137 research outputs found

    Carbono orgânico dissolvido e biodisponibilidade de N e P como indicadores de qualidade do solo

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    Nas últimas décadas, qualidade do solo tem se tornado um tópico importante na ciência do solo. Embora esforços consideráveis tenham sido dedicados com o intuito de definir "qualidade do solo", ainda não há um conceito amplamente aceito pela comunidade cientifica. A seleção de índices qualitativos para definir qualidade do solo é uma tarefa extremamente difícil, e diversas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas tem sido sugeridas como potenciais indicadores. A matéria orgânica do solo está associada com processos químicos, físicos e biológicos no solo, e, portanto, é considerada um dos melhores indicadores de qualidade do solo. O manejo do solo pode influenciar significativamente a dinâmica do carbono orgânico e o ciclo de N, P, e S. Entretanto, mudanças na concentração total da matéria organica em resposta ao manejo pode ser dificil de ser detectada devido à variabilidade natural do solo. Quando comparada com a matéria orgânica total do solo, a fração mais prontamente disponível, como o carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD), é mais sensível às mudanças no manejo do solo a curto e médio prazo e, portanto, pode ser utilizada como indicador fundamental de qualidade do solo ou das alterações das condições naturais. Embora a fração dissolvida represente apenas uma pequena porção da matéria orgânica total do solo, o COD é móvel no solo e constitui uma importante fonte de C para os microorganismos, podendo facilmente refletir os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de manejo. Inúmeros métodos são utilizados para caracterizar o COD, mas os processos que influenciam sua mineralização e a disponibilidade dos elementos associado com a matéria orgânica (N, P, e S) ainda não são completamente entendidos. Pesquisas futuras devem buscar entender os processos que governam a dinâmica de nutrientes e do COD e como os mesmos afetam a qualidade do solo.Soil quality has become an important issue in soil science. Considerable attempts have been made to define soil quality, but a general concept has not yet been accepted by the scientific community. The selection of quantitative indices for soil quality is extremely difficult, and a considerable number of chemical, physical, and biochemical properties have been suggested as potential indicators of soil quality. Because soil organic matter (SOM) can be associated with different soil chemical, physical and biological processes, it has been widely considered as one of the best soil quality indicator. Land use can significantly influence dynamics of organic carbon and N, P, and S cycle. However, changes in total soil organic carbon (SOC) contents in response to land use may be difficult to detect because of the natural soil variability. In the short to medium term, biological properties and readily decomposable fractions of SOC, such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are much more sensitive to soil management than is SOM as a whole, and can be used as a key indicator of soil natural functions. Despite the fact that labile C accounts for a small portion of the total organic matter in the soils, DOC is the most mobile and important C-source for microorganisms, and can easily reflect the effects of land use on soil quality. Although several methods are used to characterize DOC, the factors influencing mineralization and bioavailability of elements associated with organic matter (N, P, and S) remains unclear. Future research should focus on the processes that govern DOC and nutrient dynamics and how they affect soil quality

    A 14-year experience with kidney transplantation.

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    Between November, 1962 and August, 1975, 668 kidney transplants were done in 556 consecutive patients at Denver, Colorado. The Denver experience has been divided into 7 periods of time, according to the conditions of care during each period. The results in related transplantation have changed little during the decade beginning in 1966. The results in unrelated transplantation have not materially changed since 1968. The long-term patient survival after related transplantation has been better than after cadaver transplantation. The results of transplantation in 57 children ages 3 to 18 years have been slightly better than the results of adult transplantation. The outcome of kidney transplantation and the feasibility of improving this therapy with present techniques are limited by our inability to accurately match each patient with the immunologically best donor and by our inability to precisely control the immune system of the recipient. Rejection is still the main reason for graft loss, and sepsis remains the main cause of patient mortality. More specific and less toxic means of achieving graft acceptance are needed before a higher level of patient service can be realized. However, even with the tools now available, thousands of recipients throughout the world have been returned to useful lives

    Macdonald Polynomials from Sklyanin Algebras: A Conceptual Basis for the pp-Adics-Quantum Group Connection

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    We establish a previously conjectured connection between pp-adics and quantum groups. We find in Sklyanin's two parameter elliptic quantum algebra and its generalizations, the conceptual basis for the Macdonald polynomials, which ``interpolate'' between the zonal spherical functions of related real and pp\--adic symmetric spaces. The elliptic quantum algebras underlie the ZnZ_n\--Baxter models. We show that in the n \air \infty limit, the Jost function for the scattering of {\em first} level excitations in the ZnZ_n\--Baxter model coincides with the Harish\--Chandra\--like cc\--function constructed from the Macdonald polynomials associated to the root system A1A_1. The partition function of the Z2Z_2\--Baxter model itself is also expressed in terms of this Macdonald\--Harish\--Chandra\ cc\--function, albeit in a less simple way. We relate the two parameters qq and tt of the Macdonald polynomials to the anisotropy and modular parameters of the Baxter model. In particular the pp\--adic ``regimes'' in the Macdonald polynomials correspond to a discrete sequence of XXZ models. We also discuss the possibility of ``qq\--deforming'' Euler products.Comment: 25 page

    Quantum theta functions and Gabor frames for modulation spaces

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    Representations of the celebrated Heisenberg commutation relations in quantum mechanics and their exponentiated versions form the starting point for a number of basic constructions, both in mathematics and mathematical physics (geometric quantization, quantum tori, classical and quantum theta functions) and signal analysis (Gabor analysis). In this paper we try to bridge the two communities, represented by the two co--authors: that of noncommutative geometry and that of signal analysis. After providing a brief comparative dictionary of the two languages, we will show e.g. that the Janssen representation of Gabor frames with generalized Gaussians as Gabor atoms yields in a natural way quantum theta functions, and that the Rieffel scalar product and associativity relations underlie both the functional equations for quantum thetas and the Fundamental Identity of Gabor analysis.Comment: 38 pages, typos corrected, MSC class change

    Statin use is associated with a reduced incidence of colorectal cancer expressing SMAD4

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    Background Long-term use of statins is associated with a small reduced risk of colorectal cancer but their mechanism of action is not well understood. While they are generally believed to act on KRAS, we have previously proposed that they act via influencing the BMP pathway. The objective of this study was to look for associations between statin use and the risk of developing colorectal cancer of a particular molecular subtype. Methods By linking two registries unique to the Netherlands, 69,272 statin users and 94,753 controls were identified and, if they developed colorectal cancer, their specimens traced. Colorectal cancers were molecularly subtyped according to the expression of SMAD4 and the mutation status of KRAS and BRAF. Results Statin use was associated with a reduction in the risk of developing colorectal cancer regardless of molecular subtype (HR 0.77; 95% CI 0.66-0.89) and a larger reduction in the risk of developing SMAD4-positive colorectal cancer (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.42-0.82). There was no relationship between statin use and the risk of developing colorectal cancer with a mutation in KRAS and/or BRAF. Conclusions Statin use is associated with a reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer with intact SMAD4 expression.Experimentele farmacotherapi

    Trends in the Statistical Assessment of Reliability

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    Changes in technology have had and will continue to have a strong effect on changes in the area of statistical assessment of reliability data. These changes include higher levels of integration in electronics, improvements in measurement technology and the deployment of sensors and smart chips into more products, dramatically improved computing power and storage technology, and the development of new, powerful statistical methods for graphics, inference, and experimental design and reliability test planning. This paper traces some of the history of the development of statistical methods for reliability assessment and makes some predictions about the future

    Role of genetic testing for inherited prostate cancer risk: Philadelphia prostate cancer consensus conference 2017

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    Purpose: Guidelines are limited for genetic testing for prostate cancer (PCA). The goal of this conference was to develop an expert consensus-dri

    Cotton in the new millennium: advances, economics, perceptions and problems

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    Cotton is the most significant natural fibre and has been a preferred choice of the textile industry and consumers since the industrial revolution began. The share of man-made fibres, both regenerated and synthetic fibres, has grown considerably in recent times but cotton production has also been on the rise and accounts for about half of the fibres used for apparel and textile goods. To cotton’s advantage, the premium attached to the presence of cotton fibre and the general positive consumer perception is well established, however, compared to commodity man-made fibres and high performance fibres, cotton has limitations in terms of its mechanical properties but can help to overcome moisture management issues that arise with performance apparel during active wear. This issue of Textile Progress aims to: i. Report on advances in cotton cultivation and processing as well as improvements to conventional cotton cultivation and ginning. The processing of cotton in the textile industry from fibre to finished fabric, cotton and its blends, and their applications in technical textiles are also covered. ii. Explore the economic impact of cotton in different parts of the world including an overview of global cotton trade. iii. Examine the environmental perception of cotton fibre and efforts in organic and genetically-modified (GM) cotton production. The topic of naturally-coloured cotton, post-consumer waste is covered and the environmental impacts of cotton cultivation and processing are discussed. Hazardous effects of cultivation, such as the extensive use of pesticides, insecticides and irrigation with fresh water, and consequences of the use of GM cotton and cotton fibres in general on the climate are summarised and the effects of cotton processing on workers are addressed. The potential hazards during cotton cultivation, processing and use are also included. iv. Examine how the properties of cotton textiles can be enhanced, for example, by improving wrinkle recovery and reducing the flammability of cotton fibre

    Cortical surface registration for image-guided neurosurgery using laser-range scanning

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