106 research outputs found

    Generalized Nearest Neighbor Decoding

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    It is well known that for Gaussian channels, a nearest neighbor decoding rule, which seeks the minimum Euclidean distance between a codeword and the received channel output vector, is the maximum likelihood solution and hence capacity-achieving. Nearest neighbor decoding remains a convenient and yet mismatched solution for general channels, and the key message of this paper is that the performance of the nearest neighbor decoding can be improved by generalizing its decoding metric to incorporate channel state dependent output processing and codeword scaling. Using generalized mutual information, which is a lower bound to the mismatched capacity under independent and identically distributed codebook ensemble, as the performance measure, this paper establishes the optimal generalized nearest neighbor decoding rule, under Gaussian channel input. Several {restricted forms of the} generalized nearest neighbor decoding rule are also derived and compared with existing solutions. The results are illustrated through several case studies for fading channels with imperfect receiver channel state information and for channels with quantization effects.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Online media as gatekeepers in the 2016 presidential debate

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    Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.The third Republican presidential debate on CNBC attracted lots of coverage because of controversial performance of both moderators and candidates. I studied the coverage of the debate from the New York Times, USA Today, Politico and Slate, by analyzing 156 stories on the four publications. Under the framework of gatekeeping theory, I found that digital platforms enhanced the diversity of stories' genres, but presentation in digital media is more dramatic, which reinforced gatekeeping bias. Journalists in the digital era had better to find a balance between original reporting and aggregating. Meanwhile, reporters in digital media tend to find more unconventional and interesting angles, while reporters in traditional media preferred more comprehensive stories.Includes bibliographic references

    From sparse to dense functional data in high dimensions: Revisiting phase transitions from a non-asymptotic perspective

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    Nonparametric estimation of the mean and covariance functions is ubiquitous in functional data analysis and local linear smoothing techniques are most frequently used. Zhang and Wang (2016) explored different types of asymptotic properties of the estimation, which reveal interesting phase transition phenomena based on the relative order of the average sampling frequency per subject TT to the number of subjects nn, partitioning the data into three categories: ``sparse'', ``semi-dense'' and ``ultra-dense''. In an increasingly available high-dimensional scenario, where the number of functional variables pp is large in relation to nn, we revisit this open problem from a non-asymptotic perspective by deriving comprehensive concentration inequalities for the local linear smoothers. Besides being of interest by themselves, our non-asymptotic results lead to elementwise maximum rates of L2L_2 convergence and uniform convergence serving as a fundamentally important tool for further convergence analysis when pp grows exponentially with nn and possibly TT. With the presence of extra logp\log p terms to account for the high-dimensional effect, we then investigate the scaled phase transitions and the corresponding elementwise maximum rates from sparse to semi-dense to ultra-dense functional data in high dimensions. Finally, numerical studies are carried out to confirm our established theoretical properties

    Terahertz Wave Guiding by Femtosecond Laser Filament in Air

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    Femtosecond laser filament generates strong terahertz (THz) pulse in air. In this paper, THz pulse waveform generated by femtosecond laser filament has been experimentally investigated as a function of the length of the filament. Superluminal propagation of THz pulse has been uncovered, indicating that the filament creates a THz waveguide in air. Numerical simulation has confirmed that the waveguide is formed because of the radially non-uniform refractive index distribution inside the filament. The underlying physical mechanisms and the control techniques of this type THz pulse generation method might be revisited based on our findings. It might also potentially open a new approach for long-distance propagation of THz wave in air.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Distributed CSMA/CA MAC Protocol for RIS-Assisted Networks

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    This paper focuses on achieving optimal multi-user channel access in distributed networks using a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). The network includes wireless channels with direct links between users and RIS links connecting users to the RIS. To maximize average system throughput, an optimal channel access strategy is proposed, considering the trade-off between exploiting spatial diversity gain with RIS assistance and the overhead of channel probing. The paper proposes an optimal distributed Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) strategy with opportunistic RIS assistance, based on statistics theory of optimal sequential observation planned decision. Each source-destination pair makes decisions regarding the use of direct links and/or probing source-RIS-destination links. Channel access occurs in a distributed manner after successful channel contention. The optimality of the strategy is rigorously derived using multiple-level pure thresholds. A distributed algorithm, which achieves significantly lower online complexity at O(1)O(1), is developed to implement the proposed strategy. Numerical simulations verify the theoretical results and demonstrate the superior performance compared to existing approaches.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 202

    Dynamic Cooperative MAC Optimization in RSU-Enhanced VANETs: A Distributed Approach

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    This paper presents an optimization approach for cooperative Medium Access Control (MAC) techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) equipped with Roadside Unit (RSU) to enhance network throughput. Our method employs a distributed cooperative MAC scheme based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol, featuring selective RSU probing and adaptive transmission. It utilizes a dual timescale channel access framework, with a ``large-scale'' phase accounting for gradual changes in vehicle locations and a ``small-scale'' phase adapting to rapid channel fluctuations. We propose the RSU Probing and Cooperative Access (RPCA) strategy, a two-stage approach based on dynamic inter-vehicle distances from the RSU. Using optimal sequential planned decision theory, we rigorously prove its optimality in maximizing average system throughput per large-scale phase. For practical implementation in VANETs, we develop a distributed MAC algorithm with periodic location updates. It adjusts thresholds based on inter-vehicle and vehicle-RSU distances during the large-scale phase and accesses channels following the RPCA strategy with updated thresholds during the small-scale phase. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, IEEE ICC 202

    I-MedSAM: Implicit Medical Image Segmentation with Segment Anything

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    With the development of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), many efforts have been made to handle medical image segmentation. Traditional methods such as nnUNet train specific segmentation models on the individual datasets. Plenty of recent methods have been proposed to adapt the foundational Segment Anything Model (SAM) to medical image segmentation. However, they still focus on discrete representations to generate pixel-wise predictions, which are spatially inflexible and scale poorly to higher resolution. In contrast, implicit methods learn continuous representations for segmentation, which is crucial for medical image segmentation. In this paper, we propose I-MedSAM, which leverages the benefits of both continuous representations and SAM, to obtain better cross-domain ability and accurate boundary delineation. Since medical image segmentation needs to predict detailed segmentation boundaries, we designed a novel adapter to enhance the SAM features with high-frequency information during Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT). To convert the SAM features and coordinates into continuous segmentation output, we utilize Implicit Neural Representation (INR) to learn an implicit segmentation decoder. We also propose an uncertainty-guided sampling strategy for efficient learning of INR. Extensive evaluations on 2D medical image segmentation tasks have shown that our proposed method with only 1.6M trainable parameters outperforms existing methods including discrete and continuous methods. The code will be released