272 research outputs found

    Familienpolitik als Wachstumspfad

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    Raumrelationen als zentraler Aspekt weltweiter Ungleichheiten

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    "Research on social inequality uses the nation state as a framework. This approach becomes questionable in the light of economic globalization and the emergence of transnational social spaces. The article argues that the value of resources depends on the environments in which they are put to use. The (dis-)advantages of the concepts 'inclusion/ exclusion' and 'social closure' for grasping spatial relations are discussed. Some resources connect exclusively to highly specialized and/ or subdued social spaces. The position of people relative to welfare states is a major dimension of global inequalities. Global upper classes transcend national border regulations. Their social position differs objectively from that of lower class migrants and the citizens of welfare states who suffer from or depend on national protectionism respectively. Locals in the periphery are exposed to global economies without the mediation of a strong state." (author's abstract)In einer Ungleichheitsforschung, die Globalisierungsprozessen konzeptionell gerecht wird, gewinnen Ungleichheiten im Zugang zu sozialen RƤumen neben der ungleichen Ressourcenausstattung systematische Bedeutung. Der Wert von Ressourcen kann jedoch nur im VerhƤltnis zu Umwelten bestimmt werden, in denen diese wirksam werden (1). Raumrelationen sind ein zentraler Aspekt sozialer Ungleichheit, der bisher mit dem Begriff "soziale SchlieƟung" zu eng gefasst worden ist (2). Anschlussprobleme entstehen einerseits durch die interne Strukturierung sozialer RƤume, andererseits wird die Grenzregulation des Nationalstaats als symbolische Delegitimierung ungleichheitsrelevant (3). Soziale Lagen in der Weltgesellschaft kƶnnen idealtypisch hinsichtlich ihrer Raumrelationen unterschieden werden (4). Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Raumrelationen dient nicht nur der Rettung des Gegenstands "soziale Ungleichheit", sondern macht auch deutlich, dass Ressourcenausstattungen nur im Zusammenhang mit den Umwelten, in denen sie eingesetzt werden, zu ungleich verteilten Lebenschancen werden. (ICI2

    Magnetic nanostructures by adaptive twinning in strained epitaxial films

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    We exploit the intrinsic structural instability of the Fe70Pd30 magnetic shape memory alloy to obtain functional epitaxial films exhibiting a self-organized nanostructure. We demonstrate that coherent epitaxial straining by 54% is possible. The combination of thin film experiments and large-scale first-principles calculations enables us to establish a lattice relaxation mechanism, which is not expected for stable materials. We identify a low twin boundary energy compared to a high elastic energy as key prerequisite for the adaptive nanotwinning. Our approach is versatile as it allows to control both, nanostructure and intrinsic properties for ferromagnetic, ferroelastic and ferroelectric materials.Comment: Final version. Supplementary information available on request or at the publisher's websit

    Does the ā€˜Educational Allianceā€™ conceptualize the student - supervisor relationship when conducting a master thesis in medicine? An interview study

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    Background Completing a master thesis (MT) is mandatory in many undergraduate curricula in medicine but a specific educational framework to guide the supervisor-student relationship during the MT has not been published. This could be helpful to facilitate the MT process and to more effectively reach the learning objectives related to science education in medicine. An attractive model for this purpose is the ā€˜Educational Allianceā€™ (EA), which focusses on the three components ā€˜clarity and agreement on (a) goals, (b) tasks and (c) relationship & rolesā€™. This study investigated factors that can either facilitate or hinder the process of MTs, and related these to the components of the EA. Methods We conducted semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 20 students and ā€“ separately ā€“ with their 20 corresponding supervisors, after the MT had been accepted. The interviews included open questions on factors facilitating or hindering the success of the MT. Audio recordings of the interviews were anonymized and transcribed, and then analysed by qualitative content analysis. Also, quantitative data were gathered on satisfaction with the MT process and the supervisory quality (using Likert-type questions). Results We were able to analyse all 40 interviews, related to 20 MTs. From the transcripts, we extracted 469 comments related to the research question and categorized these into the four main categories (a) ā€˜Preparationā€™, (b) ā€˜Processā€™, (c) ā€˜Atmosphereā€™, (d) ā€˜Value of the MTā€™. Interviewees highlighted the importance of a careful preparation phase, clear expectations, a clear research plan, thorough and timely feedback, mutual agreement on timelines, and a positive working atmosphere. Each of these factors could be brought in line with the three components of the EA framework: agreement and clarity of goals, tasks, relationships & roles. Satisfaction with the MT process was rated 8.75ā€‰Ā±ā€‰1.22 SD (of 10) points by supervisors, and 7.80ā€‰Ā±ā€‰1.61 SD points by students, while supervision quality was ratedā€‰+ā€‰1.51ā€‰Ā±ā€‰0.63 SD (scale from āˆ’ā€‰2 to +ā€‰2) by supervisors, and +ā€‰1.26ā€‰Ā±ā€‰0.93 SD by students. Conclusion We propose the EA framework as a useful guidance for students, supervisors, and the university towards conducting successful MTs in medicine. Based on the findings, we provide specific recommendations for students, supervisors, and university

    CD14 Counterregulates Lipopolysacharide- Induced Tumor Necrosis Factor-Ī± Production in a Macrophage Subset

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    In response to GM-CSF or M-CSF, macrophages (MĪ¦) can acquire pro- or anti-inflammatory properties, respectively. Given the importance of CD14 and Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced signaling, we studied the effect of anti-CD14 antibody mediated CD14 blockade on LPS-induced cytokine production, signal transduction and on the expression levels of CD14 and TLR4 in GM-MĪ¦ and M-MĪ¦. We found M-MĪ¦ to express higher levels of both surface antigens and to produce more interferon (IFN)-Ī² and interleukin-10, but less tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Ī± than GM-MĪ¦. Blockage of CD14 at high LPS concentrations increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines and decreased that of IFN-Ī² in M-MĪ¦ but not in GM-MĪ¦. We show that phosphorylation states of signaling molecules of the MyD88 (myeloid differentiation primary response 88), TRIF (TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing IFN-Ī²) and MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) pathways are not altered in any way that would account for the cytokine overshoot reaction. However, CD14 blockage in M-MĪ¦ decreased TLR4 and CD14 expression levels, regardless of the presence of LPS, indicating that the loss of the surface molecules prevented LPS from initiating TRIF signaling. As TNF-Ī± synthesis was even upregulated under these experimental conditions, we suggest that TRIF is normally involved in restricting LPSinduced TNF-Ī± overproduction. Thus, surface CD14 plays a decisive role in the biological response by determining LPSinduced signaling

    Life adversities of clients seeking advice for suicidal ideation from an online peer counseling service: Characteristics and associations with outcomes

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    Objective: [U25] Germany is a low-threshold, anonymous and free-of-charge online suicide prevention service for people up to 25 years of age. Its special feature is that counseling is provided by trained and continuously supervised voluntary peers. This study addresses the following research questions: (1)Ā Which life adversities are reported by the clients of [U25]? (2)Ā Are the life adversities intercorrelated? (3) According to patients, do life adversities change during the counseling process? (4) What are the associations between life adversities and outcome measures (e.g., reduction in suicidality or improvement in general situation)? Method: Data was collected through an online survey (n = 318). To measure psychological burden, the presence of 16 life adversities (e.g., problems in relationships) was assessed retrospectively. As the dependent variable, the change in suicidality was measured by means of three newly created items. In addition, a short form of the Bochum Change Questionnaire 2000 (BCQ 2000) was used to assess the patientsā€™ subjectively perceived change due to counseling. Results: Regarding life adversities, the clients were heavily burdened. Throughout the course of counseling, many clientsā€™ situations improved, at least concerning several adversities. Some life adversities significantly correlate with each other, but the correlation is mostly small to moderate. Suicidality is positively correlated with self-harming behaviors and loss of someone close to the advice seekers. Conclusions: Possible starting points for improving online counseling for suicidal adolescents and young adults are discussed

    Comparison of Three CD3-Specific Separation Methods Leading to Labeled and Label-Free T Cells

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    T cells are an essential part of the immune system. They determine the specificity of the immune response to foreign substances and, thus, help to protect the body from infections and cancer. Recently, T cells have gained much attention as promising tools in adoptive T cell transfer for cancer treatment. However, it is crucial not only for medical purposes but also for research to obtain T cells in large quantities, of high purity and functionality. To fulfill these criteria, efficient and robust isolation methods are needed. We used three different isolation methods to separate CD3-specific T cells from leukocyte concentrates (buffy coats) and Ficoll purified PBMCs. To catch the target cells, the Traceless Affinity Cell Selection (TACSĀ®) method, based on immune affinity chromatography, uses CD-specific low affinity Fab-fragments; while the classical Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (MACSĀ®) method relies on magnetic beads coated with specific high affinity monoclonal antibodies. The REAleaseĀ® system also works with magnetic beads but, in contrast to MACSĀ®, low-affinity antibody fragments are used. The target cells separated by TACSĀ® and REAleaseĀ® are ā€œlabel-freeā€, while cells isolated by MACSĀ® still carry the cell specific label. The time required to isolate T cells from buffy coat by TACSĀ® and MACSĀ® amounted to 90 min and 50 min, respectively, while it took 150 min to isolate T cells from PBMCs by TACSĀ® and 110 min by REAleaseĀ®. All methods used are well suited to obtain T cells in large quantities of high viability (>92%) and purity (>98%). Only the median CD4:CD8 ratio of approximately 6.8 after REAleaseĀ® separation differed greatly from the physiological conditions. MACSĀ® separation was found to induce proliferation and cytokine secretion. However, independent of the isolation methods used, stimulation of T cells by anti CD3/CD28 resulted in similar rates of proliferation and cytokine production, verifying the functional activity of the isolated cells

    NAD metabolites interfere with proliferation and functional properties of THP-1 cells

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    Over the past few years the NAD-related compounds nicotinamide (NAM), nicotinamide riboside (NR) and 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA) have been established as important molecules in signalling pathways that contribute to metabolic functions of many cells, including those of the immune system. Among immune cells, monocytes/macrophages, which are the major players of inflammatory processes, are especially susceptible to the anti-inflammatory action of NAM. Here we asked whether NAM and the two other compounds have the potential to regulate differentiation and LPS-induced biological answers of the monocytic cell line THP-1. We show that treatment of THP-1 cells with NAM, NR and MNA resulted in growth retardation accompanied by enrichment of cells in the G0/G1-phase independent of p21 and p53. NAM and NR caused an increase in intracellular NAD concentrations and SIRT1 and PARP1 mRNA expression was found to be enhanced. The compounds failed to up-regulate the expression of the cell surface differentiation markers CD38, CD11b and CD14. They modulated the reactive oxygen species production and primed the cells to respond less effectively to the LPS induced TNF-Ī± production. Our data show that the NAD metabolites interfere with early events associated with differentiation of THP-1 cells along the monocytic path and that they affect LPS-induced biological responses of the cell line
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