2,043 research outputs found

    Reflections on Old Nubian Grammar

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    Pricing of Cyber Insurance Contracts in a Network Model

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    We develop a novel approach for pricing cyber insurance contracts. The considered cyber threats, such as viruses and worms, diffuse in a structured data network. The spread of the cyber infection is modeled by an interacting Markov chain. Conditional on the underlying infection, the occurrence and size of claims are described by a marked point process. We introduce and analyze a new polynomial approximation of claims together with a mean-field approach that allows to compute aggregate expected losses and prices of cyber insurance. Numerical case studies demonstrate the impact of the network topology and indicate that higher order approximations are indispensable for the analysis of non-linear claims. © 2018 by Astin Bulletin. All rights reserved

    A genre analysis of the American presidential inaugural address

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    Die amerikanische PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittsrede sowie die Reden der amerikanischen PrĂ€sidenten im Allgemeinen sind besonders ins Interesse verschiedener politischer Diskurs-Studien gerĂŒckt. Eine Frage, die sich im Zuge der Analysen der amerikanischen PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittsreden immer wieder stellt ist, ob diese Art der Rede tatsĂ€chlich zu einer bestimmten Gattung der politischen Rede gezĂ€hlt werden kann. Trosborg (2000), van Noppen (2002) sowie Campbell & Jamieson (2008) vertreten den Standpunkt, dass die Antrittsrede eine spezifische Gattung darstellt. Laut Campbell & Jamieson (2008: 9) sind die wichtigsten Kennzeichen einer Gattung die Ähnlichkeit in Thema, Stil und Struktur der einzelnen Texte, die zu einer bestimmten Gattung dazu gezĂ€hlt werden. Was nun die Antrittsrede auszeichnet ist ihr epideiktischer Charakter insbesondere vier zusammenhĂ€ngende Elemente, die diese Rede von anderen Formen der epideiktischen und politischen Rede unterscheidet: die Vereinheitlichung der Zuhörerschaft durch die Bezeichnung ihrer Mitglieder als „das Volk“, die AufzĂ€hlung gemeinsamer Werte, die Darlegung der politischen Agenda der neuen Administration und schließlich, die Kundgebung, dass die neue PrĂ€sidentschaft die Rollen und EinschrĂ€nkungen des exekutiven Amtes anerkennt (cf. ibid. 31). Ryan (1993: xviif) bestreitet jedoch den epideiktischen Charakter der Antrittsrede und Thompson weist darauf hin, dass die Rollle der amerikanischen PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittsrede nicht immer dieselbe ist, sondern dass das jeweilige Umfeld und die Zeit die Einstellung der jeweiligen PrĂ€sidenten prĂ€gt und somit auch beeinflusst, was der jeweilige PrĂ€sident sich verpflichet fĂŒhlt in seiner Rede zu sagen (cf. Vorwort zu Germino 1984: x). Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit untersucht die Gattung der amerikanischen PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittrede im Zuge einer Gattungsanalyse in Verbindung mit antiker rhetorischer Theorie, um zusĂ€tzlich herauszufinden, ob diese Art der politischen Rede tatsĂ€chlich epideiktische Merkmale zeigt oder nicht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine computer-unterstĂŒtzte Analyse aller sechsundfĂŒnfzig Antrittsreden durchgefĂŒhrt. Die zehn ausgewĂ€hlten Antrittsreden stammen aus verschiedenen Jahrzehnten zwischen 1789-2009 um zu sehen, ob sich der Charakter der Antrittsrede im Laufe der Zeit verĂ€ndert hat. Durch die Erstellung einer SchlĂŒsselwörter-Liste mithilfe von WordSmith Tools konnten wichtige Wörter und Themen der Antrittsrede herausgearbeitet werden. Weiters gab eine sogenannte Move-Struktur-Analyse Einblick in den kommunikativen Zweck dieser politischen Rede. Schließlich wurde ein genauerer Blick auf Verwendung von rhetorischen Mitteln, insbesondere Redeschmuck in ganzen SĂ€tzen und einzelnen Wörtern, geworfen. Die Ergebnisse der Analysen zeigen, dass sich im Laufe der letzten fĂŒnfzehn Jahrzehnte bestimmte SchlĂŒssel-Moves bzw. kommunikative Zwecke, herausgebildet haben, die in den analysierten Reden identifiziert werden konnten. Diese sind: 1) Die BegrĂŒĂŸung der Zuhörerschaft, 2) Der Wechsel der PrĂ€sidentschaft, 3) Die Schilderung des Fortschritts, der gegenwĂ€rtigen Situation und der Herausforderungen der U.S.A., 4) Der Aufruf zur VerĂ€nderung, 5) Die Erinnerung an amerikanische Werte und Ideale, 6) Der Hinweis auf die Rolle und die Verantwortung des amerikanischen Volkes und schließlich, 7) Der Schluss. Was den Inhalt der PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittsrede betrifft so zeigt sich, dass die amerikanischen Werte und das amerikanische Volk zwei zentrale Themen der amerikanischen PrĂ€sidentschaftsantrittsrede sind, die sowohl in den Ă€lteren als auch in den jĂŒngeren Reden eine Rolle spielen. Die vereinnahmenden Pronomen ‚wir‘ und ‚unser‘, hingegen, erwiesen sich als Merkmal der Antrittreden des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein weiterer Unterschied zwischen den Ă€lteren und den jĂŒngeren Antrittreden zeigt sich in der Verwendung von rhetorischen Stilmitteln, die in den Reden des 20. und des 21. Jahrhunderts verstĂ€rkt angewandt werden. Prinzipiell kann man in den Reden ab dem 19. Jahrhundert mehr Gemeinsamkeiten feststellen, was darauf hinweist, dass sich die Gattung der Antrittsrede im Laufe der Jahrhunderte erst herausgebildet hat und nicht immer gleich geblieben ist.The American presidential inaugural address has become the subject of interest of several studies on political discourse. One of the questions which came to rise in the course of several analyses of the inaugural address is whether this kind of political speech can actually be considered to be a genre in itself. Trosborg (2000), van Noppen (2002) and Campbell & Jamieson (2008) support the idea of the generic character of the inaugural address. According to Campbell & Jamieson (2008: 9) the most important characteristics of genres is that the various texts belonging to a certain genre all show substantive, stylistic, and strategic similarities. What marks the inaugural address as a genre then is its epideictic character and especially four interrelated elements that distinguish it from other kinds of epideictic and political rhetoric: the unification of “the audience by reconstituting its members as ‘the people’”, rehearsing “communal values, setting forth the political program of the new administration and demonstrating that the president accepts the tasks and the limitations of the executive function (ibid. 31). Ryan (1993: xviif), however, denies the epideictic character of the inaugural address and Thompson points out that the “role of inaugural addresses by Presidents” is not always the same but it is the “times in part that shape the President’s outlook, and what he feels called on to say.” (preface to Germino 1984: x) This thesis examines the generic character of the inaugural address by applying a genre analysis and taking a look at ancient rhetorical theory in order to find an answer to the question whether the inaugural speech may also be considered a kind of epideictic rhetoric or not. For the purpose of finding out the peculiarities of the inaugural address a computer-assisted analysis of all fifty-six inaugurals combined with close-reading of ten selected speeches was carried out. The ten selected speeches were taken from different decades between 1789-2009 in order find out whether the character of the inaugural address has changed over time. By generating a keyword list with the help of WordSmith Tools important words and themes in the inaugural were identified. Furthermore, a move-analysis gave more insight into the communicative purpose(s) of this kind of political speech. Finally, a closer look was taken at the use of rhetorical strategies especially rhetorical schemes and tropes. The results of the analysis show a repertoire of obligatory moves which seems to have consolidated over the last fifteen decades: 1) Greeting the audience, 2) The transition of the Presidency, 3) Depicting the progress, the present situation and the challenges of the U.S.A., 4) Calling for change, 5) Recalling America’s ideals and values, 6) Addressing the role and responsibility of the American people and 7) Closing. In terms of content it can be said that while American values and the importance of the American people have always been important themes in the inaugural address, the inclusive form of the pronouns ‘we’ and ‘our’ expressing parity between the president and the American people has only become popular in the course of the 20th century. Another identified difference between earlier inaugurals and more recent ones is that presidents of the 20th and 21st centuries make more use of rhetorical devices. In general, the inaugural addresses after the 19th century show more similarities between each other. Thus, the genre of the American presidential inaugural address is not static but has gradually developed in the course of time

    Konzept und Realisation eines privaten Fotoportals mit Datenbankanbindung

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    Review of QGP signatures - ideas versus observables

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    We investigate hadron production and transverse hadron spectra in nucleus-nucleus collisions from 2 A·GeV to 21.3 A·TeV within two independent transport approaches (UrQMD and HSD) based on quark, diquark, string and hadronic degrees of freedom. The enhancement of pion production in central Au+Au (Pb+Pb) collisions relative to scaled pp collisions (the ’kink’) is described well by both approaches without involving a phase transition. However, the maximum in the K+ p+ ratio at 20 to 30 A·GeV (the ’horn’) is missed by ~ 40%. Also, at energies above ~5 A·GeV, the measured K± mT-spectra have a larger inverse slope than expected from the models. Thus the pressure generated by hadronic interactions in the transport models at high energies is too low. This finding suggests that the additional pressure - as expected from lattice QCD at finite quark chemical potential and temperature - might be generated by strong interactions in the early pre-hadronic/partonic phase of central heavy-ion collisions. Finally, we discuss the emergence of density perturbations in a first-order phase transition and why they might affect relative hadron multiplicities, collective flow, and hadron mean-free paths at decoupling. A minimum in the collective flow v2 excitation function was discovered experimentally at 40 A·GeV - such a behavior has been predicted long ago as signature for a first order phase transition

    Modeling and pricing cyber insurance: Idiosyncratic, systematic, and systemic risks

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    The paper provides a comprehensive overview of modeling and pricing cyber insurance and includes clear and easily understandable explanations of the underlying mathematical concepts. We distinguish three main types of cyber risks: idiosyncratic, systematic, and systemic cyber risks. While for idiosyncratic and systematic cyber risks, classical actuarial and financial mathematics appear to be well-suited, systemic cyber risks require more sophisticated approaches that capture both network and strategic interactions. In the context of pricing cyber insurance policies, issues of interdependence arise for both systematic and systemic cyber risks; classical actuarial valuation needs to be extended to include more complex methods, such as concepts of risk-neutral valuation and (set-valued) monetary risk measures

    Building Resilience in Cybersecurity -- An Artificial Lab Approach

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    Based on classical contagion models we introduce an artificial cyber lab: the digital twin of a complex cyber system in which possible cyber resilience measures may be implemented and tested. Using the lab, in numerical case studies, we identify two classes of measures to control systemic cyber risks: security- and topology-based interventions. We discuss the implications of our findings on selected real-world cybersecurity measures currently applied in the insurance and regulation practice or under discussion for future cyber risk control. To this end, we provide a brief overview of the current cybersecurity regulation and emphasize the role of insurance companies as private regulators. Moreover, from an insurance point of view, we provide first attempts to design systemic cyber risk obligations and to measure the systemic risk contribution of individual policyholders
