20,992 research outputs found

    Application of LANDSAT data to agricultural resource problems with emphasis on the North American Great Plains

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    Application of digital analysis of MSS data to agro-environmental studies

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    Application of digital analysis of MSS data to agro-environmental studies

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    PW03-022 - Neutrophilic skin disease and inflammation

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    Robert Sweet first described a syndrome with a painful, erythematous nodular plaques, neutrophilic dermal infiltrates, fevers and peripheral neutrophilia. This cluster of syndromes became known as Sweet's syndrome. There have been many published cases in children of neutrophilic dermatoses and fever which are labeled as Sweet's syndrome. Recently, however, neutrophilic dermatoses have been associated with some autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases

    A fourth HI 21-cm absorption system in the sight-line of MG J0414+0534: a record for intervening absorbers

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    We report the detection of a strong HI 21-cm absorption system at z=0.5344, as well as a candidate system at z=0.3389, in the sight-line towards the z=2.64 quasar MG J0414+0534. This, in addition to the absorption at the host redshift and the other two intervening absorbers, takes the total to four (possibly five). The previous maximum number of 21-cm absorbers detected along a single sight-line is two and so we suspect that this number of gas-rich absorbers is in some way related to the very red colour of the background source. Despite this, no molecular gas (through OH absorption) has yet been detected at any of the 21-cm redshifts, although, from the population of 21-cm absorbers as a whole, there is evidence for a weak correlation between the atomic line strength and the optical--near-infrared colour. In either case, the fact that so many gas-rich galaxies (likely to be damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems) have been found along a single sight-line towards a highly obscured source may have far reaching implications for the population of faint galaxies not detected in optical surveys, a possibility which could be addressed through future wide-field absorption line surveys with the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Study of fault-tolerant software technology

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    Presented is an overview of the current state of the art of fault-tolerant software and an analysis of quantitative techniques and models developed to assess its impact. It examines research efforts as well as experience gained from commercial application of these techniques. The paper also addresses the computer architecture and design implications on hardware, operating systems and programming languages (including Ada) of using fault-tolerant software in real-time aerospace applications. It concludes that fault-tolerant software has progressed beyond the pure research state. The paper also finds that, although not perfectly matched, newer architectural and language capabilities provide many of the notations and functions needed to effectively and efficiently implement software fault-tolerance

    PReS-FINAL-2253: A case series of HIV arthropathy in Cape Town

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    HIV arthropathy is well described in adults. Few studies have looked in depth at HIV arthropathy in children, and the characteristics of this entity have not been fully described

    Underwater tunable organ-pipe sound source

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122 (2007): 777-785, doi:10.1121/1.2751268.A highly efficient frequency-controlled sound source based on a tunable high-Q underwater acoustic resonator is described. The required spectrum width was achieved by transmitting a linear frequency-modulated signal and simultaneously tuning the resonance frequency, keeping the sound source in resonance at the instantaneous frequency of the signal transmitted. Such sound sources have applications in ocean-acoustic tomography and deep-penetration seismic tomography. Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation show the Helmholtz resonator's ability for instant resonant frequency switching and quick adjustment of its resonant frequency to the instantaneous frequency signal. The concept of a quick frequency adjustment filter is considered. The discussion includes the simplest lumped resonant source as well as the complicated distributed system of a tunable organ pipe. A numerical model of the tunable organ pipe is shown to have a form similar to a transmission line segment. This provides a general form for the principal results, which can be applied to tunable resonators of a different physical nature. The numerical simulation shows that the “state-switched” concept also works in the high-Q tunable organ pipe, and the speed of frequency sweeping in a high-Q tunable organ pipe is analyzed. The simulation results were applied to a projector design for ocean-acoustic tomography.The work was supported by ONR