3 research outputs found

    Organoleptic Tests of The Addition of Telang Flower Extract (Clitoria ternatea) on Cow's Milk Yoghurt (Bos taurus) Production in Air Tawar Village, Langkat

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    Yogurt is the oldest dairy product and is quite popular almost all over the world. Yogurt comes from pure cow's milk. Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea ) often referred to as butterfly pea or blue bean is a distinctive flower with a single petal in purple, blue, pink and white. Researchers wanted to see the effect of adding butterfly pea flower extract (Clitoria ternatea) to cow's milk yogurt (Bos taurus). This study employs a quantitative approach as its method. A quantitative approach was used to understand what the research subjects experienced from the color, taste, aroma and texture of the yogurt. The results of the study found that the addition of butterfly pea flower extract (Clitoria ternatea) at different levels had an effect on the organoleptic characteristics and texture of yogurt. The best practice produces organoleptic characteristics of taste (slightly sour), color (light blue), texture (slightly thick) and aroma (typical of yogurt)

    The Behavioral Diversity of Domestic Cats Living in Gampong Meurandeh and Gampong Teungoh

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    Family felidae, the order of carnivores, includes Felis Domestica. Domestic cats can be kept as pets, wild domestic cats typically cluster in close proximity to human settlements. Feral domestic cats typically make use of human food resources that have been left over. As a result, the purpose of this research is to determine the variety of domestic cat behaviors in the area of Gampong Meurandeh and Gampong Teungoh in the Langsa Lama District of Langsa City in Aceh. The method used to observe the average daily behavior of domestic cats is by using survey methods and scan sampling carried out at 15 minute intervals. There were three categories of the observed cat's daily behavior: affiliative behavior, self-preservation, and negative behavior. Based on the study's findings, differences in daily behavior based on Gampong differences and time differences were dominated by self-care behavior, then affiliative behavior and then negative behavior. The morning and afternoon feeding times of the cats and humans in the two villages were not significantly different

    Behavior Patterns of Betch Fish (Betta sp.) Towards Different Lamp Light Colors

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    Betta fish (Betta sp.) is a type of ornamental fish that has unique characteristics compared to other ornamental fish. This research was carried out in November 2023 with the aim of finding out the behavioral patterns of Betta fish when exposed to different types of light. This research used a quantitative method with a (RAL). The results of the research showed that there were changes in behavior in Betta fish (Betta sp.) that had been given different colored lights. The reason why fish are attracted to light is, among other things, because fish have positive phototaxis properties which cause fish to be stimulated and attracted to gather at light sources. In this research, it can be seen that the movement of betta fish moves away from the light source, because the light coming out of the lamp will become hot if it is turned on for too long. If this goes on for a long time, it is feared that the fish will become bored and also experience stress