5,028 research outputs found

    Unrebutted Evidence

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    Meritocracy and the inheritance of advantage

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    We present a model where more accurate information on the background of individuals facilitates statistical discrimination, increasing inequality and intergenerational persistence in income. Surprisingly, more accurate information on the actual capabilities of workers leads to the same result - firms give increased weight to the more accurate information, increasing inequality, which itself fosters discrimination. The rich take advantage of this through educational investments in their children, and mobility decreases as a consequence of an increase in the ability to reward talent. Using our model to interpret the data suggests that a country like the US might indeed be a land of opportunity for the sufficiently able, as conditional on ability background may have relatively little effect. Nevertheless the US has a relatively low degree of intergenerational mobility precisely because meritocracy facilitates a high correlation of ability with background

    Grenville Foreland Deformation and Sedimentation in Southwest Ohio Indicated by Reprocessed Seismic Reflection Profiles near Middletown, Ohio, USA

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    The late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic Middle Run Formation contains vital information about the crustal evolution of the North American Craton. Four reprocessed seismic reflection lines in the vicinity of the AK Steel facility in Middletown, Ohio, provide new insights into the structural and depositional setting of the Middle Run Formation in this region. A residual statics solution improved the resolution and coherency of reflections in these profiles that underlie the Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone. Reprocessing revealed gently inclined, west-southwest-dipping reflectors and the occurrence of an angular unconformity between the Middle Run Formation and the overlying Paleozoic strata. The weak and discontinuous seismic reflection character of the Middle Run Formation in these seismic lines overlies a sequence of stronger parallel reflections that are like those observed on the eastward ODNR-1-88 seismic line located near core hole DGS 2627, the stratotype of the Middle Run Formation. This inferred thickness indicates that the basin in which the Middle Run Formation was deposited ranges from at least 670 to 1,128 m (2,200 to 3,700 ft) deep at the AK Steel area and dips gently west-southwest, which is in contrast with the moderate easterly dip observed on the ODNR-1-88 seismic line to the northeast. Correlation of these features across the 10 km (approximately 6 mi) cross-strike gap between the AK Steel lines and the ODNR-1-88 seismic line suggests the presence of a reverse fault with approximately 792 m (2,600 ft) of estimated vertical displacement. A regional cross section—including the WSU 1990 seismic line eastward of the ODNR-1-88 line—exhibits a faulted west-verging asymmetric syncline in near proximity to the Grenville Front. This cross section also shows that deformation of the Middle Run Formation and the underlying layered sequence exhibits a consistent tectonic style of reverse faulting and folding that developed in response to Grenville Front tectonism

    The diminishing state of shared reality on US television news

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    The potential for a large, diverse population to coexist peacefully is thought to depend on the existence of a ``shared reality:'' a public sphere in which participants are exposed to similar facts about similar topics. A generation ago, broadcast television news was widely considered to serve this function; however, since the rise of cable news in the 1990s, critics and scholars have worried that the corresponding fragmentation and segregation of audiences along partisan lines has caused this shared reality to be lost. Here we examine this concern using a unique combination of data sets tracking the production (since 2012) and consumption (since 2016) of television news content on the three largest cable and broadcast networks respectively. With regard to production, we find strong evidence for the ``loss of shared reality hypothesis:'' while broadcast continues to cover similar topics with similar language, cable news networks have become increasingly distinct, both from broadcast news and each other, diverging both in terms of content and language. With regard to consumption, we find more mixed evidence: while broadcast news has indeed declined in popularity, it remains the dominant source of news for roughly 50\% more Americans than does cable; moreover, its decline, while somewhat attributable to cable, appears driven more by a shift away from news consumption altogether than a growth in cable consumption. We conclude that shared reality on US television news is indeed diminishing, but is more robust than previously thought and is declining for somewhat different reasons

    Paradoxical popups: Why are they hard to catch?

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    Even professional baseball players occasionally find it difficult to gracefully approach seemingly routine pop-ups. This paper describes a set of towering pop-ups with trajectories that exhibit cusps and loops near the apex. For a normal fly ball, the horizontal velocity is continuously decreasing due to drag caused by air resistance. But for pop-ups, the Magnus force (the force due to the ball spinning in a moving airflow) is larger than the drag force. In these cases the horizontal velocity decreases in the beginning, like a normal fly ball, but after the apex, the Magnus force accelerates the horizontal motion. We refer to this class of pop-ups as paradoxical because they appear to misinform the typically robust optical control strategies used by fielders and lead to systematic vacillation in running paths, especially when a trajectory terminates near the fielder. In short, some of the dancing around when infielders pursue pop-ups can be well explained as a combination of bizarre trajectories and misguidance by the normally reliable optical control strategy, rather than apparent fielder error. Former major league infielders confirm that our model agrees with their experiences.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, sumitted to American Journal of Physic

    Intracoronal stress transfer through enamel following RBC photopolymerisation:A synchrotron X-ray study

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    Objectives: To measure the spatial distribution of crystallographic strain in tooth enamel induced by the photo-polymerisation of a dimethacrylate resin based composite cavity restoration. Methods: Six sound first premolar teeth, allocated into two groups (n = 3), were prepared with mesio-occlusal distal cavities. The enamel was machined at the point of maximum convexity on the outer tooth to create a vertical fin of thickness 100 μm and 0.5 mm depth to allow for synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements. 2D diffraction patterns were used to determine crystallite orientation and quantify changes in the hydroxyapatite crystal lattice parameters, before and after photo-polymerisation of a composite material placed in the cavity, to calculate strain in the respective axis. The composite was photo-polymerised with either relatively high (1200 mW cm−2, group 1) or low (480 mW cm−2, group 2) irradiances using LED or quartz halogen light sources, respectively. A paired t-test was used to determine significant differences in strain between irradiance protocols at ɑ = 0.001. Results: Photo-polymerisation of the composite in the adjacent cavity induced significant changes in both the crystallographic c and a axes of the enamel measurement area. However the magnitude of strain was low with ∼0.1% difference before and after composite photo-polymerisation. Strain in enamel was not uniformly distributed and varied spatially as a function of crystallite orientation. Increased alignment of crystallites perpendicular to the cavity wall was associated with higher c axis strain. Additionally, strain was significantly greater in the c (p < 0.001) and a axis (p < 0.001) when using a high irradiance photo-polymerisation protocol. Significance: Although cuspal deflection is routinely measured to indirectly assess the ‘global’ effect of composite shrinkage on the tooth-restoration complex, here we show that absolute strains generated in enamel are low, indicating strain relief mechanisms may be operative. The use of low irradiance protocols for photo-polymerisation resulted in reduced strain

    Evaluating the scale, growth, and origins of right-wing echo chambers on YouTube

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    Although it is understudied relative to other social media platforms, YouTube is arguably the largest and most engaging online media consumption platform in the world. Recently, YouTube's outsize influence has sparked concerns that its recommendation algorithm systematically directs users to radical right-wing content. Here we investigate these concerns with large scale longitudinal data of individuals' browsing behavior spanning January 2016 through December 2019. Consistent with previous work, we find that political news content accounts for a relatively small fraction (11%) of consumption on YouTube, and is dominated by mainstream and largely centrist sources. However, we also find evidence for a small but growing "echo chamber" of far-right content consumption. Users in this community show higher engagement and greater "stickiness" than users who consume any other category of content. Moreover, YouTube accounts for an increasing fraction of these users' overall online news consumption. Finally, while the size, intensity, and growth of this echo chamber present real concerns, we find no evidence that they are caused by YouTube recommendations. Rather, consumption of radical content on YouTube appears to reflect broader patterns of news consumption across the web. Our results emphasize the importance of measuring consumption directly rather than inferring it from recommendations.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 15 table

    The effect of single-dose tramadol on oxycodone clearance.

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    We have noticed increased prescribing of tramadol by emergency physicians for breakthrough pain in patients chronically taking oxycodone. Both oxycodone and tramadol undergo oxidative metabolism by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, suggesting the possibility that tramadol may compete with oxycodone for metabolism. A randomized controlled trial in 10 human volunteers was performed to determine if single-dose tramadol therapy would impair oxycodone clearance. Subjects were randomized whether to enter the control or experimental arm of the study first, with each subject serving as his or her own control. In the control arm, each subject received 10 mg immediate-release oxycodone orally and had serial plasma oxycodone and oxymorphone concentrations measured over 8 h. The experimental arm was identical except that 100 mg tramadol was ingested 1.5 h before oxycodone. Clearance divided by fraction absorbed (CL/f) was calculated using the dose and the area under the 8-h time-plasma oxycodone concentration curve. Peak plasma oxycodone concentrations (C(max)) and time until peak oxycodone concentrations (T(max)) were secondary outcome parameters. Group size was chosen to produce a power of 0.8 to detect a 20% difference in CL/f between study arms. Values for CL/f, C(max), and T(max) were compared between study arms using two-tailed, paired t-tests. No statistically significant difference between groups was demonstrated for any parameter. We failed to demonstrate that single doses of tramadol impaired oxycodone clearance
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