42,989 research outputs found

    A study of planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in fluids with Mie-Grüneisen equations of state

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    We present a numerical comparison study of planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability with the intention of exposing the role of the equation of state. Results for Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in fluids with Mie-Grüneisen equations of state derived from a linear shock-particle speed Hugoniot relationship (Jeanloz, J. Geophys. Res. 94, 5873, 1989; McQueen et al., High Velocity Impact Phenomena (1970), pp. 294–417; Menikoff and Plohr, Rev. Mod. Phys. 61(1), 75 1989) are compared to those from perfect gases under nondimensionally matched initial conditions at room temperature and pressure. The study was performed using Caltech’s Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Object-oriented C++ (AMROC) (Deiterding, Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Theory and Applications (2005), Vol. 41, pp. 361–372; Deiterding, “Parallel adaptive simulation of multi-dimensional detonation structures,” Ph.D. thesis (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, September 2003)) framework with a low-dissipation, hybrid, center-difference, limiter patch solver (Ward and Pullin, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 2999 (2010)). Results for single and triple mode planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability when a reflected shock wave occurs are first examined for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and molybdenum modeled by Mie-Grüneisen equations of state. The single mode case is examined for incident shock Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.5. The planar triple mode case is studied using a single incident Mach number of 2.5 with initial corrugation wavenumbers related by k_1 = k_2+k_3. Comparison is then drawn to Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in perfect gases with matched nondimensional pressure jump across the incident shock, post-shock Atwood ratio, post-shock amplitude-to-wavelength ratio, and time nondimensionalized by Richtmyer’s linear growth time constant prediction. Differences in start-up time and growth rate oscillations are observed across equations of state. Growth rate oscillation frequency is seen to correlate directly to the oscillation frequency for the transmitted and reflected shocks. For the single mode cases, further comparison is given for vorticity distribution and corrugation centerline shortly after shock interaction. Additionally, we examine single mode Richtmyer-Meshkov instability when a reflected expansion wave is present for incident Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.5. Comparison to perfect gas solutions in such cases yields a higher degree of similarity in start-up time and growth rate oscillations. The formation of incipient weak waves in the heavy fluid driven by waves emanating from the perturbed transmitted shock is observed when an expansion wave is reflected

    Developing a Conceptual Framework of Seroadaptive Behaviors in HIV-Diagnosed Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    Background. Seroadaptive behaviors are strategies employed by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce the transmission risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It has been suggested that they contribute to the increasing diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections in HIV-diagnosed MSM. To understand the context in which the reemerging sexually transmitted infections appear, we developed a social epidemiological model incorporating the multiple factors influencing seroadaptive behaviors. Methods. A literature review of seroadaptive behaviors in HIV-diagnosed MSM was conducted. The literature was synthesized using a social epidemiological perspective. Results. Seroadaptive behaviors are adopted by MSM in high-income countries and are a way for HIV-diagnosed men to manage and enjoy their sexual lives. Influences are apparent at structural, community, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. There is little evidence of whether and when the behavior forms part of a premeditated strategy; it seems dependent on the social context and on time since HIV diagnosis. Social rules of HIV disclosure and perception of risk depend on the setting where partners are encountered. Conclusions. Seroadaptive behaviors are strongly context dependent and can reduce or increase transmission risk for different infectious diseases. Further data collection and mathematical modeling can help us explore the specific conditions in more detail

    Direction discriminating hearing aid system

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    A visual display was developed for people with substantial hearing loss in either one or both ears. The system consists of three discreet units; an eyeglass assembly for the visual display of the origin or direction of sounds; a stationary general purpose noise alarm; and a noise seeker wand

    Observations of the 51.8 micron (O III) emission line in Orion

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    The 51.8 micron fine structure transition P2:3P2 3P1 for doubly ionized oxygen was observed in the Orion nebula. The observed line strength is of 5 plus or minus 3 times 10 to the minus 15th power watt/sq cm is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Observations are consistent with the newly predicted 51.8 micron line position. The line lies close to an atmospheric water vapor feature at 51.7 micron, but is sufficiently distant so that corrections for this feature are straightforward. Observations of the 51.8 (O III) line are particularly important since the previously discovered 88 micron line from the same ion also is strong. This pair of lines should, therefore, yield new data about densities in observed H II regions; or else, if density data already are available from radio or other observations, the lines can be used to determine the differential dust absorption between 52 and 88 micron in front of heavily obscured regions

    Letters between Alice Ellen Guild and G M Ward

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    Letters sent from G.M. Ward to Alice Ellen Guild between 1900-1904

    A Multi-Band Far-Infrared Survey with a Balloon-Borne Telescope

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    Nine additional radiation sources, above a 3-sigma confidence level of 1300 Jy, were identified at 100 microns by far infrared photometry of the galactic plane using a 0.4 meter aperture, liquid helium cooled, multichannel far infrared balloon-borne telescope. The instrument is described, including its electronics, pointing and suspension systems, and ground support equipment. Testing procedures and flight staging are discussed along with the reduction and analysis of the data acquired. The history of infrared astronomy is reviewed. General infrared techniques and the concerns of balloon astronomers are explored

    Twistor Theory and Differential Equations

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    This is an elementary and self--contained review of twistor theory as a geometric tool for solving non-linear differential equations. Solutions to soliton equations like KdV, Tzitzeica, integrable chiral model, BPS monopole or Sine-Gordon arise from holomorphic vector bundles over T\CP^1. A different framework is provided for the dispersionless analogues of soliton equations, like dispersionless KP or SU()SU(\infty) Toda system in 2+1 dimensions. Their solutions correspond to deformations of (parts of) T\CP^1, and ultimately to Einstein--Weyl curved geometries generalising the flat Minkowski space. A number of exercises is included and the necessary facts about vector bundles over the Riemann sphere are summarised in the Appendix.Comment: 23 Pages, 9 Figure

    BARTER:promoting local spending behavior

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    In the wake of the 2008 economic collapse, there is renewed interest in strategies for ensuring the future economic success of nations in a globalized marketplace. One of the main ideas being championed by governments is to promote growth by encouraging local spending, although it is not clear how to motivate this behavioral shift. Local currency initiatives are increasingly popular, though due to certain practicalities are rarely successful in fostering long term and widespread change in spending behaviors. We report on the development of a persuasive system (BARTER) that leverages mobile and ubiquitous technology to overcome some of the limitations of local currencies, while also providing users with the insight needed to determine for themselves how local spending may benet their community