57 research outputs found

    Curl-Free Pressure Gradients over Orography in a Solution of the Fully Compressible Euler Equations with Implicit Treatment of Acoustic and Gravity Waves

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    Steep orography can cause noisy solutions and instability in models of the atmosphere. A new technique for modeling flow over orography is introduced that guarantees curl-free gradients on arbitrary grids, implying that the pressure gradient term is not a spurious source of vorticity. This mimetic property leads to better hydrostatic balance and better energy conservation on test cases using terrain-following grids. Curl-free gradients are achieved by using the covariant components of velocity over orography rather than the usual horizontal and vertical components. In addition, gravity and acoustic waves are treated implicitly without the need for mean and perturbation variables or a hydrostatic reference profile. This enables a straightforward description of the implicit treatment of gravity waves. Results are presented of a resting atmosphere over orography and the curl-free pressure gradient formulation is advantageous. Results of gravity waves over orography are insensitive to the placement of terrain-following layers. The model with implicit gravity waves is stable in strongly stratified conditions, with NΔt up to at least 10 (where N is the Brunt–Väisälä frequency). A warm bubble rising over orography is simulated and the curl-free pressure gradient formulation gives much more accurate results for this test case than a model without this mimetic property

    Numerical methods for entrainment and detrainment in the multi-fluid Euler equations for convection

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    Convection schemes are a large source of error in global weather and climate models, and modern resolutions are often too fine to parameterise convection but are still too coarse to fully resolve it. Recently, numerical solutions of multi-fluid equations have been proposed for a more flexible and consistent treatment of sub-grid scale convection, including net mass transport by convection and non-equilibrium dynamics. The technique involves splitting the atmosphere into multiple fluids. For example, the atmosphere could be divided into buoyant updrafts and stable regions. The fluids interact through a common pressure, drag and mass transfers (entrainment and detrainment). Little is known about the numerical properties of mass transfer terms between the fluids. We derive mass transfer terms which relabel the fluids and derive numerical properties of the transfer schemes, including boundedness, momentum conservation and energy conservation on a co-located grid. Numerical simulations of the multi-fluid Euler equations using a C-grid are presented using stable and unstable treatments of the transfers on a well-resolved two-fluid dry convection test case. We find two schemes which are conservative, stable and bounded for large timesteps, and maintain their numerical properties on staggered grids
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