36 research outputs found


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    O desempenho do receptor GPS pode ser deteriorado por cintilações ionosféricas. Cintilações ionosféricas são irregularidades em pequena escala no conteúdo de elétrons da ionosfera. As cintilações reduzem a potência do sinal GPS e produzem manifestas acelerações da antena devido às repentinas variações na refração ionosférica. Dependendo do tipo do canal receptor, as cintilações podem causar um aumento nas perdas de ciclos (cycle slips) e até mesmo a impossibilidade de realizar medições. Abstract GPS receiver performance can be deteriorated by ionospheric scintillations. They reduce GPS signal strength and produce apparent accelerations of the antenna due to rapid changes in ionospheric refraction. Depending on the kind of tracking channel, scintillations can cause an increased number of cycle slips and even inability to perform measurements


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    O Brasil é um dos países que mais sofrem os efeitos provocados pela ionosfera, principalmente os oriundos da Anomalia de Ionização Equatorial, irregularidades ionosféricas e cintilação dos sinais GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Várias estratégias podem ser utilizadas para minimizar os efeitos, tais como: modelos ionosféricos, arquivos IONEX ou a combinação linear ion-free. Em se tratando do monitoramento da ionosfera a situação é diferente. A quantidade de instrumentos dedicados ao estudo da camada ionosférica é reduzida no âmbito brasileiro. Neste contexto foi desenvolvido o programa científico denominado Ion_Index, com objetivo de estimar indicadores dos níveis de irregularidades da ionosfera e de cintilação dos sinais GNSS em tempo real ou pós-processado, utilizando a infraestrutura já existente de dados GNSS de redes ativas públicas, como a RBMC, a GNSS-SP e a CALIBRA, transformando assim estações GNSS em estações monitoras da camada ionosférica. Dessa forma é proporcionado um aumento na resolução espacial das informações sobre o comportamento da ionosfera na região brasileira, permitindo um melhor entendimento e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento ou aprimoramento de modelos de mitigação. Experimentos utilizando dados de ionossondas digitais e de receptores PolaRxS-PRO da Septentrio (fontes externas) comprovam a eficiência do program

    GNSS code and carrier phase observations of a Huawei P30 smartphone: quality assessment and centimeter-accurate positioning

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    In 2016, an application programming interface was added to the Android operating systems, which enables the access of GNSS raw observations. Since then, an in-depth evaluation of the performance of smartphone GNSS chips is very much simplified. We analyzed the quality of the GNSS observations, especially the carrier phase observations, of the dual-frequency GNSS chip Kirin 980 built into Huawei P30 and other smartphones. More than 80 h of static observations were collected at several locations. The code and carrier phase observations were processed in baseline mode with reference to observations of geodetic-grade equipment. We were able to fix carrier phase ambiguities for GPS L1 observations. Furthermore, we performed an antenna calibration for this frequency, which revealed that the horizontal phase center offsets from the central vertical axis of the smartphone and also the phase center variations do not exceed 1–2 cm. After successful ambiguity fixing, the 3D position errors (standard deviations) are smaller 4 cm after 5 min of static observation session and 2 cm for long observation session

    Detection of RINEX-2 Files With Mixed GPS L2P(Y)/L2C Carrier Phase Observations

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    Presently, the global positioning system (GPS) satellite constellation consists of 40% older Block IIA and IIR space vehicles and 60% newer IIR-M and IIF satellites. Only newer GPS satellites are capable of transmitting the L2C signal which is in quadrature to the legacy L2P(Y) signal being broadcast by all satellites. The data format RINEX-2 is not prepared to contain carrier phase observations of both L2 signals, but should contain either one or the other. If a mix of unaligned L2P(Y) and L2C carrier phase observations are stored in a RINEX-2 file, the quarter cycle bias causes the file to be defective and not usable for precise positioning purposes. Algorithms that detect such files are presented in this study. They are mainly based on the analysis of widelane fractional ambiguities and were applied to RINEX-2 files of 2624 reference stations. Seventy-two station files (2.7%) were found to be defective since they contained mixed and unaligned L2P(Y) and L2C carrier phase observations. If such files are used for precise positioning with ambiguities being fixed to integer values, resulting coordinate errors in long baselines can reach centimeter levels. Unaligned L2 observations often prevent ambiguity fixing, especially in short baselines

    BMBF-Fördernummer: 03KIS055-03KIS058

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    Virtual reference stations (VRS)

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    Estimation of absolute GNSS satellite antenna group delay variations based on those of absolute receiver antenna group delays

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    GNSS satellite and receiving antennas exhibit group delay variations (GDV), which affect code pseudorange measurements. Like antenna phase center variations, which affect phase measurements, they are frequency-dependent and vary with the direction of the transmitted and received signal. GNSS code observations contain the combined contributions of satellite and receiver antennas. If absolute GDV are available for the receiver antennas, absolute satellite GDV can be determined. In 2019, an extensive set of absolute receiver antenna GDV was published and, thus, it became feasible to estimate absolute satellite antenna GDV based on terrestrial observations. We used the absolute GDV of four selected receiver antenna types and observation data of globally distributed reference stations that employ these antenna types to determine absolute GDV for the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS satellite antennas. Besides BeiDou-2 satellites whose GDV are known to reach up to 1.5 m peak-to-peak, the GPS satellites show the largest GDV at frequencies L1 and L5 with up to 0.3 and 0.4 m peak-to-peak, respectively. They also show the largest satellite-to-satellite variations within a constellation. The GDV of GLONASS-M satellites reach up to 25 cm at frequency G1; Galileo satellites exhibit the largest GDV at frequency E6 with up to 20 cm; BeiDou-3 satellites show the largest GDV of around 15 cm at frequencies B1-2 and B3. Frequencies L2 of GPS IIIA, E1 of Galileo FOC, and B2a/B2b of BeiDou-3 satellites are the least affected. Their variations are below 10 cm.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Technische Universität Dresden (1019