131 research outputs found

    La qualité de la gouvernance microfinancière dans les pays de l'UEMOA: construction d'un indice agrégé de gouvernance des IMF appliquée au cas du Bénin

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    peer reviewedCe papier pose le problème de la qualité de la gouvernance dans le secteur microfinancier de l’UEMOA et suggère la construction d’un indice agrégé permettant d’évaluer les institutions opérant dans ce secteur à partir de l’exemple du Bénin. En effet, à l’instar des travaux dédiés à la gouvernance des entreprises classiques, dont ceux de Louizi (2006) et de Marsal et Bouaiss (2007) figurent parmi les plus récents sur le secteur bancaire, la littérature microfinancière met en évidence des liens étroits entre la qualité de la gouvernance des IMF et leur performance (Rock et al., 2001 ; Labie, 2001 ; Drake et Rhyne, 2002 ; Mersland et Strøm, 2007). Or la qualité de la gouvernance s’inscrit de plus en plus au premier plan des défis majeurs qu’affrontent la plupart des IMF en marche vers la pérennité dans les pays de l’UEMOA. De plus, en dépit de la multiplicité des facettes que présentent les crises de gouvernance dans plusieurs institutions, l’analyse des indices agrégés issus des données du Bénin révèle une dégradation de la qualité de la gouvernance sur l’ensemble du secteur. Ce constat tend à amincir, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, les perspectives de viabilité qui s’avèrent pourtant légitimes en matière de microfinance.In this paper we address the issue of governance quality in the microfinance sector in the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa and try to build an aggregate index for measuring the sustainability of these institutions focusing on the Benin case study. Following the recent literature on corporate governance in the classic bank sector (Louizi, 2006; Marsal & Bouaiss, 2007), some studies show evidence of a strong correlation between the governance quality of microfinance organizations and their performance (Rock et al., 1998; Labie, 2001; Drake & Rhyne, 2002; Mersland & Strøm, 2007). And governance quality increasingly tends to become the biggest challenge faced by most microfinance organizations in EMUWA. Despite the many facets of governance quality, the analysis of the aggregate indexes built using data from Benin shows that governance quality in the whole sector has been deteriorated. All other things being equal, this conclusion tends to reduce the prospects of viability in the sector

    Voice Based Database Management System Using DSP Processor

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    Security is provided to customers through PIN/ID protection, to secure their data and information using password. This method require user to authenticate them by entering password. There are cases of fraud and theft when people can easily know the password. But there is a existing technology known as Bio-metric Identification System. It uses an individual's bio-metric characteristics, that is unique and therefore can be used to authenticate the user authority access. This invention is an implementation of speaker verification for attendance monitoring system using DSP Processor. First, speech signal will go to pre-processing phase, where it will remove the background noise then, speech signal's features will be extracted using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) method. Then, using Hamming Window, the features will be matched with the reference speech in database. The speaker is identified by comparing the speech signal from the tested speaker. The main focus of this invention is speaker verification, which is compared between speech signal from unknown speaker to a database of known speaker using utterances. The speaker identification is used in this invention for creating database and identifying the students for maintaining attendance record. LCD Display is interfaced with Processor to show the presence of the students for a particular subject. So this can be used for monitoring the attendance of students. Also defaulter student’s list is find out according to the criteria, and it is maintained in MS Excel sheet. Future scope for this can be, informing the monthly attendance to their parents through a text message on their mobile phones using a GSM Module interfaced to processor. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150511

    Labour migration, marriage and family life in a Ciskei village

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    From introduction: The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the effects of labour migration on marriage and family life. The field material is from Burnshill, a village situated in the Keiskammahoek district in the Ciskei. Keiskammahoek is bounded on the East by the districts of King William's Town and Stutterheim, on the West and South by Middledrift and on the North by Cathcart. The inhabitants of Burnshill are overwhelmingly Xhosa and Mfengu (the main ethnic groups in the Ciskei) but also include a small proportion of people whose clans are of Mpondo and Thembu origin. This village has undergone extensive change. As we shall show later, it was settled de novo by the Mfengu and the Xhosa during the second half of the past century. This is one of the reasons why it lacks the homogeneity and continuity of cultural tradition which are predominant features of long-established communities

    Development Studies Working Paper, no. 64

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    In recent years the number of people living in informal or 'squatter' settlements in South Africa has mushroomed and virtually every small town or city has one or more squatter settlements associated with it, often next door to the formal residential areas. Using field data collected from 1993 in two informal settlements in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa this study examines, firstly, the ways in which men and women in these communities organise their lives in their households and in the wider society. Secondly, it assesses the physical environment of informal settlements where there is a lack of service infrastructure, especially water, sewerage facilities, refuse removal and roads. Also, it was assumed that the presence of large numbers of people in an informal settlement has a deleterious effect on natural resources like the soil, wood, vegetation and water and that this may have a significant contribution to environmental pollution and degradation. This aspect was also examined.Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER


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    Talisadi choorna and Guti is routinely used in the treatment of Shwas. Vanshlochan is an important ingredient of Talisadi Choorna and Guti. But Vanshlochan has become extinct due to problems in procurement and availability. It is formed only after twelve years of flowering period in hollow internodes of Bamboo. Hence its synthetic substitute is routinely used in Ayurvedic practice and pharmacy. This substitution of natural by synthetic Vanshlochan, whether results in any change in therapeutic activity is not yet known. In Ayurvedic texts preparation of Guti from choorna makes it Laghu and easy to digest is mentioned In the present study analysis of synthetic Vanshlochan was done. X-ray diffraction of synthetic Vanshlochan emitted a blurred peak at 20 degree. This suggests that the sample was amorphous. Surface electron microscopy images were obtained at 10um with resolution of 1000 and 2500. Elemental analysis was done with the help of spot tests, which showed presence of Sodium, phosphorus, potassium. Iron was detected quantitatively with the help of photo-electric calorimeter. Energy dispersive analysis was done in order to confirm the presence of elements detected in chemical analysis. Along with sodium, potassium and phosphorus, other elements like aluminium, silica, calcium, iron, oxygen were detected. In thermogravimetric analysis weight loss of synthetic Vanshlochan was gradual from 37 degree to 610 degree. At 610 degree the weight loss was maximum. From 610 degree to 700 degree, weight of the sample remained constant. This established the thermal stability of the sample at 610 degree. Talisadi choorna was manufactured according to API standards. Values obtained from the quality control tests performed on Choorna were within standard limits. Process of rolling Guti leads to size and weight variation. Hence tablets of the mixture were prepared. For preparation of tablet, mixture was transformed into granules. Magnesium stearate was added to the granules as a lubricant to avoid friction during tableting. As magnesium stearate is an excipient it does not affect therapeutic action of Guti. Values obtained from quality control tests performed on tablets were within standard limits.

    A Transformer-Based Siamese Network for Change Detection

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    This paper presents a transformer-based Siamese network architecture (abbreviated by ChangeFormer) for Change Detection (CD) from a pair of co-registered remote sensing images. Different from recent CD frameworks, which are based on fully convolutional networks (ConvNets), the proposed method unifies hierarchically structured transformer encoder with Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) decoder in a Siamese network architecture to efficiently render multi-scale long-range details required for accurate CD. Experiments on two CD datasets show that the proposed end-to-end trainable ChangeFormer architecture achieves better CD performance than previous counterparts. Our code is available at https://github.com/wgcban/ChangeFormer.Comment: Accepted to International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022. 4 pages, 2 figures. Code & trained models are available at https://github.com/wgcban/ChangeForme

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ny.E Dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe II Di Ruangan Cempaka RSUD. Prof.Dr.W.Z.Johannes Kupang

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    Diabetes melitus adalah gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh hiperglikemia( kenaikan kadar glukosa) akibat kurangnya hormon insulin, menurunnya efek insulin atau keduanya(Kowalak, dkk. 2016).Diabetes Melitusmerupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang perlu diwaspadai oleh seluruh dunia.Hal ini dikarenakan adanya peningkatan jumlah penderita diabetes dari tahun ketahun. Pada tahun 2015 menyebutkan sekitar 415 juta orang dewasa menderita diabetes, kenaikan 4 kali lipat dari 108 juta di tahun 1980an. Apabila tidak ada tindakan pencegahan maka jumlah ini akan terus meningkat tanpa ada penurunan. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2040 meningkat menjadi 642 juta penderita (IDF Atlas, 2015).Dampak yang paling serius dari penyakit dibetik ini yaitu komplikasi kaki ulkus diabetik. Ulkus kaki diabetik adalah penyakit kaki pada penyandang diabetes melitus disebabkan oleh penyakit vaskuler perifer atau neuropati keduanyaaPenderita diabetes melitus penting untuk mematuhi serangkaian pemeriksaan seperti pengontrolan gula darah. Bila kepatuhan dalam pengontrolan gula darah pada penderita DM rendah, maka bisa menyebabkan tidak terkontrolnya kadar gula darah yang akan menyebabkan komplikasi.Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah untuk melaksanakan dan mendapatkan gambaran tentang asuhan keperawatan pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe II yang meliputi: pengkajian, diagnose keperawatn,intervensikeperawatan,implementasi keperawatan dan evaluasi keperawatan.Metode yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini adalah metodewawancara,observasi dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yang dilakukandi ruangan Cempaka RSUD W.Z.Johanes Kupang.Hasil dari studi kasus yang diharapkan adalah Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 4x24 jam didapatkan masalah nyeri akut belum teratasi, kerusakan integritas kulit dan nutrisi pasien belum teratasi. Kesimpulan dari studi kasus ini adalah terdapat beberapa kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek,dimana pada tahap pengkajian pada riwayat penyakit dahulu dan penyakit keluarga tidak sesuai dengan teori dan kasus nyata yang ditemukan. Dan untuk diagnosa keperawatan terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan kasus nyata, pada kasus nyata terdapat 2 masalah kesehatan yang sesuai dengan teori, sedangkan menurut diagnosa Nanda terdapat 5masalah keperawatan pada pasiendiabetes melitus.Untuk tahap intervensi ajarkan teknik napas dalam jarang diajarkan kepada pasien oleh petugas ruangan,sedangkan menurut teori kozier teknik nonfarmakologiajarkan napas dalam sangat penting untuk membantu mengatasi nyeri dirumah.Untuk evaluasi keperawatan tidak terjadi kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek

    Development Studies Working Paper, no. 55

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    This report relates to research done in the Keiskammahoek district of the Ciskei (see Map No. l) during 1989 and early 1990, with the financial support of the Programme for Development Research (PRODDER) of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa. The project was designed and conducted against the background of previous research, and has served as a pilot project for a larger project, entitled "Socio- Economic Change and Development Planning in the Keiskammahoek District of the Ciskei". This larger project which is currently in progress, (and which has been funded by the Institute for Research Development of the HSRC, by the Chairman's Fund of Anglo-American and De Beers, and by Johannesburg Consolidated Investments Co Ltd), is intended to give rise to a process of consultation and planning, leading to various local-level development initiatives in the District.Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER


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    The study investigated the relationship between service convenience and marketing performance of fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt. There specific objectives were to determine the relationship between decision convenience and customer satisfaction and ascertain the relationship between access convenience and customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants in Port Harcourt. Descriptive research design was employed. The service convenience dimensions were tested to determine and measure the relationship with marketing performance using Pearson Correlation Coefficient with the help of SPSS (version 21) in order to interpret the customers’ response towards the convenience factors. The questionnaires were filled by the respondents selected conveniently from 52 fast food restaurants that made up the population. The findings revealed positive and significant relationship between service convenience and marketing performance measures. The study concluded that, a relationship exists between service convenience and marketing performance. It was therefore recommended that marketing communicating programmes should be very clear to aid consumers to make quick and dependable purchase decisions, and fast food organisations should design a customer centric service system that is capable of minimizing the efforts of customers to gain access to service points
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