5,644 research outputs found

    Structure and Magnetic Fields in the Precessing Jet System SS 433 II. Intrinsic Brightness of the Jets

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    Deep Very Large Array imaging of the binary X-ray source SS 433, sometimes classified as a microquasar, has been used to study the intrinsic brightness distribution and evolution of its radio jets. The intrinsic brightness of the jets as a function of age at emission of the jet material tau is recovered by removal of the Doppler boosting and projection effects. We find that intrinsically the two jets are remarkably similar when compared for equal tau, and that they are best described by Doppler boosting of the form D^{2+alpha}, as expected for continuous jets. The intrinsic brightnesses of the jets as functions of age behave in complex ways. In the age range 60 < tau < 150 days, the jet decays are best represented by exponential functions of tau, but linear or power law functions are not statistically excluded. This is followed by a region out to tau ~ 250 days during which the intrinsic brightness is essentially constant. At later times the jet decay can be fit roughly as exponential or power law functions of tau.Comment: 30 Pages, 11 Figures, Submitted to Ap

    Full-Stokes polarimetry with circularly polarized feeds - Sources with stable linear and circular polarization in the GHz regime

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    We present a pipeline that allows recovering reliable information for all four Stokes parameters with high accuracy. Its novelty relies on the treatment of the instrumental effects already prior to the computation of the Stokes parameters contrary to conventional methods, such as the M\"uller matrix one. The instrumental linear polarization is corrected across the whole telescope beam and significant Stokes QQ and UU can be recovered even when the recorded signals are severely corrupted. The accuracy we reach in terms of polarization degree is of the order of 0.1-0.2 %. The polarization angles are determined with an accuracy of almost 1^{\circ}. The presented methodology was applied to recover the linear and circular polarization of around 150 Active Galactic Nuclei. The sources were monitored from July 2010 to April 2016 with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 4.85 GHz and 8.35 GHz with a cadence of around 1.2 months. The polarized emission of the Moon was used to calibrate the polarization angle. Our analysis showed a small system-induced rotation of about 1^{\circ} at both observing frequencies. Finally, we identify five sources with significant and stable linear polarization; three sources remain constantly linearly unpolarized over the period we examined; a total of 11 sources have stable circular polarization degree mcm_\mathrm{c} and four of them with non-zero mcm_\mathrm{c}. We also identify eight sources that maintain a stable polarization angle over the examined period. All this is provided to the community for polarization observations reference. We finally show that our analysis method is conceptually different from the traditionally used ones and performs better than the M\"uller matrix method. Although it was developed for a system equipped with circularly polarized feeds it can easily be modified for systems with linearly polarized feeds as well.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on May 30, 201

    Health and lifestyle of Nepalese migrants in the UK

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    Background: The health status and lifestyle of migrants is often poorer than that of the general population of their host countries. The Nepalese represent a relatively small, but growing, immigrant community in the UK, about whom very little is known in term of public health. Therefore, our study examined the health and lifestyle of Nepalese migrants in the UK. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of Nepalese migrants in UK was conducted in early 2007 using a postal, self-administered questionnaire in England and Scotland (n = 312), and telephone interviews in Wales (n = 15). The total response rate was 68% (327 out of 480). Data were analyzed to establish whether there are associations between socio-economic and lifestyle factors. A multivariate binary logistic regression was applied to find out independent effect of personal factors on health status. Results: The majority of respondents was male (75%), aged between 30 and 45 (66%), married or had a civil partner (83%), had university education (47%) and an annual family income (69%) ranging from £5,035 to £33,300. More than one third (39%) of the respondents have lived in the UK for 1 to 5 years and approximately half (46%) were longer-term residents. Most (95%) were registered with a family doctor, but only 38% with a dentist. A low proportion (14%) of respondents smoked but more than half (61%) consumed alcohol. More than half (57%) did not do regular exercises and nearly one fourth (23%) of respondents rated their health as poor. Self reported 'good' health status of the respondents was independently associated with immigration status and doing regular exercise Conclusion: The self reported health status and lifestyle, health seeking behaviour of Nepalese people who are residing in UK appears to be good. However, the overall regular exercise and dentist registration was rather poor. Health promotion, especially aimed at Nepalese migrants could help encourage them to exercise regularly and assist them to register with a dentist

    A relativistic model of the radio jets in NGC 315

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    We apply our intrinsically symmetrical, decelerating relativistic jet model to deep VLA imaging of the inner 140 arcsec of the giant low-luminosity radio galaxy NGC 315. An optimized model accurately fits the data in both total intensity and linear polarization. We infer that the velocity, emissivity and field structure in NGC 315 are very similar to those of the other low-luminosity sources we have modelled, but that all of the physical scales are larger by a factor of about 5. We derive an inclination to the line of sight of 38 degrees for the jets. Where they first brighten, their on-axis velocity is approximately v/c = 0.9. They decelerate to v/c = 0.4 between 8 and 18 kpc from the nucleus and the velocity thereafter remains constant. The speed at the edge of the jet is roughly 0.6 of the on-axis value where it is best constrained, but the transverse velocity profile may deviate systematically from the Gaussian form we assume. The proper emissivity profile is split into three power-law regions separated by shorter transition zones. In the first of these, at 3 kpc (the flaring point) the jets expand rapidly at constant emissivity, leading to a large increase in the observed brightness on the approaching side. At 10 kpc, the emissivity drops abruptly by a factor of 2. Where the jets are well resolved their rest-frame emission is centre-brightened. The magnetic field is modelled as random on small scales but anisotropic and we rule out a globally ordered helical configuration. To a first approximation, the field evolves from a mixture of longitudinal and toroidal components to predominantly toroidal, but it also shows variations in structure along and across the jets, with a significant radial component in places. Simple adiabatic models fail to fit the emissivity variations.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, MNRAS (in press

    Coexisting conical bipolar and equatorial outflows from a high-mass protostar

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    The BN/KL region in the Orion molecular cloud is an archetype in the study of the formation of stars much more massive than the Sun. This region contains luminous young stars and protostars, but it is difficult to study because of overlying dust and gas. Our basic expectations are shaped to some extent by the present theoretical picture of star formation, the cornerstone of which is that protostars acrete gas from rotating equatorial disks, and shed angular momentum by ejecting gas in bipolar outflows. The main source of the outflow in the BN/KL region may be an object known as radio source I, which is commonly believed to be surrounded by a rotating disk of molecular material. Here we report high-resolution observations of silicon monoxide (SiO) and water maser emission from the gas surrounding source I; we show that within 60 AU (about the size of the Solar System), the region is dominated by a conical bipolar outflow, rather than the expected disk. A slower outflow, close to the equatorial plane of the protostellar system, extends to radii of 1,000 AU.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by Nature. To appear December 199

    Gray platelet syndrome: proinflammatory megakaryocytes and α-granule loss cause myelofibrosis and confer metastasis resistance in mice.

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    NBEAL2 encodes a multidomain scaffolding protein with a putative role in granule ontogeny in human platelets. Mutations in NBEAL2 underlie gray platelet syndrome (GPS), a rare inherited bleeding disorder characterized by a lack of α-granules within blood platelets and progressive bone marrow fibrosis. We present here a novel Nbeal2(-/-) murine model of GPS and demonstrate that the lack of α-granules is due to their loss from platelets/mature megakaryocytes (MKs), and not by initial impaired formation. We show that the lack of Nbeal2 confers a proinflammatory phenotype to the bone marrow MKs, which in combination with the loss of proteins from α-granules drives the development of bone marrow fibrosis. In addition, we demonstrate that α-granule deficiency impairs platelet function beyond their purely hemostatic role and that Nbeal2 deficiency has a protective effect against cancer metastasis.This work was funded by the British Heart Foundation to CG (FS09/039) and WHO and AR (RG/09/12/28096); NHSBT to CB and HM; Wellcome Trust (WT098051) to ZM, ELC, JE, HWJ and AOS.This is the accepted manuscript. The final published version is available from Blood at http://www.bloodjournal.org/content/early/2014/09/25/blood-2014-04-566760

    Diffuse steep-spectrum sources from the 74 MHz VLSS survey

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    Galaxy clusters grow by a sequence of mergers with other clusters and galaxy groups. During these mergers, shocks and/or turbulence are created within the intracluster medium (ICM). In this process, particles could be accelerated to highly relativistic energies. The synchrotron radiation from these particles is observed in the form of radio relics and halos that are generally characterized by a steep radio spectral index. Shocks can also revive fossil radio plasma from a previous episode of AGN activity, creating a so-called radio phoenix. Here we present multi-frequency radio observations of diffuse steep-spectrum radio sources selected from the 74 MHz VLSS survey. Previous GMRT observations showed that some of these sources had filamentary and elongated morphologies, which are expected for radio relics. We carried out radio continuum observations at 325 MHz with the GMRT. Observations with the VLA and WSRT were taken at 1.4 GHz in full polarization mode. Optical images around the radio sources were taken with the WHT and INT telescopes. Most of the sources in our sample consist of old radio plasma from AGNs located in small galaxy clusters. The sources can be classified as AGN relics or radio phoenices. The spectral indices across most of the radio sources display large variations. We conclude that diffuse steep-spectrum radio sources are not only found in massive X-ray luminous galaxy clusters but also in smaller systems. Future low-frequency surveys will uncover large numbers of steep-spectrum radio relics related to previous episodes of AGN activity. [abridged]Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&A on December 9, 201

    Circular Polarization of Radio Emission from Relativistic Jets

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    In inhomogeneous optically thick synchrotron sources a substantial part of the electron population at low energies can be hidden by self-absorption and overpowered by high energy electrons in optically thin emission. These invisible electrons produce Faraday rotation and conversion, leaving their footprints in the linear and circular polarized radiation of the source. An important factor is also the magnetic field structure, which can be characterized in most cases by a global magnetic field and a turbulent component. We present the basic radiative transfer coefficients for polarized synchrotron radiation and apply them to the standard jet model for relativistic radio jets. The model can successfully explain the unusual circular and linear polarization of the Galactic Centre radio source Sgr A* and its sibling M81*. It also can account for the circular polarization found in jets of more luminous quasars and X-ray binaries. The high ratio of circular to linear polarization requires the presence of a significant fraction of hidden matter and low-energy electrons in these jets. The stable handedness of circular polarization requires stable global magnetic field components with non-vanishing magnetic flux along the jet, while the low degree of total polarization implies also a significant turbulent field. The most favoured magnetic field configuration is that of a helix, while a purely toroidal field is unable to produce significant circular polarization. If connected to the magnetosphere of the black hole, the circular polarization and the jet direction determine the magnetic poles of the system which is stable over long periods of time. This may also have implications for possible magnetic field configurations in accretion flows.Comment: A&A, submitted, LaTex, 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 animations (not included, see webpage), also available at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/hfalcke/publications.html#cpthe