouveaux modèles d'économie politique endogénisent ceux qui prennent les décisions, les charactêrisant de prédateurs (‘l’état du Leviathan'), de fonctionel, ou de bureaucratique. Les limitations de ces modèles sont adressés, et leur pertinence concernant les pays en voie de développement sont mis en question. Une approche plus ecclectique à l'economie politique est donc, suggérée, dans laquelle des éléments plus anciens sont associés avec les nouveaux. Une telle approche est ensuite appliquée à l'économie politique du commerce. RESUMEN ¿Importan los economistas del desarrollo? Si el desarrollo exitoso ha sido producido más bien por políticas adecuadas que por condiciones económicas iniciales ¿por qué aquellas no son más ampliamente adoptadas por los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo o por qué no ha sido escuchado el consejo de muchos economistas del desarollo? La “nueva política económica (neoclásica)” ofrece una explicación sistemática del comportamiento de los diseñadores de política. En lugar de suponer que los gobiernos son agencias para promover el interés público, los nuevos modelos de economía política endogenizan el diseño de política en estados caracterizados como predatorios (“el estado Leviathan”), faccionales o burocráticos. Se consideran las limitaciones de estos modelos y se cuestiona su relevancia para los países en desarrollo. En consecuencia, se sugiere un enfoque más ecléctico que combina elementos antiguos con los nuevos aplicándose luego tal enfoque a la política comercial