11,775 research outputs found

    Interactive cutting path analysis programs

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    The operation of numerically controlled machine tools is interactively simulated. Four programs were developed to graphically display the cutting paths for a Monarch lathe, Cintimatic mill, Strippit sheet metal punch, and the wiring path for a Standard wire wrap machine. These programs are run on a IMLAC PDS-ID graphic display system under the DOS-3 disk operating system. The cutting path analysis programs accept input via both paper tape and disk file

    Long-term material compatibility testing system

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    System includes procedure for hermetically sealing solid materials and fluids in glass ampoule and use of temperature-controlled facility containing sample holder, which permits sample containers to be retrieved safely and conveniently. Solid material and fluid are sealed within chemically-clean glass ampoule according to highly detailed procedure

    Transform-limited pulses are not optimal for resonant multiphoton transitions

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    Maximizing nonlinear light-matter interactions is a primary motive for compressing laser pulses to achieve ultrashort transform limited pulses. Here we show how, by appropriately shaping the pulses, resonant multiphoton transitions can be enhanced significantly beyond the level achieved by maximizing the pulse's peak intensity. We demonstrate the counterintuitive nature of this effect with an experiment in a resonant two-photon absorption, in which, by selectively removing certain spectral bands, the peak intensity of the pulse is reduced by a factor of 40, yet the absorption rate is doubled. Furthermore, by suitably designing the spectral phase of the pulse, we increase the absorption rate by a factor of 7.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Representations of conformal nets, universal C*-algebras and K-theory

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    We study the representation theory of a conformal net A on the circle from a K-theoretical point of view using its universal C*-algebra C*(A). We prove that if A satisfies the split property then, for every representation pi of A with finite statistical dimension, pi(C*(A)) is weakly closed and hence a finite direct sum of type I_infty factors. We define the more manageable locally normal universal C*-algebra C*_ln(A) as the quotient of C*(A) by its largest ideal vanishing in all locally normal representations and we investigate its structure. In particular, if A is completely rational with n sectors, then C*_ln(A) is a direct sum of n type I_infty factors. Its ideal K_A of compact operators has nontrivial K-theory, and we prove that the DHR endomorphisms of C*(A) with finite statistical dimension act on K_A, giving rise to an action of the fusion semiring of DHR sectors on K_0(K_A)$. Moreover, we show that this action corresponds to the regular representation of the associated fusion algebra

    A microfluidic processor for gene expression profiling of single human embryonic stem cells

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    The gene expression of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is a critical aspect for understanding the normal and pathological development of human cells and tissues. Current bulk gene expression assays rely on RNA extracted from cell and tissue samples with various degree of cellular heterogeneity. These cell population averaging data are difficult to interpret, especially for the purpose of understanding the regulatory relationship of genes in the earliest phases of development and differentiation of individual cells. Here, we report a microfluidic approach that can extract total mRNA from individual single-cells and synthesize cDNA on the same device with high mRNA-to-cDNA efficiency. This feature makes large-scale single-cell gene expression profiling possible. Using this microfluidic device, we measured the absolute numbers of mRNA molecules of three genes (B2M, Nodal and Fzd4) in a single hESC. Our results indicate that gene expression data measured from cDNA of a cell population is not a good representation of the expression levels in individual single cells. Within the G0/G1 phase pluripotent hESC population, some individual cells did not express all of the 3 interrogated genes in detectable levels. Consequently, the relative expression levels, which are broadly used in gene expression studies, are very different between measurements from population cDNA and single-cell cDNA. The results underscore the importance of discrete single-cell analysis, and the advantages of a microfluidic approach in stem cell gene expression studies

    Second order equation of motion for electromagnetic radiation back-reaction

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    We take the viewpoint that the physically acceptable solutions of the Lorentz--Dirac equation for radiation back-reaction are actually determined by a second order equation of motion, the self-force being given as a function of spacetime location and velocity. We propose three different methods to obtain this self-force function. For two example systems, we determine the second order equation of motion exactly in the nonrelativistic regime via each of these three methods, the three methods leading to the same result. We reveal that, for both systems considered, back-reaction induces a damping proportional to velocity and, in addition, it decreases the effect of the external force.Comment: 13 page

    Bringing Salary Transparency to the World: Computing Robust Compensation Insights via LinkedIn Salary

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    The recently launched LinkedIn Salary product has been designed with the goal of providing compensation insights to the world's professionals and thereby helping them optimize their earning potential. We describe the overall design and architecture of the statistical modeling system underlying this product. We focus on the unique data mining challenges while designing and implementing the system, and describe the modeling components such as Bayesian hierarchical smoothing that help to compute and present robust compensation insights to users. We report on extensive evaluation with nearly one year of de-identified compensation data collected from over one million LinkedIn users, thereby demonstrating the efficacy of the statistical models. We also highlight the lessons learned through the deployment of our system at LinkedIn.Comment: Conference information: ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017

    Sublattice identification in noncontact atomic force microscopy of the NaCl(001) surface

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    We compare the three-dimensional force field obtained from frequency-distance measurements above the NaCl(001) surface to atomistic calculations using various tip models. In the experiments, long-range forces cause a total attractive force even on the similarly charged site. Taking force differences between two sites minimizes the influence of such long-range forces. The magnitude of the measured force differences are by a factor of 6.5–10 smaller than the calculated forces. This is an indication that for the particular tip used in this experiment several atoms of the tip interact with the surface atoms at close tip-sample distances. The interaction of these additional atoms with the surface is small at the imaging distance, because symmetric images are obtained. The force distance characteristics resemble those of a negative tip apex ion which could be explained, e.g., by a neutral Si tip.Peer reviewe

    The Bose-Einstein correlation function C2(Q)C_2(Q) from a Quantum Field Theory point of view

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    We show that a recently proposed derivation of Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) by means of a specific version of thermal Quantum Field Theory (QFT), supplemented by operator-field evolution of the Langevin type, allows for a deeper understanding of the possible coherent behaviour of the emitting source and a clear identification of the origin of the observed shape of the BEC function C2(Q)C_2(Q). Previous conjectures in this matter obtained by other approaches are confirmed and have received complementary explanation.Comment: Some misprints corrected. To be publishe in Phys. Rev.