141 research outputs found

    In vitro and in vivo evaluation of folate receptor-targeting amphiphilic copolymer-modified liposomes loaded with docetaxel

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    Xiang Li1, Xin Tian2, Jing Zhang3, Xu Zhao1, Xiaohui Chen1, Youhong Jiang2, Dongkai Wang1, Weisan Pan11Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang; 2The Second Laboratory of Cancer Research Institution, The First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang; 3Key Laboratory of Modern Preparation of TCM, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang, ChinaBackground: The purpose of this study was to develop folate-poly (PEG-cyanoacrylate-co-cholesteryl cyanoacrylate) (FA-PEG-PCHL)-modified freeze-dried liposomes for targeted chemotherapy using docetaxel as a model drug.Methods: FA-PEG-PCHL was synthesized and its cytotoxicity was evaluated by CCK-8 assay in L929. Docetaxel-loaded liposomes modified by FA-PEG-PCHL were prepared by an organic solvent injection method and lyophilized to obtain freeze-dried FA-PEG-PCHL-docetaxel liposomes (FA-PDCT-L). Two carcinoma cell lines (MCF-7 and A-549 cells) were cultured with docetaxel solution, conventional docetaxel-loaded liposomes, or FA-PDCT-L, and the cytotoxicity and apoptosis was evaluated for each preparation. The uptake of the docetaxel preparations into MCF-7 cells was studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to study the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution characteristics of the preparations.Results: The existence of an enlarged fixed aqueous layer on the surface of the liposomes was affirmed by zeta potential analysis. The entrapment efficiency and particle size distribution were almost the same as those of docetaxel-loaded liposomes. The drug release profile showed that the release rate was faster at higher molecular weight of the polymer. Compared with docetaxel solution and docetaxel-loaded liposomes, FA-PDCT-L demonstrated the strongest cytotoxicity against two carcinoma cell lines, the greatest intracellular uptake especially in the nucleus, as well as the most powerful apoptotic efficacy. In pharmacokinetic studies, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve of FA-PDCT-L was increased 3.82 and 6.23 times in comparison with the values for the docetaxel-loaded liposomes and docetaxel solution, respectively. Meanwhile, a lower concentration of docetaxel was observed for FA-PDCT-L in the liver and spleen, and a significantly higher concentration of FA-PDCT-L in tumors suggested that the presence of FA-PEG-PCHL on the liposomes resulted in greater accumulation of the drug in tumor tissue.Conclusion: Liposomes modified by FA-PEG-PCHL could be one of the promising suspensions for the delivery of antitumor drugs in cancer.Keywords: folate-poly (PEG-cyanoacrylate-co-cholesteryl cyanoacrylate), docetaxel, freeze-dried liposomes, tumor targetin

    Divergent T-cell receptor recognition modes of a HLA-I restricted extended tumour-associated peptide

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I molecules generally bind short peptides (8-10 amino acids), although extended HLA-I restricted peptides (>10 amino acids) can be presented to T cells. However, the function of such extended HLA-I epitopes in tumour immunity, and how they would be recognised by T-cell receptors (TCR) remains unclear. Here we show that the structures of two distinct TCRs (TRAV4+TRAJ21+-TRBV28+TRBJ2-3+ and TRAV4 + TRAJ8+-TRBV9+TRBJ2-1+), originating from a polyclonal T-cell repertoire, bind to HLA-B*07:02, presenting a 13-amino-acid-long tumour-associated peptide, NY-ESO-160-72. Comparison of the structures reveals that the two TCRs differentially binds NY-ESO-160-72-HLA-B*07:02 complex, and induces differing extent of conformational change of the NY-ESO-160-72 epitope. Accordingly, polyclonal TCR usage towards an extended HLA-I restricted tumour epitope translates to differing TCR recognition modes, whereby extensive flexibility at the TCR-pHLA-I interface engenders recognition

    A novel HLA-B18 restricted CD8+ T cell epitope is efficiently cross-presented by dendritic cells from soluble tumor antigen

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    NY-ESO-1 has been a major target of many immunotherapy trials because it is expressed by various cancers and is highly immunogenic. In this study, we have identified a novel HLA-B*1801-restricted CD8<sup>+</sup>T cell epitope, NY-ESO-1<sub>88–96</sub> (LEFYLAMPF) and compared its direct- and cross-presentation to that of the reported NY-ESO-1<sub>157–165</sub> epitope restricted to HLA-A*0201. Although both epitopes were readily cross-presented by DCs exposed to various forms of full-length NY-ESO-1 antigen, remarkably NY-ESO-1<sub>88–96</sub> is much more efficiently cross-presented from the soluble form, than NY-ESO-1<sub>157–165</sub>. On the other hand, NY-ESO-1<sub>157–165</sub> is efficiently presented by NY-ESO-1-expressing tumor cells and its presentation was not enhanced by IFN-γ treatment, which induced immunoproteasome as demonstrated by Western blots and functionally a decreased presentation of Melan A<sub>26–35</sub>; whereas NY-ESO-1<sub>88–96</sub> was very inefficiently presented by the same tumor cell lines, except for one that expressed high level of immunoproteasome. It was only presented when the tumor cells were first IFN-γ treated, followed by infection with recombinant vaccinia virus encoding NY-ESO-1, which dramatically increased NY-ESO-1 expression. These data indicate that the presentation of NY-ESO-1<sub>88–96</sub> is immunoproteasome dependent. Furthermore, a survey was conducted on multiple samples collected from HLA-B18+ melanoma patients. Surprisingly, all the detectable responses to NY-ESO-1<sub>88–96</sub> from patients, including those who received NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX™ vaccine were induced spontaneously. Taken together, these results imply that some epitopes can be inefficiently presented by tumor cells although the corresponding CD8<sup>+</sup>T cell responses are efficiently primed in vivo by DCs cross-presenting these epitopes. The potential implications for cancer vaccine strategies are further discussed

    The Spleen Promotes the Secretion of CCL2 and Supports an M1 Dominant Phenotype in Hepatic Macrophages During Liver Fibrosis

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    Background/Aims: Liver fibrosis is a complex process of tissue remodeling in response to injury. Hepatic macrophages have been identified as a key player in this process. As the largest lymphoid organ in the body, the spleen exerts both local and systemic effects on immune cell response. Splenectomy can improve hepatic function during the treatment of liver cirrhosis. However, whether the spleen influences disease progression through the modulation of hepatic macrophages remains unclear. Methods: We examined ex vivo hepatic macrophage responses from splenectomized or sham operated rats and performed splenocyte adoptive transfer studies, in combination with in vivo CCL2 blockade, in splenectomized or sham operated rats. Results: We found that splenectomy reduced fibrosis severity and monocyte/ macrophage infiltration within the injured liver. Splenectomy also reduced secretion of the monocyte chemokine CCL2 by hepatic macrophages. Ex vivo, splenocytes, especially splenic macrophages, promoted CCL2 secretion via upregulation of SOCS3 signaling in hepatic macrophages. Migration of splenic monocytes in response to conditioned medium from hepatic macrophages was inhibited by the blockade of SOCS3–CCL2–CCR2 signaling. Splenectomy also attenuated the establishment of an M1-dominant hepatic macrophage phenotype whilst the adoptive transfer of splenocytes could partly reverse this effect and exacerbate fibrosis. However, CCL2 blockade following adoptive splenocyte transfer restored the protective effects of splenectomy. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that splenic macrophages can promote hepatic macrophage secretion of CCL2, which in turn facilitates monocyte recruitment and the establishment of an M1-dominant hepatic macrophage phenotype, and thus increase the severity of liver fibrosis

    Inactivated Influenza Vaccine That Provides Rapid, Innate-Immune- System-Mediated Protection and Subsequent Long-Term Adaptive Immunity

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    The continual threat to global health posed by influenza has led to increased efforts to improve the effectiveness of influenza vaccines for use in epidemics and pandemics. We show in this study that formulation of a low dose of inactivated detergent-split influenza vaccine with a Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) agonist-based lipopeptide adjuvant (R4Pam2Cys) provides (i) immediate, antigen-independent immunity mediated by the innate immune system and (ii) significant enhancement of antigendependent immunity which exhibits an increased breadth of effector function. Intranasal administration of mice with vaccine formulated with R4Pam2Cys but not vaccine alone provides protection against both homologous and serologically distinct (heterologous) viral strains within a day of administration. Vaccination in the presence of R4Pam2Cys subsequently also induces high levels of systemic IgM, IgG1, and IgG2b antibodies and pulmonary IgA antibodies that inhibit hemagglutination (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) activities of homologous but not heterologous virus. Improved primary virus nucleoprotein (NP)-specific CD8! T cell responses are also induced by the use of R4Pam2Cys and are associated with robust recall responses to provide heterologous protection. These protective effects are demonstrated in wild-type and antibody-deficient animals but not in those depleted of CD8! T cells. Using a contact-dependent virus transmission model, we also found that heterologous virus transmission from vaccinated mice to naive mice is significantly reduced. These results demonstrate the potential of adding a TLR2 agonist to an existing seasonal influenza vaccine to improve its utility by inducing immediate short-term nonspecific antiviral protection and also antigen-specific responses to provide homologous and heterologous immunity

    HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell immunity against influenza A and influenza B viruses in Indigenous and non-Indigenous people

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    HLA-A*11:01 is one of the most prevalent human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), especially in East Asian and Oceanian populations. It is also highly expressed in Indigenous people who are at high risk of severe influenza disease. As CD8+ T cells can provide broadly cross-reactive immunity to distinct influenza strains and subtypes, including influenza A, B and C viruses, understanding CD8+ T cell immunity to influenza viruses across prominent HLA types is needed to rationally design a universal influenza vaccine and generate protective immunity especially for high-risk populations. As only a handful of HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes have been described for influenza A viruses (IAVs) and epitopes for influenza B viruses (IBVs) were still unknown, we embarked on an epitope discovery study to define a CD8+ T cell landscape for HLA-A*11:01-expressing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian people. Using mass-spectrometry, we identified IAV- and IBV-derived peptides presented by HLA-A*11:01 during infection. 79 IAV and 57 IBV peptides were subsequently screened for immunogenicity in vitro with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A*11:01-expressing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian donors. CD8+ T cell immunogenicity screening revealed two immunogenic IAV epitopes (A11/PB2320-331 and A11/PB2323-331) and the first HLA-A*11:01-restricted IBV epitopes (A11/M41-49, A11/NS1186-195 and A11/NP511-520). The immunogenic IAV- and IBV-derived peptides were >90% conserved among their respective influenza viruses. Identification of novel immunogenic HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes has implications for understanding how CD8+ T cell immunity is generated towards IAVs and IBVs. These findings can inform the development of rationally designed, broadly cross-reactive influenza vaccines to ensure protection from severe influenza disease in HLA-A*11:01-expressing individuals