271 research outputs found

    Delay-Energy lower bound on Two-Way Relay Wireless Network Coding

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    Network coding is a novel solution that significantly improve the throughput and energy consumed of wireless networks by mixing traffic flows through algebraic operations. In conventional network coding scheme, a packet has to wait for packets from other sources to be coded before transmitting. The wait-and-code scheme will naturally result in packet loss rate in a finite buffer. We will propose Enhanced Network Coding (ENC), an extension to ONC in continuous time domain. In ENC, the relay transmits both coded and uncoded packets to reduce delay. In exchange, more energy is consumed in transmitting uncoded packets. ENC is a practical algorithm to achieve minimal average delay and zero packet-loss rate under given energy constraint. The system model for ENC on a general renewal process queuing is presented. In particular, we will show that there exists a fundamental trade-off between average delay and energy. We will also present the analytic result of lower bound for this trade-off curve, which can be achieved by ENC

    How well do Large Language Models perform in Arithmetic tasks?

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    Large language models have emerged abilities including chain-of-thought to answer math word problems step by step. Solving math word problems not only requires abilities to disassemble problems via chain-of-thought but also needs to calculate arithmetic expressions correctly for each step. To the best of our knowledge, there is no work to focus on evaluating the arithmetic ability of large language models. In this work, we propose an arithmetic dataset MATH 401 to test the latest large language models including GPT-4, ChatGPT, InstrctGPT, Galactica, and LLaMA with various arithmetic expressions and provide a detailed analysis of the ability of large language models. MATH 401 and evaluation codes are released at \url{https://github.com/GanjinZero/math401-llm}

    Human-Instruction-Free LLM Self-Alignment with Limited Samples

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    Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human values is a vital task for LLM practitioners. Current alignment techniques have several limitations: (1) requiring a large amount of annotated data; (2) demanding heavy human involvement; (3) lacking a systematic mechanism to continuously improve. In this work, we study aligning LLMs to a new domain with limited samples (e.g. < 100). We propose an algorithm that can self-align LLMs iteratively without active human involvement. Unlike existing works, our algorithm relies on neither human-crafted instructions nor labeled rewards, significantly reducing human involvement. In addition, our algorithm can self-improve the alignment continuously. The key idea is to first retrieve high-quality samples related to the target domain and use them as In-context Learning examples to generate more samples. Then we use the self-generated samples to finetune the LLM iteratively. We show that our method can unlock the LLMs' self-generalization ability to perform alignment with near-zero human supervision. We test our algorithm on three benchmarks in safety, truthfulness, and instruction-following, and show good performance in alignment, domain adaptability, and scalability

    Competitiveness of the Hong Kong economy

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    Our assessment of the competitiveness of the Hong Kong economy from various perspectives indicates that the overall competitiveness of Hong Kong economy has been improving during the past several years. However, from a longer term historical perspective, there are still a number of areas in which Hong Kong’s competitiveness has been eroded relative to her main competitors in East Asia, especially in export sector. On the aggregate level, although Hong Kong’s Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth rate is amongst the best performers in East Asia in the recent years, it has been adversely affected by the continuing relocation of Hong Kong’s manufacturing production to the Mainland China. On sectorial levels, although Hong Kong’s unit labour costs started to decline since 2000 comparing to her Asian competitors, the unit labour cost-based real effective exchange rate continues to appreciate against her major trade partners. Furthermore, Hong Kong’s competitiveness deteriorated in several important categories of goods and service exports. Overall, our study shows that the Hong Kong economy still maintains its resilience to outside shocks, nevertheless it needs to explore new areas to fuel its future growth

    RRHF: Rank Responses to Align Language Models with Human Feedback without tears

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    Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) facilitates the alignment of large language models with human preferences, significantly enhancing the quality of interactions between humans and these models. InstructGPT implements RLHF through several stages, including Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), reward model training, and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). PPO, however, is sensitive to hyperparameters and requires a minimum of four models in its standard implementation, which makes it hard to train. In contrast, we propose a novel learning paradigm called RRHF, which scores responses generated by different sampling policies and learns to align them with human preferences through ranking loss. RRHF can efficiently align language model output probabilities with human preferences as robust as fine-tuning and it only needs 1 to 2 models during tuning. In addition, RRHF can be considered an extension of SFT and reward models while being simpler than PPO in terms of coding, model counts, and hyperparameters. The entire alignment process can be accomplished within a single RRHF training session. We evaluate RRHF using LLaMA and Alpaca on Helpful and Harmless data, demonstrating performance comparable to PPO.Comment: Codes available at https://github.com/GanjinZero/RRH

    M2ORT: Many-To-One Regression Transformer for Spatial Transcriptomics Prediction from Histopathology Images

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    The advancement of Spatial Transcriptomics (ST) has facilitated the spatially-aware profiling of gene expressions based on histopathology images. Although ST data offers valuable insights into the micro-environment of tumors, its acquisition cost remains expensive. Therefore, directly predicting the ST expressions from digital pathology images is desired. Current methods usually adopt existing regression backbones for this task, which ignore the inherent multi-scale hierarchical data structure of digital pathology images. To address this limit, we propose M2ORT, a many-to-one regression Transformer that can accommodate the hierarchical structure of the pathology images through a decoupled multi-scale feature extractor. Different from traditional models that are trained with one-to-one image-label pairs, M2ORT accepts multiple pathology images of different magnifications at a time to jointly predict the gene expressions at their corresponding common ST spot, aiming at learning a many-to-one relationship through training. We have tested M2ORT on three public ST datasets and the experimental results show that M2ORT can achieve state-of-the-art performance with fewer parameters and floating-point operations (FLOPs). The code is available at: https://github.com/Dootmaan/M2ORT/
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