1,001 research outputs found

    Non-oscillation probes of neutrino masses

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    The absolute scale of neutrino masses is very important for understanding the evolution and the structure formation of the universe as well as for nuclear and particle physics beyond the present Standard Model. Complementary to deducing statements on the neutrino mass from cosmological observations two different methods to determine the neutrino mass scale in the laboratory are pursued: the search for neutrinoless double beta decay and the direct neutrino mass search. For both methods currently experiments with a sensitivity of order 100 meV are being set up or commissioned.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams and Beta Beams NUFACT09, editor: Dan Kaplan, AI

    Direct measurements of neutrino mass

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    Direct neutrino mass experiments are complementary to searches for neutrinoless double β-decay and to analyses of cosmological data. Up to recently all direct neutrino mass experiments have been performed with tritium. Starting with the pioneering experiments by Curran, Angus and Cockroft as well as by Hanna and Pontecorvo the last tritium beta decay experiments at Mainz and at Troitsk have achieved upper limits on the neutrino mass of about 2 eV/c2. The KATRIN experiment under construction will improve the neutrino mass sensitivity down to 200 meV/c2 by increasing strongly the statistics and – at the same time – reducing the systematic uncertainties. Commissioning measurements with half of the KATRIN experiment, the huge main spectrometer and the detector, have been performed just recently. As an alternative to tritium β-decay experiments cryobolometers investigating the endpoint region of 187Re β-decay or of the electron capture of 163Ho are being developed

    An improved limit on the neutrino mass with CMB and redshift-dependent halo bias-mass relations from SDSS, DEEP2, and Lyman-Break Galaxies

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    We use measurements of luminosity-dependent galaxy bias at several different redshifts, SDSS at z=0.05z=0.05, DEEP2 at z=1z=1 and LBGs at z=3.8z=3.8, combined with WMAP five-year cosmic microwave background anisotropy data and SDSS Red Luminous Galaxy survey three-dimensional clustering power spectrum to put constraints on cosmological parameters. Fitting this combined dataset, we show that the luminosity-dependent bias data that probe the relation between halo bias and halo mass and its redshift evolution are very sensitive to sum of the neutrino masses: in particular we obtain the upper limit of ∑mν<0.28\sum m_{\nu}<0.28eV at the 95% confidence level for a ΛCDM+mν\Lambda CDM + m_{\nu} model, with a σ8\sigma_8 equal to σ8=0.759±0.025\sigma_8=0.759\pm0.025 (1σ\sigma). When we allow the dark energy equation of state parameter ww to vary we find w=−1.30±0.19w=-1.30\pm0.19 for a general wCDM+mνwCDM+m_{\nu} model with the 95% confidence level upper limit on the neutrino masses at ∑mν<0.59\sum m_{\nu}<0.59eV. The constraint on the dark energy equation of state further improves to w=−1.125±0.092w=-1.125\pm0.092 when using also ACBAR and supernovae Union data, in addition to above, with a prior on the Hubble constant from the Hubble Space Telescope.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Design, construction and commissioning of a high-flow radon removal system for XENONnT

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    A high-flow radon removal system based on cryogenic distillation was developed and constructed to reduce radon-induced backgrounds in liquid xenon detectors for rare event searches such as XENONnT. A continuous purification of the XENONnT liquid xenon inventory of 8.4 tonnes at process flows up to 71 kg/h (200 slpm) is required to achieve a radon reduction by a factor two for radon sources inside the detector. To reach such high flows, the distillation column's design features liquid xenon inlet and outlets along with novel custom-made bath-type heat exchangers with high liquefaction capabilities. The distillation process was designed using a modification of the McCabe-Thiele approach without a bottom product extraction. The thermodynamic concept is based on a Clausius-Rankine cooling cycle with phase-changing medium, in this case the xenon itself. To drastically reduce the external cooling power requirements, an energy efficient heat pump concept was developed applying a custom-made four cylinder magnetically-coupled piston pump as compressor. The distillation system was operated at thermodynamically stable conditions at a process flow of (91±\pm2) kg/h ((258±\pm6) slpm), 30 % over design. With this flow, a 222^{222}Rn activity concentration <1 μ\muBq/kg is expected inside the XENONnT detector given the measured radon source distribution

    APDs as Single-Photon Detectors for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelenghts down to Hz Rates

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    For the SPECTRAP experiment at GSI, Germany, detectors with Single-Photon counting capability in the visible and near-infrared regime are required. For the wavelength region up to 1100 nm we investigate the performance of 2x2 mm^2 avalanche photo diodes (APDs) of type S0223 manufactured by Radiation Monitoring Devices. To minimize thermal noise, the APDs are cooled to approximately -170 deg. C using liquid nitrogen. By operating the diodes close to the breakdown voltage it is possible to achieve relative gains in excess of 2x10^4. Custom-made low noise preamplifiers are used to read out the devices. The measurements presented in this paper have been obtained at a relative gain of 2.2x10^4. At a discriminator threshold of 6 mV the resulting dark count rate is in the region of 230/s. With these settings the studied APDs are able to detect single photons at 628 nm wavelength with a photo detection efficiency of (67+-7)%. Measurements at 1020 nm wavelength have been performed using the attenuated output of a grating spectrograph with a light bulb as photon source. With this setup the photo detection efficiency at 1020 nm has been determined to be (13+-3)%, again at a threshold of 6 mV.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    APDs as Single-Photon Detectors for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelenghts down to Hz Rates

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    For the SPECTRAP experiment at GSI, Germany, detectors with Single-Photon counting capability in the visible and near-infrared regime are required. For the wavelength region up to 1100 nm we investigate the performance of 2x2 mm^2 avalanche photo diodes (APDs) of type S0223 manufactured by Radiation Monitoring Devices. To minimize thermal noise, the APDs are cooled to approximately -170 deg. C using liquid nitrogen. By operating the diodes close to the breakdown voltage it is possible to achieve relative gains in excess of 2x10^4. Custom-made low noise preamplifiers are used to read out the devices. The measurements presented in this paper have been obtained at a relative gain of 2.2x10^4. At a discriminator threshold of 6 mV the resulting dark count rate is in the region of 230/s. With these settings the studied APDs are able to detect single photons at 628 nm wavelength with a photo detection efficiency of (67+-7)%. Measurements at 1020 nm wavelength have been performed using the attenuated output of a grating spectrograph with a light bulb as photon source. With this setup the photo detection efficiency at 1020 nm has been determined to be (13+-3)%, again at a threshold of 6 mV.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    APDs as Single-Photon Detectors for Visible and Near-Infrared Wavelenghts down to Hz Rates

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    For the SPECTRAP experiment at GSI, Germany, detectors with Single-Photon counting capability in the visible and near-infrared regime are required. For the wavelength region up to 1100 nm we investigate the performance of 2x2 mm^2 avalanche photo diodes (APDs) of type S0223 manufactured by Radiation Monitoring Devices. To minimize thermal noise, the APDs are cooled to approximately -170 deg. C using liquid nitrogen. By operating the diodes close to the breakdown voltage it is possible to achieve relative gains in excess of 2x10^4. Custom-made low noise preamplifiers are used to read out the devices. The measurements presented in this paper have been obtained at a relative gain of 2.2x10^4. At a discriminator threshold of 6 mV the resulting dark count rate is in the region of 230/s. With these settings the studied APDs are able to detect single photons at 628 nm wavelength with a photo detection efficiency of (67+-7)%. Measurements at 1020 nm wavelength have been performed using the attenuated output of a grating spectrograph with a light bulb as photon source. With this setup the photo detection efficiency at 1020 nm has been determined to be (13+-3)%, again at a threshold of 6 mV.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio
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