15,730 research outputs found

    Documentation for the machine-readable version of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star catalogue (SAO) version 1984

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    An updated, corrected and extended machine readable version of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory star catalog (SAO) is described. Published and unpublished errors discovered in the previous version have been corrected, and multiple star and supplemental BD identifications added to stars where more than one SAO entry has the same Durchmusterung number. Henry Draper Extension (HDE) numbers have been added for stars found in both volumes of the extension. Data for duplicate SAO entries (those referring to the same star) have been blanked out, but the records themselves have been retained and flagged so that sequencing and record count are identical to the published catalog

    Documentation for the machine-readable version of the thirteen color photometry of 1380 bright stars

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    The magnetic tape version of the catalogue of thirteen-color photometry of 1380 bright stars, containing data on the 13 color medium narrow band photometric system is described. Observations of essentially all stars brighter than fifth visual magnitude north of delta = -20 deg and brighter than fourth visual magnitude south of delta = -20 deg are included. It is intended to enable users to read and process the tape without the common difficulties and uncertainties

    Documentation for the machine-readable version of the general catalogue of 33342 stars for the epoch 1950 (Boss 1937)

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    A revised and corrected version of the machine-readable catalog has been prepared. Cross identifications of the GC stars to the HD and DM catalogs have been replaced by data from the new SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index (Roman, Warren and Schofield 1983), including component identifications for multiple SAO entries having identical DM numbers in the SAO Catalog, supplemental Bonner Durchmusterung stars (lower case letter designations) and codes for multiple HD stars. Additional individual corrections have been incorporated based upon errors found during analyses of other catalogs

    Documentation for the machine-readable version of the Henry Draper Catalogue (edition 1985)

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    An updated, corrected and extended machine-readable version of the catalog is described. Published and unpublished errors discovered in the previous version was corrected; letters indicating supplemental stars in the BD have been moved to a new byte to distinguish them from double-star components; and the machine readable portion of The Henry Draper Extension (HDE) (HA 100) was converted to the same format as the main catalog, with additional data added as necessary

    Cultivar diversity as a means of ecologically intensifying dry matter production in a perennial forage stand

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    The relationship between genotypic diversity and productivity has not been adequately explored in perennial forage production systems despite strong theoretical and empirical evidence supporting diversity\u27s role in ecosystem functioning in other managed and unmanaged systems. We conducted a two-year field experiment with six cultivars of an agriculturally important forage grass, Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass). Dry matter production of L. perenne and the weed community that emerged from the soil seed bank were measured each year in treatments that ranged from cultivar monocultures to three- and six-way cultivar mixtures, all sown at a constant seeding rate. Mean L. perenne dry matter production increased with increasing cultivar diversity and was highest in mixtures that contained cultivars representing the greatest additive trait range (calculated on rankings of three traits: winter hardiness, heading date, and tolerance to grazing). Mixtures had greater yields than those predicted by the mean of their component monoculture yields, but there was evidence that highly productive cultivars may have dampened over-yielding in mixtures. Weed abundance was correlated with L. perenne dry matter, but not L. perenne cultivar diversity. These results suggest that multi-cultivar mixtures may have utility as an approach to ecologically intensifying perennial forage production. Additional research will be necessary to determine the mechanisms responsible for the over-yielding observed in this study and the generality of these findings

    Increased Productivity of a Cover Crop Mixture Is Not Associated with Enhanced Agroecosystem Services

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    Cover crops provide a variety of important agroecological services within cropping systems. Typically these crops are grown as monocultures or simple graminoid-legume bicultures; however, ecological theory and empirical evidence suggest that agroecosystem services could be enhanced by growing cover crops in species-rich mixtures. We examined cover crop productivity, weed suppression, stability, and carryover effects to a subsequent cash crop in an experiment involving a five-species annual cover crop mixture and the component species grown as monocultures in SE New Hampshire, USA in 2011 and 2012. The mean land equivalent ratio (LER) for the mixture exceeded 1.0 in both years, indicating that the mixture over-yielded relative to the monocultures. Despite the apparent over-yielding in the mixture, we observed no enhancement in weed suppression, biomass stability, or productivity of a subsequent oat (Avena sativa L.) cash crop when compared to the best monoculture component crop. These data are some of the first to include application of the LER to an analysis of a cover crop mixture and contribute to the growing literature on the agroecological effects of cover crop diversity in cropping systems

    Documentation for the machine readable version of the Yale Catalogue of the Positions and Proper Motions of Stars between Declinations -60 deg and -70 deg (Fallon 1983)

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    The machine-readable, character-coded version of the catalog, as it is currently being distributed from the Astronomical Data Center(ADC), is described. The format and data provided in the magnetic tape version differ somewhat from those of the published catalog, which was also produced from a tape prepared at the ADC. The primary catalog data are positions and proper motions (equinox 1950.0) for 14597 stars

    Comparison of Exclusion Values for Lumber Strength

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    There exists a temptation to utilize the distribution-free methods of ASTM D2915-70T for the comparison of the strengths of lumber populations, a use outside the intent of the standard. It is shown that the precision of such procedure is highly dependent on the form of the parent distribution of strength. Since this form is in general unknown, the confidence to be ascribed to inferences concerning near-minimum values of two lumber populations is also unknown and may well be inadequate

    The Personal Construction of Teaching and Mathematics Teacher Education

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    With the expansion of schooling in the 1950s and 1960s there was a consequent flurry of curriculum activity. More pupils stayed longer at school and schools had to cater for a wider range of abilities and interests. New curricula were developed, old curricula revised to provide educational programmes for the changing clientele, and many curriculum projects initiated, covering all aspects of schooling. By the 1970s these curriculum projects had been evaluated and the evaluations provided new insights into the whole curriculum process. One insight of particular interest concerned the role of the teacher. What the teacher did in the classroom was central to the whole curriculum process; no curriculum was teacher-proof. In particular, what were the teacher\u27s views on, and beliefs about, teaching in general and teaching specific subjects in particular? (Howson, 1976; Fey, 1979)