17 research outputs found


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    This study aims to predict and analyze financial distress using the Taffler and Grover prediction model in the companies affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The data used is the company's quarterly listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2018-2020, which had positive profit in 2019 and suffered a decline in profits or losses in 2020. The technique used in the data sampling process is a purposive sampling technique of 46 companies. The study results depicts that the Taffler and Grover models can predict financial distress conditions in companies affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Taffler model has a greater accuracy rate than the Grover model, which is 73.19%, while the Grover model has an accuracy rate of 71,01%. Prediction results are less accurate due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pearson's correlation test results showed a correlation between the Taffler model and Grover model that the relationship between variables is strong and unidirectional.Keywords: Covid-19, Financial Distress, Taffler, Grover, Pearson Correlation


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    This research aims to analyze the influence of United State Economic Policy Uncertainty, Tiongkok Economic Policy Uncertainty, and Japan Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Jakarta Islamic Index. This study used time-series data from January 2001 to December 2019 and Error Correction Model (ECM) to analyze the short-term and long-term effects of United State, Tiongkok and Japan Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Jakarta Islamic Index. The results of this research show that United State EPU and Tiongkok EPU have no short-term and long-term effect on Jakarta Islamic Index. Meanwhile, in the short-term, Japan EPU has a significant influence on the Jakarta Islamic Index but has no long-term influence

    Analisis Pengadaan Bahan Pustaka di Perpustakaan SD Negeri 18 Kalosi Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengadaan bahan pustaka di Perpustakaan SD Negeri 18 Kalosi dengan cara menyeleksi bahan pustaka terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pengadaan bahan pustaka untuk mengetahui koleksi apa yang dibutuhkan pemustaka terkhusus siswa/siswi guru pendidik di SD Negeri 18 kalosi. Pengadaan bahan pustaka di Perpustakaan SD Negeri 18 kalosi dengan cara pembelian langsung ke toko buku atau memesan langsung ke penerbit, Sumbangan buku dari siswa/siswi yang sudah tamat dan Sumbangan dari DAK (Dana Anggaran Khusus) Kabupaten Enrekang, dan bekerja sama dengan perpustakaan keliling. Adapun kendala saat melakukan pengadaan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan SD Negeri 18 kalosi yaitu masalah Dana/Anggaran, dan juga masalah saat pembelian buku di penerbit karena sering keterlambatan buku saat pemesanan buku yang datang tidak sama dengan buku yang di pesan sebelumnya, buku yang di pesan juga biasa tidak ada di penerbit

    Mapping and Correlation Analysis of Efficiency and Profitability: The Case of Islamic Rural Bank in Indonesia

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    This research aims to analyze efficiency  and  profitability  of  Islamic  Rural  Banks  in  Indonesia  using Variable Returns to Scale model of Data Envelopment Analysis and efficiency-profitability matrix.  The  results  of  this  research  show  that  most  of  Islamic  Rural  Banks  are included in the Dog quadrant (high efficiency but low profitability) and Sleeper quadrant (low efficiency but high profitability). Meanwhile, the result of correlation analysis between efficiency and profitability indicates that efficiency has a negative correlation with profitability. Negative correlation of efficiency and profitability is in accordance with the result of efficiency-profitability matrix. The results of this research show that not all of Islamic Rural Bank which have high efficiency are also having high profitability.DOI:10.15408/aiq.v7i1.135

    Perbedaan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematika Antara Siswa Yang Diajar Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Dan Tipe Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Pada Kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika siswa yang diajar dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together dengan siswa yang diajar dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Team Games Tournament. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 yang berjumlah 74 siswa. Analisis data dilakukan adalah uji t. Hasil temuan ini menunjukkan: 1) Terdapat kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) pada materi segi empat di kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam dengan kategori Baik dalam SKBK; 2) Terdapat kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) pada materi segi empat di kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam dengan kategori Kurang Baik dalam SKBK; 3) Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) lebih baik daripada siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) pada kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam. Simpulan penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa siswa lebih mampu berpikir kreatif dengan menggunakan Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together dibandingkan dengan menggunakan Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Team Game Tournament pada siswa kelas VII MTs. Al Washliyah Kolam tahun ajaran 2017/2018


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    The fluctuation of of stock prices, in many occassions, are related to so called market anomalies. One of those anomalies is known as a winnerloser anomaly. A winner-loser anomaly is identified when stocks that initially earned extremely positive abnormal returns (winners) or extremely negative abnormal returns (losers) experience extended reversal, so that losers can outperform winners. The presence of this anomaly creates a contrarian investment strategy: buy loserstocks and sellshort the winner-stocks, in order to earn significant positif abnormal return. De bondt and Thaler (1985) suggested the overreaction hypothesis as an explanation of this anomaly. The hypothesis claims that the market tends to overreact to (especially new and dramatic) information. The market overvalues stock prices as a reaction to good news and undervalues stock prices as a reaction to bad news. This phenomenon is reversed when it is recognized that the market has overreacted to the information. The purpose of this research is to test the existence of winnerloser anomaly in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Using market adjusted abnormal return, data from December 1990 to June 1997, and overlapping six months formation/test periods, this research does not find any indication of market overreaction. So, it is not suggested that investor can use the contrarian investment strategy. This research also finds that there is no significant difference between average size of winners and losers

    The Effect of Peer-Banks on Bank Liquidity Management: The Case of Islamic Banks in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of peer banks on the liquidity management of Islamic banks in Indonesia and whether such influence is robust during the periods of the global financial crisis. This research uses fixed-effect panel data regression with robust standard error and the data of Islamic banks in Indonesia for the years 2007-2020. This research finds that peer-banks have a negative impact on Islamic bank liquidity, and it is robust in the global financial crisis periods. This study contributes to the policymakers and literature regarding the peer bank effect, especially in the liquidity management of Islamic banks. The liquidity management of Islamic banks is not only influenced by the conditions of the Islamic banks themselves but also affected by the behavior of other Islamic banks

    Analisis pengadaan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan sd negeri 18 Kalosi kabupaten Enrekang

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis pengadaan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan sd negeri 18 kalosi kebupaten enrekang. pokok masalah yang di angkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana sistem pengadaan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan sd negeri 18 kalosi kabupate enrekang dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi kendala di perpustakaan sd negeri 18 kalosi kabupten enrekangxii, 59 hlm.; ilus. ; 27 c