741 research outputs found

    Flow patterns generated by oblate medusan jellyfish: field measurements and laboratory analyses

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    Flow patterns generated by medusan swimmers such as jellyfish are known to differ according the morphology of the various animal species. Oblate medusae have been previously observed to generate vortex ring structures during the propulsive cycle. Owing to the inherent physical coupling between locomotor and feeding structures in these animals, the dynamics of vortex ring formation must be robustly tuned to facilitate effective functioning of both systems. To understand how this is achieved, we employed dye visualization techniques on scyphomedusae (Aurelia aurita) observed swimming in their natural marine habitat. The flow created during each propulsive cycle consists of a toroidal starting vortex formed during the power swimming stroke, followed by a stopping vortex of opposite rotational sense generated during the recovery stroke. These two vortices merge in a laterally oriented vortex superstructure that induces flow both toward the subumbrellar feeding surfaces and downstream. The lateral vortex motif discovered here appears to be critical to the dual function of the medusa bell as a flow source for feeding and propulsion. Furthermore, vortices in the animal wake have a greater volume and closer spacing than predicted by prevailing models of medusan swimming. These effects are shown to be advantageous for feeding and swimming performance, and are an important consequence of vortex interactions that have been previously neglected

    Kidney disease in lupus is not always 'lupus nephritis'

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    In lupus erythematosus, elevated serum creatinine levels and urinary abnormalities implicate a kidney disorder, which may not always be lupus nephritis as defined by the current classification of the International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society. The signs of renal dysfunction may be caused by lupusunrelated renal injury such as drug toxicity or infection or by lupus-associated mechanisms that are not part of the classification, such as minimal change nephrotic syndrome or thrombotic microangiopathy. The latter seems to complicate lupus nephritis more frequently than previously thought. An unbiased assessment of kidney disease in lupus requires a kidney (re-)biopsy to define the appropriate management

    Glomerular permeability and polyanion in Adriamycin nephrosis in the rat

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    Glomerular permeability and polyanion in Adriamycin nephrosis in the rat. Alterations in glomerular permeability were studied in Adriamycin-induced proteinuria in rats by measuring fractional clearances (C/GFR) of uncharged labeled dextrans of varying molecular radii (ae) and of anionic, native, and cationic horseradish peroxidases (HRP) in experimental and control animals. Experimental animals were studied between days 14 and 55 after a single intravenous dose of Adriamycin (doxorubicin), 7.5 mg/kg. Mean proteinuria in the experimental animals was 98mg/24hr. Glomerular morphology showed few changes except for epithelial cell swelling, vacuolization, and foot process obliteration, and a significant reduction of glomerular colloidal iron staining. Polyethyleneimine staining revealed a similar distribution of anionic sites in the laminae rarae interna and externa in proteinuric rats as compared with controls. Inulin clearances revealed reduction in GFR and RPF of 20 and 15%, respectively. Dextran C/GFR values showed in experimental animals a size defect for molecules with an ae exceeding 40 Å, with a four- to fivefold increase over the values found in control animals for dextrans with ae of 58 and 60 Å. The peroxidase clearances showed a slight increase in C/GFR of anionic HRP in experimental animals, as could be expected on the basis of the sieving defect, whereas the C/GFR values for native and cationic HRP were virtually unchanged, indicating an intact functional charge barrier in the proteinuric animals. The results indicate that proteinuria in this model, which morphologically resembles aminonucleoside nephrosis, is due to a sieving defect, the charge barrier being functionally intact. The results further suggest, at least in this model, that a reduction in colloidal iron reactive glomerular polyanion is not associated with a defect in the charge selective barrier function.Perméabilité glomérulaire et polyanions dans la néphrose par Adriamycine chez le rat. Les altérations de la perméabilité glomérulaire ont été édutiées chez le rat au cours de la protéinurie induite par l'adriamycine en mesurant les clearances fractionnelles (C/GFR) de dextrans neutres marqués de différents rayons moléculaires (ae), et de peroxydases de raifort anioniques, neutres, et cationiques (HRP) chez des animaux expérimentaux et contrôles. Les animaux expérimentaux étaient étudiés entre les jours 14 et 55 après une injection unique intra-veineuse d'Adriamycine (doxorubicine), 7.5mg/kg. La protéinurie moyenne chez les animaux expérimentaux était de 98mg/24hr. La morphologie glomérulaire indiquait peu de modifications excepté un gonflement des cellules épithéliales, une vacuolisation et une fusion des pédicelles, et une réduction significative de la coloration glomérulaire par le fer colloïdal. La coloration au polyéthylèneimine a révélé une distribution identique des sites anioniques dans les lamina rarae interna et externa de rats protéinuriques par rapport aux contrôles. Les clearances de l'inuline ont montré une réduction de GFR et RPF de 20 et 15%, respectivement. Les valeurs de C/GFR du dextran ont indiqué chez les animaux expérimentaux un trouble portant sur la taille pour les molécules dont ae dépasse 40 Å, avec une augmentation de quatre- à cinqfois au-dessus des valeurs trouvées chez les animaux contrôles pour des dextrans d'ae de 58 et 60 Å. Les clearances des peroxydases ont indiqué une augmentation modérée de C/GRF pour HRP anionique chez les animaux expérimentaux, comme cela était attendu sur la base d'un trouble de la filtration, tandis que les valeurs de C/GFR pour les HRP natives et cationiques étaient virtuellement inchangées, indiquant une barrière fonctionnelle de charge intacte chez les animaux protéinuriques. Ces résultats indiquent que la protéinurie dans ce modèle qui ressemble morphologiquement à la néphrose des aminonucléosides, est due à un trouble de la filtration, la barrière de charges restant fonctionnellement intacte. Ces résultats suggèrent en outre, au moins dans ce modèle, que une réduction des polyanions glomérulaires réagissant avec le fer colloïdal n'est pas associée à une anomalie de la barrière sélective aux charges

    Sample Stability and Protein Composition of Saliva: Implications for Its Use as a Diagnostic Fluid

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    Saliva is an easy accessible plasma ultra-filtrate. Therefore, saliva can be an attractive alternative to blood for measurement of diagnostic protein markers. Our aim was to determine stability and protein composition of saliva. Protein stability at room temperature was examined by incubating fresh whole saliva with and without inhibitors of proteases and bacterial metabolism followed by Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization (SELDI) analyses. Protein composition was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) fractionation of saliva proteins followed by digestion of excised bands and identification by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results show that rapid protein degradation occurs within 30 minutes after sample collection. Degradation starts already during collection. Protease inhibitors partly prevented degradation while inhibition of bacterial metabolism did not affect degradation. Three stable degradation products of 2937 Da, 3370 Da and 4132 Da were discovered which can be used as markers to monitor sample quality. Saliva proteome analyses revealed 218 proteins of which 84 can also be found in blood plasma. Based on a comparison with seven other proteomics studies on whole saliva we identified 83 new saliva proteins. We conclude that saliva is a promising diagnostic fluid when precautions are taken towards protein breakdown

    Oral Health and Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the Northern Netherlands:A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to explore the association between oral health and frailty in community-dwelling Dutch adults aged 55 years and older. Included were 170 participants (n = 95 female [56%]; median age 64 years [IQR: 59-69 years]). Frailty was assessed by the Groningen Frailty Indicator. Oral health was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile-14-NL (OHIP-NL14). OHIP-NL14 item scores were analyzed for differences between frail and non-frail participants. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association between oral health and presence of frailty. The multivariate analysis included age, gender, and depressive symptoms as co-variables. After adjustment, 1 point increase on the OHIP-NL14 scale was associated with 21% higher odds of being frail (p = 0.000). In addition, significantly more frail participants reported presence of problems on each OHIP-NL14 item, compared to non-frail participants (p &lt; 0.003). Contrast in prevalence of different oral health problems between frail and non-frail was most prominent in 'younger' older adults aged 55-64 years. In conclusion: decreased oral health was associated with frailty in older adults aged &gt;= 55 years. Since oral health problems are not included in most frailty assessments, tackling oral health problems may not be sufficiently emphasized in frailty policies.</p

    Kidney failure in mice lacking the tetraspanin CD151

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    The tetraspanin CD151 is a cell-surface molecule known for its strong lateral interaction with the laminin-binding integrin α3β1. Patients with a nonsense mutation in CD151 display end-stage kidney failure associated with regional skin blistering and sensorineural deafness, and mice lacking the integrin α3 subunit die neonatally because of severe abnormalities in the lung and kidney epithelia. We report the generation of Cd151-null mice that recapitulate the renal pathology of human patients, i.e., with age they develop massive proteinuria caused by focal glomerulosclerosis, disorganization of the glomerular basement membrane, and tubular cystic dilation. However, neither skin integrity nor hearing ability are impaired in the Cd151-null mice. Furthermore, we generated podocyte-specific conditional knockout mice for the integrin α3 subunit that show renal defects similar to those in the Cd151 knockout mice. Our results support the hypothesis that CD151 plays a key role in strengthening α3β1-mediated adhesion in podocytes

    Measurement properties of oral health assessments for non-dental healthcare professionals in older people:a systematic review

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    Background: Regular inspection of the oral cavity is required for prevention, early diagnosis and risk reduction of oral-and general health-related problems. Assessments to inspect the oral cavity have been designed for non-dental healthcare professionals, like nurses. The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the content and the measurement properties of oral health assessments for use by non-dental healthcare professionals in assessing older peoples' oral health, in order to provide recommendations for practice, policy, and research. Methods: A systematic search in PubMed, EMBASE.com, and Cinahl (via Ebsco) has been performed. Search terms referring to 'oral health assessments', 'non-dental healthcare professionals' and 'older people (60+)' were used. Two reviewers individually performed title/abstract, and full-text screening for eligibility. The included studies have investigated at least one measurement property (validity/reliability) and were evaluated on their methodological quality using "The Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments"(COSMIN) checklist. The measurement properties were then scored using quality criteria (positive/negative/indeterminate). Results: Out of 879 hits, 18 studies were included in this review. Five studies showed good methodological quality on at least one measurement property and 14 studies showed poor methodological quality on some of their measurement properties. None of the studies assessed all measurement properties of the COSMIN. In total eight oral health assessments were found: the Revised Oral Assessment Guide (ROAG); the Minimum Data Set (MDS), with oral health component; the Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT); The Holistic Reliable Oral Assessment Tool (THROAT); Dental Hygiene Registration (DHR); Mucosal Plaque Score (MPS); The Brief Oral Health Screening Examination (BOHSE) and the Oral Assessment Sheet (OAS). Most frequently assessed items were: lips, mucosa membrane, tongue, gums, teeth, denture, saliva, and oral hygiene. Conclusion: Taken into account the scarce evidence of the proposed assessments, the OHAT and ROAG are most complete in their included oral health items and are of best methodological quality in combination with positive quality criteria on their measurement properties. Non-dental healthcare professionals, policymakers and researchers should be aware of the methodological limitations of the available oral health assessments and realize that the quality of the measurement properties remains uncertain

    Chronic granulomatous disease: the European experience.

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    CGD is an immunodeficiency caused by deletions or mutations in genes that encode subunits of the leukocyte NADPH oxidase complex. Normally, assembly of the NADPH oxidase complex in phagosomes of certain phagocytic cells leads to a "respiratory burst", essential for the clearance of phagocytosed micro-organisms. CGD patients lack this mechanism, which leads to life-threatening infections and granuloma formation. However, a clear picture of the clinical course of CGD is hampered by its low prevalence (approximately 1:250,000). Therefore, extensive clinical data from 429 European patients were collected and analyzed. Of these patients 351 were males and 78 were females. X-linked (XL) CGD (gp91(phox) deficient) accounted for 67% of the cases, autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance for 33%. AR-CGD was diagnosed later in life, and the mean survival time was significantly better in AR patients (49.6 years) than in XL CGD (37.8 years), suggesting a milder disease course in AR patients. The disease manifested itself most frequently in the lungs (66% of patients), skin (53%), lymph nodes (50%), gastrointestinal tract (48%) and liver (32%). The most frequently cultured micro-organisms per episode were Staphylococcus aureus (30%), Aspergillus spp. (26%), and Salmonella spp. (16%). Surprisingly, Pseudomonas spp. (2%) and Burkholderia cepacia (<1%) were found only sporadically. Lesions induced by inoculation with BCG occurred in 8% of the patients. Only 71% of the patients received antibiotic maintenance therapy, and 53% antifungal prophylaxis. 33% were treated with gamma-interferon. 24 patients (6%) had received a stem cell transplantation. The most prominent reason of death was pneumonia and pulmonary abscess (18/84 cases), septicemia (16/84) and brain abscess (4/84). These data provide further insight in the clinical course of CGD in Europe and hopefully can help to increase awareness and optimize the treatment of these patients