11,999 research outputs found

    The use of aerial photographs for estimating school sizes of cetaceans

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    ENGLISH: The accuracy and precision of dolphin school size estimates based on aerial photograph counts were examined using data collected on recent aerial and ship surveys. These estimates were found to be accurate during a 1979research cruise aboard a tuna purse-seiner; dolphin schools were photographed from the ship’s helicopter, encircled with the purse-seine, and then counted as the dolphins were released from the net. A comparison of photographic estimates with these counts indicated that the relationship was fairly close and gave no indication of significantly differing from 1:1. During a 1980 aerial study, photographic estimates from different schools, passes, and camera formats were compared and were found to be quite precise with a standard deviation of approximately 60/0 of school size. Photographic estimates were also compared with estimates made by aerial observers. Most observers tended to underestimate school size, particularly for large schools. The variability among observers was high, indicating that observers should be individually calibrated. SPANISH: Se examinó la exactitud y la precisión de las estimaciones de la magnitud de los cardúmenes de delfines basadas en el cálculo de las fotografías aéreas, usando los datos obtenidos en los últimos reconocimientos aéreos y de los barcos. En 1979, durante un crucero de investigación en un cerquero atunero, se encontró que estas estimaciones eran acertadas; se fotografiaron los cardúmenes de delfines desde un helicóptero del barco, cercados con la red y luego se contaron a medida que se libraban los delfines de la red. Una comparación de las estimaciones fotográficas con estos cálculos indicó que la relación era bastante aproximada y no hubo indicación que se diferenció significativamente de la razón 1:1. Durante un estudio aéreo en 1980, se compararon las estimaciones fotográficas de diferentes del cardúmenes, en los pases y los formatos de las cámaras y se encontró que eran bastante precisos, con una desviación normal de cerca del 60/0 de la magnitud cardumen. Se compararon también las estimaciones fotográficas con las estimaciones realizadas por los observadores aéreos. La mayoría de los observadores tienden a subestimar la magnitud de los cardúmenes, especialmente los cardúmenes grandes. La variabilidad entre los observadores fue elevada, lo que indica que se deben calibrar individualmente los datos de observadores. (PDF contains 39 pages.

    Neutron spin polarization in strong magnetic fields

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    The effects of strong magnetic fields on the inner crust of neutron stars are investigated after taking into account the anomalous magnetic moments of nucleons. Energy spectra and wave functions for protons and neutrons in a uniform magnetic field are provided. The particle spin polarizations and the yields of protons and neutrons are calculated in a free Fermi gas model. Obvious spin polarization occurs when B1014B\geq10^{14}G for protons and B1017B\geq10^{17}G for neutrons, respectively. It is shown that the neutron spin polarization depends solely on the magnetic field strength.Comment: Replaced by the revised version; 10 pages, including 3 eps figure

    Neutrino mixing with broken S3S_3 symmetry

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    We explore the consequences of assuming that the neutrino mass matrix is a linear combination of the matrices of a three dimensional representation of the group S3S_3 and that it has one zero mass eigenvalue. When implemented, these two assumptions allow us to express the transformation matrix relating the mass eigenstates to the flavor eigenstates in terms of a single parameter which we fit to the available data.Comment: Final version. Published in Phys. Rev. D 82, 033005 (2010

    Spin Pumping of Current in Non-Uniform Conducting Magnets

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    Using irreversible thermodynamics we show that current-induced spin transfer torque within a magnetic domain implies spin pumping of current within that domain. This has experimental implications for samples both with conducting leads and that are electrically isolated. These results are obtained by deriving the dynamical equations for two models of non-uniform conducting magnets: (1) a generic conducting magnet, with net conduction electron density n and net magnetization M\vec{M}; and (2) a two-band magnet, with up and down spins each providing conduction and magnetism. For both models, in regions where the equilibrium magnetization is non-uniform, voltage gradients can drive adiabatic and non-adiabatic bulk spin torques. Onsager relations then ensure that magnetic torques likewise drive adiabatic and non-adiabatic currents -- what we call bulk spin pumping. For a given amount of adiabatic and non-adiabatic spin torque, the two models yield similar but distinct results for the bulk spin pumping, thus distinguishing the two models. As in the recent spin-Berry phase study by Barnes and Maekawa, we find that within a domain wall the ratio of the effective emf to the magnetic field is approximately given by P(2μB/e)P(2\mu_{B}/e), where P is the spin polarization. The adiabatic spin torque and spin pumping terms are shown to be dissipative in nature.Comment: 13 pages in pdf format; 1 figur

    Characterization of catalase by micro-immunoprecipitation in tissue-derived cells of Mycobacterium lepraemurium TMC 1701

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    Cell-free extracts of tissue-derived cells of Mycobacterium lepraemurium TMC 1701 have been found to have mycobacterial catalase which is of the T type. Immunological distance measurements of this catalase against three reference mycobacterial systems, as determined by a micro-immunoprecipitation technique, showed that catalase from M. lepraemurium TMC 1701 is most closely related to that of Mycobacterium avium but is still distinct from it. In this respect, this strain is uniquely positioned between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium

    A note on the rare decay of a Higgs boson into photons and a ZZ boson

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    We have calculated the width of the rare decay HγγZH\to\gamma\gamma Z at one-loop level in the standard model for Higgs boson masses in the range 115GeVmH160GeV115 {\rm GeV} \leq m_H \leq 160 {\rm GeV} . For this range of Higgs boson masses we find that ZZ boson is predominantly longitudinally polarized, and the photons have the same helicity. A comparison of the decay width Γ(HγγZ)\Gamma(H\to \gamma\gamma Z) to those of HγγH\to\gamma\gamma and HγZH\to\gamma Z shows that, for the Higgs boson mass of mH135GeVm_H \sim 135 \rm{GeV}, the ratios of the decay widths are Γ(HγγZ)/Γ(Hγγ)Γ(HγγZ)/Γ(HγZ)105106\Gamma(H\to\gamma\gamma Z) / \Gamma(H\to\gamma\gamma) \sim \Gamma(H\to\gamma\gamma Z) / \Gamma(H\to\gamma Z) \sim 10^{-5}-10^{-6}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    Analytical formula for the Uehling potential

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    The closed analytical expression for the Uehling potential is derived. The Uehling potential describes the lowest-order correction on vacuum polarisation in atomic and muon-atomic systems. We also derive the analytical formula for the interaction potential between two electrically charged point particles which includes correction to the vacuum polarisation, but has correct asymptotic behaviour at larger rr. Our three-term analytical formula for the Uehling potential opens a new avenue in the study of the vacuum polarisation in light atomic systems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.204

    Wind-tunnel evaluation of an advanced main-rotor blade design for a utility-class helicopter

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    An investigation was conducted in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel to evaluate differences between an existing utility-class main-rotor blade and an advanced-design main-rotor blade. The two rotor blade designs were compared with regard to rotor performance oscillatory pitch-link loads, and 4-per-rev vertical fixed-system loads. Tests were conducted in hover and over a range of simulated full-scale gross weights and density altitude conditions at advance ratios from 0.15 to 0.40. Results indicate that the advanced blade design offers performance improvements over the baseline blade in both hover and forward flight. Pitch-link oscillatory loads for the baseline rotor were more sensitive to the test conditions than those of the advanced rotor. The 4-per-rev vertical fixed-system load produced by the advanced blade was larger than that produced by the baseline blade at all test conditions

    On The Age Estimation of LBDS 53W091

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    The recent spectral analysis of LBDS 53W091 by Spinrad and his collaborators has suggested that this red galaxy at z=1.55 is at least 3.5 Gyr old. This imposes an important constraint on cosmology, suggesting that this galaxy formed at z > 6.5, assuming recent estimates of cosmological parameters. We have performed chi^2 tests to the continuum of this galaxy using its UV spectrum and photometric data (RJHK). We have used the updated Yi models that are based on the Yale tracks. We find it extremely difficult to reproduce such large age estimates, under the assumption of the most probable input parameters. Using the same configuration as in Spinrad et al. (solar abundance models), our analysis suggests an age of approximately 1.4 -- 1.8 Gyr. The discrepancy between Spinrad et al.'s age estimate (based on the 1997 Jimenez models) and ours originates from the large difference in the model integrated spectrum: the Jimenez models are much bluer than the Yi models and the Bruzual \& Charlot (BC) models. Preliminary tests favor the Yi and BC models. The updated age estimate of LBDS 53W091 would suggest that this galaxy formed approximately at z=2-3.Comment: LaTeX, 18 eps files Accepted for publication in ApJ (Feb 10, 2000, vol 530), uses emulateapj.st