26 research outputs found

    The impact of advertising creativity, warning-based appeals and green dispositions on the attentional effectiveness of environmental advertisements

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    Accompanying the growing call for ecological sustainability, environmental advertising is playing an increasingly important role in green marketing to foster environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior. The present study examined the impact of two factors on people’s selective attention to green advertisements: advertising creativity (by comparing creative vs. standard advertisements) and appeal type (by comparing warning-based vs. vision-based appeals). The study also investigated the association between advertising effectiveness and individual differences in levels of green dispositions, including environmental concern and value orientation. To explore these issues the study employed a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation paradigm to measure the magnitude of the “attentional blink” arising from people attending to environmental advertisements of varying creativity and appeal type. Findings revealed a significant attentional blink effect for environmental advertising (indicative of heightened selective attention) that was greater for creative advertisements than standard advertisements. A significant association was also found between the magnitude of the attentional blink and dispositional differences in environment-related altruistic value. Results extend previous findings relating to the attentional blink as an index of advertising effectiveness, and shed light on the importance for green marketing of advertising creativity, advertising appeal and environmental value

    Signaling theory in charity-based crowdfunding: Investigating the effects of project creator characteristics and text linguistic style on fundraising performance

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    This research investigates the influence of project creator characteristics and text linguistic style on the effectiveness of fundraising campaigns within the realm of environmental crowdfunding. Drawing on a dataset encompassing 2641 campaigns conducted on the Tencent Gongyi platform spanning from April 2012 to December 2022, the study employs stratified regression analysis to discern the factors that contribute to variations in fundraising outcomes. In terms of hard information, the outcomes reveal that organization size, registration date, prior project initiation experience, and the organization's rating wield a noteworthy influence over the ultimate crowdfunding performance. Conversely, when considering soft information, the presence of negative emotional signals in crowdfunding texts was found to positively correlate with fundraising success. However, emotional intensity exhibited a negative impact on fundraising performance. These findings have substantial implications for practitioners engaged in environmental crowdfunding endeavors. When initiating a project, the creator should demonstrate his or her competence as much as possible to enhance credibility and in addition, should try to show negative signals in the text

    Creative Cognition in Advertising

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    Creativity lies at the heart of effective advertising, pervading all aspects of the advertising process, including the planning, design and evaluation of advertisements right through to their execution as well as subsequent campaigning and communication. Most studies of creativity in advertising have assessed the stages through which creativity arises during the development of advertisements. A limited number of studies have also investigated the influence of creativity on advertising effectiveness in terms of the levels of attention capture and memorability that arise when an audience views an advertisement. In this chapter, we examine both the dynamic processes that arise during the creation of advertisements, from the initial stage of advertising planning to the final stage of marketing communication, as well as the efficacy of creative advertisements, particularly as assessed through an audience’s understanding of them

    Quantifying the roles of conscious and unconscious processing in insight-related memory effectiveness within standard and creative advertising

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    To maximize marketing effectiveness, many conscious and unconscious elements are simultaneously employed within campaign advertising. However, little is known about the individual contributions that conscious and unconscious processes make to the cognitive effectiveness of creative advertisements, some of which may also induce insight experiences. To quantify the roles of conscious and unconscious processes in memory effectiveness within commercial advertising, a dual-process, signal-detection technique was adopted to separate the contributions of conscious recollection and unconscious discrimination induced by 80 printed advertisements, among which half were considered standard and the other half creative. A total of 51 participants completed immediate (5 min later) and delayed (3 days later) memory recognition tests. In contrast to standard advertising, creative advertising was found to enhance recognition and to demonstrate advantages in both conscious and unconscious memory, which decreased across the test-time intervals. Further analyses showed that a moment of insight induced by an advertisement, regardless of whether it is standard or creative, can consolidate unconscious memory, whereas advertisements that do not induce insight improve conscious memory. The implications of these findings are discussed. [Abstract copyright: © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.

    In search of the emotional experience of innovative products across categories

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    Although the innovative designs deliver, superior customer value has long been noted. However, the emotional experience of innovative products brings remains mostly unknown. This work focuses on two kinds of innovative products: function innovation (FI) and design innovation (DI), to uncover the mystery of the emotional experience, these two types of innovative designs bring. Participants in Study 1 were required to subjectively report their practical, emotional experience of the two kinds of innovative designs. The result showed that the emotional experience of innovation products might be a mixture of emotionality. Also, FI and DI products may cause different emotional experiences performance. Multidimensional scaling was employed in Study 2 to simplify the dimensions of these reported emotions to investigate the difference of emotion dimensions distribution that FI and DI brings. The results showed that DI products mainly reflected strong arouse than FI in positive emotions. However, DI product brings more negative emotions than positive emotions. Whereas, FI product did not show the quantitative differences between positive and negative emotions. In Study 3, the difference between FI and DI in emotion intensity was investigated, and the result indicates that both FI and DI products can bring high-intensity positive emotion. However, the DI brings higher intensity negative emotion and lower intensity positive emotion than FI. These studies demonstrate the first direct evidence of the essence of the difference between FI and DI emotion experience and suggest possible guidance for consumers to avoid the effect of the emotions when choosing innovative products

    The roles of the temporal lobe in creative insight: an integrated review

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    Recent studies have revealed that the temporal lobe, a cortical region thought to be in charge of episodic and semantic memory, is involved in creative insight. This work examines the contributions of discrete temporal regions to insight. Activity in the medial temporal regions is indicative of novelty recognition and detection, which is necessary for the formation of novel associations and the Aha! experience. The fusiform gyrus mainly affects the formation of gestalt-like representation and perspective taking. The anterior and posterior middle temporal gyri (MTG) are individually associated with extensive semantic processing and inhibiting salient or routine word associations, which are necessary to form non-salient, novel and remote associations. The anterior and posterior superior temporal gyri (STG) are individually responsible for integrating/binding and accessing various types of available conceptual representations. Based on the current knowledge, an integrated model of the temporal lobe&#39;s role in insight and some future directions are proposed.</p

    What makes creative advertisements memorable? The role of insight

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    Sudden insight is often observed during creative problem solving and studies have suggested that advertisements can likewise evoke an insight experience. To date, however, there is limited empirical evidence on whether advertisements can trigger ideational insight, and, if so, whether such insight plays a role in advertising memorability. This study aimed to explore the insight experience evoked by advertisements and to examine the role of such experimentally-induced insight in predicted memory and metamemory performance. Participants viewed standardized advertising images sequentially, with each image presentation being followed immediately by a second presentation either with or without a brief description of the advertising idea. Next, participants were asked to recall the three most impressive advertisements. Finally, participants were randomly divided to complete either immediate (5 min later) or delayed (3 days later) recognition tests and to provide retrospective confidence judgments (RCJs). Recall of creative advertisements was better than standard advertisements and most of them evoked insight. In addition, recognition accuracy was greater for creative advertisements relative to standard advertisements and metamemory performance as elicited through RCJs was enhanced. Further analyses confirmed the documented importance of insight for memory consolidation. The findings suggest that insight makes advertisements more memorable, especially those that are creative

    New advances in the neural correlates of insight: A decade in review of the insightful brain

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    The first neuroimaging study of real-time brain activity during insight problem solving was conducted almost ten years ago. Many subsequent studies have used high-resolution event-related potentials (ERPs) and event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the temporal dynamics and neural correlates of insight. Recent results on the neural underpinnings of insight have led researchers to propose a neural framework referred to as the &quot;insightful brain&quot;. This putative framework represents the neural basis of the cognitive and affective processes that are involved in insight. The insightful brain may involve numerous brain regions, including the lateral prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, hippocampus, superior temporal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, precuneus, cuneus, insula and cerebellum. Functional studies have demonstrated that the lateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for mental set shifting and breaking during insight problem solving. The cingulate cortex is involved in the cognitive conflict between new and old ideas and progress monitoring. The hippocampus, superior temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus form an integrated functional network that specializes in the formation of novel and effective associations. The effective transformation of problem representations depends on a non-verbal visuospatial information-processing network that comprises the precuneus and cuneus. The insula reflects cognitive flexibility and the emotional experience that is associated with insight. The cortical control of finger movements relies on the cerebellum

    In search of the "Aha!' experience: Elucidating the emotionality of insight problem-solving

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    Although the experience of insight has long been noted, the essence of the Aha!&#39; experience, reflecting a sudden change in the brain that accompanies an insight solution, remains largely unknown. This work aimed to uncover the mystery of the Aha!&#39; experience through three studies. In Study 1, participants were required to solve a set of verbal insight problems and then subjectively report their affective experience when solving the problem. The participants were found to have experienced many types of emotions, with happiness the most frequently reported one. Multidimensional scaling was employed in Study 2 to simplify the dimensions of these reported emotions. The results showed that these different types of emotions could be clearly placed in two-dimensional space and that components constituting the Aha!&#39; experience mainly reflected positive emotion and approached cognition. To validate previous findings, in Study 3, participants were asked to select the most appropriate emotional item describing their feelings at the time the problem was solved. The results of this study replicated the multidimensional construct consisting of approached cognition and positive affect. These three studies provide the first direct evidence of the essence of the Aha!&#39; experience. The potential significance of the findings was discussed