12,960 research outputs found

    On-demand microwave generator of shaped single photons

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    We demonstrate the full functionality of a circuit that generates single microwave photons on demand, with a wave packet that can be modulated with a near-arbitrary shape. We achieve such a high tunability by coupling a superconducting qubit near the end of a semi-infinite transmission line. A dc superconducting quantum interference device shunts the line to ground and is employed to modify the spatial dependence of the electromagnetic mode structure in the transmission line. This control allows us to couple and decouple the qubit from the line, shaping its emission rate on fast time scales. Our decoupling scheme is applicable to all types of superconducting qubits and other solid-state systems and can be generalized to multiple qubits as well as to resonators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Published versio

    Seed Yield Prediction Models of Four Common Moist-Soil Plant Species in Texas

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    Seed production by moist-soil plant species often varies within and among managed wetlands and on larger landscapes. Quantifying seed production of moist-soil plants can be used to evaluate wetland management strategies and estimate wetland energetic carrying capacity, specifically for waterfowl. In the past, direct estimation techniques were used, but due to excessive personnel and time costs, other indirect methods have been developed. Because indirect seed yield models do not exist for moist-soil plant species in east-central or coastal Texas, we developed direct and indirect methods to model seed production on regional managed wetlands. In September 2004 and 2005, we collected Echinochloa crusgalli (barnyard grass), E. walterii (wild millet), E. colona (jungle rice), and Oryza sativa (cultivated rice) for phytomorphological measurements and seed yield modeling. Initial simple linear and point of origin regression analyses demonstrate strong relationships (P \u3c 0.001) among phytomorphological and dot grid methods in predicting seed production for all four species. These models should help regional wetland managers evaluate moist-soil management success and create models for seed production for other moist-soil plants in this region

    Distribution of the second virial coefficients of globular proteins

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    George and Wilson [Acta. Cryst. D 50, 361 (1994)] looked at the distribution of values of the second virial coefficient of globular proteins, under the conditions at which they crystallise. They found the values to lie within a fairly narrow range. We have defined a simple model of a generic globular protein. We then generate a set of proteins by picking values for the parameters of the model from a probability distribution. At fixed solubility, this set of proteins is found to have values of the second virial coefficient that fall within a fairly narrow range. The shape of the probability distribution of the second virial coefficient is Gaussian because the second virial coefficient is a sum of contributions from different patches on the protein surface.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figure

    Digital demodulator-correlator

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    An apparatus for demodulation and correlation of a code modulated 10 MHz signal is presented. The apparatus is comprised of a sample and hold analog-to-digital converter synchronized by a frequency coherent 40 MHz pulse to obtain four evenly spaced samples of each of the signal. Each sample is added or subtracted to or from one of four accumulators to or from the separate sums. The correlation functions are then computed. As a further feature of the invention, multipliers are each multiplied by a squarewave chopper signal having a period that is long relative to the period of the received signal to foreclose contamination of the received signal by leakage from either of the other two terms of the multipliers

    Jamming transitions in a schematic model of suspension rheology

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    We study the steady-state response to applied stress in a simple scalar model of sheared colloids. Our model is based on a schematic (F2) model of the glass transition, with a memory term that depends on both stress and shear rate. For suitable parameters, we find transitions from a fluid to a nonergodic, jammed state, showing zero flow rate in an interval of applied stress. Although the jammed state is a glass, we predict that jamming transitions have an analytical structure distinct from that of the conventional mode coupling glass transition. The static jamming transition we discuss is also distinct from hydrodynamic shear thickening.Comment: 7 pages; 3 figures; improved version with added references. Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    No arbitrage and closure results for trading cones with transaction costs

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    In this paper, we consider trading with proportional transaction costs as in Schachermayer’s paper (Schachermayer in Math. Finance 14:19–48, 2004). We give a necessary and sufficient condition for A{\mathcal{A}} , the cone of claims attainable from zero endowment, to be closed. Then we show how to define a revised set of trading prices in such a way that, firstly, the corresponding cone of claims attainable for zero endowment, A~{\tilde{ {\mathcal{A}}}} , does obey the fundamental theorem of asset pricing and, secondly, if A~{\tilde{ {\mathcal{A}}}} is arbitrage-free then it is the closure of A{\mathcal{A}} . We then conclude by showing how to represent claims

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectroscopic Lens Search. I. Discovery of Intermediate-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies Behind Foreground Luminous Red Galaxies

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    We present a catalog of 49 spectroscopic strong gravitational lens candidates selected from a Sloan Digital Sky Survey sample of 50996 luminous red galaxies. Potentially lensed star-forming galaxies are detected through the presence of background oxygen and hydrogen nebular emission lines in the spectra of these massive foreground galaxies. This multiline selection eliminates the ambiguity of single-line identification and provides a very promising sample of candidate galaxy-galaxy lens systems at low to intermediate redshift, with foreground redshifts ranging from 0.16 to 0.49 and background redshifts from 0.25 to 0.81. Any lenses confirmed within our sample would be important new probes of early-type galaxy mass distributions, providing complementary constraints to those obtained from currently known lensed high-redshift quasars.Comment: 23 pages; to appear in The Astronomical Journal, 2004 April. Version with full-resolution figures available at http://web.mit.edu/bolton/www/speclens.ps.gz (PostScript) or http://web.mit.edu/bolton/www/speclens.pdf (PDF

    Automatic Quantum Error Correction

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    Criteria are given by which dissipative evolution can transfer populations and coherences between quantum subspaces, without a loss of coherence. This results in a form of quantum error correction that is implemented by the joint evolution of a system and a cold bath. It requires no external intervention and, in principal, no ancilla. An example of a system that protects a qubit against spin-flip errors is proposed. It consists of three spin 1/2 magnetic particles and three modes of a resonator. The qubit is the triple quantum coherence of the spins, and the photons act as ancilla.Comment: 16 pages 12 fig LaTex uses multicol, graphicx expanded version of letter submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Decomposition of Three Common Moist-Soil Managed Wetland Plant Species

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    Moist-soil wetland management is used to precisely control delivery, duration, and timing of water addition to, and removal from, managed wetlands with targeted responses including germination and growth of desirable moist-soil plant species. Similarly, water delivery and removal drives decomposition of moist-soil plants as well as nutrient cycling within these systems, which is a key driver of productivity in such managed wetlands. Through deployment of litter bags, we examined rate of mass loss and decay coefficients of three locally abundant moist-soil annual species that are potentially valuable wintering-waterfowl food sources (nodding smartweed Persicaria lapathifolia, red-rooted flatnut sedge Cyperus erythrorhizos, and toothcup Ammannia coccinea) within man-made moist-soil managed wetlands on the Richland Creek Wildlife Management Area in East-central Texas. All three species lost nearly 100% of their mass during an 11-mo deployment period, where rate of mass lost and decay coefficient rates were driven by time, because all moist-soil managed wetlands used were inundated for the duration of this study. Plant materials exposed to persistent inundation in shallow wetlands exhibited rates of mass loss typical of the first two stages of decomposition, during which a majority of plant material mass was lost. However, during this study, typical inundation and drawdown regimes were not implemented, which may have delayed or prolonged decomposition processes, because litter bags of focal species were inundated for the duration of this study. Both locally and regionally specific moist-soil management hydroperiod manipulation should include both drawdown and inundation, to incorporate temporal transitions between these conditions. Such practices will allow wetland managers to more expeditiously meet plant management and waterfowl food production goals within moist-soil managed wetlands
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