85 research outputs found

    The role of TcdB and TccC subunits in secretion of the photorhabdus Tcd toxin complex

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    The Toxin Complex (TC) is a large multi-subunit toxin encoded by a range of bacterial pathogens. The best-characterized examples are from the insect pathogens Photorhabdus, Xenorhabdus and Yersinia. They consist of three large protein subunits, designated A, B and C that assemble in a 5:1:1 stoichiometry. Oral toxicity to a range of insects means that some have the potential to be developed as pest control technology. The three subunit proteins do not encode any recognisable export sequences and as such little progress has been made in understanding their secretion. We have developed heterologous TC production and secretion models in E. coli and used them to ascribe functions to different domains of the crucial B+C sub-complex. We have determined that the B and C subunits use a secretion mechanism that is either encoded by the proteins themselves or employ an as yet undefined system common to laboratory strains of E. coli. We demonstrate that both the N-terminal domains of the B and C subunits are required for secretion of the whole complex. We propose a model whereby the N-terminus of the C-subunit toxin exports the B+C sub-complex across the inner membrane while that of the B-subunit allows passage across the outer membrane. We also demonstrate that even in the absence of the B-subunit, that the C-subunit can also facilitate secretion of the larger A-subunit. The recognition of this novel export system is likely to be of importance to future protein secretion studies. Finally, the identification of homologues of B and C subunits in diverse bacterial pathogens, including Burkholderia and Pseudomonas, suggests that these toxins are likely to be important in a range of different hosts, including man

    Diversity of Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus spp. and their symbiotic entomopathogenic nematodes from Thailand

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    Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus spp. are bacterial symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). In this study, we isolated and characterized Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus spp. from across Thailand together with their associated nematode symbionts, and characterized their phylogenetic diversity. EPNs were isolated from soil samples using a Galleria-baiting technique. Bacteria from EPNs were cultured and genotyped based on recA sequence. The nematodes were identified based on sequences of 28S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer regions. A total of 795 soil samples were collected from 159 sites in 13 provinces across Thailand. A total of 126 EPNs isolated from samples taken from 10 provinces were positive for Xenorhabdus (n = 69) or Photorhabdus spp. (n = 57). Phylogenetic analysis separated the 69 Xenorhabdus isolates into 4 groups. Groups 1, 2 and 3 consisting of 52, 13 and 1 isolates related to X. stockiae, and group 4 consisting of 3 isolates related to X. miraniensis. The EPN host for isolates related to X. stockiae was S. websteri, and for X. miraniensis was S. khoisanae. The Photorhabdus species were identified as P. luminescens (n = 56) and P. asymbiotica (n = 1). Phylogenenic analysis divided P. luminescens into five groups. Groups 1 and 2 consisted of 45 and 8 isolates defined as subspecies hainanensis and akhurstii, respectively. One isolate was related to hainanensis and akhurstii, two isolates were related to laumondii, and one isolate was the pathogenic species P. asymbiotica subsp. australis. H. indica was the major EPN host for Photorhabdus. This study reveals the genetic diversity of Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus spp. and describes new associations between EPNs and their bacterial symbionts in Thailand

    The PVC element of Photorhabdus asymbiotica virulence cassettes deliver protein effectors directly into target eukaryotic cells

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    Photorhabdus is a highly effective insect pathogen and symbiont of insecticidal nematodes. To exert its potent insecticidal effects, it elaborates a myriad of toxins and small molecule effectors. Among these, the Photorhabdus Virulence Cassettes (PVCs) represent an elegant self-contained delivery mechanism for diverse protein toxins. Importantly, these self-contained nanosyringes overcome host cell membrane barriers, and act independently, at a distance from the bacteria itself. In this study, we demonstrate that Pnf, a PVC needle complex associated toxin, is a Rho-GTPase, which acts via deamidation and transglutamination to disrupt the cytoskeleton. TEM and Western blots have shown a physical association between Pnf and its cognate PVC delivery mechanism. We demonstrate that for Pnf to exert its effect, translocation across the cell membrane is absolutely essential

    The KdpD/KdpE two-component system:integrating K<sup>+ </sup>homeostasis and virulence

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    The two-component system (TCS) KdpD/KdpE, extensively studied for its regulatory role in potassium (K(+)) transport, has more recently been identified as an adaptive regulator involved in the virulence and intracellular survival of pathogenic bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, entero-haemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Yersinia pestis, Francisella species, Photorhabdus asymbiotica, and mycobacteria. Key homeostasis requirements monitored by KdpD/KdpE and other TCSs such as PhoP/PhoQ are critical to survival in the stressful conditions encountered by pathogens during host interactions. It follows these TCSs may therefore acquire adaptive roles in response to selective pressures associated with adopting a pathogenic lifestyle. Given the central role of K(+) in virulence, we propose that KdpD/KdpE, as a regulator of a high-affinity K(+) pump, has evolved virulence-related regulatory functions. In support of this hypothesis, we review the role of KdpD/KdpE in bacterial infection and summarize evidence that (i) KdpD/KdpE production is correlated with enhanced virulence and survival, (ii) KdpE regulates a range of virulence loci through direct promoter binding, and (iii) KdpD/KdpE regulation responds to virulence-related conditions including phagocytosis, exposure to microbicides, quorum sensing signals, and host hormones. Furthermore, antimicrobial stress, osmotic stress, and oxidative stress are associated with KdpD/KdpE activity, and the system's accessory components (which allow TCS fine-tuning or crosstalk) provide links to stress response pathways. KdpD/KdpE therefore appears to be an important adaptive TCS employed during host infection, promoting bacterial virulence and survival through mechanisms both related to and distinct from its conserved role in K(+) regulation

    Pdl1 Is a Putative Lipase that Enhances Photorhabdus Toxin Complex Secretion

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    The Toxin Complex (TC) is a large multi-subunit toxin first characterized in the insect pathogens Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus, but now seen in a range of pathogens, including those of humans. These complexes comprise three protein subunits, A, B and C which in the Xenorhabdus toxin are found in a 4∢1∢1 stoichiometry. Some TCs have been demonstrated to exhibit oral toxicity to insects and have the potential to be developed as a pest control technology. The lack of recognisable signal sequences in the three large component proteins hinders an understanding of their mode of secretion. Nevertheless, we have shown the Photorhabdus luminescens (Pl) Tcd complex has been shown to associate with the bacteria's surface, although some strains can also release it into the surrounding milieu. The large number of tc gene homologues in Pl make study of the export process difficult and as such we have developed and validated a heterologous Escherichia coli expression model to study the release of these important toxins. In addition to this model, we have used comparative genomics between a strain that releases high levels of Tcd into the supernatant and one that retains the toxin on its surface, to identify a protein responsible for enhancing secretion and release of these toxins. This protein is a putative lipase (Pdl1) which is regulated by a small tightly linked antagonist protein (Orf53). The identification of homologues of these in other bacteria, linked to other virulence factor operons, such as type VI secretion systems, suggests that these genes represent a general and widespread mechanism for enhancing toxin release in Gram negative pathogens

    Establish an allele-specific real-time PCR for Leishmania species identification

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    Background: Leishmaniasis is a serious neglected tropical disease that may lead to life-threatening outcome, which species are closely related to clinical diagnosis and patient management. The current Leishmania species determination method is not appropriate for clinical application. New Leishmania species identification tool is needed using clinical samples directly without isolation and cultivation of parasites. Methods: A probe-based allele-specific real-time PCR assay was established for Leishmania species identification between Leishmania donovani and L. infantum for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and among L. major, L. tropica and L. donovani/L. infantum for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), targeting hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) and spermidine synthase (SPDSYN) gene with their species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The limit of detection of this assay was evaluated based on 8 repeated tests with intra-assay standard deviation < 0.5 and inter-assay coefficients of variability < 5%. The specificity of this assay was tested with DNA samples obtained from Plasmodium falciparum, Toxoplasma gondii, Brucella melitensis and Orientia tsutsugamushi. Total 42 clinical specimens were used to evaluate the ability of this assay for Leishmania species identification. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using HGPRT and SPDSYN gene fragments to validate the performance of this assay. Results: This new method was able to detect 3 and 12 parasites/reaction for VL and CL respectively, and exhibited no cross-reaction with P. falciparum, T. gondii, B. melitensis, O. tsutsugamushi and non-target species of Leishmania. Twenty-two samples from VL patients were identified as L. donovani (n = 3) and L. infantum (n = 19), and 20 specimens from CL patients were identified as L. major (n = 20), providing an agreement of 100% compared with sequencing results. For further validation, 29 sequences of HGPRT fragment from nine Leishmania species and 22 sequences from VL patients were used for phylogenetic analysis, which agreed with the results of this new method. Similar results were obtained with 43 sequences of SPDSYN fragment from 18 Leishmania species and 20 sequences from CL patients. Conclusions: Our assay provides a rapid and accurate tool for Leishmania species identification which is applicable for species-adapted therapeutic schedule and patient management. Graphical Abstract

    Comparative genomics of the emerging human pathogen Photorhabdus asymbiotica with the insect pathogen Photorhabdus luminescens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Gram-negative bacterium <it>Photorhabdus asymbiotica </it>(Pa) has been recovered from human infections in both North America and Australia. Recently, Pa has been shown to have a nematode vector that can also infect insects, like its sister species the insect pathogen <it>P. luminescens </it>(Pl). To understand the relationship between pathogenicity to insects and humans in <it>Photorhabdus </it>we have sequenced the complete genome of Pa strain ATCC43949 from North America. This strain (formerly referred to as <it>Xenorhabdus luminescens </it>strain 2) was isolated in 1977 from the blood of an 80 year old female patient with endocarditis, in Maryland, USA. Here we compare the complete genome of Pa ATCC43949 with that of the previously sequenced insect pathogen <it>P. luminescens </it>strain TT01 which was isolated from its entomopathogenic nematode vector collected from soil in Trinidad and Tobago.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the human pathogen Pa had a smaller genome (5,064,808 bp) than that of the insect pathogen Pl (5,688,987 bp) but that each pathogen carries approximately one megabase of DNA that is unique to each strain. The reduced size of the Pa genome is associated with a smaller diversity in insecticidal genes such as those encoding the Toxin complexes (Tc's), Makes caterpillars floppy (Mcf) toxins and the <it>Photorhabdus </it>Virulence Cassettes (PVCs). The Pa genome, however, also shows the addition of a plasmid related to pMT1 from <it>Yersinia pestis </it>and several novel pathogenicity islands including a novel Type Three Secretion System (TTSS) encoding island. Together these data suggest that Pa may show virulence against man via the acquisition of the <it>pMT1</it>-like plasmid and specific effectors, such as SopB, that promote its persistence inside human macrophages. Interestingly the loss of insecticidal genes in Pa is not reflected by a loss of pathogenicity towards insects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that North American isolates of Pa have acquired virulence against man via the acquisition of a plasmid and specific virulence factors with similarity to those shown to play roles in pathogenicity against humans in other bacteria.</p

    Detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii and Toxoplasma gondii in patients with lung infections by a duplex qPCR assay

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    Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and pulmonary toxoplasmosis (PT) are caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii and Toxoplasma gondii. The clinical symptoms and imaging of PCP and PT are indistinguishable. A duplex qPCR was developed to differentiate between these two pathogens. In testing 92 clinical samples to validate the performance of this method for P. jirovecii detection, it identified 31 positive samples for P. jirovecii infection, consistent with clinical diagnosis. Among the remainder of the 61 clinical samples with suspected PCP, yet showing as negative by the conventional PCR diagnosis approach, 6 of them proved positive using our new assay. Our new approach also produced similar results in identification of T. gondii infections, giving a result of 2 positive and 20 negative in clinical samples. An investigation was undertaken on the prevalence of P. jirovecii and T. gondii infections using 113 samples from lung infection patients. 9% (10/113) were shown to be positive with infections of P. jirovecii, 2% with T. gondii (2/113) and 5% (6/113) were co-infected with both pathogens. Although this duplex qPCR can detect individual P. jirovecii and T. gondii infection, and co-infection of both pathogens, further large-scale investigations are needed to validate its performance, especially in T. gondii detection. Our assay provides a rapid and accurate tool for PCP and PT diagnosis in immunocompromised population and clinical surveillance of these infections in patients with no immune defects
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